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Gamestorming: Design your meetings like you design your apps 

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Impact & Effort Matrix

Possible actions are mapped base on two factors: effort required and potential impact. This is useful after a brainstorming session like 3-12-3 Brainstorm

Facilitator Instructions:

1) Create a goal: Write a goal in the form of a "What to do" or "What we need" question in the yellow highlighted text.
2) Generate Ideas: Let everyone brainstorm by clicking on the "Add an Idea" button to write their ideas. Once everyone has finished writing their ideas, check the "show all players' ideas" to reveal everyone's ideas.
3) Identify matrix location: Have players drag and drop their ideas in the Impact/Effort matrix. Ideas that are high impact/low effort are green.
Related games:

Step 1: Create a goal - What do we need to reach our goal?

Step 2: Click the "Add an Idea" button below to add your idea.

Add an Idea
Clear sample data
show all players' ideas
Shishir Mehrotra
Al Chen
Dave Mastronardi
Shishir's second idea
Shishir's first idea
Shishir's third idea
Al's third idea
Example Idea
This would be an idea

I’m done adding ideas:

Step 3: Drag and drop your idea in the matrix below depending on the Effort and Impact for that idea

show all players' ideas
🏄 Low
👷 High
👷 High
Example Idea
Dave Mastronardi
Shishir's third idea
Shishir Mehrotra
Shishir's second idea
Shishir Mehrotra
🏄 Low
This would be an idea
Dave Mastronardi
Al's third idea
Al Chen
Shishir's first idea
Shishir Mehrotra

Impact Effort Matrix Data

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