Desci Ops

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DB Applications
Email Address
Funding Sources
Team Size
Telegram username
Total prior funding for project in USD
Profiles or socials of other main team members publicly associated with project
How old is the project? (Months)
Describe your project in a few paragraphs (ideally including a problem statement, solution, roadmap, and timeline for implementation)
How does your project support the mission or goals of DeSci?
Describe how funds from the grants program will be used for your project.
If this project participated in past DeSci grant rounds, please share any new updates or milestones since the last round.
Does 50% of your team reflect the diversity of the community your project serves with a particular emphasis on including women, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC), individuals with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community?
Please read the following exclusion criteria that are not permitted and will result in rejection or removal from the round.
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Salaries Science
Help to unblock science from mis-publication that often occurs in the centralized world. Some scientific projects don't receive funding and publicity, and if the project is important, that blocks development of the entire science. To support basic science I aim to create grants similar to GitCoin grants but allocate a portion of each donation to dependencies and citations. This will help support underfinanced "invisible" projects and free software components that are crucial for building projects that are beneficial to users. Additionally, we will provide an affiliate program to ensure that every scientific or software project is advertised, which will help bring more visibility and funding to important scientific research. Additionally, we will give a part of funds by later donors to early adopters, in order for start small dependency projects grow their derived works that will receive donations partly given to the dependency. The timeline is about a year after I receive full time salary.
It saves science from mispublication and funds scientific work.
At this stage they will be used for operational expenses for project's dependencies, such as NacDB and my rewritten DFX.
Hateful Content - No racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful speech, no discrimination
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GreenPill Ottawa x RootedLABs : Climate, Agriculture, Open Source Tooling
@lanzdingz @amandagloor
@lanzdingz @amanda__gloor
The world’s population has more than doubled over the past 50 years. This alone has caused immense stress on the natural environment and as a result, we are experiencing soil degradation, depletions of groundwater, pollution, ocean acidification, accelerated rates of extinction, global warming, droughts, diseases, high concentrations of CO 2 and mass deforestation. In a time of increasing population growth, climate change and environmental degradation, we need agricultural systems that come with a more balanced portfolio of sustainability benefits. Urban agriculture has been defined as “reconnecting with the community through food, jobs and economic development” and is a sustainable solution. The project would be entirely open-sourced, and start a workforce who could move on and create their own advanced agricultural businesses in other cities globally. RootedLABs is a decentralized network empowering future city farmers and urban agriculture by leveraging emerging technologies, using open-source philosophies and creating a global network of hubs (LABs) to help share resources, tools and tech to feed local communities. We establish accessible smart city farms worldwide (first location in Ottawa, Canada), fostering collaboration between academia, the tech industry, and local communities to address global agricultural challenges and support sustainable environmental practices. Our focus on open-source tooling and blockchain technology allows us to facilitate connectivity between local and global agricultural needs. Leveraging decentralized physical infrastructure networks, IoT, and emerging technologies like AI and robotics, we collect data, create open datasets, code and documentation, and provide testing grounds for cutting-edge projects. Through educational programs and partnerships with nonprofits, schools, and governments, we promote inclusivity and sustainability while continuously innovating to address evolving technological and environmental demands. Long-term our goal is to create a global co-op (DAO) of urban farm hubs (LABs) to create a more sustainable and accessible agricultural future for the planet. By open-sourcing all data, engineering specs, and other resources we can provide climate-saving solutions, that also feed local communities. Our detailed roadmap can be found here -
We are researching + building innovative AgriTech solutions to help fight food insecurity and climate change locally and globally. We are working to be an education and experimentation hub, with open-source data sharing. The goal is to have LABs worldwide, working together to create a more collaborative approach to agriculture and technology globally.
We are using the funds to continue to build out RootedLABs. This includes buying resources and materials for our shipping container and Greenhouse set up and paying the team small stipends for their work.
First time in the DeSci round, but since GG19 we have: Hired an engineer to help build out our open-source engineering specs for our urban farm (shipping container) - these can be used by anyone wanting to open a RootedLABs in their local community, or simply want to start a farm of their own. (samples below) secured a partnership with AreaXO in Ottawa, an innovative agri-tech non-profit that is donating space to us for our shipping container in talks with to partner up and have them sponsor our first shipping container were accepted into the AgriNEXT accelerator by Foresight Canada for Canadian AgriTech Companies ( issued on-chain credentials to our founding contributors, helping set up the groundwork for our future decentralized network/DAO plans participating in OperationWebTree and along with GreenPill Ottawa, have purchased 160 White Pines as part of a global reforestation campaign in partnership with Silvi gave a presentation to Nimiq on AgriTech, RootedLABs and how we're blending AI x Crypto to tackle climate change, food insecurity and the need for more youth to enter agriculture. Looking to potentially partner with them in some way. wrote a paper 'Future Global Food Demand and Population at Risk of Hunger Published The OttawaLABs outline + phases (
Hateful Content - No racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful speech, no discrimination
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Modern science is failing to address many important questions. Research priorities are determined by what governments deem important or what companies believe will be profitable. In this system, scientific progress is slowing, and many topics that people care about are left unexplored. Cosimo is a scientific research service dedicated to investigating understudied topics. We do studies on questions that are not sufficiently addressed by the existing science funding system. We design and execute experiments as a service for unconventional people with an insatiable curiosity. Many existing DeSci solutions still struggle with the core issue of incentivizing funders. Cosimo’s model is a modern revival of patronage, where curiosity satisfaction is the product. Patrons get the fulfilling experience of directly influencing the science that they wish to see in the world. Currently, we have executed a handful of studies, including the first ever study on vabbing (using vaginal fluid as perfume) which you can read about on our website. The plan is to execute at least 5-10 more studies this year on a variety of topics, dependent on what patrons want to sponsor, in collaboration with other independent researchers from the DeSci community. After that, we aim to scale up our operations by building a dedicated platform where patrons can directly engage independent researchers. Cosimo will provide quality assurance and researcher support.
The project directly supports the main mission of DeSci, which is to explore new mechanisms of funding and conducting scientific research in an open and inclusive manner. Cosimo’s solution to the funding problem is through a modern revival of patronage. It is open and inclusive by enabling anyone to support the research that they want to see happen. We believe that you don’t need an institution’s approval to investigate what you believe matters, and that we often do not realize our capability to be active participants in discovering the answers we seek. We also believe that any capable, motivated person can contribute to scientific knowledge.
The funds will support the execution of our initial set of studies. They will be used to: - increase research capacity by hiring more researchers from the DeSci community - seed funding for research equipment and materials, eg. heart rate monitors, thermometers, EEG, video recording equipment, survey tools, lab space - legal assistance to comply with regulations about running experiments Additionally, we are working on a guide to best experimentation practices for non-institutional science. Our philosophy is about balancing a dedication to rigor with the courage to proceed and experiment. We believe that we can and should apply scientific truth-seeking methods to more unexplored questions, even in the absence of ideal conditions, with transparency in how we communicate results. The funds will support the research for this philosophical guide, including consultations with experts in statistics, experiment design, and scientific epistemology.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community
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DeSci Africa
Gitcoin Grants
On Twitter/X @lifeofdanel @NancyAmandi @Kamii_js @olamidesammi
19 months
Our mission at DeSci Africa is aimed at supporting scientists in Africa through Decentralized Science. The Problem Due to the little number of scientists and laboratories operating there, Africa looks to be a market with little to no opportunity for science. Access to resources is the main barrier to science in this environment.
DeSci Africa is dedicated to empowering scientists in Africa through the principles of Decentralized Science. Our goal is to build a thriving community that promotes the awareness and adoption of decentralized scientific practices across the continent. To achieve this, we create and curate high-quality educational content that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or expertise. Our content is designed to provide valuable insights into the benefits of decentralized science and how it can be applied in various fields. In addition to our content creation efforts, we also actively participate in conferences and events to spread the word about Decentralized Science in Africa. Our long-term vision is to establish a vibrant network of DeSci meetups and conferences across the continent, providing a platform for scientists and enthusiasts to connect, learn, and collaborate. Join us on our mission to bring Decentralized Science to Africa and make a meaningful impact on scientific research and development across the continent.
The funds from this grant round will be used to develop more high-quality educational material on DeSci, ranging from threads to articles. It will also be used to support our community-building effort.
Update Since the last round We were a part of the DeSci Gitcoin Beta round and thanks to your contributions we were able to do the following and more; Publish over 18+ articles Helped collaborate with DeSci Youths, for the AthenaDAO DeSci breakfast that was held in Nairobi. Hosted and participated in 10+ Twitter Spaces involving projects like Shamba network, DeSci World, IberoAM, Gitcoin, DeSci Mic. Crypto Sapiens etc.
Well-capitalized projects - Not have prior external funding of over $500k USD via venture capital, token launches, or NFT sales
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VinQ: Decentralized co-creation community for regenerative viticulture
By leveraging the principles of decentralized science, VinQ enables the community to analyze data from various sources and develop services and tools that support scientifically validated decision-making. This unique approach transforms scattered private fields and individual farms, each with their own unique soil conditions and distributed across diverse microclimate zones, into a cohesive research infrastructure. This infrastructure allows for the testing and validation of new methods and tools in the field of agriculture. The current system of funding research through grants with fixed timelines and pre-defined deliverables leads to fragmentation of knowledge and a narrow focus of research that may not align with real-world problems. VinQ's open-ended data-centric approach addresses this issue by enabling researchers to collaborate dynamically around specific problems or questions, rather than being constrained by institutional or grant boundaries. For example, consider a complex issue like climate change modeling. Rather than being limited to data from a few well-funded research groups, VinQ could enable contributions of relevant environmental data from citizen scientists, indigenous communities with deep ecological knowledge, industry experts with specialized domain insights, and more.
1. Enabling dynamic, problem-focused research collaborations beyond institutional boundaries, as envisioned by DeSci's concept of ad-hoc research groups. 2. Favoring data-centric approach rather than emphasis on metrics like authorship, citations, and affiliations. 3. Open-ended approach to data collection and data analysis enables seamless collaboration across the borders of individual projects, institutions, timelines, and fixed roadmaps. 4. VinQ democratizes research and knowledge creation by allowing anyone to contribute data, ideas, and insights. Traditional scientific institutions often have barriers to entry based on type of contracts, with strict credentialing requirements, gate keeping practices, and hierarchies that can exclude valuable perspectives from non-traditional or non-affiliated researchers. 5. With VinQ, the focus shifts from the credentials of the contributor to the quality and impact of the actual contribution itself. This opens up the possibility for fields of study to become more like "test beds" where hypotheses and theories can be rapidly explored, validated or refuted through an influx of data and perspectives from a broad range of contributors across the globe.
Setting up the test fields for studying the diseases in vineyards using local sensors and weather data as an example of distributed research across private field fully funded retroactively.
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Gitcoin Grants
**Problem Statement:** The traditional space exploration domain has been dominated by a few governmental and large private entities, leading to high barriers to entry and limited participation from the broader community. This exclusivity restricts innovative contributions and the democratization of space-related activities. **Solution:** DeepVenture DAO proposes a decentralized model for ecosystem building in space exploration, leveraging blockchain technology and a DAO structure. This approach facilitates global collaboration and resource sharing, allowing individuals and smaller entities to participate in and contribute to building more space-focused DAOs and equip them with IP-NFTs. The platform aims to ensure that space science and engineering benefits all of humanity, not just the privileged few, by promoting open access to data, decentralized decision-making, and equitable resource distribution across various Space DAOs. **Roadmap and Timeline:** 1. **Initiation Phase (3 months):** Establish the DAO structure, onboard initial Space DAO builders, and develop partnerships with key space research organizations and technology providers. 2. **Development Phase (3 months):** Develop the technological infrastructure to support decentralized space projects, including secure collaboration platforms and data-sharing protocols. 3. **Deployment Phase (6 months):** Launch pilot incubator for space-focused DeSci DAOs using collaboratively developed technology and methodologies. 4. **Expansion Phase (Years 2+):** Scale operations to support larger research communities, including potential student groups, and expand the community of contributors and stakeholders. **Implementation Strategy:** DeepVenture DAO will use a phased approach to build its community of Space DAO builders and technological capabilities. The project will start with small, manageable communities to establish a track record, relying heavily on community engagement and iterative feedback to refine and expand its operations. Emphasis will be placed on creating a robust legal and operational framework to support its decentralized nature, ensuring compliance with international space regulations while leveraging crypto incentives.
DeepVenture DAO champions the DeSci (Decentralized Science) mission by fostering an open and collaborative ecosystem for space exploration. Through its decentralized structure and blockchain technology, it democratizes access to space-related data and resources, enabling a diverse global community to contribute to and benefit from space science and engineering. This approach aligns perfectly with DeSci's goals of inclusivity, transparency, and community-driven research.
Funds will be mainly used to lift off the first Space DAO incubator program during ZuGeorgia and the Sp/Acc space track.
