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Product Score:
Adam Christophersen
Meghana Hermes
A formal place to upload images and videos that will ultimately be used in a composed post or content library post
Created on:
Created by:
Adam Christophersen

Problem Alignment

The Problem/Opportunity

Describe the problem (or opportunity) you’re trying to solve. Why is it important to our users and our business? What insights are you operating on? And if relevant, what problems are you not intending to solve?
We’re going to solve for two, maybe three use cases here:
Ability to upload videos and images to a Media Library.
Ability to use the media with validations in the compose page from the media library

One of the largest challenges our customers on the Publishing platform face today is the ability to upload content with video to share across their social channels which are connected to the platform.


Supply any background information necessary for the problem/opportunity
Users have requested the need to upload videos to their social networks.
Currently as a quick fix we have allowed users to upload Videos in compose which takes time to process.


Describe the opportunity that lies ahead of us should we decide to build this product. What do we gain? What’s your first guess as to how we can achieve it?
A designated place to upload images and videos
Admins should be able to view all media in their Institution
In the next version adding the ability to edit an image

High-level Approach

Describe briefly the approach you’re taking to solve this problem. This should be enough for the reader to imagine possible solution directions and get a very rough sense of the scope of this project. (e.g., if “The Problem” was engagement in the design process from non-designers, “The Approach” might be a feed which surfaces work that's relevant to them.)
Under Publishing-> Content Library →Media Library Tab: The user should have the ability to upload media (images and videos). They should have the ability to name and sort the media. Similar to content library posts, users should be able to click submit on media post which would navigate to compose page with media attached.
In Compose: The user should be able to select the image or video from the media manager to post to the social network with validations for the particular network supports.

Goals & Success

What does success look like? What metrics are you intending to move? Explain why these metrics are important if not obvious.
Monthly active users increases xx% (heap)
Published posts increase of xx% MoM (heap)
Published third party content -
ARR Sales/Renewals increase of xx%
Upsell user count increase?

Solution Alignment

Give an overview of what we’re building. Provide an organized list of features, with priorities if relevant. Discuss what you’re not building (or saving for a future release) if relevant.
User Stories
Story Name
In Jira?
Media Product in Publishing
Publishing→Media Users should be able to upload and name the images/videos in the Media product.
Media will be only be available to users within same Institution.
All media uploaded and viewed within same institution
Media: Folders
All Users with CREATE_SOCIAL_CONTENT should be able to create and name Folders.
All users should be able to upload and view their own media
Media can be created/uploaded by users with CREATE_SOCIAL_CONTENT.
Admins can view all the media in their Institution
MANAGE_MEDIA: can view all the media in their Institution: Created by all the users in their institution.
Admins should be able to share media file with users/roles
Admins should be able to share a media file with list of users or roles. MANAGE_MEDIA: should be able to share media with selected users/roles
Confirm with mike
All users can submit/select uploaded media to their social networks based on validations
Media can be used by users with CREATE_SOCIAL_CONTENT
The users who don't have MANAGE_MEDIA can use the media they uploaded or media shared with them.
The users with MANAGE_MEDIA can view, upload, use, and share all the media in the Institution with their users/roles
Users should be able to view the media uploaded in the Media Manager
Users should be able to click on a “view” button to view the uploaded image or play the uploaded video. The details should also display the media format, size and dimensions. Also the supported social network based on the above parameters.
Users should be able to attach the media to a new post
Users should be able to click “submit” button to navigate to Compose page with the media attached. - multiple images
Users should be able to search and sort the media files
Users should be able to search for media files using the search tab. Users should be able to sort files by name
From compose page, users should be able to select images/video from Media or Upload new ones
Users should be able to click on the media icon to select media or upload media. Validations to the selected network will be applied in Compose
Compose display the media that has right validations for the selected network
Compose→ selecting media depends on network selected. Allow users to pick image/video with right validations for the the selected network
There are no rows in this table

Affected Personas

Link to Description
Admin Alice
Admin Alice is responsible for sourcing content,
Compliance Charlie
Compliance Charlie is likely to have to review more Media posts since his marketing team will likely be using these more often now.
Producer Pat
Not yet created. This is the role of the loan officer or insurance agent. They have the ability to log in to the Social platform to build and publish posts on their own behalf, and optionally automatically route them through an approval group. Alternatively they have the ability to use content from within a content library without routing through an approval group.
Producer Pat has more options for Media to pick from since it was so much easier for Admin Alice to supply Producer Pat with the Media.
There are no rows in this table

Key Flows

Show some mocks/embeds of the experience. Link to any other documentation as necessary. In general, it’s helpful to organize these around certain user journeys / use cases. Show enough of a clickthrough where people can walk away with a reasonable understanding of how the product works.



Open Issues & Key Decisions

Keep track of open issues / key decisions here. Sometimes, certain decisions are made that might feel controversial; document these here so people know that the discussions have happened and there’s strong awareness of the tradeoffs.
Validations in compose
Approval workflow needed confirmed with CS team -
@Adam Christophersen
Large customers will need approval for media
Personal Linkedin/ companies
Media approval - BOK, Home loan expert

What are we NOT doing?

Launch Readiness

Answer By
Instructions (if necessary)
Will new learning material be needed (or updates to existing documentation)?
Will this feature require new support processes?
Could current customers experience an adverse effect?
Will tracking be required in order to measure success, risks and impact on user behavior for the new feature?
Is this likely to impact ARR?
Are we turning this feature on for everyone immediately (versus a gradual rollout)
Is any training required for our sales team?
Are we running a Beta for this?
Do we need an onboarding experience?
Will there be an external product launch associated with this?
Are any product marketing assets required?
Will this be available only in certain pricing tiers?
Could this break any existing integrations?
Are there any additional permissions that will be required from the social networks?
Are you introducing new data models, or exposing new API end points? Or are you changing anything to do with Authentication, Sign in, or Sign up? Is data flowing to a new vendor or outside of Figma prod ?
Are we collecting any data that we did not already, or are we using any data in a manner that we did not already use it in?

Marketing Project

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