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BLR Handbook
Growth & support

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Growth plan

This is a loose framework for how to have Growth Plan sessions. With time, we'll learn what's useful and what isn't and build on this process.
A growth plan is a document co-created with our mentor. It lays out a small number of prioritized items we will dedicate ourselves to over the next several months. Its purpose is to create a trajectory for our personal and professional growth, and recruit our mentor to support us along the way.
It can include, but isn't limited to, items such as:
to practice
Personal aspirations
Professional aspirations
Specific soft or hard skills to improve
The growth plan will be reviewed every 6 months () to create momentum and an opportunity to reflect on progress, but it can be discussed and updated at any point throughout in .

A simple process

The process for coming up with a growth plan is simple
First, we prepare for the growth plan session using the reflection questions below.
Next, the first call takes place and is loosely centered around the reflection questions. This is a discovery call and aims to surface various priorities and get input from our mentor
Finally, on the second call, and after these ideas have settled, we can agree with our mentor on a subset of priorities to focus on for this period of ~6 months

Preparing for the first call

Before the first call, reflect on the following:

What role are you excited to grow into in the mid-term (3-5 years)? This does not have to be within BLR.
When BLR grows to a team of 50 people, what role do you see yourself taking on?
What specific technical skills do you think you should improve on and are excited to learn more about?
When reading through the , what qualities stand out as the areas you would benefit most from improving on?

Before the first call, mentors should reflect the following:

What are key future roles in BLR that the mentee might be suited for? And what learning and improvement would be required to prepare them for that role?
What technical skills could they learn and improve on to thrive in their current role?
What non-technical skills (principles and communication) could they learn and improve on to thrive in their current role?
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