We supported not only the last DeSci Beta Grants Round on Gitcoin in May 2023 but also started experiments with Gitcoins Grants Stack to incentivize space projects with DeSpace QF Grants in November 2023.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community
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Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices
* [@thegrifft]( - Product Owner. Top 10 Arbitrum Delegate. Co-founder of Giveth, Commons Stack, General Magic, Dappnode, and more. Been DAOing in Ethereum since 2015. * [@moe_nick ]( Product Manager. Products & Fintech Enthusiast.[]( Product Manager, ex-MyDigipay, ex-Tadbirpardaz, ex- Finnotech * [@ZeptimusQ]( - Marketing - Transparency and accountability advocate. A passionate representative focused on decentralized governance. * [@markoprljic]( - Design lead - Head of Design and Business Developer at General Magic. “Magic Marko” is a top notch designer and has been practicing his art on web2 and web3 projects for over a decade. * [@krati.eth]( - CTO at General Magic. With over a decade of tech experience, Krati expertly leads as CTO, blending her vast knowledge in Solidity, Rust, and mobile technologies. [@Mahdi]( - Mahdi was crucial in developing Pairwise for Optimism, expertly handling both the algorithm and backend, and contributing significantly to frontend enhancements.
Pairwise is a dynamic, user-friendly voting dapp designed to simplify the decision-making process within digital communities, particularly DAOs and similar decentralized groups. Traditional voting mechanisms often require voters to digest large amounts of information, leading to decision fatigue and reduced participation. Pairwise addresses this by streamlining the process, presenting voters with just two options at a time, akin to the simplicity of choosing between two products or profiles on popular apps. Our solution leverages a pairwise comparison method inspired by the Elo rating system, commonly used in chess and other games, to convert subjective inputs into a clear, objective ranking of choices. This method not only reduces cognitive load but also increases engagement by making the voting process both fun and accessible. Users can make quick, impactful decisions, promoting greater participation across the community.
* **Scalable Decision-Making**: As DeSci projects grow in number and complexity, the need for scalable decision-making tools becomes critical. Pairwise’s ability to handle numerous voting sessions simultaneously ensures that even large communities can efficiently manage resource allocation and project prioritization. * **Support for Meritocratic Funding**: Pairwise aids in implementing meritocratic funding models, which are crucial for DeSci. By allowing community members to rank projects based on direct comparisons, funding is more likely to be allocated to projects that are truly innovative and valuable to the community. * **Facilitates Consensus Building**: In decentralized science projects, building consensus is often challenging due to diverse opinions and interests. Pairwise’s methodical approach to voting helps align different viewpoints, paving the way for consensus on critical scientific endeavors.
The funds from the grant will be allocated primarily to the development of the new version of Pairwise.
Since participating in the previous DeSci grant round, significant progress has been made on Pairwise: * Launched, which has become a foundational tool for community-driven project evaluations. * Conducted extensive product research to gather user feedback and understand the needs of our community. * Currently, we are integrating this feedback into the development of new features and enhancements for upcoming versions of Pairwise. This includes improving user interfaces and adding functionalities that facilitate more effective and user-friendly decision-making processes.
Advertising - Using grants to showcase something you are selling like a token sale or NFT drop
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DeSci Youths
Gitcoin grants
We are on a noble mission to nurture and empower the next generation around movements of social impact. We initiated this project by building an aggregation platform on notion for all projects utilizing Decentralized technologies for social impact, our platform is a hub for projects in the realms of; 1. Decentralized Science (DeSci ) 2. Regenerative Finance ( ReFi) 3. Decentralized space (DeSpace) 4. Greenpill chapters Notion link - In the beginning of this year we launched a Discord community Discord link - This serves as our update platform, we began with DeSci updates only and later on to include other ecosystems as our community Grows. Our type updates includes , upcoming IRLs, spaces , webinars and podcasts, major announcements and onboarding sessions from various projects . Beyond this, we are always amplifying and cheering on across all socials ,for the relentless work put on to the success of these impact global ecosystems . Why is it needed? 1. Scientific brain drain is a pressing issue in many regions, particularly in the global south. Talented young scientists often leave their home countries in search of better opportunities elsewhere, leading to a loss of valuable talent and expertise. 2. Additionally, the attention economy poses a threat to meaningful engagement with scientific research, as people are constantly bombarded with distractions and shallow content. We are addressing this challenge by providing a platform for students communities to connect with impactful projects and foster a sense of community. 3. There is lack of students communities rallying behind DeSci and it is something that we are as well bracing for . The impact ? By onboarding young scientists into Decentralized Science, we will empower them to contribute to cutting-edge research and innovation within their own communities. Through our platform, they will discover, connect with, build and support impactful projects that leverage web3 technologies for good.
By bringing together student communities centered on DeSci, we provide an open platform for them to learn and participate in the broader DeSci ecosystem. This gives them an opportunity to learn and align with the principles of Decentralized Science like open data sharing while engaging in projects that resonate with their values.
We will be initiating a piloting QF round to support students clubs and bonding them together around impact ecosystem , this will be followed by conducting in person and virtual events at their respective institutions . Additionally, we're excited to back local DeSci communities in Africa, such as DeSci Nairobi, in their endeavors.
Over the past year , we have made significant progress towards our goals . During the last quarter of 2023 we cohosted a Nairobi based AthenaDAO breakfast and it was a huge success that ignited a spark to launch a local DeSci community in Nairobi. In the beginning of this year we launched a discord community that acts as the notice board for the DeSci ecosystem
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DeSci Round Operators & Stewards
Gitcoin Grants & Sponsors
Quadratic Funding rounds for Decentralized Science projects on GG20.
DeSci ecosystem growth.
The funds will be used to incentivize current DeSci operators and stewards.
We successfully secured funds for this round from past sponsors, Research Hub, Public Nouns and Arbitrum.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community
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LunCo: Everyone Can Do Space
gitcoin, giveth
LunCo is Opensource Software for Space Systems Engineering to design Lunar Settlement focused on engineering knowledge sharing.
It's embedding web3 mechanics to make opensource space missions reality!
To sustain operations, e.g. salaries, equipment, services
Launched alpha version:
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HyperDeSci 🧠🔬📖
LunCo, EcoSynthesisX, Regen Design Agency
Small QF rounds and other funding strategies in between GG rounds
Helping DeSci projects to raise some funds on gitcoin
100% of the money would be distributed among projects
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Manu: less than 3 months old
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ReFi Lagos (#projectOlókun)
ReFi DAO and Celo
GG18: ReFi DAO Local Node Beta Round - $ 441 GG19: ReFi DAO Local Node Featured Round (Celo Foundation )- $ 1391 Silvi -50 USD
* ReFi Lagos #projectOlókun is a local initiative tackling deforestation, a major issue that has led to biodiversity loss, worsened climate change, and hurt communities. * Our solution involves on-the-ground tree planting events with local volunteers and organizations. We are using Silvi protocol to track tree planting efforts more transparently while promoting content on climate and web3 in Africa. * Q1, 2024- ReFi Lagos has already planted 20 native trees at Mopo Akinlade beach community in Lagos. This will not only increase tree cover but will help fight coastal erosion in the community. Q2,2024- ReFi Lagos plans to promote more climate events, research, and Web3 to spur future innovation and collaboration.
**Promoting Open and Inclusive Research** : ReFi Lagos educates students, underserved farm communities, and volunteers on the causes and effects of climate change through workshops. By disseminating information and engaging these communities in environmental conservation efforts, ReFi Lagos contributes to making scientific research more accessible and inclusive, which is a key goal of DeSci **Community Engagement and Trust** : ReFi Lagos fosters community participation and instills a sense of shared environmental responsibility. By raising awareness of climate issues and their impact in Nigeria, the project builds trust and engagement within the community, which is crucial for fostering collaboration and advancing scientific research in an open, inclusive, and accessible manner
**Community Outreach and Education** : Funds will support the organization of workshops and educational events aimed at raising awareness of climate change issues and their impact on rural Nigerian communities. These events will target students, underserved farm communities, and volunteers, providing them with information about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices. **Tree-Planting Events** : The grants will be used to organize on-chain tree-planting events in rural Nigerian communities. This includes the procurement of native tree species, logistics for planting events, and engagement with local volunteers to ensure successful implementation. **Research and Content Development** : Funds will support the research and development of content related to climate change, deforestation, and sustainable practices. This includes the creation of educational materials, dissemination of climate content for the global Web3 and ReFi communities, and conducting research to support the project's objectives
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community
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371.45 USD
Ayat Abourashed -
Problem The current "one-size-fits-all" healthcare approach causes high treatment failure rates, necessitating a shift to personalized medicine (PM) for better patient outcomes. However, PM research requires significant amounts of funding, but, unfortunately, scientific funding comes with its own set of systemic problems. The scientific research funding landscape is overrun by centralization and bias, with issues rooted in economic, political and institutional influences often diverting funds from merit-based projects. These challenges include inequities in regional and demographic funding, a tendency to prioritize certain fields and short-term gains and a concentration of resources that disadvantages less established researchers, including early-career researchers. In some cases, funding can even be revoked based on arbitrary reasons not based on the science or its output. Biases in evaluation and peer review processes further exacerbate these disparities, stifling diversity and innovation. PoSciDonDAO aims to dismantle these barriers through a decentralized application and token system that incentivizes collaboration, transparency and daring research, thus optimizing scientific efficiency and maximizing scientific impact. Solution To overcome these issues in scientific research funding, we created PoSciDonDAO. PoSciDonDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that leverages Polygon's blockchain to redefine the funding of PM research. By doing so, PoSciDonDAO accelerates breakthroughs in PM, setting the stage for a future where healthcare is predictive, personalized and patient-centric. Its dual-token and dual-on-chain governance models facilitate efficient, transparent and unbiased resource allocation to fund research projects advancing treatments for life-altering diseases including cancer and multiple sclerosis. Implementation 1. Conceptualization of on-chain infrastructure including token economics, donations platform, staking and governance (completed, see whitepaper: 2. Development of on-chain infrastructure (work in progress). - On-chain donations launched on mainnet ( - Staking & governance smart contracts on testnet (awaiting audit) 3. Attract research proposals and expert contributors (ongoing) 4. Establishing a community of scientists, investors, bio-entrepreneurs and DeSci-enthusiasts (ongoing) 5. Commercialize PM research output to establish a sustainable DAO Short-term roadmap: April 8-30 - Publish “Introduction to PoSciDonDAO” Medium articles - Organize first Twitter Space - Publish Gitbook litepaper - Audit $SCI token smart contract May 1-14 - Medium Article about $SCI launch - Progress update Twitter Space - KYC on Pinksale - Deploy $SCI smart contract - Project verification on Fjord Foundry (FF) May 15-31 - $SCI pre-sale on dApp - $SCI Pinksale - Token launch Twitter Space - Finalize frontend for governance systems June 1-14 - Finance Curator on Fjord Foundry - Launch $SCI on Fjord Foundry - AMA Twitter Space June 15-30 - Create liquidity pools for $SCI on Uniswap - DeSci topic Twitter Space July 1-14 - Audit governance and staking smart contracts - dApp overview Twitter Space July 15-31 - Open funding proposal applications - Deploy dApp when audits are complete Rest of Q3 - Reviewing research proposals and selecting first projects for funding
PoSciDonDAO will be governed by the PoSciDonDAO protocol, a set of smart contracts including staking and governance smart contracts for DAO Operations and Research Funding. This makes PoSciDonDAO the first on-chain DeSci DAO, ensuring that funding of personalized medicine research is decentralized. Using this on-chain system, we can overcome several issues in science and DeSci. In current DeSci DAOs, DAO members that are not scientific experts are required to evaluate scientific research projects. To ensure that mainly expert scientific DAO members will source and review scientific research projects, we created a governance system consisting of two smart contracts: Research Funding and DAO Operations. Research Funding governance will include on-chain execution of passed proposals in USDC, MATIC and PoSciDonDAO’s token, called SCI (launch in 2024), ensuring transparency in the distribution of funds towards scientific research projects. In addition, this makes the on-chain proposals binding, meaning that PoSciDonDAO cannot back out of the passed proposal. The Research Funding governance system will be governed by elected scientific DAO members, ensuring that research projects are evaluated by experts in their field, while relieving non-scientific members from decision-making in specialized areas beyond their expertise. These expert scientific members governing Research Funding will be elected through the DAO Operations governance where anyone can participate as long as the member has staked SCI through the dApp. Besides the election of the expert scientific members, other aspects of the organization’s operations can also be governed through the DAO Operations governance smart contract. This governance system consists of several features including delegation of votes and quadratic voting. The distribution of funds in the form of USDC, MATIC and SCI will also be performed on-chain. Altogether, these features make the DAO Operations governance smart contract a robust system. Quadratic voting can, to some degree, be bypassed by sending tokens to other wallets to further increase the user's total voting power. To overcome that, we implemented Holonym in the dApp. This implementation checks if users have minted a soul-bound token to their account through Holonym's platform after verification of their phone number or government identification. This ensures that only unique accounts/one individual can vote on proposals with quadratic voting enabled. Another common issue among DAOs is the lack of participation by members in its governance system. To incentivize members to participate in our Operations governance, members receive a non-tradable, non-fungible token called PO that can be exchanged for rewards including SCI tokens and, in the future, merch, conference tickets and other products.
Funds will primarily be used for dApp development and community building. Our goal is to have several smart contracts audited before the token launch so we will designate a significant portion of funds to do this. A substantial portion would also be used to accelerate the refinement of our current dApp. This includes further enhancing the user interface and user experience for better accessibility and onboarding of users not familiar with web3. Regarding community building, funds will be used to expand our outreach and to foster engagement through marketing campaigns, social media content, DeSci hackathons and collaborative events including conferences and workshops. Through these events we aim to inform existing and new members about the need for decentralized science and about PoSciDonDAO's impact on science and healthcare innovation. Many of the organized events will be done in collaboration with research institutes and cutting-edge biotech companies.
