Fast track to Leadership

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4 weeks to Leadership Checklist


Learn and teach back Cycle of Development
Run an impact
Network with Assistant Owner and an Owner on expectations and standards of leadership
100% in Leadership Test
Professional Image - Suit
Professional LinkedIn profile
Personal break even point and savings plan


In Town 15+ sales or £500+/ week commission
Business Trip 18+ sales (£600+/week commission)
Lead a successful ride out where both perform
Hit all KPI metrics - G/A, Phone, Post, Email
60% over 45 supporters

Habits & Standards


Habits act as your foundations to success. Having strong foundations is essential to be able to grow.


A leader is someone people follow. Showing these standards are the minimum we look for for someone to be ready to move to the next stage in their development.


Consistency: 3-5 apps per day
Know and be able to teach back the fundamentals:
5 Steps & 8 Working Habits
Impulse Factors/Curve
Pre-emptive Strike
Overturning Negatives
Create Atmosphere: Both in the AM and PM
Proactive & Accountable: Show that you want to get ahead. Be here on time
Breakdown days: Learn how to set up goals
Campaigns: Work multiple campaigns. Show you cam apply the system
Professionalism: In the way you act, talk, and dress.



The office is where you build your business, it’s important you remember how you are in the office as it’s a direct reflection of your business.


If you can honestly answer yes to these statements and you are acting professionally then it is a sign you are ready for more responsibility.


Are you showing respect to people in the office?
Do you look like an Owner? What’s your image?
Are you helping others develop?
Are you positively adding to atmosphere?
Are you helping to find solutions, opposed to pointing out problems?
Are you in early every day?

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