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Gamestorming: Design your meetings like you design your apps 

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The 7Ps

Every meeting should have a plan. Sketch out the fundamentals of your meeting with your team.

Facilitator Instructions:

1) Add ideas: Encourage your team to help design the meeting by clicking the "Add an Idea" button or click on the (+) icon when you hover over the bottom of each idea.
2) Organize ideas: If you use the "Add an Idea" button, drag and drop the idea to the appropriate "P" in the framework (hover over the left of the row to drag and drop).
Add an Idea
Clear sample data


Why are we having this meeting?
Need to set quota for next quarter
Al Chen
Introduce new salespeople to the team
Al Chen


What specific artifact will be produced from this meeting?
Outline of products and services we will be selling
Al Chen


Who needs to be there and what role will they play?
VP of Sales to give kickoff
Al Chen
Finance to give guidance on quotas
Al Chen


What agenda will people use to create the product?
Start with visionary speech by VP followed by new hires
Al Chen


What are the risks in this meeting and how will we address them?
Discussing last quarter's wins/losses → this is being handled in an email
Al Chen


What would be useful to do in advance?
Read the summary provided by product on new features we are releasing
Al Chen

Practical Concerns

Logistics: Who, when, where?
Main conference room on the 5th floor
Al Chen

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