Gather Clients

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How to increase your Go Live Rate



Our clients want supporters that are committed to long term support. Our long term success is determined by how many long term supporters we acquire. The target for Gather is a 75% Go Live.


RETURN ON INVESTMENT - The longer the supporter stays with our clients, the more profitable they become and the more viable our campaign.


< 20% No Show - Any supporter that we sign up that doesn't make 1 payment
< 5% 1 Pay Cancel
Totalled, this equates to a 75% Go Live
Take the following steps to ensure a great Go Live:
Sign up the right people: Work the LOA to sign up supporters who you can connect with who genuinely believe in the cause. 2 no's and go.
Always be honest and truthful: If a supporter later finds out they were misinformed they will cancel. TIP - Keep up to date with product knowledge by following social media channels and regularly reviewing the charity website for the most up to date information.
Their support starts today: Be direct and clear about what you asking for - £10pm Direct Debit, the commitment starts today.
Explain the long term nature of the donation: Long term donations allow the charity to budget and plan for the future with confidence. It's important to stress that we need ongoing support, and that we need their help for as long as they can manage.
Consolidate every supporter: The golden rule is to leave everyone better than we found them. Especially if this is someone we've just signed up.
Go Live Bonus Tips .pdf
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