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Steve Nielsen on Empathy & Innovation
In a Lever Innovation Summit talk, Steve Nielsen discusses the importance of empathy and innovation. He emphasizes the need for leaders to understand their employees and stakeholders by putting themselves in their shoes. Nielsen also highlights the value of curiosity and constantly questioning how things truly work.
John Lewis: Gary Vaynerchuk talks about how can leaders be more empathetic to their employees, to community stakeholders How do you, as a CEO of a public company, employ that in your culture?

Steve Nielsen: I think ultimately you, want to be able to understand whatever you're trying to accomplish
if you're in another person's shoes. So be in their perspective and in our business, business part of that, as I talked about was that I grew up in the industry. I actually did the work, in the field. So you have an appreciation of the challenges.
Sometimes I'll start a call that says, I know I've been sitting in an office for a long time, but in the real world, how does this really work? That goes back to another core value of innovation, which is really curiosity. Oftentimes as you advance in your career, the quality of the information you receive is always filtered You always got to be asking, how does this really work? What's really going on?

"Check out this insightful discussion between John Lewis and Steve Nielsen on how empathy plays a crucial role in leadership. Steve shares his perspective on understanding challenges from another person's shoes and the importance of curiosity in driving innovation. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking conversation!”
Great reel! John Lewis and Steve Nielsen had an insightful discussion on how empathy plays a crucial role in leadership. It's inspiring to see how Steve understands the challenges from another person's shoes and the importance of curiosity in driving innovation. Here are some action steps to consider:
Practice active listening to understand your employees' perspectives.
Create a culture of open communication where everyone's input is valued.
Encourage curiosity and experimentation to promote innovation.
Let's all strive to become better leaders by being more empathetic and curious! 💪🏠🔑 #leadership #empathy #innovation
🎥 Check out this insightful video on how leaders can be more empathetic towards their employees and community stakeholders. John Lewis and Gary Vaynerchuk share their thoughts on the topic, and Steve Nielsen, CEO of a public company, explains how he employs empathy in his culture. Steve suggests stepping into the shoes of others and understanding their perspective, which can help in achieving your goals. He also emphasizes the importance of curiosity and constantly asking how things really work. #leadership #empathy #innovation 🤝💡
Love this video! John Lewis and Gary Vaynerchuk share such valuable insights on empathy in leadership. As Steve Nielsen, CEO of a public company, suggests, stepping into the shoes of others and understanding their perspective is crucial in achieving your goals. And let's not forget the importance of curiosity and constantly asking how things really work! Here are some action steps for you to consider:
Put yourself in your employees' shoes and try to understand their point of view.
Encourage open communication and feedback to create a culture of empathy.
Keep asking questions and seeking to learn more. Let's all work towards being more empathetic leaders! 💪🏠🔑 #leadership #empathy #innovation 🤝💡
In this video, John Lewis and Steve Nielsen discuss the importance of empathy and understanding in leadership. Specifically, they explore how CEOs can employ empathy in their company culture and decision making. Nielsen suggests that being able to understand the perspectives of others is key to success, and that his own experience working in the field has given him an appreciation of the challenges faced by employees. He also emphasizes the value of curiosity and questioning assumptions in driving innovation. Overall, this conversation highlights the critical role that empathy and understanding play in effective leadership.
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2/2/2024, 9:26 AM
you just got through speaking on innovation and technology. One of the things I noticed that you gave five building blocks to Innovation. Why is that important to you and why did you think that was important to share with this group here in Berkshire County? So Lever asked me to speak about innovation inside of an ongoing company. So we often think about innovation as something startups do, but in reality every enterprise, whether you're a startup or somebody who's been in business for a hundred years, if you're not innovating, you're not advancing, right? You're not improving your business. And so what I talked about was that for innovation to exceed, at least in my view for innovation to, work in an existing company, it had to be integrated.
