Written to Support on June 24.
Wish for the "Not spam" process to work more like the Screener
1. Open a spam email and assess it's not spam.
2. Click Not spam.
3. Observe that you're now in Imbox and the email is Already seen.
This last step makes me feel lost every time, due to my 2 expectations:
A. I expect to decide immediately where to filter this contact's messages in the future.
B. I expect to continue processing my other spam messages to be done with them ASAP.
Instead, if I want this message in the Feed or Paper Trail, I need to:
(1) find it at the top of Already seen,
(2) open it,
(3) click on its contact,
(4) choose where its messages will be filtered to in the future, and
(5) get back to the message, and
(6) move it there; then
(7) navigate back to the Spam view (without any quick shortcut to help with that.)
(8) for each Not Spam email found there, click Not Spam and re-do the 7 steps above.
Or if I want this message in Imbox and to Set Aside or Reply Later, I need to find it back before.
So, to me...
What you chose to implement for Spam seems like a step back from a traditional email client.
I realize I'd like the Spam view to work a bit like The Screener!
Honestly, I expected Not Spam'ed emails to appear in the Screener, but I realize you'd tell me it's not logical because I already decided I want those emails; but I haven't yet decided where I want them, e.g. "Not spam, I'm screening it into my... Feed!"
p.s. what you're doing is awesome, and I suppose you already have great plans for Spam handling...