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[Blackshires Marketing] includes several videos featuring different speakers and topics. Here is a summary of each video:
"Lever Innovative Summit 2021 - Kenn Turner on DEI": Kenn Turner, a former marketer and general manager, discusses the importance of supply diversity and economic empowerment within black and brown communities. He shares how the Massachusetts Board Authority leveraged commercial real estate properties to drive diversity, equity, and inclusion in billion-dollar projects. This successful model is now a case study at the Kennedy School of Government and the Harvard Business School.
"Lever Innovative Summit 2021 - Kenn Turner Regionalization 9:16": Kenn Turner talks about regionalization and how to spread the success of the life sciences ecosystem beyond the Boston Cambridge area. He emphasizes the need to provide good-paying jobs to all communities and lift all boats.
"2021 Lever Innovation Summit - Angela Dixon on Home Buying": Angela Dixon, SVP of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion for Berkshire Bank, discusses the focus on first-time home buyers and how they plan to assist with down payments and credit risk for marginalized communities. This initiative is a work in progress, but the foundation is committed to meeting these goals.
"How to Become a Successful Leader: The Price of Leadership": Veronica Warren shares insights on becoming a successful leader. She highlights the importance of commitment, self-awareness, and hard work to make a difference in the community.
"How to Build a Strong Community_ Cultivating Connections and Acknowledging Black Leaders": Julie Haagensen, a board member of the Blackshires, emphasizes the importance of cultivating connections and acknowledges the amazing community created around Black leaders. She thanks the partner organizations and family members for their support.
Each video is accompanied by captions and comments for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, encouraging viewers to engage and take action.
Lever Innovative Summit 2021 - Kenn Turner on DEI
Lever Innovative Summit 2021 - Kenn Turner Regionalization 9:16
2021 Lever Innovation Summit - Angela Dixon on Home Buying
How to Become a Successful Leader: The Price of Leadership
How to Build a Strong Community_ Cultivating Connections and Acknowledging Black Leaders
Building a Sustainable and Successful Black Community_ A Skills-Based Leadership Development Program
Lever Innovative Summit 2021 - Kenn Turner on DEI
Featured Speakers
Kenn Turner
Kenn Turner is the
[Kenn Turner] [00:00:00] I guess I'm gonna just round out with the last question because we're gonna talk about a little bit a preview of your speach, You're gonna talk about. Sure. And I know as soon is around supply diversity and some of the work that you did. Why is that important to you? Sure. And how are you gonna incorporate it into your tenure? As I mentioned earlier, I came to the Massachusetts Board Authority if memory serves in the summer of 2013, having
previously served for two years, which was my first stent in government as the Deputy Secretary and CFO for Veteran Services under the Patrick administration. I had the pleasure of serving under the Secretary Coleman knee and we are terrifically good friends to this day as a result of that. And so when I came to that work I didn't have a background in DEI.
DEI. I am a marketer. I'm a general manager. I was, I think, fairly deep background in trade marketing as well and strategy. But I was not a DEI practitioner. I came to it with the thinking that I wanted to think about how business, how making money in the end [00:01:00] gets everybody's attention.
How can we make a difference there? Why? Because one making money is where folks focus. And two. It was an opportunity in my head to drive economic empowerment within the black and brown communities. And I found out very early in my tenure that there had not been a significant investment in commercial real estate in the city of Boston in any of those billion dollar projects going up and around the city.
'cause anywhere you went, all is cranes even to this day. And projects are huge projects. Million here, $800 million there, billion and a half there, et cetera, et cetera. They're all white The last 50 years and by God I was determined to do something about it. And so we able to leverage the commercial real estate properties at Massport.
Many of which are plots of land in the most desirable neighborhood in Boston, which is the Seaport district. Yeah, it was. So [00:02:00] we changed the game by saying if you want to compete to build one of these commercial real estate projects on Massport land on one of our parcels, we were gonna offer four criteria and four criteria only in the RFP.
Access to capital, viability of the team, design, excellence and diversity, equity and inclusion, which included a component for equity. In other words, you're not gonna just throw 'em crumbs by God, they're gonna be owners of the building. And folks said, oh my God, you can't do that. You're gonna chill the market, the developers are gonna sue you.
My initial response to that, which is first off, bring it on and second off, the last time I checked on the third floor, we got a whole floor full of lawyers. So you bring your lawyers, we'll bring our lawyers and see what happens, and we'll see where we net out. We didn't have one lawsuit. [00:03:00] Wow. Not one lawsuit.
When we did Boston, we did not have one. Lawsuit. That's amazing. We had,if memory serves me right, we had one over six or eight competitive bids in that first project, which is the Omni Hotel, which we just did the ribbon cutting on. Yeah. A week or two ago. So my hotel is now up and running.
That was an $800 million project that has about 40 independent investors and people who look like you and me. And that's called the Massport model. And we replicated it on parcel A two and on parcel H right before I left. And there are still two or three more parcels left that I'm sure Tiffany Brown Greer, who is just promoted to be director of DNI compliance for the Port Authority, who is my deputy.
I'm sure that Tiffany and Lisa, who is the CEO Lisa Wheeling will continue that model, but that model is now called as a case study at the Kennedy School of Government and at the Harvard Business School. Wow. And so I say that to say this, if you can come to that job with no experience in DNI and then have [00:04:00] your work be held up as a national model, which it is, then I think we can do the same in life sciences.
