2. Write 3 PHP Individual Pages displaying String padding, create a File, Reading a file with fread.
3. Create a simple database with MySQL and use it to CRUD on it. Create, Record, Update and Delete.
4. Validate a Password using Validation and Error Handling.
5. Create a UI component in either Vue or React to Display dynamic data
There are no rows in this table
(Display in Class – Upload via Blackboard) Individual assignment.
💡 In Small Groups. Analyse, and Develop in your preferred choice of Full-Stack technology. - Weighted (50%)
Develop A Social Networking Application
Write an evaluation of the project in 1500 words.
A signup processes.
A login forms.
A logout facility
Session Control.
User profiles with upload functions.
A member directory
Adding members as friends.
Public and private messaging between members.
Styling the Project with Front End Technologies.
A thorough evaluation report on all the aspects and development choices made in this application rationalizing why.
The report should also contain reflection on technologies learned and understood and hurdles or difficulties encountered in team development.
Task Two – In Small Groups. Analyse, and Develop in your preferred choice of Full-Stack technology. A Social Networking Application. Displaying and using your new skills. This must be a group effort and write an evaluation of the project in 1500 words.
(Display in Class – Upload via Blackboard afterwards)