"Check out this insightful video on innovation and technology! The speaker discusses the importance of integrating innovation into every enterprise, whether it's a startup or a well-established business. Learn about the five building blocks to innovation and why they are crucial for advancing and improving your business. #Innovation #Technology #BusinessGrowth”
Great video on innovation and technology! It's inspiring to hear the speaker's insights on the importance of integrating innovation into existing companies. As they mentioned, innovation is essential for advancing and improving your business, no matter how long you've been around. Here are some action steps to consider:
Identify areas in your business that could benefit from innovation.
Encourage a culture of innovation by fostering creativity and experimentation.
Invest in resources and tools that will support innovation.
Let's put these tips into action and take our businesses to the next level! 💪🏠🔑 #Innovation #Technology #BusinessGrowth
🎥 New video alert! 🚨 Check out my latest reel where I talk about the importance of innovation and technology in every business, no matter how big or small. 🌟 Learn about the five building blocks to innovation and how it can help improve your business. 💡 Don't miss out on this insightful conversation! #innovation #technology #businessgrowth #startups #entrepreneurship 🙌🏼
Wow, love this conversation on innovation and technology! 💡 It's so important to keep advancing and improving your business, no matter how long you've been around. The five building blocks to innovation that were shared in the video are so insightful and can really help take your business to the next level. Here are some action steps to consider:
Take time to assess your business and identify areas where innovation can make a big impact.
Encourage your team to think outside the box and come up with new ideas.
Make innovation a priority by dedicating time and resources to it.
Let's all work together to keep pushing our businesses forward! 💪🏠🔑 #innovation #technology #businessgrowth #startups #entrepreneurship
In this video, the speaker discusses the importance of innovation in both startups and established companies. He notes that innovation is necessary for businesses to advance and improve, and that it is not just something for startups to focus on. The speaker gives five building blocks to Innovation and emphasizes that for innovation to work in an existing company, it must be integrated. This talk was given in response to a request to speak on innovation inside an ongoing company, and the speaker shares his insights on the key elements that are necessary for innovation to succeed.
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2/2/2024, 9:26 AM
Lever Innovative Summit 2021 - Kenn Turner on DEI
Kenn Turner
[00:00:00] I guess I'm gonna just round out with the last question because we're gonna talk about a little bit a preview of your speach, You're gonna talk about. Sure. And I know as soon is around supply diversity and some of the work that you did. Why is that important to you? Sure. And how are you gonna incorporate it into your tenure? As I mentioned earlier, I came to the Massachusetts Board Authority if memory serves in the summer of 2013, having previously served for two years, which was my first stent in government as the Deputy Secretary and CFO for Veteran Services under the Patrick administration. I had the pleasure of serving under the Secretary Coleman knee and we are terrifically good friends to this day as a result of that. And so when I came to that work I didn't have a background in DEI. DEI. I am a marketer. I'm a general manager. I was, I think, fairly deep background in trade marketing as well and strategy. But I was not a DEI practitioner. I came to it with the thinking that I wanted to think about how business, how making money in the end [00:01:00] gets everybody's attention. How can we make a difference there? Why? Because one making money is where folks focus. And two. It was an opportunity in my head to drive economic empowerment within the black and brown communities. And I found out very early in my tenure that there had not been a significant investment in commercial real estate in the city of Boston in any of those billion dollar projects going up and around the city. 'cause anywhere you went, all is cranes even to this day. And projects are huge projects. Million here, $800 million there, billion and a half there, et cetera, et cetera. They're all white The last 50 years and by God I was determined to do something about it. And so we able to leverage the commercial real estate properties at Massport. Many of which are plots of land in the most desirable neighborhood in Boston, which is the Seaport district. Yeah, it was. So [00:02:00] we changed the game by saying if you want to compete to build one of these commercial real estate projects on Massport land on one of our parcels, we were gonna offer four criteria and four criteria only in the RFP. Access to capital, viability of the team, design, excellence and diversity, equity and inclusion, which included a component for equity. In other words, you're not gonna just throw 'em crumbs by God, they're gonna be owners of the building. And folks said, oh my God, you can't do that. You're gonna chill the market, the developers are gonna sue you. My initial response to that, which is first off, bring it on and second off, the last time I checked on the third floor, we got a whole floor full of lawyers. So you bring your lawyers, we'll bring our lawyers and see what happens, and we'll see where we net out. We didn't have one lawsuit. [00:03:00] Wow. Not one lawsuit. When we did Boston, we did not have one. Lawsuit. That's amazing. We had,if memory serves me right, we had one over six or eight competitive bids in that first project, which is the Omni Hotel, which we just did the ribbon cutting on. Yeah. A week or two ago. So my hotel is now up and running. That was an $800 million project that has about 40 independent investors and people who look like you and me. And that's called the Massport model. And we replicated it on parcel A two and on parcel H right before I left. And there are still two or three more parcels left that I'm sure Tiffany Brown Greer, who is just promoted to be director of DNI compliance for the Port Authority, who is my deputy. I'm sure that Tiffany and Lisa, who is the CEO Lisa Wheeling will continue that model, but that model is now called as a case study at the Kennedy School of Government and at the Harvard Business School. Wow. And so I say that to say this, if you can come to that job with no experience in DNI and then have [00:04:00] your work be held up as a national model, which it is, then I think we can do the same in life sciences. Absolutely.
