JG Web Performance


The existing page header (pop-up + form) requires old & heavy plugins to work:
The same functionality can be achieved with simple HTML/CSS and these plugins can be removed.
I have already done the groundwork of rebuilding header this:

Benefits of new header:
Ability to get 95+/100 on mobile
Increase in conversions from improved UI and speed
Less optimisation required. Long term speed. Reduced risk of errors.
Analytics work better as not delayed from firing.
However, before new header implementation all sites can still all be 80 + for mobile & 90 for desktop.
I can do 5 sites this week + create documentation
Also can optimise security this week of 5 sites + create documentation. Main security flaw is login page is default at /wp-login.php - more info:

I have also repurposed a “cascading single question form” happy for you to pilot free of charge:

Table of all sites:

Project Fees
5 sites
All Sites
All Sites + GitHub
Deliver header & form code
Deliver header & form code
Deliver header & form code
Speed up 5 sites
Speed up ALL sites
Speed up ALL sites
Secure 5 sites
Secure ALL sites
Secure ALL sites
Create speed & security guides
Create speed & security guides
Create speed & security guides
Implement security & performance monitoring
Implement security & performance monitoring
Implement security & performance monitoring
Free: Pilot upgraded lead capture
Free: Pilot upgraded lead capture
Free: Pilot upgraded lead capture
Add sites to GitHub for future development
There are no rows in this table
Header code, speed & secure 5 sites, implement monitoring, upgraded lead capture: £1200
Header code, speed & secure ALL sites, implement monitoring, upgraded lead capture: £1600
Header code, speed & secure ALL sites, implement monitoring, upgraded lead capture, add sites to GitHub: £2000

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