Since our participation in the HyperDeSci round organized by LunCo, we have launched our on-chain donations platform on Polygon mainnet. Through this platform, donated funds will go to personalized medicine research projects selected by PoSciDonDAO. We have been highlighted by AxonDAO through their twitter spaces and we already received project proposals from personalized medicine researchers that are standby for funding from PoSciDonDAO.
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IberoAm: Blockchain Innovation Hub
Gitcoin, Giveth, ETH-Colombia, Clr.Fund
Alberto Dávila Twitter: amrdavila Linkedin: Telegram: amrdavila Rodrigo Jardim Twitter: jardim_rodrigo Linkedin: Telegram: Jardim_Rodrigo
As IberoAm we officially launched our Blockchain Innovation Hub ( on March 19th 2024, the first of its kind in Brazil. Our Hub offers a Hacker House, Courses on Blockchain in the Federal Universities of Rio de Janeiro and Blockchain-related events/conferences. The creation of the Hub was needed to promote networking and partnerships among academia, private sector and government, aiming to develop new projects and dApps in the blockchain space. Our Hacker House (1st cohort) is accepting applications until April 24th, then we are joining this DeSci round in GG20 to raise funds to be used as bounties then the best DeSci project/dApp prototyped in the Hacker House will be rewarded. Hacker House infos: Hacker House application form: Hacker House 1st cohort ends July 5th, then we intend to select and announce the best prototyped DeSci project until there.
Our Blockchain Innovation Hub and its Hacker House support the mission and goals of DeSci by mentoring new DeSci projects and dApp prototypes in Brazil, as South America is a region where DeSci projects are still quite a few compared to the Northern Hemisphere.
85% of the funds raised in this DeSci round at GG20 will be the bounties for the best DeSci project/dApp of the Hacker House, 15% will be used for the Hacker House logistics (internet, website maintenance, transportation, snacks, meeting room leasing, etc)
Our 4 main achievements in first-half 2023 were: (i) We successfully organized a disrupting IRL event to onboard scientists, data privacy advocates and social impact leaders on the blockchain ecosystem called "From Genomes and Privacy to Social Impact using Blockchain" funded by Eth-Colombia and The whole event was recorded and is publicly available (to serve as an educational resource) at the Technological Park of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro youtube channel: (ii) Participated as speakers in the first ever Decentralized Science (DeSci) panel organized by Ethrereum Brazil in the Ethereum Rio 2023 conference ( (iii) We also successfully organized the first ever Decentralized Science (DeSci) event in Brazil called DeSci Rio ( having DeSci World (, DeSci Latam (, Ibmec ( and Favelaverso ( as partners. (iv) A meetup with students of the Computing Institute ( at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( was organized in March 30th, having as speaker Steph Orpilla from Polygon Labs and to talk about "Intro to the Polygon Ecosystem and Polygon zkEVM" ** Second half 2023 was also really busy** (i) Mid-September: Talk about privacy-preserving dApp at the Blockchain Rio Festival: (ii) Mid-September: DeSci Rio event organization as a side-event of the Blockchain Rio Festival (2023): (iii) Mid-September: Polygon DevX Rio de Janeiro organization: (iv) Early October 2023: Talk about the privacy-preserving Abakhus dApp (our ecosystem partners) at the Rio Innovation Week: (v) Late October: Talk about “Blockchain ad Privacy” for the students of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro: 2024 (i) Early March: We announced our new initiative called Blockchain Innovation Hub, in a really nice partnership with the Innovation Agencies of 3 of the most prestigious public universities in Brazil: Inova-UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro Federal University) [], AGIR (Fluminense Federal University) [] and Agência de Inovação of Rio de Janeiro Rural Federal University (UFRRJ) [], an Impact Incubator as Inyaga ( and organizations supporting entrepreneurship and Innovation as Assespro-RJ [], Invest.Rio [] and Blockchain Festival [], and finally with the Abakhus platform [] (ii) We successfully organized the 3rd edition of DeSci Rio, having as venue the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (one of the largest and most prestigious public Universities in Brazil): (iii) The official launch of the Blockchain Innovation Hub did happen on March 19th, during the DeSci Rio 2024 edition: The creation of the Blockchain Innovation Hub was driven by the need to promote networking and partnerships among academia, private sector and government, aiming to develop new projects and dApps in the blockchain space. Our Hub offers a Hacker House, Courses on Blockchain in the Federal Universities of Rio de Janeiro and Blockchain-related events/conferences. Our Hacker House is accepting applications for the 1st cohort until April 24th, then we are joining this DeSci round in GG20 to raise funds to be used as bounties, so the best DeSci project/dApp prototyped in the Hacker House 1st cohort will be rewarded. Hacker House infos: Hacker House application form: Hacker House 1st cohort ends July 5th, then we intend to select and announce the best prototyped DeSci project until there.
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Dorian Leger
We are running Innovation Challenges, where we ask general public to submit solutions to difficult challenges and then offer prizes to the winner. We ran a beta of this back in Nov 2022, and had very good results. We now plan to run bigger ones , the upcoming topics are: 1) how can citizen promote peace in space 2) Producing a holistic lunar mission sustainability analysis methodology.
We are getting general public engaged with scientific and ethical challenges of the space industry, and will raise funds and disburse proceeds to winners. The Challenges are being funded by us and will be sponsored by third parties.
We will use funds to contribute tot he prize pool, as well as developing further the Innovation Challenge infrastructure on our platform.
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LearnChain: Building the next-generation of the Knowledge-Based Economy
Isaac D’Césares Twitter: @idcesares LinkedIn: Telegram: @idcesares Lattes - Brazilian Academic Platform: Maria Luiza Machado Campos LinkedIn: Lattes - Brazilian Academic Platform:
Knowledge Economy (KE) has gained significant momentum in recent years due to advancements in information and communication technologies. The Web plays a crucial role in KE, democratizing access to information and knowledge, promoting collaboration and innovation worldwide. However, current Web systems and monetization models face limitations and challenges. The existence of intermediaries controlling knowledge distribution and monetization limits opportunities for creators, educators, and learners to obtain fair recognition and compensation. Moreover, the lack of transparency, accountability, and unequal distribution of rewards among stakeholders are key issues needing resolution. This context demands a paradigm shift leveraging blockchain to create a decentralized, transparent, and equitable platform for sharing and monetizing knowledge in a fairer way. This approach could benefit new markets ranging from education, research, content creation, consulting, training, and professional development. The LearnChain project surges as a decentralized platform that enables creators to share and monetize their knowledge, experience, and educational resources directly with interested consumers. The solution is based on the use of blockchain to ensure secure, transparent distribution and fair compensation for content creators. On the platform, creators will be able to publish courses, videos, e-books, podcasts, and other educational content formats that will be tokenized as decentralized learning object assets that can be purchased and reused by students and creators alike. What sets LearnChain apart from other projects is its focus on privacy and data protection. The Platform uses state-of-the-art privacy blockchain technology to ensure the security and confidentiality of user’s data, enabling privacy-preserving transactions and interactions out of the box and by default. This approach goes beyond mere security, as it also empowers users and creators by ensuring their data and interactions remain private, fostering a trusted environment for learning, sharing, and monetizing knowledge. By prioritizing privacy, LearnChain aims to create a secure platform where personal and intellectual property risks are minimized, encouraging an equitable exchange of information. The development of LearnChain is currently in its early phases. Researchers and developers with expertise in blockchain, privacy, and education are collaboratively building a comprehensive solution that is technically solid and socially impactful. The project is actively participating in various blockchain bootcamps and seeking funding to expedite its development and increase its visibility within the community. The roadmap includes the following milestones: 1. Research and development of the LearnChain platform, including the design of the architecture, smart contracts, and privacy-preserving mechanisms, using Abakhus protocol and The Secret Network, and the front-end interface. 2. Implementation of the platform MVP, including the creation of a decentralized marketplace for educational content, user registration, and content publishing. 3. Testing and validation of the platform with a small group of creators and users to gather feedback and improve the platform. 4. Launch of the platform beta version, including the integration of additional features such as user profiles, content recommendations, and social interactions. The timeline for implementation in 2024 is as follows: - Q1 2024 (done): Early researches and team formation; gather requirements and decide on the platform architecture; look for funding and partnership; design the website and open social network accounts. - Q2 2024: Develop the platform MVP, including smart contracts, privacy-preserving mechanisms, and front-end interface; improve team skills and knowledge and gather more interested devs and researchers to join the team. - Q3 & Q4 2024: Test and validate the platform with a small group of creators and users; gather feedback and improve the platform; prepare for the alpha launch. You can find us on: - Website: []( - X: []( - Instagram: [](
The LearnChain project aligns with DeSci's core principles by promoting the democratization of science-based knowledge and education through the use of blockchain technology. Beyond the technical aspects and the main goal of creating a decentralized platform for sharing and monetizing knowledge, LearnChain aims to foster a community of science-based creators, educators, and learners who value privacy, transparency, and fairness in the exchange of information. As researchers and educators, the team behind LearnChain is committed to empowering more individuals to understand and leverage blockchain technology for social good, promoting a culture of collaboration, innovation, and lifelong learning. By connecting the project with our university and research networks, we aim to engage more stakeholders in the growth of the DeSci community.
The funds from the grants program will be instrumental in accelerating the development and launch of the LearnChain platform. The grant will be allocated strategically to support key aspects of the project: - **Research and Development (70%)**: A significant portion of the funds will be dedicated to the ongoing research and development efforts, regarding team financing and architectural maintenance; - **Team and Skill Development (20%)**: Funds will be allocated for training, workshops, and collaborations with experts in blockchain, privacy, and education; - **Community Engagement and Partnerships (10%)**: A portion of the funds will be allocated for community engagement activities. This includes participating in relevant events, workshops, and conferences to showcase the project.
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AsteriskDAO: Womxn's Health
## TLDR [Asterisk]( is a decentralized autonomous organization that aims to develop research equity for global women’s non-reproductive health. This grant will fund our development through the output of a completed whitepaper. ## Vision 🤝 Asterisk’s mission is to address the disparities that hinder progressive research and funding for women’s non-reproductive healthcare. To do so, we will build: #disease-specific data lakes (starting with OCD) for female-biased non-reproductive disorders to backfill missing data in the existing research space; #a price discovery mechanism that bridges the tech transfer gap between university IP, researchers, and FemTech startups; #a DAO to cascade funds to governance-curated research iniatives within the women’s non-reproductive health sector. Today, we are finalizing our whitepaper with input from a cross-disciplined global team that speaks to the needs of women.
We are working to build upon the success of HairDAO, implement a new marketplace for tech transfer, and develop easier access to data and focus groups for researcher.
## Outputs ✨ The grant work will concretely support Asterisk throughout Q2, 2024: - To finalize the AsteriskDAO whitepaper - Incentivise developers to build a research repository toward our MVP - Work alongside a token economist and web3-native lawyer to develop a licensing, tech transfer model for fractionalized IP-NFTs - Develop university and researcher relationships to validate the model - Conduct market research to better understand and address the needs of femtech startups and other IP use cases
- Presented at DeSci Berlin, Blockchain Berlin Week, DeImp, DeSci London - Upcoming presentations: BananaConf, BlockSplit - Built a newsletter list of 132 followers - Published biweekly status of female-biased disease states - Weekly member meetings developing our business plan - Completed first round of review on the whitepaper - Onboarded our first researcher
Grantees cannot be subject to sanctions, and funding cannot be used in violation of any applicable law, rules, or regulations (for example those addressing sanctions, financing of terrorism, and anti-money-laundering)
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$CODEX: Photosynthetic Fintech
We enable previously excluded individuals to engage is profitable citizen science by cataloguing urban trees.
