Vendor Payments

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Supply Note

SN sends Sale Order (SO) towards the end of each quarter. Sale order contains breakup of the total amount due with brand names and # of outlets.
Finance updates the same on the
Finance shares the sheet with Retail and EMM AM teams to input the correct # of stores against that shared by SN. AMs add remarks wherever there is a discrepancy
Finance collates the discrepancies along with remarks and shares to SN.
SN shares the revised SO after adjustments.
Finance releases the payment as per the revised mutually-agreed SO. Note: Finance can hold the GST portion of the total payment and release the same upon receipt of tax invoice from SN
SN shares the tax invoice after receipt of payment from LT. LT to release GST portion if held earlier.

SN counts Warehouse also as one outlet but AMs tend to ignore it. This needs to be factored in while doing the verification
P&L Impact
(to be done)
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