"Learn how we revolutionized commercial real estate in Boston with our Massport model that prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our approach has been hailed as a national model and has empowered black and brown communities to take ownership of billion-dollar commercial real estate projects. Watch now to discover how we made it happen. #DEI #BostonRealEstate #Empowerment”
Wow, what an inspiring and innovative approach to commercial real estate! It's amazing to see how prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion can not only create economic opportunities, but also empower communities. Here are some action steps to consider:
Research and understand the DEI landscape in your industry.
Identify areas where your organization can prioritize DEI efforts, such as hiring practices or supplier diversity.
Develop a clear plan for implementing DEI initiatives, including measurable goals and timelines.
Join the conversation and share your own DEI success stories in the comments below! 💪🏠🔑 #DEI #BostonRealEstate #Empowerment
Check out this amazing video about how one person can make a difference in diversity and inclusion! 💥🙌 The speaker shares how they were able to drive economic empowerment in black and brown communities by leveraging commercial real estate properties. They even created a model that's now a case study at the Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School! 🤩 Watch now to learn more about how you can make an impact in your community. #diversityandinclusion #economicempowerment #communityimpact
Wow, this video is truly inspiring! It's amazing to see how one person can make such a big difference in promoting diversity and inclusion. The speaker's approach to leveraging commercial real estate properties to drive economic empowerment in black and brown communities is truly innovative and inspiring.
If you're looking to make a difference in your own community, here are some action steps to consider:
Look for opportunities to promote diversity and inclusion in your workplace or community.
Research ways to support local businesses owned by people of color.
Volunteer with organizations that promote diversity and inclusion.
Let's all take action to make a positive impact in our communities! 💪🏠🔑 #diversityandinclusion #economicempowerment #communityimpact
In this video, the speaker discusses their work with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the commercial real estate industry. They explain how they were able to leverage Massport's properties to drive economic empowerment within the black and brown communities in Boston. The speaker also shares their approach to incorporating DEI into the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, which led to the development of an $800 million project with diverse investors and owners. This model has since been recognized as a national case study, highlighting the importance of DEI in business and economic growth.
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2/2/2024, 9:26 AM
Lever Innovative Summit 2021 - Kenn Turner Regionalization 9:16
Kenn Turner: [00:00:00] This is a great example of what I call regionalization. Mm-hmm. And I, you know, one of the things I really wanna work on, uh, while I'm at the center, which is how do we take the success of the life sciences ecosystem in our industry, which is so incredibly robust and on fire. How do we take that beyond the Boston Cambridge area and spread that out more evenly across the straight state?
How do we do that? Uh, how do we share that success in Lowell? How do we share that success in Lawrence? Are are Springfield or Worcester or even all the way out here to the Chester of Pitfield and Lee. Yeah, and so one of the things I really wanna work on with my team and my board is what I'm calling right now, regionalization.
We've got to take that success of our industry and spread it out across the state. And in doing so, we lift all boats because now we provide. Incredibly good paying solidly middle class to upper middle class jobs to people who look like you and like me.