Liquidity and development costs.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community
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The DeSci Journals
Gitcoin GR15 4k, Beta Round 2k
## Problem In the scientific publication industry, authors (scientists, professionals and, scholars), reviewers and most editors (also scientists) do not get paid for working in the peer-reviewing process of papers for science journals. Authors: 1) pay for publishing, 2) pay for open access and moreover, 3) have their copyright expropriated. Universities and Research Institutions pay shockingly high annual subscription fees so that alumni and staff have access to journals. Scientific publishing houses and science journals have outrageously high publication fees. These fees range from 2 to 6k USD for 1 paper, some charge 10k-15 USD/ paper. Open access is another 2-4k USD. Currently, it is right to say that the scientific publication industry hinders the advance of human knowledge. Paying attention only to their profits, legacy scientific journals: • act as filters to what they believe is high quality research worth publishing, • use high rejection rates which are uncoupled from merit, significance, and quality, • take a long time from submission to publishing, • undermine the expectations of the scientific community and the development of the human society. ## Solution **The DeSci Journals enables communities to operate as digital cooperatives for publishing scientific and technical content.** The DeSci Journals v2 | A solution for decentralized scientific journals. The DeSci Journals simplifies scientific journal creation enabling communities to operate as digital cooperatives for publishing highly skilled content. By creating a scientific publications platform called The DeSci Journals which will empower collaborative creation of scientific publications, leveraging web3 principles and technologies, through their platform's digital cooperative model. These communities and their peer-reviewed publications will maintain 100% of their copyrights, share gains and monetize the work of their highly skilled content creators, such as scientists, and technical professionals. These communities and their peer-reviewed publications will maintain 100% of their copyrights, share gains and monetize the work of their highly skilled content creators, such as scientists, and technical professionals. ## Roadmap 1. **Smart Contracts Development (v3) -** Develop and implement smart contracts that seamlessly incorporate percentage royalties into the submission and peer-review workflow. 1. **Validate the peer-review distribution payment process**. 1. **Integrate digital currencies payments**. 1. **Study and implement tokenomics for the $desci tokens**. 1. **Analyze and check on the possibility for the acceptance of other communities’ tokens and insert this analysis in the deScier tokenomics**. 1. **Smart Contracts Audit (v3) –** Audit developed and implemented smart contracts for security and bugs. 1. **NFT paper Minting (v3) –** Develop and mint scientific papers as NFTs for the Journals within The DeSci Journals platform, creating a dynamic and market-ready repository. 1. **Marketplace Development (v4) –** Develop a NFT paper marketplace as secondary market. 1. **Automate Online Manuscript Submission (v4) –** Implement an automated system for online manuscript submission, streamlining the publication process. ## Timeline Finances permitting, coupled with successful funding, this is the expected timeline. Utilizing the grant funds, we will strategically allocate resources to achieve the following objectives: 1. May 2024 -June 2024 (Month 1 to 2 after receiving funds) - Smart Contracts Development (v3) - Develop and implement smart contracts that seamlessly incorporate percentage royalties into the submission and peer-review workflow. 1. July 2024 (Month 3 after receiving funds) - Smart Contracts Audit (v3) – Audit developed and implemented smart contracts for security and bugs. 1. June 2024 - July 2024 (Month 2 to 3 after receiving funds) - NFT paper Minting (v3) – Develop and mint scientific papers as NFTs for the Journals within The DeSci Journals platform, creating a dynamic and market-ready repository. 1. August 2024 – November 2024 (Month 4 to 7 after receiving funds) - Marketplace Development (v4) – Develop a NFT paper marketplace as secondary market. 1. November 2024 – April 2025 (Month 7 to 12 after receiving funds) - Automate Online Manuscript Submission (v4)- Implement an automated system for online manuscript submission, streamlining the publication process. 1. December 2024 – April 2025 (Month 8 to 12 after receiving funds) - Explore privacy ID options, including for instance, the utilization of technologies such as ZPK and POAPs (v5). 1. November 2024 – April 2025 (Month 7 to 12 after receiving funds) - Establish mechanisms for building author reputation within the decentralized framework (v5).
The DeSci Journals are directly contributing to the advancement of the DeSci movement, by challenging the scientific publishing status quo and current industry by providing a solution which empowers scientists and scholars to retain copyright, share knowledge, and benefit financially. The DeSci Journals is open to communities worldwide. We embrace diversity in inclusivity by the very permissionless nature of our submission process for both papers and journals. Underserved communities and new areas of scientific knowledge will have a home in our platform. The DeSci Journals is grounded in its advanced development stage, currently transitioning from version 1 to v2. The DeSci Journals have strong goals aligned with the DeSci movement, and their founders and advisers are world-class experts on publishing, business development, community and crypto economy. By choosing The DeSci Journals as a publishing platform communities will be positioned at the intersection of cutting-edge features (e.g. % of authorship for their DAOs, 100% maintenance of author’s copyright, papers as NFTs, secondary market formation) and formal scientific discourse. By collaborating with The DeSci Journals, communities will not only capitalize on its technical merits but also tap into a flourishing ecosystem that aligns with a broader vision for the future of scientific communication. **We seek to revolutionize scientific publishing, bridging technology, knowledge sharing, and financial incentives for a transformative impact.**
1. **Smart Contracts Development (v3) -** Develop and implement smart contracts that seamlessly incorporate percentage royalties into the submission and peer-review workflow. 1. **Smart Contracts Audit (v3) –** Audit developed and implemented smart contracts for security and bugs. 1. **NFT paper Minting (v3) –** Develop and mint scientific papers as NFTs for the Journals within The DeSci Journals platform, creating a dynamic and market-ready repository. 1. **Marketplace Development (v4) –** Develop a NFT paper marketplace as secondary market. 1. **Automate Online Manuscript Submission (v4) –** Implement an automated system for online manuscript submission, streamlining the publication process. 1. **Explore privacy ID options** - Including for instance, the utilization of technologies such as ZPK and POAPs. 1. **Reputation -** Establish mechanisms for building author reputation within the decentralized framework. 1. Funds will also be used for **marketing** (<5%).
With the funds gathered from Gitcoin Round GR15 (Oct 2022) and Gitcoin Beta round (May 2023), we have: 1. 💡Tested the MVP. February-April 2023. We have been understanding needs and adjusting pitch language; deciding for niches to Alpha tests; 1. 🔈Opened a “Call for papers” for the 1st issue of the DeSci Journal. Started March 2023 to present. So far, 10 submissions were received. 1. 📝Sought for Editors and Reviewers actively searching with other DeSci platforms and DAOs. April 2023 to present. 1. 💪Formally partnered with 5 Partners: a), b), c), d) & e) icoLab (see 1. 💻Developed and worked on the new v2 publication platform. 1. 🎙Organized 3 DeSci presential events at 2 major Brazilian universities (Unicamp & USP) and at 2 main Blockchain events (in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) for promoting awareness about DeSci and blockchain technologies by engaging in outreach at various venues: The Open Science - DeSci at Universidade de Campinas-[Unicamp]( in May 2023, Blockchain São Paulo 2023 at Universidade de São Paulo-USP with the [DeSci Americas](ão-paulo-e-desci-americas-activity-7056368973268795392-ZO0r/?originalSubdomain=es) in June 2023 and Blockchain Rio 2023 with the [DeSci Summit]( in September 2023. Videos of the DeSci Summit 2023 in Brazil are available [here]( 1. Grown our Twitter account to 1494 followers (@desciers with only 4 followers on June 2022) [channel]( 1. 🕹Grown our Discord account to 217 members (created ~Sept 2022 [deScier Discord]( We have been using Dework integrated to Discord to announce tasks & pay bounties to our members. 1. ✈Attended the DeSci, Longevity and Biotech 2023 meeting in Roátan, Honduras. 1. 🚀Officially launched on December 12th, 2023 at the American Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo, Brazil, The DeSci Journal v1 at 1. Joined Vitalia in Roatán, Honduras during January 2024. 1. Attended as Invited Speaker in the Publishing Panel at DeSci London, March 24-25th 2024. 1. Developed The DeSci Journals (plural) v2. Recently, we have developed and deployed at a pioneering decentralized scientific platform showcasing all onboarded communities as part of a decentralized science library (please see attached pitch). This platform have onboard communities such as new areas of knowledge (such as Legal Engineering) and communities struggling to locate suitable venues for publishing their work (such as Biohackers, Cannabis and Mushroom research communities).
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DeSci Tokyo
Self-funding, crowdfunding and sponsorship
Over $50K
Hiro Hamada: Siro Takagi: Ryuichiro Maruyama: Kazuki Nemoto:
15 months
Science has been a key driver for innovation. However, multiple issues such as lowered impact of research, low reproducibility and increased research & development (R&D) have been raised. It is also known that Japanese science ecosystem has been delining. To tackle on these issues, DeSci Tokyo bring a new form of research ecosystem in Japan. We proposed new systems for peer-reviewing, funding, and research impact in 2023. Impact Citations Oka, et al., Autonomous, bidding, credible, decentralized, ethical, and funded (ABCDEF) publishing. F1000Res, F1000Research, 12, 877. Hamada, 2024. A novel ecosystem by decentralized science: Roles of DeSci.Tokyo. INFOSTA, 74 (3) Our current main target of DeSci Tokyo is to try a funding system based on different financial sources from industry and philanthropy. We now focus on building a funding system with QF, show a demo in July, and expect its deployment until the end of 2024.
Our project is to support the goals of DeSci as an international hub. To do so, we set the following three missions as DeSci Tokyo. 1. Building an international hub for DeSci in Tokyo 2. Supporting decentralized infrastructures for liquidating data and IP 3. Promoting a new form of metascientific exploratory research including DeSci and Science of Science In doing so, we hope to practice DeSci collaborating with other international hubs.
We will use funds for developing a funding system with Quadratic Funding (QF) and related expenses in Japan. We plan to call a endowment fund using the funding system to stake holders in DeSci and philanthropists.
No, we have not joined the past rounds.
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Maria Koval and Alina Fyodorova Olga Borysova: Newton Winter: and
Problem statement When you sequence your DNA or that of your loved ones, you're left wondering how your genetic code affects your health, intelligence and other traits. The problem lies in three key areas: 1). Lack of transparency and trust: Commercial companies often use proprietary algorithms and databases, making it impossible to understand how they arrive at their conclusions. It's like trying to decipher a code without the key. And, to make matters worse, different companies may give you conflicting results. 2). Lack of explainability: Traditional tools struggle to make sense of the vast amounts of genetic data. New machine learning models can handle this complexity. However, these models often come as 'black boxes'—powerful yet impenetrable, offering little to no insight into which biological processes are involved. 3). Lack of personal expertise: While you may know a lot about yourself and your relatives, you're not a geneticist. Interpreting the results of your genetic testing requires specialized knowledge. Even when the results are transparent, it's like trying to read a foreign language without a translator. Solution 1) The solution for the lack of transparency and trust is already deployed. It is our open-source platform ( ) is available for anyone to use, and you can run it on your laptop instead of our server. You can also check our code and trace how each prediction was made. All the code and databases are open-source and available on our GitHub ( 2) The solution for the lack of explainability is already in progress. We've started implementing GenNet ( ) module. GenNet is an interpretable neural network model designed for genomic data, into our personalized genomic service. We've also gained access to the UK Biobank, which we plan to use to train new models. 3) The solution for the lack of personal expertise is underway. We've already developed Genetics Genie, a custom GPT that answers genetics questions with knowledge of some genetic databases. If you have ChatGPT Pro account you can try it at , you can also check its code. However, we want to extend its capabilities using open-source LLMs like LLAMA 3 and Mixstral. We also want to increase the number of genetics databases it knows and improve its explanations. Roadmap A lot depends on the amount of funding we will be able to raise, but general plans are: For genetics AI assistant: Phase 1: Moving to LLAMA3 and other open-source models (Q2 2024): * Transferring the code from ChatGPT actions to langchain actions (either directly with langchain or through CrewAI agent framework) * Setting up open-source webintrafece and setting up interactions with open-source models * Evaluating how it behaves with open-source models and tunning system instructions Phase 2: Adding knowledge graphs and additional databases (Q3 2024): * Adding BioCypher knowledge graph integrations (see ) * Adding DBSNP, opentargets and other genetic databases (unless they are not already part of knowledge graphs) Phase 3: Agent-base optimization, active testing and improvements based on user-feedback (Q4 2024): * Agent-base workflows to improve results on specific types of queries * Improving performance based on user-feedback * PEFT (parameter efficient fine-tuning) in case if it is needed and if enough funding will be collected For GenNet: Phase 1: Integration Preparation (Q2 2024) Initial deployment and integration of GenNet into Just-DNA-Seq platform Phase 2: Testing and Optimization (Late Q2 to Early Q3 2024) * Conducting testing both internally and in a controlled user group. * Training additional GenNet models based on UK biobank data * Collecting feedback from initial tests and making necessary adjustments to the model to optimize performance and user experience. Phase 3: Full-Scale Deployment (Mid to Late Q3 2024): * Continuous monitoring and user support to handle any issues or updates
Our project really ties into the DeSci goal of making science accessible to everyone from its very inception. We’ve built it on open-source tech so that anyone can get personalized genomic information easily and freely. This means users can get detailed genetic reports that touch on important health and longevity topics, all in line with DeSci’s values of openness and community collaboration. We're now working on making our tools even more user-friendly by adding explainable AI models and creating a helpful AI assistant. This will help everyone understand their genetics better and make informed health decisions, pushing forward the idea of science by and for the people.
⅔ will be used to compensate for effort. ⅓ will be used on IT infrastructure and computation.
Our project was initially funded by Longevity Round, which was very successful and let us develop multiple source code repositories ( see ), publish 11 open-source Oak Var modules, and conduct several hack-your-own-genome workshops. The funding from the DeSci grant round was very modest, but it allowed us to: * develop Genetics Genie where we integrated results from the Just-DNA-Seq project with Longevity genie ( with open-source backend at ) * push our paper draft to a preprint which we are submitting to journals now * make several important usability improvements both to OakVar and Just-DNA-Seq app Last time, we also planned to integrate Plex into our dna-seq pipelines to make them truly decentralized, but we had to cut it due to insufficient funding, along with some other web3 features.
