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BLR Handbook
Growth & support

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Appreciation and recognition

We strive to be quick to highlight how another team member is contributing in a positive way.
We share our appreciation: When the behavior of a member has a positive impact on us, e.g., helps us do better work, feel better, or learn something important. We tell them, celebrate them, and thank them.
We give recognition: When we see a member putting in effort to improve something for themselves or the team; or, if they excel in one or more or , we tell them and celebrate them.
We do this frequently, and as a result, we make the team member happier, ourselves happier, and positively reinforce behavior that will help us all succeed.

Practical suggestions

When you feel appreciation or notice effort worthy of recognition:
Choose where to share it: It can in writing or spoken, in a private or a group setting. The most common options are: on our group #blr-praise Slack channel, on a 1-1 or team call, or in a Slack DM. Think about what the person on the receiving end would appreciate the most.
Share it! More specifically, communicate the (B)ehavior you noticed and the (I)mpact it had. For example:
“When you did X (B), it had Y effect on the team (I).”
“When you did X (B), it made me feel Y (I).”
“By making effort to improve X (B), it’s inspired me to do Y (I).”

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