5 Steps to a conversation

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3. Presentation

WHAT - Put pitch card in hand

Problem & solution


This is where you build value and reduce the perceived cost. The bigger the difference the more likely you will create interest. Closing becomes straightforward once a customer acknowledges the problem and can see that we can provide the solution. Sales shouldn't be combative but rather an agreement reached together.


9/10th of the law is possession: Put the pitch card in the customer's hand, it paints a picture of how the donation will actually help the charities and get them imagining they already have.
Make them feel comfortable: Stand by their side (where possible), be on their level, relaxed body language make's them feel they are speaking to a friend and not a sales person.
Voice fluctuations and strategic pause
Cost vs value: Make value and savings seem huge with expansive body language and words like "great, massive", talk about money in pound terms. Make cost seem small with body language which reflects this and words like "just, only", talk about money as "quid".
Incorporate Impulse Factors
Relationship: Throughout the pitch, but particularly in the presentation, creating personal relationship with the customer (CPR) is really important to create trust and open the customer up to your close.

ARC: Acknowledge, Compliment, Resume

How to Increase Presentations
We don’t ignore. The goal on charities is to make people feel great, so we take this opportunity to make somebody feel good.
If I make other people feel great, how am I going to feel? I will feel great!
Three main Blocks
I’m busy: I’m on zoom, cooking, kids, working,
Give to other charities
I can’t afford it
Acknowledge – Repeat what they said back
Agree, I understand you are busy
I understand you are on Zoom
I understand you give to other charities
Compliment –
You are working from home; I think that’s so amazing you can be productive working at home I really struggled with that
Cooking – it smells amazing
Busy with Kids – Being a parent is like a super- power
Other charities – that’s amazing we have met so many great people, so many incredible causes
Resume – I will be super quick
Prime Directive – Leave everybody better than you found them. They feel good I feel good
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