Amres Corporation - MSP Support

1.0 Cover Letter

Dear Mike Wilson,
Rooted Software (Rooted) is a technology services company specializing in supporting the missions of small to mid-sized organizations headquartered in the United States. During their combined 40 years of experience in tech leadership, founders Toby Weiss and Josh Bechard found that their organizations were best served by those who shared a passion for their mission and an understanding of their needs. Rooted was launched to provide technical support, backed by this very passion and experience, to all organizations with the following three core values to sustain it:
Fidelity - In all things Rooted strives to be transparent and trustworthy. We act with integrity and follow through on commitments from our initial meeting to project/service delivery.
Compassion - People first, technology second. Rooted comes alongside you with empathy for your team, passion for your mission, and humility in our approach.
Intentionality - Rooted takes ownership of issues, is proactive in finding solutions, and will not cut corners on quality to drive quantity.
Rooted Software is honored to currently provide Managed IT services in the support of many organizations of varying ages, scopes of influence, employee-count, tech stacks, infrastructures and needs, many of which are fully remote organizations. The technological needs of Amres Corporation are well within the capability of Rooted Software’s Service Desk team which consists of highly trained remote technicians working across numerous time zones following best practice availability, security protocols, and measures of consistency. The team of technicians is regularly praised by Rooted partners for a genuine support of their mission and for resolving technical issues in a prompt and professional yet personal manner. Testimonials can be found on our website at .
Rooted Software is excited at the opportunity to provide the technology and technical human resources to support Amres Corporation in its mission of making the dream of home ownership achievable. Rooted understands that a robust and secure architecture supported by professional and quick ticket resolution translates directly to more customers acquiring homes at a great rate. While recognizing Amres is executing due diligence in comparing multiple options for covering its IT needs, Rooted hopes that Amres sees our desire to form a long-term partnership that yields increased impact to Amres.
Toby Weiss

2.0 A-La-Carte Service Model

2.1 Architecture Audit & Support

Service Definition

The objective of this service is to address the architecture challenges faced by Amres and provide a comprehensive solution to ensure the stability and efficiency of its infrastructure.
Amres has recently experienced difficulties in its architecture due to a shortage of personnel expertise in this area. This has resulted in architecture-level outages, causing continuity issues and potential loss of sales.
Rooted Software's Expertise
Rooted Software is well-equipped to serve the architectural needs of Amres. With our extensive experience and deep knowledge in architecture, we can provide the necessary support and guidance to overcome the challenges faced by Amres.
Block of Hours for Prompt Assistance
Rooted Software recommends that Amres purchase a block of hours from Rooted Software for architectural needs. These hours can be utilized whenever architecture-level issues arise, ensuring immediate support and resolution. By having a dedicated allocation of hours, we can prioritize Amres' needs and provide timely assistance. The block of hours could also be used to remediate issues found during an (optional) preemptive . The block of hours can be configured to auto-renew or renew only upon approval. Purchasing a block of hours guarantees Rooted Software’s availability to Amres on short notice.
An alternative approach would be to engage with Rooted Software on an hourly Time & Materials basis in which case Rooted Software will make the best effort to make availability to Amres’ needs on as short a notice as possible.
Optional Architecture Audit
Rooted Software strongly suggests that Amres considers conducting an optional architecture audit as soon as possible. This audit will involve a thorough exploration and documentation of Amres' infrastructure by our expert technician. By conducting the audit proactively, we can anticipate and make suggestions to address potential architectural issues in advance and learn the infrastructure prior to time of remediation which will significantly reduce the time required for resolution and minimizing any impact on operations. If desired, the block of hours can be used for making suggested changes to the infrastructure. Alternatively, a plan can be produced for Amres personnel to complete internally.
Expert Guidance and Support
By partnering with Rooted Software, Amres will have access to our expertise and guidance in addressing their architecture challenges. Our team will work closely with Amres to ensure a stable and efficient infrastructure.
Prompt Resolution
The block of hours purchased by Amres will allow for immediate assistance whenever architecture-level issues occur. This will minimize downtime and ensure the prompt resolution of any problems, reducing the impact on operations and potential loss of sales.
Proactive Approach
Conducting the optional architecture audit will provide a comprehensive understanding of Amres’ infrastructure. This proactive approach will enable us to identify and address potential issues in advance, resulting in a more resilient architecture and minimizing the need for extensive troubleshooting in the future.


