Sales Skills

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3 Type of Days


LOA states that you will find your positives if you engage enough people with the correct pitch, work ethic, and attitude. But it doesn't necessarily state when those positives will emerge.


Your attitude needs to be on point so that at any moment you may be ready to close your positive customer when they appear.


Typically there are 3 types of days: O = Yes X = No
A Day: X X O X X O X X O X X O X X X - Sales come early and it is very easy to maintain a good attitude
B Day: X X X X X X O X X X O O X X O - Sales come regularly and although not as easy as an A day it doesn't fully test your attitude
C Day: X X X X X X X X X X X O O O O - You have to remain positive and ready all day to be able to
close your customers who come in the last hours. This is the true test of who has belief in the
system and is ready to train and build teams.
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