Check out this amazing talk by Kenn Turner on regionalization in the life sciences industry! He discusses the success of the Boston Cambridge area and how to spread that success evenly across the state, providing good paying jobs to people from all walks of life. #lifesciences #regionalization #success #jobs
Great insights from Kenn Turner on regionalization in the life sciences industry! It's inspiring to see the success of the Boston Cambridge area and the potential to spread that success across the state. Here are some action steps to consider:
Connect with local industry leaders and organizations to identify opportunities for growth and collaboration.
Advocate for policies and initiatives that support the development of the life sciences industry in your area.
Invest in education and workforce development programs to create a pipeline of skilled workers for the industry.
Let's work together to bring the benefits of the life sciences industry to more communities across the state! 💪🏠🔑 #lifesciences #regionalization #success #jobs #actionsteps
🚀 Our industry is on fire! 🔥 But we want to spread that success beyond Boston and Cambridge. How do we do that? With regionalization! 🌎 Our goal is to bring good-paying, middle to upper-class jobs to places like Lowell, Lawrence, Springfield, Worcester, and even Pitfield and Lee. Let's lift all boats and share the success of the life sciences ecosystem across the state! 💪 #Regionalization #Success #LifeSciences #SpreadTheWealth #Massachusetts
Great insights from Kenn Turner on regionalization and spreading the success of the life sciences ecosystem beyond Boston and Cambridge! 🙌 Here are some action steps to consider:
Connect with local businesses and organizations in areas outside of Boston and Cambridge to share knowledge and resources.
Develop training and education programs to support workforce development in these areas.
Advocate for policies and funding that support the growth of the life sciences industry statewide.
Join us in this effort to lift all boats and bring good-paying jobs to communities across Massachusetts! 💪🌎 #Regionalization #Success #LifeSciences #SpreadTheWealth #Massachusetts
In this video, Kenn Turner talks about the concept of regionalization and his desire to spread the success of the life sciences ecosystem in the Boston Cambridge area to other parts of the state such as Lowell, Lawrence, Springfield, Worcester, Chester, Pitfield, and Lee. He emphasizes the need to provide good-paying jobs to people from diverse backgrounds. Turner plans to work with his team and board to achieve this goal and calls it "regionalization".
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2/2/2024, 9:26 AM

Lever Innovation Summit 2021 - Angela Dixon on Home Buying

Lever Innovation Summit 2021 - Angela Dixon on Home Buying

[00:00:00] I mentioned that one of the focuses will be around first time home buyers. What will that mean? Will that mean that we assist with the down payment? Will that mean that we look at different, you know, ways that you define credit risk? You know, what will that mean, practically speaking? And so I don't have the answer to that yet, but we need to start to build in.
What does more look like for margin, you know, traditionally marginalized communities. And I think we've done a good job of that, but we're not at the end of that story. So I guess what I would say to you is that that is, that will be a work in progress. Right? Right. But I will have an eye toward, and I think, you know, again, you mentioned Gary earlier, uh, Lori and all that we do we'll, we'll be working collectively to ensure that we meet these goals.
Check out Angela Dixon's talk on Home Buying for Lever Innovation Summit 2021. She discusses the focus on assisting first-time home buyers and exploring different ways to define credit risk. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of ensuring that traditionally marginalized communities have access to these opportunities.
Great insights from Angela Dixon on home buying! It's inspiring to see a focus on assisting first-time home buyers and exploring new ways to define credit risk. As Angela mentioned, this is a work in progress, but we can all take steps to support traditionally marginalized communities in accessing these opportunities. Consider these action steps:
Research down payment assistance programs in your area
Explore options for improving your credit score
Share this video with friends and family who may be interested
Let's work together to make homeownership more accessible for everyone! 💪🏠🔑 #homeownership #financialfreedom #communitybuilding
🏡👀 Exciting news for first-time homebuyers! Our focus at the Lever Innovation Summit 2021 is on making the home buying process more accessible for traditionally marginalized communities. 🤔🤝 We're exploring ways to assist with down payments and credit risk, but it's a work in progress. Stay tuned for updates as we work collectively to meet our goals! #homebuying #community #innovation
Great job, Angela Dixon! Your insights on making the home buying process more accessible for marginalized communities are truly inspiring. Here are some action steps to consider:
Research programs that assist with down payments and credit risk.
