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IAG Learning Platform Admin Guide
Information Advice and Guidance

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Within each category can be any number of different subjects.
For example, within the “Keyworking” category there might be a subjected called “Keyworking Approach” and another “Keyworking Champions”.
A list of “All Subjects” is displayed showing the title and description of the Subject in a table, and will be listed in the order that they were created.
From this view it is possible to toggle on/off whether to disable the Subject within the Category chosen so that it can be seen but not opened, to Edit the Subject and to Delete the subject entirely. This enables the user to build up a subject slowly and only enable it once it has been fully completed.
Warning: When deleting a subject, any related training courses, and content items will also be deleted.

Adding a New Subject

To add to this list click the
button and this will display a new form to capture the details of the subject.
The form is similar to the Create Category form in that it requires a Title and Description of the subject, and an Icon that can be used for display purposes.
However there are a number of other pieces of data required including, most importantly, the Category that the Subject relates to.
To add a category the user must select from the existing list of published categories. Therefore if this subject belongs to a category not available in the list, it must be created first (see )
To assist with the search function Keywords can also be attributed to the subject.
Once the basics of the Subject have been completed, Training Courses can be added, along with a Template for the subject (which can be thought of as a Layout) which contains its related content items.

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