
Amres Corporation - Hardware Provisioning Services

1. Cover Letter

Dear Mike Wilson and Shawn Middleton,
Rooted Software (Rooted) is a technology services company specializing in supporting the missions of small to mid-sized organizations headquartered in the United States. During their combined 40 years of experience in tech leadership, founders Toby Weiss and Josh Bechard found that their organizations were best served by those who shared a passion for their mission and an understanding of their needs. Rooted was launched to provide technical support, backed by this very passion and experience, to all organizations with the following three core values to sustain it:
Fidelity - In all things Rooted strives to be transparent and trustworthy. We act with integrity and follow through on commitments from our initial meeting to project/service delivery.
Compassion - People first, technology second. Rooted comes alongside you with empathy for your team, passion for your mission, and humility in our approach.
Intentionality - Rooted takes ownership of issues, is proactive in finding solutions, and will not cut corners on quality to drive quantity.
Rooted Software is honored to currently provide Managed IT services in the support of many organizations of varying ages, scopes of influence, employee-count, tech stacks, infrastructures and needs, many of which are fully remote organizations. The technological needs of Amres Corporation are well within the capability of Rooted Software’s Service Desk team which consists of highly trained remote technicians working across numerous time zones following best practice availability, security protocols, and measures of consistency. The team of technicians is regularly praised by Rooted partners for a genuine support of their mission and for resolving technical issues in a prompt and professional yet personal manner. Testimonials can be found on our website at .
Rooted Software is excited at the opportunity to provide the technology and technical human resources to support Amres Corporation in its mission of making the dream of home ownership achievable. Rooted understands that each machine thoughtfully configured and deployed for an individual at Amres translates directly to more customers acquiring homes at a great rate. While recognizing Amres is executing due diligence in comparing multiple options for machine provisioning, Rooted hopes that Amres sees our desire to form a long-term partnership that yields increased impact to Amres.
Toby Weiss

2. Statement of Work

2.1 Scope of Ongoing Services


Rooted Software agrees to provide Amres Corporation with a safe and secure location to store its proprietary hardware as well as all services conventional to inventory management, commissioning, and decommissioning, of hardware to remote employees across the Continental US.

Scope of Services

Storage & Inventory:
Rooted Software will establish an individually locked, secure, and controlled warehousing environment of up to 18 square feet within its existing provisioning office, located in Walnut Creek California sufficient for the storage of the below inventory.
Inventory to be provided by Amres Corporation:
Up to 5 boxed PCs
Up to 10 boxed Monitors
4 square feet miscellaneous storage
Scratchpad (1).jpg
Note: Should Amres’ needs for storage space increase, additional space can be provided upon request.
Rooted agrees to complete the below protocol within 5 business days of receiving decommissioned hardware.
Decommission Protocol:
Perform a quality control inspection as per Amres Corporation specifications
Wipe (if necessary) and run the reprovision script provided by Amres Corporation (if hardware is a decommissioned PC)
Commit the item to physical and digital inventory with report of quality control score
Rooted agrees to ship all hardware specified on an individual provisioning request within 3 business days of request submission.

2.2 One-Time Implementation


Rooted Software and Amres Corporation will work in tandem to provide each other with all information and interfacing required for Rooted Software to begin performing the ongoing service to Amres Corporation.

Rooted Software will

Perform a service onboarding call no later than 10 business days following contract signature
Provide a shipping address for Amres personnel to ship all hardware included in it’s mutually agreed-up
Perform the outlined in section 2.1.2.a for all non-factory sealed items received by Amres Corporation
Provide a preferred means of request for shipment (ongoing)

Amres Corporation will

Ship all hardware to the Rooted-provided address within 10 business days of contract signature
Provide Rooted Software with USB bootable script within 10 days of contract signature
Provide a quality control policy for each hardware item type in its mutually agreed-upon that Rooted is to perform a quality control inspection upon (ongoing)

2.3 Timeline & Contingencies

Rooted Software will begin commissioning hardware no later than 5 business days following the receipt of both mutually agreed upon and bootable script from Amres Corporation.

2.4 Methods of Getting in Contact with Rooted Software

General hours of Shipping & Receiving: Monday-Friday, 6am-5pm MST


Shipping and Receiving:
Phone: (785) 347-9300
Business Success:
David Lentz:
Director of Managed IT:
Danny Garrido:
Executive Support:
Deron Witmer:

3. Fee Structure

One-Time Implementation Cost
Unit Cost
Total Cost
Lockable Cabinets & Assembly
Quality Control Inspection & Stocking - PCs
Quality Control Inspection & Stocking - Monitors
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Note: If Amres Corporation does not wish to have an initial quality control inspection conducted on all initially received hardware, initial inventorying can be reduced.
Monthly Costs
Unit Cost
Total Cost
Monthly Storage & Security Fee
priced per square foot
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A-La-Carte Pricing for Standard Issue Package
Unit Cost
Total Cost
All Additional Periphery without QC Check
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7.1 Miscellaneous A-La-Carte Item Costs
Unit Price
Shipping and Handling
Variable per shipment - monthly total billed to Amres each month.
Secure PC Disposal
Remove and dispose hard drive
Hard Drive Repair
$150 + specified parts
RAM upgrade
$150 + specified parts
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Note: Additional services available upon request.

4. Contract Terms and Conditions

As per section 2.1, Rooted Software will complete all decommission services within 5 business days of receipt of hardware. Rooted Software will complete all commission services within 3 business days of receipt of commission request.
This contract will be considered “at will” by both parties. Each party has the right to cease service provided a 30-days notice of termination.

5. Billing Terms

Due at Signing

Service Implementation
First month of MSP Support
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Estimated Monthly cost starting 10 days post contract signature.

$180 + shipping and handling for each shipment.

Payment Terms

All invoices are net 30 terms from the date sent.

6. Acceptance

If you accept the project summary, scope, pay schedule, and terms as listed above, please use the e- signature function below to proceed. Please reach out to any of the above with any questions or concerns.

Customer Representative Name & Title

Customer Representative Signature

Rooted Software Representative Name & Title

Rooted Software Representative Signature

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