Sales Skills

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The Impulse Curve


Graphical representation of a person's excitement.


The goal of the impulse curve is to be able to understand and recognise how excitement and enthusiasm increases throughout the 5 steps. You need to be able to build excitement gradually throughout the pitch in order not to overwhelm the potential customer.


We need to close the customers at the height of excitement, this is when they are most likely to say yes. Therefore the excitement coming from us must escalate through the pitch. A common mistake is to intimidate people by being too excited at the start of your 5 Steps.
The first golden rule is to meet the customer at a common point of excitement at the start of the conversation and build from there. The second is to close at the correct time, and the third is to remove buyers remorse with an impulsive rehash.

Closing Tips

At the start meet the supporter on a common level (you may need to lower your excitement)
If you’re getting strong buying signs - move to close quickly
If you’re getting lots of non buying signs - wrap up the conversation and move on to the next person
If you’re getting buying signs, move on to the close quickly - the longer you talk the lower the excitement will drop
KISS the pitch and use SEE Factors to ensure the supporter gets above the “closing line” before closing
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