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DeSci Asia
Gitcoin Grants & GIVETH
-MetaPool x GIVETH QF round: 0.01114 mpETH ($39.47) -GIVETH Donation: $5.98 -Gitcoin Grants 19: 1006 UWeb3 community and edu round (PGN) GG19:638.2 U Global Chinese Communities (Optimism) GG19: 367.707U - Gitcoin Grants 18: $629.08 Ref:GG19 GCC round GG19 Web3 community and educational round GG18 Funding announcement on Twitter Twitter about GG18 application: GCC GR18:
Multi Sign Wallet holders: Mayu Twone Rashmi Bharat Swift Evo Execution team: Rashmi Mr..Patil ndehouche
8 months since Aug 2023
### Project Description DeSci Asia: Building bridges, sharing knowledge and fostering growth for DeSci communities in Asia. DeSci events summaries: ### Update on DeSci connection - 170 members, Q1 2024 - 120 members during GG19 - 100 members during GG18 - 11 DeSci events since 2024, , including China, Singapore, Indonesia, Kolkata. ### Update on DeSci Education DeSci self learning seriers - 20 by Swift EvoD的自學之路 DeSciAsia gains the translation permission of following two DeSci articles to Asia language for DeSci education, 2023 Project Lead: @rashmivabbigeri Project Lead: @myymgc DeSci Landscape analysis translation by Tranditional Chinese ( Molecule IP-NFT article translation in Traditional Chinese by Swift Evo @swiftevo1 Molecule IP-NFT article translation in Japan by Mayu Yamaguchi @myymgcによって変化する科学の現在-5143934cb2ef ### Update on local DeSci community development - 200 DAI retrospective funding for “DeSci Kolkata 4-days ideathon” on Apr 2024 - - Invite DeSci Thailand as speaker to introduce their community on Apr 2024- Internal zoom meeting with DeSci India and DeSci friends from India on 30 Oct 2023 - Sub-Channel of “DeSci news from India” and “DeSci news from Thailand” created, Sep 2023 ### Update on DeSciAsia Development - 35000 NOBL received and allocatted to early DeSci Asia members, Apr 2023 - - 32270 NOBL left for DeSci Asia community development - Execution team, Apr 2024 - Rashmi Mr..Patil ndehouche - Giveth application submitted (Ref: - Listing on DeSci.World (Ref: - Logo created (Ref: DeSci Asia partner list by Mr. Patil ( - Website development Contributor: @rashmivabbigeri & @ndehouche
DeSci Asia: Building bridges, sharing knowledge and fostering growth for DeSci communities in Asia, e.g. - Tranlate DeSci articles- Host DeSci monthly meeting for Asia projects and updates from international DeSci ecosystem - retrospective funding for Asian DeSci communities event- Manage a TG group for Asian DeSci projects and friends to bridge the DeSci connection in Asia.
Funding All funding raised through Gitcoin will also be exclusively dedicated to supporting the following task: - 50% fund: DeSci article translation or publishing by members- 30% fund: Local DeSci meet up - 20% fund: DeSci Asia long term community development
This is the first time DeSci Asia particiapting in DeSci grant round
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MesoReefDAO - Regenerating Reef Conservation with DeSci Web3 tools
11k USD aprox.
**Co-Founders** [MSc. Rodrigo Alfredo Nuñez-Inzunza]( (Co-Founder) [PhD. Jesús Ernesto Arias-González]( (Co-Founder) **Members** [PhD. Diana Morales-de-Anda]( (Fish Ecology) [PhD. Julieta Maldonado-Sánchez]( (Invertebrate Ecology) [PhD. Aarón Israel Muñiz-Castillo]( (Climate Change) [PhD. Andrea Rivera-Sosa]( (Coral Bleaching) [PhD. María Geovana Pech León]( (Coral Genomics) [MSc. José Luis Cabrera Pérez]( (Coral Reef Fish Fisheries) [Colleen Flanigan]( (Coral restoration practitioner + socio-ecological artist) [PhD. Viridiana Alvarado-Cerón]( (Coral Genomics)
15 months
The RegenReef Hub and Tool Kit (RRH) project has a compelling mission to support the regeneration of coral reefs and enhance coral reef conservation. By leveraging state-of-the-art technologies in aquaculture and advanced tools like [blockchain and web3](, the project aims to scale up [restoration interventions]( for [corals]( and [fishes]( (research already been done for us), particularly in response to [global anthropogenic climate change]( The focus on innovative techniques in ecology, genetics, and physiological characterizations underscores a commitment to cutting-edge solutions for coral reef conservation. The integration of [Decentralized Science (DeSci) tools]( and [Regenerative Finance (ReFi)]( further solidifies this dedication to avant-garde solutions, promising transformative impacts on reef ecosystems. The RRH's role as a central nexus for research, collaboration, innovation, and community science highlights its potential to redefine the trajectory of Caribbean coral reef ecosystems amidst [global climate change and local stressors](
Ecological Impact: We will monitor the growth and health of coral and fish populations in our facilities. Metrics include coral growth rates, survival rates, genetic diversity, and fish growth and species diversity. Environmental Impact: We will measure the environmental footprint of our operations, including energy use, water consumption, and waste generation. We aim to minimize our impact on the environment through sustainable practices. Community Impact: We will assess the impact of our project on local communities, including job creation, educational opportunities, and community engagement. We will also measure the adoption of sustainable practices by local stakeholders. Scientific Impact: We will track the scientific outputs of our project, including publications, presentations, and collaborations with other research institutions. We aim to contribute to the body of knowledge in coral reef conservation and restoration. Economic Impact: We will evaluate the economic benefits of our project, including revenue generation, cost savings, and economic diversification for local communities. Visibility and Accountability: We will use [Hypercerts](​​ and [Ethereum Attestation Services]( on-chain/off-chain to track the accountability of each component. This will ensure transparency and traceability of our actions, contributing to the [overall impact assessment process](
Prototyping to models of modular [Igloos]( [Igloo #1]( (6.0 m width x 18.0 m long x 3.35 m height) and [Igloo #2]( (6.0 m width x 6.0 long x 3.35 m height) (modularity could vary and will depend of the funding). Biobank or gene banking Laboratory: Equipped with state-of-the-art sequencing tools for studying coral genomics and physiology, identifying resilient traits, and creating genetically diverse coral strains. (~100 adult colonies) Coral and Fish Nursery: A controlled environment for nurturing coral fragments and post-larvae, ensuring optimal growth conditions before transplantation. Raising post-larval reef fish and potentially releasing them as juveniles with implanted sensor chips in coral out planting areas. Micropropagation Zone: A specialized area for microfragmentation and propagation, enabling rapid multiplication of healthy coral colonies.(~10,000 coral microfragments) Disease and Bleaching Research Unit: Dedicated to understanding diseases like SCTLD, and the physiological mechanisms that protect or induce coral bleaching, developing diagnostics, testing treatment options, and exploring the utility of probiotics in enhancing coral health and resilience. DeSci Web3 Collaboration Hub: Develop a web3 open-sourced decentralized platform to facilitate global collaboration, data sharing, and transparent funding for coral reef regeneration efforts with stakeholders locally and globally. Prototyping each component of the sections of the Phygital hub (1-6) on a smaller scale (see above).
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No Funding. Community driven project
Etica aims to solve the problem of financing researchers for their open-source contributions in the field of medical research. Etica blockchain was launched on April 17th 2022 Video presentation:
Etica supports the DeSci mission by providing a system that can finance open-source, decentralised and censorship-resistant medical research
If successful, Etica will use the funds to further develop its ecosystem and help more researchers get funded
This is the first participation of Etica in DeSci grants
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Not approved
Empowering Rural Women: Digital Financial Literacy and Bridging the Gap in Sustainable Agriculture
Grants, fundraising, gifts and lobbying
problem statement: In the heart of rural communities, where the pulse of agriculture beats strongest, a silent crisis unfolds, affecting the lives and futures of countless individuals. This crisis is multifaceted, rooted in a lack of crypto literacy, pervasive poverty, environmental degradation, and food insecurity. It is within this context that our project seeks to intervene, aiming to weave a tapestry of knowledge and empowerment for rural women groups who stand at the intersection of these challenges. The importance of addressing this issue cannot be overstated. Recent data indicates that over 70% of rural women in developing countries are engaged in agricultural work yet remain disproportionately affected by poverty. This economic vulnerability is exacerbated by a lack of access to digital savings tools and financial literacy, particularly in the realm of emerging technologies such as cryptocurrency. The gap in crypto literacy not only sidelines these women from participating in modern financial ecosystems but also hinders their ability to secure their economic future and contribute to the resilience of their communities. Environmental degradation further compounds these challenges. Unsustainable farming practices have led to soil depletion, water scarcity, and loss of biodiversity—critical issues that threaten food security for these communities. With agriculture being both a victim and a contributor to environmental degradation, there is an urgent need for sustainable solutions that can break this cycle. Our project targets rural women groups who are often the backbone of agricultural productivity yet face systemic barriers that limit their potential. By focusing on this population, we aim to address the root causes of food insecurity and environmental degradation through education on sustainable agriculturetechniques and digital financial literacy. The ripple effects of empowering these women with knowledge and tools extend far beyond individual gains; they have the potential to transform entire communities. The stakes are high, and the need is urgent. As we stand at the crossroads of technological advancement and environmental sustainability, our project offers a beacon of hope for rural women caught in the throes of poverty and food insecurity. Through our intervention, we aim to not only alleviate immediate hardships but also lay the groundwork for a future where these women are active participants in shaping a more resilient and equitable world. In conclusion, our project is not just an initiative; it's a lifeline for those who have been left behind in the digital age and bear the brunt of environmental degradation. By addressing crypto literacy, poverty, environmental degradation, and food insecurity in tandem, we can unlock a new horizon of possibilities for rural women groups, fostering an environment where sustainable agriculture thrives alongside economic empowerment. This is more than an investment in individuals; it's an investment in the very fabric of rural communities that form the backbone of our agricultural systems. Solution Our solution is to implement a comprehensive pre-and post-season planning program for farmers, tailored to their specific needs and challenges. By providing farmers with the necessary tools and knowledge to plan effectively before and after each season, we aim to enhance their agricultural practices, increase crop yields, and improve overall farm sustainability. Through this solution, farmers will receive training on crop selection, soil management, water conservation techniques, and pest control strategies. By empowering farmers with the skills to make informed decisions at critical stages of the farming cycle, we believe they will be better equipped to mitigate risks, optimize resources, and ultimately improve their livelihoods. By focusing on proactive planning and sustainable practices, our solution not only addresses immediate challenges faced by farmers but also lays a foundation for long-term resilience in the face of environmental uncertainties. This approach is rooted in our organization's commitment to promoting sustainable agriculture techniques that not only benefit individual farmers but also contribute to broader environmental conservation efforts within rural communities Timelines and Milestones Successful event execution 2 months Launch media campaign to raise awareness Media coverage and increased about sustainable farming practices and women community engagement saving groups 3 months Reach out to rural farmers through agricultural Engagement with farmers forguidance on sustainable extension officers for on-the-ground support practices 4 months Establish partnerships with local women's groups Formation of at least 50 women for the formation of saving groups saving groups 5 months Develop and distribute educational materials Distribution of materials to tailored to the local context target audience 6 months Create model farms showcasing sustainable Establishment of model farms agricultural practices in action demonstrating best practices 7 months Conduct pre-and post-season planning Completion of workshopsenhancing agricultural workshops for farmers productivity 8 months farmers and women saving groups Organize community events for knowledge sharing on sustainable agriculture and financial literacy The timeline above outlines key activities, corresponding milestones, and their estimated timelines for the project implementation. These activities are crucial in achieving our objectives of empowering rural farmers and women saving groups with knowledge and tools for sustainable agriculture practices, financial literacy, and environmental conservation efforts. By adhering tothe outlined timeline and milestones, we aim to make significant progress within the first 8 months of the project. From conducting surveys to establishing model farms and conducting workshops, each activity plays a vital role in advancing our mission of fostering resilience and empowerment within rural communities. The timeline provides a structured approach to ensure timely completion of key tasks and milestones, ultimately leading to the successful implementation of our project goals.
Our primary goal is to empower over 5000 farmers, including the establishment of 100 women saving groups, within a 24-month period. This will be achieved through comprehensive training programs focused on sustainable agriculture practices and financial literacy, specifically in the realm of digital savings tools and cryptocurrency. By equipping these farmers and women groups with the necessary skills and knowledge, we aim to enhance food security, promote environmental sustainability, and foster economic empowerment within rural communities. Objectives: Train at least 5000 farmers in sustainable agriculture techniques such as crop rotation, organic farming, and water-efficient irrigation methods to improve soil health and increase crop resilience. Establish 100 women saving groups that are educated in financial literacy with a focus on digital savings tools and cryptocurrency, enabling them to secure their economic future. Develop and distribute educational materials tailored to the local context that emphasize the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management practices. Create model farms that showcase sustainable agricultural practices in action, serving as learning sites for other farmers in the community. Conduct pre-and post-season planning workshops for farmers to enhance their agricultural practices, increase crop yields, and improve overall farm sustainability.
