14 billion years

The universe has existed for 14 billion years. Our solar system and planet Earth were created by the solar nebula. Essentially, the solar nebula is a cloud of gas and dust. Formed 4.5 billion years ago. The Big Bang explosion, also known as the supernova explosion, is where the earth's elements come from.
Photosynthesis is a process that require carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight, resulting in oxygen essential for living organism.
Our bodies' respiratory systems inhale oxygen from plants and exhale carbon dioxide, both of which are necessary for life. There is basically an exchange between plant and humans.
Plants produce oxygen and energy in the form of sugar. That energy is passed on to plants and animals. This means that the energy from the sunlight is not being stored in animals and plants' bodies. So when they are buried, they become fossil fuels, fossil fuels then are burd (wood, animals, plants), we release that energy back to the atmosphere.
The Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.035% CO2, 1% Ar.
The greenhouse gases, CO2,CH4 and N2O, capture some of the reflected energy. This trapped radiation keeps the earth's surface warm enough for living things to survive. The effect is that there's an excess of gases CO2 and less heat is being sent back into space, which causes a heat misbalance. resulting in global warming.
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