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Agreements - SOP


The process around creating, editing and maintaining all contractual agreements would entail the following aspects:

(A) Process flow (Visual and Descriptive)
(B) Vetting Checklist
(C) Record maintenance and Audit

(A) Process Flow

Legal@2x (1).png

Steps (descriptive)

The initial draft of the agreement can be prepared either by LT or by the client, depending on the specific case.
If the onus is on LT, then Finance will prepare the draft agreement using the available template adding relevant details for
If the client takes the onus upon themselves to prepare the agreement, then it is received by Finance and Level 1 vetting happens, covering matters mentioned in the vetting checklist as well as all clauses in the draft.
Post the above, the draft is shared with the Founder’s Office team who will undertake Level 2 vetting of the same and make necessary changes, wherever required.
At this point, there is an evaluation of whether an expert consultation is required from Legal/CA with respect to one or more matters.
If yes, Finance takes the consultation accordingly and makes any further edits that may be required based on the consultation received and aligns with the team internally.
If no, Finance aligns with the team internally on the final draft of the agreement
The final draft is then shared with the other party, keeping Founder’s Office, AM Lead and any other concerned person in the loop.
When the response from the other party is received, it is evaluated whether there are any edits or clarifications from the other party’s end.
If yes, then the process is repeated from the Finance and Founder’s Office teams (refer flowchart above)
If no, then Finance obtains the signature of the LT Authorised Signatory along with the stamp of the Company Seal.
The LT signed agreement is then forwarded to the other party to obtain their signature
Finance follows up on the same, receives the signed agreement from the other party and stores the same as per the guidelines on record maintenance (Refer section C below)

(B) Vetting Checklist - Important matters

Add task
Entity Address
Lock-in period
Term + Auto-renewal clause
Legal entity vs Billing geography
Arbitration checking
Invoice disputes - time-limit for escalation
There are no rows in this table

(C) Record maintenance and Audit

Google Drive (Dataroom):

All signed agreements available as of date must be stored on the Google Drive of as per the following path:
Dataroom GDrive
→ Finance & HR → Legal → MSA Agreements → Client Contracts → <Relevant alphabet folder>

Digital Documentation Tool

We are currently evaluating using a digital documentation tool to streamline workflows around creating, sharing and maintenance of legal contracts. If we go ahead with the same, the documents will be stored on the tool itself and backups will be maintained on Dataroom in the above path.


The MSA tracker will be audited every 30 days on the following aspects:
Process adherence of ongoing agreements during the time of the audit
Agreements due for renewal
Change in commercials terms and legal/contractual documentation for the same
Backup on Dataroom of any new agreements signed since the last audit
Reconciliation between records on the digital documentation tool and backups on Dataroom

Current status

Project Timelines - Agreements Consolidation

Record Maintenance (Comparative Evaluation of digital alternatives)

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