Introducing crypto/Web3 technology to our project adds significant value by revolutionizing the way we incentivize and empower farmers and women saving groups. By rewarding farmers who save $20 on their crypto wallets and those practicing regenerative agriculture with organic manure, we create a direct financial incentive for sustainable practices. This not only encourages environmentally friendly farming techniques but also promotes financial inclusion and literacy among rural communities. Blockchain technology is essential for ensuring transparency, security, and immutability in these reward systems. Through blockchain, we can track and verify transactions securely, guaranteeing that rewards are distributed fairly and efficiently. The decentralized nature of blockchain also eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing trust among participants. A traditional or Web2 solution would fall short in providing the same level of transparency, security, and efficiency that blockchain offers. Without blockchain technology, tracking rewards and ensuring their proper distribution could be prone to errors, delays, or even manipulation. Additionally, the decentralized nature of Web3 allows for greater autonomy and control over financial transactions compared to traditional centralized systems. By leveraging crypto/Web3 technology and blockchain in our project, we not only enhance the effectiveness of our reward mechanisms but also pave the way for a more inclusive and secure financial ecosystem for rural communities. This innovative approach goes beyond conventional methods by combining sustainability incentives with digital financial empowerment, ultimately creating a more resilient foundation for agricultural development and economic growth in rural areas
Never participated in the last Desci Round
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No Funding. Community driven project
Etica aims to solve the problem of financing researchers for their open-source contributions in the field of medical research. Etica blockchain was launched on April 17th 2022 Video presentation:
Etica supports the DeSci mission by providing a system that can finance open-source, decentralised and censorship-resistant medical research
If successful, Etica will use the funds to further develop its ecosystem and help more researchers get funded
This is the first participation of Etica in DeSci grants
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Twone: the fund should be check
Not approved
Empowering Rural Women: Digital Financial Literacy and Bridging the Gap in Sustainable Agriculture
Grants, fundraising, gifts and lobbying
problem statement: In the heart of rural communities, where the pulse of agriculture beats strongest, a silent crisis unfolds, affecting the lives and futures of countless individuals. This crisis is multifaceted, rooted in a lack of crypto literacy, pervasive poverty, environmental degradation, and food insecurity. It is within this context that our project seeks to intervene, aiming to weave a tapestry of knowledge and empowerment for rural women groups who stand at the intersection of these challenges. The importance of addressing this issue cannot be overstated. Recent data indicates that over 70% of rural women in developing countries are engaged in agricultural work yet remain disproportionately affected by poverty. This economic vulnerability is exacerbated by a lack of access to digital savings tools and financial literacy, particularly in the realm of emerging technologies such as cryptocurrency. The gap in crypto literacy not only sidelines these women from participating in modern financial ecosystems but also hinders their ability to secure their economic future and contribute to the resilience of their communities. Environmental degradation further compounds these challenges. Unsustainable farming practices have led to soil depletion, water scarcity, and loss of biodiversity—critical issues that threaten food security for these communities. With agriculture being both a victim and a contributor to environmental degradation, there is an urgent need for sustainable solutions that can break this cycle. Our project targets rural women groups who are often the backbone of agricultural productivity yet face systemic barriers that limit their potential. By focusing on this population, we aim to address the root causes of food insecurity and environmental degradation through education on sustainable agriculturetechniques and digital financial literacy. The ripple effects of empowering these women with knowledge and tools extend far beyond individual gains; they have the potential to transform entire communities. The stakes are high, and the need is urgent. As we stand at the crossroads of technological advancement and environmental sustainability, our project offers a beacon of hope for rural women caught in the throes of poverty and food insecurity. Through our intervention, we aim to not only alleviate immediate hardships but also lay the groundwork for a future where these women are active participants in shaping a more resilient and equitable world. In conclusion, our project is not just an initiative; it's a lifeline for those who have been left behind in the digital age and bear the brunt of environmental degradation. By addressing crypto literacy, poverty, environmental degradation, and food insecurity in tandem, we can unlock a new horizon of possibilities for rural women groups, fostering an environment where sustainable agriculture thrives alongside economic empowerment. This is more than an investment in individuals; it's an investment in the very fabric of rural communities that form the backbone of our agricultural systems. Solution Our solution is to implement a comprehensive pre-and post-season planning program for farmers, tailored to their specific needs and challenges. By providing farmers with the necessary tools and knowledge to plan effectively before and after each season, we aim to enhance their agricultural practices, increase crop yields, and improve overall farm sustainability. Through this solution, farmers will receive training on crop selection, soil management, water conservation techniques, and pest control strategies. By empowering farmers with the skills to make informed decisions at critical stages of the farming cycle, we believe they will be better equipped to mitigate risks, optimize resources, and ultimately improve their livelihoods. By focusing on proactive planning and sustainable practices, our solution not only addresses immediate challenges faced by farmers but also lays a foundation for long-term resilience in the face of environmental uncertainties. This approach is rooted in our organization's commitment to promoting sustainable agriculture techniques that not only benefit individual farmers but also contribute to broader environmental conservation efforts within rural communities Timelines and Milestones Successful event execution 2 months Launch media campaign to raise awareness Media coverage and increased about sustainable farming practices and women community engagement saving groups 3 months Reach out to rural farmers through agricultural Engagement with farmers forguidance on sustainable extension officers for on-the-ground support practices 4 months Establish partnerships with local women's groups Formation of at least 50 women for the formation of saving groups saving groups 5 months Develop and distribute educational materials Distribution of materials to tailored to the local context target audience 6 months Create model farms showcasing sustainable Establishment of model farms agricultural practices in action demonstrating best practices 7 months Conduct pre-and post-season planning Completion of workshopsenhancing agricultural workshops for farmers productivity 8 months farmers and women saving groups Organize community events for knowledge sharing on sustainable agriculture and financial literacy The timeline above outlines key activities, corresponding milestones, and their estimated timelines for the project implementation. These activities are crucial in achieving our objectives of empowering rural farmers and women saving groups with knowledge and tools for sustainable agriculture practices, financial literacy, and environmental conservation efforts. By adhering tothe outlined timeline and milestones, we aim to make significant progress within the first 8 months of the project. From conducting surveys to establishing model farms and conducting workshops, each activity plays a vital role in advancing our mission of fostering resilience and empowerment within rural communities. The timeline provides a structured approach to ensure timely completion of key tasks and milestones, ultimately leading to the successful implementation of our project goals.
Our primary goal is to empower over 5000 farmers, including the establishment of 100 women saving groups, within a 24-month period. This will be achieved through comprehensive training programs focused on sustainable agriculture practices and financial literacy, specifically in the realm of digital savings tools and cryptocurrency. By equipping these farmers and women groups with the necessary skills and knowledge, we aim to enhance food security, promote environmental sustainability, and foster economic empowerment within rural communities. Objectives: Train at least 5000 farmers in sustainable agriculture techniques such as crop rotation, organic farming, and water-efficient irrigation methods to improve soil health and increase crop resilience. Establish 100 women saving groups that are educated in financial literacy with a focus on digital savings tools and cryptocurrency, enabling them to secure their economic future. Develop and distribute educational materials tailored to the local context that emphasize the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management practices. Create model farms that showcase sustainable agricultural practices in action, serving as learning sites for other farmers in the community. Conduct pre-and post-season planning workshops for farmers to enhance their agricultural practices, increase crop yields, and improve overall farm sustainability.
Introducing crypto/Web3 technology to our project adds significant value by revolutionizing the way we incentivize and empower farmers and women saving groups. By rewarding farmers who save $20 on their crypto wallets and those practicing regenerative agriculture with organic manure, we create a direct financial incentive for sustainable practices. This not only encourages environmentally friendly farming techniques but also promotes financial inclusion and literacy among rural communities. Blockchain technology is essential for ensuring transparency, security, and immutability in these reward systems. Through blockchain, we can track and verify transactions securely, guaranteeing that rewards are distributed fairly and efficiently. The decentralized nature of blockchain also eliminates the need for intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing trust among participants. A traditional or Web2 solution would fall short in providing the same level of transparency, security, and efficiency that blockchain offers. Without blockchain technology, tracking rewards and ensuring their proper distribution could be prone to errors, delays, or even manipulation. Additionally, the decentralized nature of Web3 allows for greater autonomy and control over financial transactions compared to traditional centralized systems. By leveraging crypto/Web3 technology and blockchain in our project, we not only enhance the effectiveness of our reward mechanisms but also pave the way for a more inclusive and secure financial ecosystem for rural communities. This innovative approach goes beyond conventional methods by combining sustainability incentives with digital financial empowerment, ultimately creating a more resilient foundation for agricultural development and economic growth in rural areas
Never participated in the last Desci Round
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OpenCann Network
Gitcoin, Giveth, Near Foundation, Ocean DAO
Near Foundation $30K November 2021 Ocean DAO $3K February 2022
OpenCann is a community-governed, open-source data marketplace where anyone can publish, buy, and use cannabis research data. Our goal is to incentivize knowledge sharing and increase data availability at every point in the cannabis value chain from regulators to researchers, clinicians, product producers, and consumers. We’re building on web3 social rails to support the nascent cannabis data economy - with bleeding edge data science and AI tech under the hood. Community-scale experiments in decentralized science have yet to fully test hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of various forms of governance at increasing profitability. Some approaches represent a modest divergence from traditional models of scientific entrepreneurship. While others take a more radical approach with the goal of achieving success via increased throughput or targeting obscure and traditionally underfunded areas of research. The current iteration of OpenCann lands squarely in the latter category through the culmination of two years of research to identify best practices across the fields of DeFi and DAOs (specifically, data DAOs). Our app is a decentralized front-end stored on the Near Protocol Blockchain Operating System (BOS). We’re integrating password based FastAuth non-custodial wallet login (enables non-web3 native onboarding), a custom-built attestation-based knowledge graph, decentralized compute, and encryption by default. The marketplace and governance attribution system are being built using Hyperfiles enables OpenCann users to query relevant data and submit data science jobs as .JSON config files which can be created using a “drag & drop” no-code data science pipeline builder.
OpenCann’s mission is to accelerate the development of new cannabis based therapeutics. Cannabis has broad potential application when used intentionally for its physical and cognitive effects. Advances in the identification, characterization, and synthetic evolution of phytocannabinoids wield immensely broad potential impact in treatment paradigms for a wide variety of disease states. We believe a balance can be found in nascent post-prohibition cannabis markets between privatization of intellectual property to fund new research and proliferation of common knowledge about this ancient plant medicine as a public good. The initial impetus behind this project was a desire to unlock cannabis testing data my former clients lacked incentive to share. As my sophistication in the world of web3 and DAOs grew it became apparent that one of the primary goals of OpenCann is to lead initiatives that support the preservation of knowledge as a public good and support access to information as a fundamental human right. We believe access to verifiable data and knowledge form the core basis for societal improvement in the age of information. By decentralizing and lowering the cost to develop a wide range of new therapeutics, OpenCann has the potential to massively impact and improve human life.
All funds will be used to support ongoing development costs such as onchain storage, subsidized transaction fees for users, and to support other onboarding initiatives.
We deployed a chatbot trained on our >350 pages of documentation as well as multiple on-chain React components integrated into our frontend at Please follow @OpenCann_ on X for the latest updates.
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23, 000
@BH1991 @erinmagennis
Problem 1) There are no spaces where web3 developers and scientists can cross-pollinate ideas. Problem 2) Scientists are interested in DeSci but there is a large learning curve to get familiar with web3 terminology Problem 3) Web3 developers are interested in DeSci but have no idea how to contribute Our project solves all three. It is a six-month fellowship where scientists are brought up to speed about web3, developers are shown exactly how they can contribute and the two groups spend time cross-pollinating ideas. The Fellowship begins mid-may The roadmap for the future is to scale the number of Fellows in the cohort
We help with education and awareness of DeSci by taking scientists and web3 developers through a comprehensive curriculum so they have a solid understanding of the DeSci thesis, the technology in web3, and the current ecosystem of DeSci projects. We also help coordinate the Fellows to incubate DeSci projects with a focus on core DeSci Infrastructure
Operations, misc overheads
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Follow The Black Hare
donations on gitcoin and giveth
Gameplay and an exciting story can show and get across real technology and science, which can help to bring new minds. Our solution: the game Follow The Black Hare, a cyberpunk-themed RPG adventure with multiple endings.
he game serves as a platform for fostering a vibrant community of scientists, artists, and enthusiasts who can further explore and promote the concept of DeSci. This project's efforts in bridging the gap between the scientific community and the general public will undoubtedly help to adopt and utilize DeSci among scientists.
Сontributions will be allocated towards expanding our team with a skilled artist and a talented developer for release game
Over the past period, I have delved into the intricacies of the open-source game engine Godot, resulting in the development of a of a prototype for Windows.
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Bhau: Are there examples how DeSci is incorporated into this game?
Not approved
Laboratory for the Exemplary DeSci practices
More than $10k - for conception and strategic partnerships creation.
Problem Statement: DeSci ecosystem lacks perfect playgrounds for experiments with people ready to run them and participate in them. It leads to bunch of the mistakes while arranging DeSci DAOs or trying to solve scientific crisis. In the end - PR-successfull but slowing down projects that are similar to the stock corporations without real recruitment of DeSci potential. Solution: we worked hard to understand with whom and how to launch the first Laboratory for the Exemplary DeSci Practices. It will be artificial experimental DeSci DAOs for particular problems solving - under the roof of the Free University, where students will be participants in such DAOs. Roadmap: now - September --> operational procedures for proper announcement (social networks, agreements, scientists attraction) now - September --> preparation of Governance and List of the first experiments (with Q Development AG, Free University and Science At Risk Emergency Office) 6th of September 2024 --> official launch after the conference "Language & Freedom" taking place in Greece from 1 to 6th of September. September - December 2024 --> first five experiments running with the fully public diary of what's going on.
- It lets in silico (virtual) experiments with DeSci DAOs organization within the independent Free University ( - that continues values of free and unbiased education and science, - It will be launched officially after in-person conference in Greece, supported by the Science At Risk Emergency Office - to approve declaration, governance and constitution, and prevent fake accounts from the beginning, - It alignes with the unbiased samples collection and DAO arrangement for any experiment - to run the hypothetic and real practices in artificial conditions with students of Free University, - It will occur within the GOSH blockchain that confirmed its reliability in the ecosystem, - It will occur under peer-review of DeSci Sociologists and Mathematicians.
Funds will be allocated towards: - public relations efforts, - operational expenses for setting up experimental DAOs, - attracting scientists to contribute their projects, - preparation of first versions of constitution together with Q Development AG, Free University and Science At Risk Emergency Office.