Facebook Reel Caption
Check out this inspiring video about Kenn Turner's work promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in commercial real estate development in Boston. Kenn shares his journey from being a marketer without a background in DEI to leading a national model for economic empowerment within black and brown communities. Hear how his team leveraged Massport's commercial real estate properties to offer only four criteria for proposals: access to capital, viability of the team, design excellence, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. The result? An $800 million project that has about 40 independent investors and people who look like you and me. Learn more about this innovative approach to DEI and economic empowerment in the full video. #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowerment #DEI #EconomicEmpowerment #BostonRealEstate #KennTurner
Facebook First Comment
"Check out our latest video featuring Kenn Turner, where he discusses the importance of supply diversity and economic empowerment within the black and brown communities. He shares how he was able to make a difference by leveraging commercial real estate properties at Massport and offering four criteria for developers in the RFP, including diversity, equity, and inclusion. Watch the video to learn more and take action towards supporting DEI initiatives in our community! #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowerment #DEI #EconomicEmpowerment”
Instagram Reel Caption
🎥 New video alert! We're excited to share a preview of our upcoming speech featuring Kenn Turner. Join us as we discuss the importance of supply diversity and economic empowerment within the black and brown communities. Kenn shares his experience leveraging commercial real estate at Massport and how he incorporated diversity, equity, and inclusion in the RFP criteria. 🙌 Be sure to watch till the end to learn about Kenn's success with the Massport model, which is now a national case study at the Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School. #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowerment #BerkshireCounty #SupplyDiversity #EconomicEmpowerment #MassportModel #DEI
Instagram First Comment
Great video! Kenn Turner's insights on supply diversity and economic empowerment within the black and brown communities are inspiring. Here are some action steps to consider:
Research and support black and brown-owned businesses in your community.
Advocate for DEI initiatives in your workplace.
Attend community events that celebrate diversity and promote economic empowerment.
Let's work together to make a difference! 💪🏠🔑 #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowerment #BerkshireCounty #SupplyDiversity #EconomicEmpowerment #DEI
LinkedIn Post
Check out this insightful video from Kenn Turner! He discusses the importance of supply diversity and how it can drive economic empowerment within black and brown communities. Kenn shares his experience with leveraging commercial real estate properties to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in billion-dollar projects in Boston. Learn more about his successful approach in this professional and conversational video. Perfect for organizational leaders and professionals. #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowerment #DEI #SupplyDiversity #EconomicEmpowerment #LinkedInMarketingExpert
LinkedIn First Comment
Great video, Kenn! Your insights on supply diversity and driving economic empowerment within black and brown communities are truly inspiring. As organizational leaders and professionals, here are some key takeaways to consider:
Prioritize access to capital for diverse teams
Design with equity in mind
Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of your projects
Let's work together to create a more equitable and inclusive future. 💪🏠🔑 #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowerment #DEI #SupplyDiversity #EconomicEmpowerment #LinkedInMarketingExpert
"Check out how Kenn Turner drove economic empowerment within Black and Brown communities in Boston by leveraging commercial real estate properties. Learn how they changed the game for billion-dollar projects and made DNI a priority. #DiversityandInclusion #EconomicEmpowerment #Boston”
YouTube Short Description
Check out our latest YouTube Short featuring Kenn Turner, former Deputy Secretary and CFO for Veteran Services under the Patrick administration and current member of the Massachusetts Board Authority. In this video, Kenn discusses the importance of supply diversity and how he incorporated it into his tenure. He also shares his experience leveraging commercial real estate properties at Massport to drive economic empowerment within the black and brown communities. Watch now to learn how Kenn's work is held up as a national model and how we can apply his strategies to life sciences. This video is a must-watch for organizational leaders and professionals! #DEI #economicempowerment #supplydiversity #Massportmodel
Copy of Instagram Reel Caption
Check out this inspiring video featuring Kenn Turner, an expert in diversity, equity, and inclusion who shares his journey of driving economic empowerment within black and brown communities through commercial real estate projects. Learn how Kenn and his team leveraged Massport's land and investment criteria to promote supply diversity and create a national model for DEI that has been recognized by the Kennedy School of Government and the Harvard Business School. Don't miss out on this powerful message! 🎉💼👨🏾‍💼 #DEI #economicempowerment #communityimpact #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowermentFoundation #BerkshireCounty #inspiration #successstory
Copy of Instagram First Comment
Great video, Kenn Turner! Your insights on supply diversity and economic empowerment within the black and brown communities are truly inspiring. Here are some action steps to consider:
Research and support local black and brown-owned businesses.
Advocate for diverse hiring practices in your workplace.
Attend community events and support organizations that promote diversity and inclusion.
Let's work together to create a more equitable and empowered community! 💪🏠🔑 #BlackshiresCommunityEmpowerment #BerkshireCounty #SupplyDiversity #EconomicEmpowerment #DEI
You are a social media marketing expert.
You work for a community foundation called the Blackshires Community Empowerment Foundation.
We serve the Berkshire County in MA.
We are posting a video across our social media platforms on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, & Instagram.
We will provide you with a transcript and notes for the video.
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