One-Time Audit
Total Price
Architecture Audit
See section: for service details.
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Architecture Support (Options)
Total Price
Block of Hours
A block of hours can be purchased to ensure Rooted Software’s prompt availability to architecture-level tickets and/or to obtain hours at a lower rate than Time & Material.
Time & Material
Rather than purchasing a block of hours, Amres may contract Rooted Software at time of architectural need and Rooted will make its best effort to free capacity for Amres’ needs.
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Note: You can specify a different amount of hours for the options by editing the value here:

2.2 Compliance-as-a-Service

Service Definition

The objective of this service is to address Amres' need for a secure infrastructure to ensure data security for both customers and employees, system uptime, and overall impenetrability.
Amres recognizes the importance of a secure infrastructure to safeguard sensitive data and maintain uninterrupted system operations. To achieve this, Amres seeks the expertise of Rooted Software, which specializes in compliance as a service for its existing clients.
Rooted Software's Expertise
Rooted Software is well-equipped to implement the Center for Internet Security (CIS) framework for Amres. With our experience in providing compliance services, we can ensure that Amres meets the necessary security standards to protect its customers, employees, data, and continuity.
One-Time System Analysis
We recommend conducting a comprehensive system analysis to establish a benchmark against the CIS standards. This analysis will help identify any gaps or vulnerabilities in Amres' current infrastructure and serve as a foundation for further improvements.
Remediation Plan
Following the system analysis, Rooted Software will develop and deliver a plan to address the identified gaps and align Amres with the CIS standards over time.
Enhanced Data Security
By implementing the CIS framework, Amres can significantly strengthen its data security measures, ensuring the protection of both customer and employee data.
Improved System Uptime
A secure infrastructure reduces the risk of system outages and improves overall system uptime, minimizing disruptions to operations and ensuring business continuity.
Compliance with Industry Standards
Adhering to the CIS framework demonstrates Amres' commitment to industry best practices and regulatory compliance, enhancing its reputation and instilling trust among customers and stakeholders.


Onboarding Fee
Total Price
Onboarding Fee
One-time fee for onboarding initial devices. Subsequent onboards are included in the recurring monthly fees.
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Device Monitoring
Total Price
Device Monitoring
Compliance as a service is charged per device secured (including PC’s, servers, firewalls, etc.). Amres could secure at least the devices accessing mission-critical software interfaces (BYTE) and any servers hosting mission-critical software backend (BYTE, databases, etc.)
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Note: You can specify the amount of devices you would like to have secured here:

2.3 Service Desk Hours

Service Definition

The objective of this service is to address Amres' intermittent ticket overload, providing a flexible solution to offload excess tickets and ensure efficient ticket management.
Amres occasionally faces a ticket load that exceeds its internal capacity to handle. To address this challenge, Amres requires the flexibility to offload these extra tickets to a reliable partner. Rooted Software, a comprehensive IT Managed Service Provider, specializes in meeting the IT needs of organizations like Amres and is well-equipped to handle such ticket overload situations.
Rooted Software's Expertise
As a trusted IT Managed Service Provider, Rooted Software has the knowledge and experience to efficiently manage ticket loads for organizations like Amres. We can provide the necessary support to handle excess tickets as they arise.
Block of Hours for Prompt Assistance
Rooted Software recommends Amres to purchase a block of hours. This flexible solution allows Amres to utilize our services as needed, ensuring prompt and efficient ticket resolution even during peak periods. This block of hours can be set to auto-renew or to renew only upon approval. Purchasing a block of hours guarantees Rooted Software’s availability to Amres on short notice.
An alternative approach would be to engage with Rooted Software on an hourly Time & Materials basis in which case Rooted Software will make best effort to make availability to Amres’ needs on as short a notice as possible.


Service Desk Onboarding Fee
Total Price
Onboarding Fee
One-time fee for Rooted Software to gain access to all Amres systems to administer and to configure and provide access to Amres for Rooted ticketing system.
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Support Options
Total Price
Block of 20 hours
Time & Material
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Note: You can specify a different amount of hours for the options by editing the value here

2.4 Onboarding Welcome Calls

Service Definition

The objective of this service is to offer an expanded assistance to Amres by providing welcome calls to their new onboard staff. This proposal aims to address Amres’ recent request to have Rooted Software take on the responsibility of making welcome calls, in addition to the existing inventorying and deploying of PCs.
Rooted Software and Amres have an existing contract where Rooted Software is responsible for inventorying and deploying PCs as part of Amres’ onboarding process. The current service includes the installation of all necessary software for new onboards. However, making welcome calls to each new onboard was not included in the initial agreement. Amres has expressed a desire for Rooted Software to take on this task as well.
Rooted Software proposes to extend its services to include welcome calls for Amres’ new onboard staff. These calls will average 45 minutes but the necessary time will be to the discretion of the technician and the Amres employee. Our experienced team will proactively reach out to each new staff member, providing a warm welcome and addressing any initial questions or concerns they may have and walk them through the logins for 8 services depending on onboard type. By leveraging our expertise in customer service and onboarding processes, we will ensure a smooth and efficient experience for Amres’ new staff.


