About Me

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Job search help

On the job search? If you’re an HR professional that’s been laid off during the past few months, feel free to reach out. The job search can be hard. And I’m happy to exchange ideas, be a sounding board, and to offer encouragement.
Quick rules:
Preference is for HR / Talent people (or those looking to get into the space).
No vendors looking to pitch me. (Only startups that are genuinely seeking product feedback).
Default is for 15 min, but quite happy to chat for longer.
You can schedule time with me .
Don’t worry if we haven’t met. So long as you have genuine questions, I am happy to chat.

💼 People Ops Job Search Resources

If you are searching, feel free to reach out. I know the job search can be tough. And I’m happy to offer encouragement, candid feedback and make connections within my network.
(I’m looking to grow this list - please feel free to share your own resources and I’ll add them)
(roundup of HR postings / direct member postings)
HR-focused Recruiting Agencies - I’ve chatted with a handful of companies in the SF Bay Area that I would be happy to recommend:
: a tool for organizing your job search. (Haven’t used directly, but really encourage anyone searching to use a tool like this)
: a really great resource for inclusive interviewing
Reach out to me and I’ll keep an eye out!

Sabbaticals and Career Breaks

The idea that we should have contiguous full-time employment between the time that we finish school (whatever that level may be) through the time that we retire, is wrong.
We should embrace gaps, whatever the reason may be.
All sorts of life events happen. Caring for loved ones in times of need. Spending time with family. Discovering passions. Traveling the world uninterrupted by the worry of an inbox while your body can still venture far. Finding yourself through community engagement. Slowing down to heal, both mentally and physically.
In some cases, a break in career is a choice. In others, it is forced upon them. Whatever the reason, there was something that instigated it. The desire to see your child grow. The lack of fulfillment from a corporate job. The yearning to create and not siloing it to nights and weekends.
It is my hope to break this stigma. My aim will be to collect resources (in addition to my own writing) to support that effort.

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