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Twone: its quiet new
Not approved
OpenCann Network
Gitcoin, Giveth, Near Foundation, Ocean DAO
Near Foundation $30K November 2021 Ocean DAO $3K February 2022
OpenCann is a community-governed, open-source data marketplace where anyone can publish, buy, and use cannabis research data. Our goal is to incentivize knowledge sharing and increase data availability at every point in the cannabis value chain from regulators to researchers, clinicians, product producers, and consumers. We’re building on web3 social rails to support the nascent cannabis data economy - with bleeding edge data science and AI tech under the hood. Community-scale experiments in decentralized science have yet to fully test hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of various forms of governance at increasing profitability. Some approaches represent a modest divergence from traditional models of scientific entrepreneurship. While others take a more radical approach with the goal of achieving success via increased throughput or targeting obscure and traditionally underfunded areas of research. The current iteration of OpenCann lands squarely in the latter category through the culmination of two years of research to identify best practices across the fields of DeFi and DAOs (specifically, data DAOs). Our app is a decentralized front-end stored on the Near Protocol Blockchain Operating System (BOS). We’re integrating password based FastAuth non-custodial wallet login (enables non-web3 native onboarding), a custom-built attestation-based knowledge graph, decentralized compute, and encryption by default. The marketplace and governance attribution system are being built using Hyperfiles enables OpenCann users to query relevant data and submit data science jobs as .JSON config files which can be created using a “drag & drop” no-code data science pipeline builder.
OpenCann’s mission is to accelerate the development of new cannabis based therapeutics. Cannabis has broad potential application when used intentionally for its physical and cognitive effects. Advances in the identification, characterization, and synthetic evolution of phytocannabinoids wield immensely broad potential impact in treatment paradigms for a wide variety of disease states. We believe a balance can be found in nascent post-prohibition cannabis markets between privatization of intellectual property to fund new research and proliferation of common knowledge about this ancient plant medicine as a public good. The initial impetus behind this project was a desire to unlock cannabis testing data my former clients lacked incentive to share. As my sophistication in the world of web3 and DAOs grew it became apparent that one of the primary goals of OpenCann is to lead initiatives that support the preservation of knowledge as a public good and support access to information as a fundamental human right. We believe access to verifiable data and knowledge form the core basis for societal improvement in the age of information. By decentralizing and lowering the cost to develop a wide range of new therapeutics, OpenCann has the potential to massively impact and improve human life.
All funds will be used to support ongoing development costs such as onchain storage, subsidized transaction fees for users, and to support other onboarding initiatives.
We deployed a chatbot trained on our >350 pages of documentation as well as multiple on-chain React components integrated into our frontend at Please follow @OpenCann_ on X for the latest updates.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community
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Not approved
23, 000
@BH1991 @erinmagennis
Problem 1) There are no spaces where web3 developers and scientists can cross-pollinate ideas. Problem 2) Scientists are interested in DeSci but there is a large learning curve to get familiar with web3 terminology Problem 3) Web3 developers are interested in DeSci but have no idea how to contribute Our project solves all three. It is a six-month fellowship where scientists are brought up to speed about web3, developers are shown exactly how they can contribute and the two groups spend time cross-pollinating ideas. The Fellowship begins mid-may The roadmap for the future is to scale the number of Fellows in the cohort
We help with education and awareness of DeSci by taking scientists and web3 developers through a comprehensive curriculum so they have a solid understanding of the DeSci thesis, the technology in web3, and the current ecosystem of DeSci projects. We also help coordinate the Fellows to incubate DeSci projects with a focus on core DeSci Infrastructure
Operations, misc overheads
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Not reviewed
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Not approved
Follow The Black Hare
donations on gitcoin and giveth
Gameplay and an exciting story can show and get across real technology and science, which can help to bring new minds. Our solution: the game Follow The Black Hare, a cyberpunk-themed RPG adventure with multiple endings.
he game serves as a platform for fostering a vibrant community of scientists, artists, and enthusiasts who can further explore and promote the concept of DeSci. This project's efforts in bridging the gap between the scientific community and the general public will undoubtedly help to adopt and utilize DeSci among scientists.
Сontributions will be allocated towards expanding our team with a skilled artist and a talented developer for release game
Over the past period, I have delved into the intricacies of the open-source game engine Godot, resulting in the development of a of a prototype for Windows.
Hateful Content - No racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful speech, no discrimination
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Not reviewed
Not reviewed
Not approved
Laboratory for the Exemplary DeSci practices
More than $10k - for conception and strategic partnerships creation.
Problem Statement: DeSci ecosystem lacks perfect playgrounds for experiments with people ready to run them and participate in them. It leads to bunch of the mistakes while arranging DeSci DAOs or trying to solve scientific crisis. In the end - PR-successfull but slowing down projects that are similar to the stock corporations without real recruitment of DeSci potential. Solution: we worked hard to understand with whom and how to launch the first Laboratory for the Exemplary DeSci Practices. It will be artificial experimental DeSci DAOs for particular problems solving - under the roof of the Free University, where students will be participants in such DAOs. Roadmap: now - September --> operational procedures for proper announcement (social networks, agreements, scientists attraction) now - September --> preparation of Governance and List of the first experiments (with Q Development AG, Free University and Science At Risk Emergency Office) 6th of September 2024 --> official launch after the conference "Language & Freedom" taking place in Greece from 1 to 6th of September. September - December 2024 --> first five experiments running with the fully public diary of what's going on.
- It lets in silico (virtual) experiments with DeSci DAOs organization within the independent Free University ( - that continues values of free and unbiased education and science, - It will be launched officially after in-person conference in Greece, supported by the Science At Risk Emergency Office - to approve declaration, governance and constitution, and prevent fake accounts from the beginning, - It alignes with the unbiased samples collection and DAO arrangement for any experiment - to run the hypothetic and real practices in artificial conditions with students of Free University, - It will occur within the GOSH blockchain that confirmed its reliability in the ecosystem, - It will occur under peer-review of DeSci Sociologists and Mathematicians.
Funds will be allocated towards: - public relations efforts, - operational expenses for setting up experimental DAOs, - attracting scientists to contribute their projects, - preparation of first versions of constitution together with Q Development AG, Free University and Science At Risk Emergency Office.
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Not approved
WUW Fi Whatever - DeSci
X : Farcaster: msg-encrypted Lens: msg_encrypted
SocialFi aggregator of WUW can help and incentive scientist to do open source, get funded with the community and the protocol, to work on Science for the interest of the humanity.
In WUW, we can create content, tips, funding, quest to engage and help content creator and brand. A more scientific and DeSci part of WUW are gonna be implemented. Also I would love to collaborate with DeSci projects, to help reach audience with WUW, engage their communities and receive funds.
Marketing: Create content to help understand the utility of the DeSci. Development: Tokenomics, Smart contract, audit.
Not on the past DeSci grants rounds. First apply
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Bhau: seems like the project is trying to dip into DeSci for GG20? Don't see how this is DeSci
Not approved
Gitcoin: EthColombia - Quadratic funding: Gitcoin Round: DeSci , Web 3 Education.
@GordaBitcoin @CryptoNahue @Dhanny47
4500 USD
22 Months
DeSci LATAM is a public good that seeks to drive Latin American science, building bridges between the scientific community and the blockchain ecosystem. Some of the issues we aim to address are: The lack of blockchain knowledge within the scientific community. The lack of visibility of scientific projects. Assisting in obtaining funding and tools. Breaking down language barriers by providing information in Spanish and Portuguese. Roadmap Objectives for this year: Continue collaborating with other communities. Continue providing content in Spanish and Portuguese. Expand our audience. Add multi-language support to our website. Host Twitter spaces/Lives with scientific projects. Map sources of funding for scientific research projects. Improve the quality of our live streams. Apply to other grant programs. Participate in regional events, both blockchain and science-related. Organize our own events or side-events. Host a DeSci hackathon. Secure a DeSci Space at Devcon. Project reports from the DeSci Ecosystem. Mapping of DeSci communities. Host a DeSci hackathon. Secure a DeSci Space at Devcon. Secure space for DeSci at regional events such as ETH LATAM, ETH Argentina, etc. We are open to other initiatives along the way to our mission. Q1 We added 2 collaborators to the team Created a new version of our website Gave a talk at Vitalia - Honduras Pitched at Vitalia - Honduras 2 Live sessions with a scientific project 1 Live session with another DeSci community (MesoReef DAO) Promoted DeSci Rio and Blockchain Week in Rio de Janeiro Participated in a Twitter Space hosted by DeSci Mexico, discussing Women in Science Spread awareness of DeSci LATAM's activities at DeSci Summit in Denver Q2 Talk at UADE (Argentine University of Enterprise) Q3 TBD (We are planning to host events in LATAM) Q4 TBD (We will attempt to attend Devcon and secure space for DeSci)
Our project aims to be a disseminator of DeSci, our vision is to be leading advocates for decentralized science in LATAM.
- Team Salaries for 3 members - Pay collaborators - DeSci event or SideEvent - Services subscriptions - Website
Activities we carried out since the last round We opened our Telegram We opened our X, in Portuguese. We talked about DeSci at ETH Kipu: Collaboration with DeSci Bankless for multi-streaming with 5 stages and the creation of the website for the DeSci Unconference event. 2024 We added 2 collaborators to the team. Livestream where we discussed Privacy in Medicine and promoted DeSci Rio. Livestream of a research project on neuronal aging: DeSci LATAM Talk in Vitalia - Honduras DeSci LATAM Pitch in Vitalia - Honduras Twitter Space with DeSci MX: College Talk Recap of our visit to Vitalia: Mention of our work at DeSci Summit in Denver We discussed IPNFT with Mushroom Protocol We talked about DeSci and ReSci in the Mexican Caribbean: Exploring Projects in Blockchain Portuguese talk about DeSci Round and DeScier
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Spacefarer phenome
<100 USD
# Summary The **Spacefarer Phenome** is the concept of an optimized collection of human phenotypic traits, dictated by genetics, that are specifically adapted for the rigors of space exploration and life in extraterrestrial environments. It encompasses the idea of identifying or engineering these traits to enhance human resilience against space-related challenges, such as increased radiation, microgravity, and isolation, aiming to improve the feasibility and sustainability of long-duration space missions and off-world colonization. # Problem As humanity aspires to explore and settle in space, we encounter unique challenges, such as harmful radiation, microgravity, and psychological stress, that impact human health and longevity. Traditional space missions have highlighted these issues, but the ambitious goal of colonization demands innovative solutions to ensure human survival and well-being in space. Human physiology is not naturally suited to the harsh conditions of space, leading to accelerated aging, muscle wasting, bone loss, and psychological challenges. These factors severely limit the feasibility of long-duration space missions and the dream of colonizing other planets. Without addressing these challenges, the future of human space exploration and settlement remains uncertain. # Solution The **Spacefarer Phenome** is a visionary solution that focuses on identifying and engineering genetic traits that enhance human capabilities for space exploration. By leveraging advancements in genomics, biotechnology, and longevity research, this concept aims to develop a human phenotype optimized for space environments, ensuring individuals are better equipped to withstand the rigors of space travel and life on other worlds.
The project is a collaboration between [Overlake Biologics](, a DeSci longevity research and development initiative, and [PoSciDonDAO](, a decentralized autonomous organization dedicated to funding research in personalized medicine. The project aims to foster decentralized, open-source hard science to address blind spots in the current scientific narrative.
# Scientific goals - List and annotate traits conducive to space exploration, such as efficient DNA repair, increased muscle mass and quality, robust circadian cycles, and cardiovascular health. - Link these traits to genetic polymorphisms, gene expression signatures, and their associated regulatory contexts to identify biological nodes for future interventions. - Survey these nodes for druggable targets and explore existing therapies for potential repurposing. - Map the therapeutic efficacy of existing drugs to individual genomic profiles to develop personalization strategies. # Community goals - Develop collaboration across the DeSci ecosystem to attract expertise. - Promote understanding of the biological challenges of space travel and the necessity for personalized interventions to make space accessible to everyone.
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The CGM-x by Symbiont Labs
bh1991 (start up) / MoonDAO MakerSpace
<$1000USD / Hackathon
12 months
Our project, the CGM-X, addresses the pressing need for improved glucose monitoring among individuals managing diabetes. Existing solutions such as daily finger pricks or short-term, expensive glucose monitors pose significant challenges. The CGM-X offers a lifespan of over two years, eliminating the need for frequent replacements and reducing financial strain. It allows users to own their own data and opens the door for decentralised applications to be built on top of the hardware. Our roadmap includes finalising the design, conducting testing and validating the data it generates.
We are the first open-source hardware project in DeSci thus moving the entire space forward. DeSci is about correcting misaligned incentives and hardware is often overlooked in these discussions (eg simple inexpensive hardware being sold for a huge profit). Open source hardware is also important when conducting open decentralised research as users own their own data. Specifically for the CGM-X, there is a lack of long-term continuous blood sugar data given the difficulty in measuring it. Further development on top of CGM-X would be decentralised AI apps helping to guide the user's actions based on their sugar level as well as pairing it with an open-source insulin pump to deliver treatment automatically when needed.
Sensor sourcing, data analysis, and app development.
