5 Steps to a conversation

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5. Consolidation


The final and most important step to a conversation where we consolidate the sale. This sealing the deal and making the customer feel great about what they just signed up for, removing any buyers remorse.


This helps to remove buyers remorse and answer any questions.


Rehash serves two purposes
Capitalise on an already positive customer as the acronym of rehash is Remembering Everyone Has Another Sale Hidden. You already have someone who is a fan of, and a cheerleader for your product. Customers will buy from their friends much more readily than a stranger. This also ties in with Jones Effect.
We should consolidate and leave our customer positive and understanding the next steps to increase our Go Live Rate. The number one cause of cancellations is lack of understanding. A bad 5 Steps will have all the explaining and customer service at the start which loses impulse and customers. A good 5 Steps will be concise to get a positive close and then be loaded with customer service and explanation at the end. This maximises personal profit and also our reputation with our clients.

Verification Call


A phone call to verify and consolidate the details the customer has gone over with you. It also ensures they fully understand and have no further questions.


The VC was put in place to protect both the agent and customer. It reduces failed applications as it ensures only qualified customers, who have made a final decision and are fully understanding, are being passed over to our clients.
It protects the long term viability of our campaigns.


We simply need to ensure that we know what questions will be asked on the VC and effectively pre-empt the customer so that we do not allow for any surprises which can confuse the customer and cause buyers remorse.
Go through campaign specifics.
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