Onboarding Welcome Calls
Total Price
Onboarding Calls
Monthly estimate for 20 onboarding calls
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Note: You can specify a different amount of monthly onboards by editing the value here

3.0 MSP Model

3.1 Service Definition

Rooted Software offers a full Managed Service option for IT. This model is generally chosen when a customer desires to offload all or most of their IT needs to Rooted Software instead of handling them in-house. It is a high-quality, comprehensive IT service administered by a personnel base with a wide array of expertise. Rooted Software MSP customers find that this service provides a level of professionalism, adherence to industry-standard best practices, architectural soundness, security, procedural organization, etc., that is regularly reserved only to larger companies with a broad IT staff. For detailed specifications, please review section: below. Generally speaking, services consumed within the MSP model will be cheaper than if they were purchased a-la-carte.

A-La-Carte Items and the MSP Model

Regarding the services included in and existing contract, The per-user MSP price includes:
Service Desk: an unlimited amount of tickets of any level of complexity may be logged and will be handled according to Rooted’s .
Architecture Maintenance and Support: Because it is to Rooted’s benefit in the MSP model to reduce ticket load and complexity, Rooted Software fully owns suggesting and addressing architecture items as part of the contract.
Provisioning, Onboarding (including welcome calls) - separate Line Item: Sending and receiving hardware is an included service of MSP at a discounted rate of $300 per onboard (including the onboarding call).
Inventorying Hardware - separate line item: Inventorying hardware pricing is the same as already provided to Amres on its existing contract.
Compliance as a Service - Rooted Software follows industry-standard security best practices for all MSP clients. A small additional fee is charged to clients who desire secured device monitoring and adherence to the controls provided by the Center for Internet Security (CIS) framework. This price is the same as is shown in for this service.

Scope of Work (Full MSP)

Rooted will establish and manage a centralized Service Desk to serve as the primary point of contact for all IT-related issues and requests. This includes:
Helpdesk support for end-users
User account management and access control
End-user remote troubleshooting and problem resolution
Incident and request ticket logging, tracking, and resolution
Remote Monitoring and Management
Continuous monitoring of Amres’ endpoints to identify and address potential issues proactively.
Remote troubleshooting and resolution of technical problems to minimize downtime.
Continuous automated performance assessments to optimize system efficiency.
Identity Management with a Password Manager
Deployment and configuration of identity management solutions for secure user access.
Implementation of a password manager to enhance password security and user authentication
Asset Management
Hardware provisioning/onboarding and Deprovisioning
Patch management and software updates
Software license acquisition and management
Remote Machine Monitoring
Remote Machine Wiping
Hardware and software inventory reporting
Hardware obsolescence planning
M365 architecture maintenance
Asset Protection
Antivirus protection with Sentinel One AV
Data Loss Prevention with Acronis Data Protection Solutions
Downtime/outage resolution and reporting
Advanced Antivirus and Endpoint Detection Response
Implementation and management of advanced antivirus solutions to safeguard Endpoints against malicious threats.
Endpoint detection and response to identify and neutralize security incidents promptly.
Network Management
Rooted will be responsible for ongoing management of Amres’ network infrastructure. This includes:
Network monitoring for performance, security, and availability
identification and resolution of network outages and issues
Network hardware obsolesce planning and consultation
Network architecture planning and consultation
Configuration management and optimization of network devices
Implementation of security measures, including firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems
Infrastructure Management
Rooted will oversee the management and maintenance of Amres’ IT infrastructure, covering:
Server administration and optimization
Virtualization management
Storage solutions management
Backup and disaster recovery planning and execution
Patch management and software updates
Hardware and software asset management
Implement a systematic approach to manage the lifecycle of IT assets
Plan for timely upgrades and replacements to ensure optimal performance
Implement a systematic approach to manage the lifecycle of IT assets
Plan for timely upgrades and replacements to ensure optimal performance
Rooted will establish and maintain clear communication channels with Amres, including regular meetings to discuss service performance, upcoming changes, and strategic planning.
Additional Services
Quarterly Business Reviews: Rooted Software will perform Quarterly Business Review with Amres’ Team to ensure our services are in line with the current and future technology direction of Amres.
Technical training upon request
Regular reporting on service desk performance and trends
Client (Amres)
Provide necessary access and information for the setup of Apple Business Manager.
Provide necessary administrator access to Amres’ Microsoft 365 Environment.
Complete onboarding documents to the best of Amres’ ability
Rooted Software
Provide unlimited technical support for endpoints as outlined in this SOW.
Excluded Services
Third-Party Software Licensing: The MSP might exclude costs associated with licensing third-party software unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Hardware Procurement: While the MSP might manage hardware assets, the actual procurement of hardware might be excluded from the contract.
Data Center Costs: Costs related to the operation and maintenance of data center facilities may be excluded.
Travel Expenses (post implementation): Expenses incurred by the MSP for travel to the client's site or other locations may be excluded, unless specifically agreed upon.
Onsite Support Beyond Agreed Parameters: While onsite support may be included to a certain extent, excessive onsite support or support outside of agreed-upon hours might be excluded or billed separately.
Network Upgrades and Expansion: Any major network upgrades or expansions beyond the scope of the initial agreement may be excluded.
Custom Development Work: Development of custom software or applications may be excluded unless explicitly included in the contract.
User Training: Training of end-users on software or systems may be excluded from the managed services.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning: While the MSP may assist with disaster recovery planning, implementation and testing of comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity solutions may be excluded.
Security Incident Response beyond Basic Support: While basic security support may be included, extensive incident response or forensic analysis may be excluded.
Data Migration: Large-scale data migrations may be excluded from the managed services.
Strategic IT Consulting: High-level IT consulting services may be excluded from the managed services agreement.
Telecom Services: Services related to telecommunication infrastructure and contracts may be excluded.
Legal and Compliance Services: Legal and compliance-related services may be excluded from the agreement.
Project Management: While the MSP may manage projects related to their services, standalone project management services may be excluded.
Vendor Management: Managing relationships with other technology vendors may be excluded.
IT Asset Disposal: Disposal of IT assets at the end of their lifecycle may be excluded.
Cloud Service Costs: While the MSP may manage cloud services, the actual costs of those services may be excluded from the contract.
Non-Standard Hours Support: Support outside of standard business hours may be excluded or billed separately.
Any Service Not Explicitly Included: Any service not explicitly mentioned or agreed upon in the contract may be excluded.