N.A. - None
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Bhau: TG user already has another project
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Archimedes' Lever
Gitcoin Grants
**Problem Statement** We all want Decentralized Science adoption – to liberate Science from misaligned incentives and proliferate beyond the confines of institutional laboratories - but the question is: **how do we effect such outcomes**, ***mechanistically***? ***How does the Scientific Process, Discovery of Truth, and the Application of Insights come to align itself with the Public Good?*** Navigating in this direction, one may arrive at the Science of Economics which invites debates around Money, Philosophy, or the Organization of Society/Civilization. *Who should govern the issuance of Money? How should it enter circulation? How should it be allocated? What should it finance?* Confronting fundamental premises of this ilk, it is likely that computer scientists & Cypherpunks were driven to congregate behind the identity of a Satoshi Nakamoto to deliver an answer: Bitcoin Bitcoin was followed by Ethereum, then came ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), then Decentralized Finance, and now we have a Cambrian explosion in Decentralized ___________ (enter sector in need of decentralization). It’s important we recount this sequence of events because ***“until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our life and we will call it fate,”*** wrote Carl Jung (paraphrased). That is to say despite groundbreaking developments, **Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash remained elusive.** No doubt, Bitcoin & Ethereum are core web3 primitives - they introduced Peer-to-Peer Exchange of Value and Peer-to-Peer Settlement of Agreements (Smart Contract Execution), respectively. However, Bitcoin has been widely adopted as a ***Store of Value*** commodity, while Ethereum is ubiquitously deployed as a ***Medium of Exchange*** for Value (e.g., Liquidity Pools, Liquid Staking Derivatives, etc.). Sure, they are commodity monies – BUT, **they are not Money in the strictest sense.** They do not store or retain value over the short-term, and neither do stablecoins as they are susceptible to de-pegs and relentless erosion of Purchasing Power through monetary debasement + inflation. This is crucial because Money cannot be a ***“Wheel that makes the World go around”*** if it is vulnerable in this way, nor can it break due to de-pegs (e.g., UST-LUNA cascading liquidations precipitating widespread defaults). We need Money to reliably stabilize value in a peer-to-peer manner with high fidelity, especially now that we have scaling solutions to onboard the next wave of users. In order to promote adoption of Decentralized Science, mechanistically, we require P2P Electronic Cash. ***This will enable us to denominate stable contracts; and fundamentally, to restore the scarcest resource in our world today*** – **Trust.** For Decentralized Science to serve the Public Good, **Trust is prerequisite.** **Solution** Fortunately, Peer-to-Peer Digital Cash is no longer elusive. And the protocol that outputs this innovative monetary instrument is at the Heart of the Archimedes’ Lever: This is the **AMPL-SPOT Protocol.** We intend to foster its growth by driving utility through integrations with DeSci & Healthcare (DePsi; Decentralized Psychiatry) related hybrid applications that bridge Onchain & Offchain worlds. Such a bridge can be forged if, for example, scientific data acquisition were to become “mine-able” or “stake-able” similar to how Ethereum staking is reimbursed in exchange for security provision. Moreover, this can be coupled with mental healthcare encounters that facilitate the generation of such valuable data so that Patient-Physician interactions can be “mined” or “staked;” e.g., administration of Neuromodulation therapies in outpatient settings. Necessarily, this will come to fruition in a stepwise fashion as other components of the web3 stack mature in tandem (e.g., data availability layers; cross-chain anti-fragmentation of liquidity; sufficient decentralization of layer 2 sequencers, to name a few). ***One such component is DeFi/web3’s 3rd Primitive:*** **Unit of Account – AMPL.** ***We believe this demands our collective attention at this time.*** An important insight gleaned from the Neuroscience of Ethereum is that the decentralized network appears to be modelling itself after the Nervous System, and so the behavior of Digital Assets is optimized by modelling Neurotransmitters (either that, or this is one monumental co-incidence). Neurotransmitters are Supply-Elastic by design, because this configuration enables the Nervous System to minimize its Free Energy (Entropy) within the Active Inference framework. Consequently, Elastic Decentralized Finance innovations (e.g., AMPL-SPOT Protocol) are poised to upgrade Ethereum & web3 towards a more optimal steady state. Instead of *“if you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry”* (to quote Satoshi; an understandable response in July 2010), actively raising awareness helps us all to minimize valuable time required for Consensus to emerge around this inevitability. Subsequently, with sound accounting & unbreakable contracts finally available at scale, DeSci projects can be adequately financed and responsibly governed. By leveraging Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash as a coordination tool, Archimedes’ Lever will seamlessly facilitate the clinical applications & scientific research of Neuromodulation therapies. **Tentative Roadmap, Timeline, and Implementation** Present – Q3 ’24: - AMPL-SPOT Protocol & Elastic DeFi mature, as does our collective understanding - Archimedes’ Lever grows to become better capitalized, feasibly facilitating acquisition of EEG equipment at qualifying outpatient mental health clinics - DeSci/web3 community building with scientists & physicians Q4 – Q1 ’25: - DeSci is to TradSci, as Psych3 is to web3 --> **Psych3 whitepaper** - Smart Contract engineering & Hybrid Application development to interface with web3 (through Ethereum Attestation Service, for instance) Q2 – Q3 ’25: - Hybrid Applications facilitate peer-to-peer verification, tokenization, & monetization (“mining” & “staking”) of mental healthcare encounters with high fidelity Q4 ’25 or sooner: - “Proof-of-Stimulation/Neuromodulation” is validated - Scale
The most viewed video on Models of the World YouTube channel is “Nature of Money” ( This video outlines the characteristics that make a good Money. Active Inference & Neuroscience of Ethereum helped us to see how systems attain stability by minimizing free energy. Particularly, we see how free energy (uncertainty & price volatility) can be reshuffled systemically so that risk is priced transparently for market participants. In other words, we go from Nature (or Philosophy) of Money to Science of Money. This aligns with Open Science and encourages DeSci projects to adopt novel engineering & design principles. Perhaps most directly, this project grants our DeSci community participation in the governance of this protocol to promote growth and advancement of the DeSci sector.
Funds will be deployed to accomplish everything mentioned above. We emphasize the urgency of these directives because translation of scientific findings into practice is thoroughly compromised, and access to + quality of mental health interventions generally is dismal. How this drives paradigmatic change for science is best left open to discourse, and we wholeheartedly welcome.
Groundwork has been laid Onchain. A longer term roadmap has been conceptualized.
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Bhau: Am I allowed to vote for my own? lol
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Lausof in DeSci: connect with science
x: Medium: paragraph
4 months
I am a biology student dedicated to bridging the gap between the scientific community and other knowledge domains, focusing on Spanish and Portuguese speakers. My work centers on leveraging emerging blockchain technology to address scientific challenges and foster innovative solutions. This involves creating a collaborative space where scientists and experts from diverse fields can exchange ideas and develop solutions through debate. I also promote the participation of individuals from various disciplines in scientific endeavors, emphasizing the importance of a rigorous scientific approach. My two key projects include microbiological and molecular analysis of bacteria in fish to identify the cause of a health crisis affecting rivers and reservoirs in my region, and using blockchain technology to improve the storage and analysis of biodata. I share the progress of my work through social media and aim to engage both the scientific community and the public to raise awareness and encourage collaboration. [![Problem](]() [![Solution 1](]() [![Solution 2](]() [![Roadmap](]()
First, it helps to open scientific knowledge to people outside of the science field, providing them with tools to get involved. Second, it will create a space to address data-related issues and management. Third, it will provide funding to support the biology studies and research of a woman, which is pretty cool!
Organize workshops where to encourage the exchange of ideas about problems and solutions, and support the iteration of initiatives to ensure they maintain a rigorous scientific focus. Furthermore, I am committed to my studies in biology both in the field and in the laboratory, where my goal is to advance molecular and microbiological analysis of fish to address the health emergency caused by bacterial contamination in rivers and reservoirs, a phenomenon that has led to massive fish deaths in my region. I will share the progress of my research through my social media platforms via blogs, videos, publications, and articles, as well as engage with the scientific community and the general public to generate greater awareness and collaboration.
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Bhau: I am more lenient with newcomers to the space. | Eva: Agreed! Let's encouraged new people to the space. | Agree Empowering Latam Women in DeSci is essential
Not approved || Automated eco-label powered by satellite data
1. none monetary funding so far. we have concluded our proof of concept scientific study with own resources. 2. ESA grant on satellite data access for non commercial purpose worth 5k Euro.
8 months
How can we encourage sustainability adoption in agriculture (globally)? It is proven that eco-labels incentive not only the reduction of carbon footprint but overall improve sustainable farming practices. By accessing a permission-less automated eco-label, farmers can proof environmental friendly compliance and be rewarded with a eco-label for accessing premium markets. Such proof is delivered in the form of a ZK cryptographic proof that is transparent and can be verified by any third party. We have concluded our proof of concept scientific report, that validates the indicators and methodology implemented to process and filter satellite imagery for obtaining the eco label compliance following ISO norms and EU directives standards. We have a LOI with the association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador interested in conducting a pilot for their 5,000 growers that will benefit from our solution.
Distributed and transparent systems, as opposed to centralised systems such as the ones in place now in this field, in which for instance, software companies like Simapro centralise all data regarding to life cycle assessment, makes impossible for small farmers to access and utilise their data. The possibility of accessing satellite data remotely, and process such data in a way that is not required for a corporation or a government institution to decide the outcome of such process, it is aligned with Ethereum foundation views. We have conducted scientific research on the technical aspects on how to build such eco-label. Having the opportunity to continue with such research in a global scale reaffirms the goals of DeSci.
Continue with our research for implementing the automated eco-label powered by satellite data framework. We shall conduct a follow up report with Riga Technical University Institute of Energy Systems and Environment RTU-IESE with the views of publishing such research.
We have not partake in a part round.
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Bhau: is this a DeSci project? No mention of web3 stack
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Decentalized Science NYC (DeSciNYC)
Problem Statement: In New York City, while there is a significant presence of academic and technological resources, there remains a gap in community cohesion within the decentralized science (DeSci) sector. Existing efforts have not yet fully bridged the divide between potential collaborative opportunities and the broader scientific community. Solution: DeSci NYC has been actively addressing this challenge by hosting monthly meetups for the past 14 sessions. These gatherings have steadily built a foundation, bringing together science enthusiasts, researchers, and thought leaders to share ideas, discuss innovative science methodologies, and foster a strong sense of community. Our project aims to expand these efforts, increasing awareness and participation in decentralized science across a broader audience. Roadmap: Ongoing: Continue to host and refine our successful monthly meetups, adding more diverse programming and outreach activities. Next 12 months: Increase engagement by partnering with local universities and tech companies to co-host events and introduce DeSci to a wider audience. Long-term: Position DeSci NYC as a central node in the global DeSci network, influencing similar initiatives worldwide and solidifying our role in promoting open science. Timeline for Implementation: We will maintain the momentum of our monthly meetups and build upon this established schedule. Enhancements to the program and partnerships will be developed over the next year, with the goal of significantly expanding our reach and impact by the end of 2025.
DeSci NYC promotes decentralized science by hosting open, collaborative monthly meetups that enhance access to DeSci principles, encouraging local scientists to adopt efficient, reproducible research methodologies. Our efforts democratize scientific discovery, connect disparate scientific communities, and foster global adoption of decentralized models, aligning closely with DeSci's mission to make science more open and accessible.
Event Hosting: A significant portion of the grant will be dedicated to securing venues, enhancing event logistics, and providing resources necessary for our monthly meetups. This includes rental costs, audio-visual equipment, and catering to ensure a welcoming and effective networking environment.
Open Source Website Launch: We successfully launched an open source website, which serves as a public repository for decentralized science resources. Growth in Membership: Attendance at our monthly meetups has grown by 40% over the past year, indicating a heightened interest in decentralized science principles within the local community.
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Astrochain - Decentralized Science
QF Rounds
Astrochain develops blockchain applications and infrastructure to power astronomy, decentralized science, and science outreach. The AstroFeed is a social platform designed specifically for astrophotographers and space enthusiasts. It allows users to share their work with a community of like-minded individuals, and provides a royalty program that ensures fair compensation for their efforts. The platform is built on the Astrochain Decentralized App, making it easy for users to mint their content onto the blockchain and ensure the protection of their rights. The development of the Astrofeed is around a third way complete as we have the Astrochain Decentralized App platform mostly complete but need to finish smart contract integration then do the subset contracts for the AstroFeed specifically. We have completed ActivityPub integration. The Astrochain Center is a metaverse that blends the worlds of space and astronomy, education, and blockchain technology. As a hub for space enthusiasts, researchers, and professions, the Astrochain Center offers a unique platform for community engagement and collaboration. The Astrochain center provides free access to the Astrochain database, where users can explore and discover astronomical anomalies and data. The 250,000sqft virtual model has almost been fully developed; visible on the project page - we are currently accessing potential metaverse needs or to create an in-house metaverse. The third component is the decentralized astronomical catalog. This involves using the blockchain and InterPlanetary File System to store data about astronomical objects and create a respective dapp to access the data from a front-end and to be accessible by python. This is currently in early planning and development.
Astrochain supports the missions and goals of decentralized science through developing technologies which will be free for public use including being able to access the catalog, use the social features of the astrofeed, and access the Astrocenter metaverse. Furthermore, we are working more on publicly facing science communication through creating articles and partnering with local organizations. We will be sponsoring the 2024 NASA Space Apps in Melbourne, FL.
The funds from the grant program will be utilized to continue in-house infrastructure upgrades, employ freelance talent on platforms like DeWork, Fiverr, etc and to use for developmental costs.
I have not participated in this DeSci grant round.
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