
Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC)

First, some important concepts:
Ex ante jurisdiction is the power to prevent an activity from occurring.
Ex post jurisdiction is the power to punish an activity after it occurs.
As it concerns electric lines, the ACC has two separate powers: line siting and ratemaking. Line siting is an ex ante power while ratemaking is an ex post power.
The ACC’s line siting jurisdiction is established under . Notably, section 10 limits this ex ante jurisdiction to above ground transmission lines only.
Meanwhile, the ACC’s ratemaking jurisdiction is established under . Its ratemaking jurisdiction is much broader than its line siting jurisdiction. It applies to any and all charges:
Charges demanded or received by a public service corporation for any commodity or service shall be just and reasonable.”
The ACC’s ex ante line siting jurisdiction is not a function of its ex post ratemaking jurisdiction. They are two separate statutes.
In advising the ACC’s Commissioners on a proposed policy statement, the ACC’s legal counsel and staff outlined this very separation of powers ():
Does the ACC have jurisdiction?
Line Siting
Overhead Transmission
Underground Transmission
Overhead Distribution
Underground Transmission
There are no rows in this table

What does this all mean?

The utilities sometimes claim that the ACC can override local laws that require undergrounding. We can find no support for this claim and would welcome evidence otherwise. We believe it relies on a fundamental misunderstanding of the ACC’s jurisdiction. While the line siting statute has a mechanism for overriding local laws under very narrow circumstances (: ”unreasonably restrictive and compliance therewith is not feasible in view of technology available”), the ratemaking statute has no such mechanism. And the line siting statute does not apply to underground lines.
Thus, if your local laws have an undergrounding requirement, the ACC should not be able to stop their enforcement. And, we have not seen any evidence that the ACC has ever denied rate recovery for complying with local laws. If you have such evidence, please send it. In fact, Arizona utilities would not have over $6 billion of underground lines in service on their FERC balance sheets, which is net of “contributions in aid of construction,” if denial were standard practice ().

The Courts

In , the Arizona Supreme Court determined that (at p. 451): “...local governments can prescribe undergrounding within their boundaries”; and, “[alternative funding mechanisms do] not prevent the Town from mandating the undergrounding at utility expense.”
In , the Arizona Court of Appeals determined that whether the requirements of a plan constitute an enforceable regulation is up to the city council (at p. 290): “[under the] standard of consistency with the general plan ... we will not substitute our judgment for that of the duly elected legislative body, the city council.”
Thus, duly elected local legislative bodies can determine local undergrounding mandates through their ordinances, codes, plans, etc. The utility companies nor the ACC have the power to ignore those mandates.

The Municipalities

Municipalities across Arizona mandate the undergrounding of electric lines, especially in new developments. Below is a non-comprehensive sampling of some of those mandates.


From a City of Chandler presentation to the ACC, the Chandler City Code mandates undergrounding in many situations:
Chandler Codes 47-4 and 46-9.2 require undergrounding.

Paradise Valley

In 1964, the Town of Paradise Valley passed Ordinance No. 30 requiring new and higher capacity utility lines to be placed underground. The ordinance stated:
" person shall erect within the town boundaries and above the surface of the ground any new utility poles and wires except after securing a special permit therefor from the Town Council..."
Criminal penalties were provided for failure to comply with the ordinance.
As referenced above, APS sued the Town of Paradise Valley and lost at the Arizona Supreme Court.
This mandate, while watered down, still exists today under Paradise Valley Code Section 1102.2(E)(2):


Scottsdale Revised Code Section 47-80 mandates the undergrounding of distribution lines:


The Tucson City Code has undergrounding mandates for new developments similar to other municipalities. It also has undergrounding mandates for certain streets and areas. Here is a sampling:
Tucson City Code 5.3.9(A):
The University Area Plan, which is a part of the City’s general plan:

ACC Policy Statement 79140

The above policy statement was adopted by the ACC on at the request of attorney Meghan Grabel, on behalf of APS, SRP, TEP and UNS Electric (see ).
While policy statements are not laws, given , we believe this policy statement is based on erroneous information. Each project should be evaluated by the ACC on its own without blanket prejudgments based on unchallenged arguments from utility company lobbyists.

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