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Learn Like an Athlete by David Perell

Knowledge workers should train like athletes. Pick the right projects with defined start and end dates, develop new skills, and increase the skills you have with this template.
David Perell

A project tracker to learn like an athlete

This project tracker is based on this by David Perell. The goal is to learn in three-month sprints to achieve some end result. This template allows you to track all the books you want to read, the people you want to study, and other projects you want to accomplish in the next 3 months. To start, you’ll write a positive vision about what you want to achieve, the purpose for your goal, and start and end dates.
You can then start adding items to your project tracker depending on whether it’s a book you want to read, person you want to research, or other miscellaneous projects. For each individual project, you can define the duration (in minutes) you want to spend on the project, the status, total estimated hours, and actual hours to complete the project.
From the :
Learn in three-month sprints and commit to a new learning project every quarter. The end goal should be clear. Start by writing down a positive vision for your future. Focus on the end goal, not the skill itself. For example, rather than saying “I want to learn how to draw,” I focused on the end goal: “moving forward, all the charts, graphs, and images on my website will be hand-drawn.” - David Perell

Other features of this project tracker

Buttons to quickly add new items to your project tracker
A column that automatically calculates the difference between the estimated hours and actual hours to complete a project
High-level stats about the number of projects you are working on
Kanban board views of the books you want to read, people you want to research, and miscellaneous projects

on how to use this template.


Add your books, people to study, and other projects in the
View a kanban board of each category of things you want to learn in , , and

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