3.2 Pricing

MSP Onboarding Fee
Total Price
Initial Service Onboarding Fee
New Employee onboard fee
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Recurring Monthly Charges
Total Price
Ops User (includes hybrid)
Sales User
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3.3 April-May Deal

April - May Deal - Discounts and Offers
Deal Term
Total Price
Managed IT Onboarding Fee
1-time fee
Reduced per-ops user rate
6 months
CIO Consultation
Architecture Audit
1-time fee
Unlimited Architecture Hours
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April - May Deal - MSP Price (First 6 Months)
Total Price
Ops User
Sales User
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4.0 Methods of accessing support

General hours of support: Monday-Friday, 6am-5pm MST
Ways to submit a ticket:
Call dispatch (785) 347-9300
Complete our ticketing form.

5.0 Contract Terms and Conditions

4.1 Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Planned Support SLA
Response time: two (2) business hour
Resolution time: five (5) business days
Unplanned Support SLA
High Priority
Response time: one (1) business hour
Resolution time: two (2) business days
Normal Priority
Response time: four (4) business day
Resolution time: five (5) business days
SLA Hold Events: throughout the lifecycle of a request, there are events that will cause the SLA timer to pause when the advancement of the request is outside of Rooted Software’s direct control. Examples of events that will pause the SLA are included below.
Technician has responded to a request and must await a response from the requester before proceeding
Technician has ordered equipment and is awaiting delivery
Technician has defined the incident as being related to a 3rd-party and has escalated the request to the 3rd-party for resolution.

4.2 Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions governing this engagement, including service levels, response times, and any additional charges, are outlined

6.0 Billing & Terms

One-time fees and monthly fees will be determined by which selection Amres makes, from one a-la-carte item to full MSP.
One-time-fees can be broken into monthly installments if needed.
All invoices are NET 30

6.3 Due at Signing

All one-time fees and the first month of each selected service are due at signing. However, these can be split into monthly installments if necessary.

7.0 Acceptance

If you accept the project summary, scope, pay schedule, and terms as listed above, please use the e- signature function below to proceed. Please reach out to Benjamin Armstrong with any questions or concerns.

Customer Representative Name & Title

Customer Representative Signature

Rooted Software Representative Name & Title

Rooted Software Representative Signature

8.0 References

Org Name
Bethel Lutheran
David Lund
Springs Rescue Mission
Anissa Boyd
Arizona Private Education Scholarship Fund
Richard Doe
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