Connect with a trusted real estate agent who has experience working with first-time homebuyers.
Attend homebuyer education courses to learn about the entire process.
Let's work together to make homeownership a reality for everyone! 💪🏠🔑 #homebuying #community #innovation
In this video, Angela Dixon discusses the focus on first-time home buyers at the Lever Innovation Summit 2021. She raises questions such as whether assistance will be provided for down payments or if credit risk will be defined differently. Dixon emphasizes the need to consider marginalized communities and that the work towards this goal is ongoing. She acknowledges the collaborative effort needed to meet these goals and mentions the involvement of Gary and Lori. Overall, this video highlights the importance of addressing the needs of first-time home buyers and marginalized communities in the housing market.
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2/2/2024, 9:26 AM
How to Become a Successful Leader: The Price of Leadership
# How to Become a Successful Leader: The Price of Leadership [00:00:00] **Veronica Warren:** But many want the prize of leadership, but don't want to pay the price of leadership because it takes commitment. It takes knowing who you are when you look in the mirror. It takes knowing that your life do make a difference, and no matter what shape or form you are in, what color is your skin, we all bleed red. And if you don't work the work, you don't get the outcome of the work. Amen. Amen. Some of y'all ain't never said amen before. Amen. To our leaders, you guys have created a tour of greatness from all over the Berkshires, empowering this cohort to develop leadership circles. That make our community stronger as we toured the businesses and the places and met different kind of people, you know, it grew us. To go back to then our communities and grow them each one reach one so that we all can teach somebody. Amen. So from March 2nd until today, being selected to participate in this exhilarating program, it changed my outlook on being a black leader in my community.
Check out this inspiring video on "How to Become a Successful Leader: The Price of Leadership" featuring Veronica Warren. In this video, Veronica talks about the commitment and self-awareness required to become a successful leader. She emphasizes that regardless of our differences, we all have the potential to make a difference and impact our communities. Join the movement and become a leader who empowers others to reach their full potential! #leadership #empowerment #communityimpact
Great video on "How to Become a Successful Leader: The Price of Leadership"! Veronica Warren's insights on the commitment and self-awareness required to become a successful leader are truly inspiring. Here are some action steps to consider:
Take time to reflect on your strengths and values as a leader.
Identify areas where you can improve and seek out opportunities to develop those skills.
Connect with other leaders in your community and collaborate to make a positive impact.
Join the movement and become a leader who empowers others to reach their full potential! 💪🏠🔑 #leadership #empowerment #communityimpact
🎬 New video alert! Want to know the secret to becoming a successful leader? 🔑💼 Check out this video with Veronica Warren as she talks about the price of leadership and the commitment it takes. She reminds us that it's important to know who we are and that our lives make a difference, no matter what. Plus, she shares some great insights from her experience in a leadership program. Don't miss out! #leadership #commitment #success 💪🏽👊🏽💯
Wow, Veronica Warren's insights on leadership are truly inspiring! It's important to remember that becoming a successful leader takes commitment and knowing who you are. Here are some action steps to consider:
Take time to reflect on your values and what kind of leader you want to be.
Seek out mentorship or leadership programs to develop your skills.
Stay engaged in your community and use your leadership to make a positive impact.
Let's all work to become the best leaders we can be! 💪🏠🔑 Don't forget to check out the full video for more insights and inspiration. #leadership #commitment #success
In this video, Veronica Warren talks about the price of leadership and what it takes to become a successful leader. She emphasizes the importance of commitment and self-awareness, and reminds us that our lives make a difference regardless of our background. Warren also acknowledges the hard work that goes into achieving success, and encourages us to support and empower one another in our communities. Through her inspiring words, she highlights the transformative power of leadership and the positive impact it can have on our lives and those around us.
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2/2/2024, 9:26 AM
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