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Common Planet: A New Game of Life


(Visual): The sun radiates energy towards a vibrant Earth. Lush greenery flourishes, teeming with animals, and the oceans sparkle. Zoom in on humans living in harmony with nature.
(Voiceover): “Sunlight powers all life on Earth. Energy flows through everything, setting nature’s rhythm. Humans once lived in sync with this flow, drawing energy from water, plants, and animals. Resources were shared freely, and life was a dance in harmony with the world.”
(Visual): Transition to people stockpiling food, cutting down forests, and building homes. Show fences dividing land, and zoom out to reveal the fragmented landscape. Documents representing "private ledgers" appear as people claim ownership of slaves, gold, coal, land, and buildings.
(Voiceover): “As society advanced and surplus grew, we lost our rhythm. The dance of life was replaced by the march of ownership. Shared resources became private assets, recorded on ledgers. Trust dissolved, and competition replaced collaboration, severing our connection to nature's flow.”
(Visual): Private ledgers expand, swallowing others. Fictional entities like imposing buildings and logos emerge, casting shadows over the Earth. Cities embody "Corporations" and "Nations." Armies and navies clash in animated explosions and conflict.
(Voiceover): “Accounting and contracts birthed powerful fictional entities—Banks, Nations, and Corporations. The planet became a battleground for resources, wealth, and control. Wars raged, economies boomed and busted, all driven by a system of debt-money—pretend capital made of numbers.”
(Visual): Zoom out to show a pie chart of Earth. A small sliver (10%) represents "private human ledgers," distributed unequally. Another sliver (10%) represents the "capital" controlled by Corporations and Nations, who claim a vast majority (80%) of the Earth’s resources.
(Voiceover): “Today, everything is concentrated in private hands, feeding the insatiable appetite of Moloch—the god of trade. This monstrous system drives endless consumerism, rising debt, resource depletion, inequality, and war. It's time to join hands and restore balance before it's too late."
(Visual): The scene shifts to a revitalized Earth. The pie chart transforms, with a large segment dedicated to the "Commons," represented by a vibrant green Earth labeled "Ledger of Life." Smaller, balanced segments represent "private communal ledgers" and "private human ledgers."
(Voiceover): "Presenting Common Planet: A world where the Commons are restored to their rightful place on the Ledger of Life, society’s balance sheet. Land, resources, and capital are managed democratically using open digital systems, ensuring fair access and distribution for all."
(Visual): Show diverse groups collaborating, innovating, and living in harmony with nature. Animation of the "Credit" system highlights a currency flowing directly to individuals based on their contributions to society.
(Voiceover): “This is all possible with Creditism, an evolutionary monetary system that reconnects humanity with the Ledger of Life. It marks the end of debt and the beginning of infinity. A Flow currency called Credit connects people to shared resources and makes trading easy. Credit flows to all as a basic income. Learning, creating, and contributing earns you more while dancing to the rhythm of collective evolution. You get to exist just for being you in a world free of debt, taxes, and masters. I wonder how you’ll surprise us.
(Visual): End with a montage of people enjoying sports, fairs, outdoor concerts, and museums, culminating in modern people walking happily through an old-growth forest.
(Voiceover): “Reconnecting people and planet through a regenerative economy—this is the path of Common Planet. Join us in celebrating the sacred gifts of life, upholding true freedom, and spreading unconditional love. Sign up now and please donate to make this crucial work possible. It deserves it. We and Earth deserve it. Peace.”

Video 3

Common Planet & Creditism: A New Game of Life

(Upbeat, inspiring music playing in the background)
Narrator: Are you tired of the old game? The endless cycle of debt, inequality, war, and environmental destruction?
(Scenes of poverty, pollution, and conflict)
Narrator: What if there was a better way? A new economic system designed for stability, fairness, and sustainability?
(Scenes of people working together, thriving communities, and a healthy planet)
Narrator: Introducing Common Planet and Creditism: a radical vision for a world where everyone has the opportunity to live and thrive.
(Title card: Common Planet & Creditism)
(Music fades)
Chapter 1: The Problem: Capitalism
(Animation explaining the current economic system)
Narrator: The current economic system, Capitalism or Game A, is based on competition, scarcity, and trade. Private ledgers captured and concentrated the whole of Earth, feeding the insatiable appetite of Moloch—the god of trade. This monstrous system pushes relentless consumption, debt, inequality, and war.
(Scenes of environmental destruction, inequality, and social unrest)
Chapter 2: The Solution: Common Planet and Creditism
(Animation explaining the core principles of Common Planet and Creditism)
Narrator: Common Planet offers a real alternative, a paradigm shift in how we think about value, work, and our relationship with the planet.
2 Key Principles:
Managing the Commons: Common Planet begins by restoring the Commons to their rightful place on the Ledger of Life, society’s balance sheet. Land, resources, and capital are managed democratically using open digital systems that ensure fair and stable access for everyone.
Creditism: Flow Currency (Credit): In Common Planet, a Flow currency called Credit connects people to shared resources and makes trading easy. It marks the end of debt and the beginning of a new era of economic freedom. Credit flows to all as a basic income with more earned for learning, creating, and contributing. Credit is deleted upon use, maintaining a balanced economy.
(Interviews with experts and thought leaders)
Chapter 3: A World Transformed
(Visions of a future transformed by Common Planet and Creditism)
Narrator: Imagine a society where poverty and homelessness no longer exist, where everyone enjoys access to quality housing, healthcare, and education. Picture a world where you can chase your dreams and share your talents without financial worries. A world free of debt, taxes, and masters—where you thrive just by being yourself.
(Scenes of people living in abundance, pursuing creative endeavors, and coexisting harmoniously with nature)
Narrator: This is the promise of Common Planet and Creditism. It's a world where:
Work is Voluntary and Rewarding: You choose when, where, and how you want to contribute to society.
Everything Becomes Cooperatives: Clubs, Councils, and Co-ops are run and operated democratically by the people involved, fostering collaboration, experimentation, and shared prosperity.
From Profit-Driven to Purpose-Driven: The economy shifts to prioritize well-being, with Bonus Credit rewarding contributions that foster sustainability, creativity, and excellence.
(Interviews with people from different walks of life sharing their hopes for a better future)
Chapter 4: The Path Forward
(Call to action with inspiring visuals and music)
Narrator: Common Planet and Creditism may sound radical, but they are built on a simple idea: a belief in the power of human collaboration and the abundance of our planet. It's time to move beyond the limitations of the old game and create a new economic system that works for everyone.
How to Get Involved:
Join the Movement: Connect with others working towards this better future.
Support the Common Planet Foundation: Help build the infrastructure for this new economic system.
Spread the Word: Share this video and start conversations about Common Planet and Creditism.
Narrator: The future is ours to create. Let's build a Common Planet for Life, Liberty, and Love.
(End screen with website and social media information)
(Uplifting music fades out)


Common Planet: A New Game of Life

(6.5 min, longer ai generated story based on text below)
(6:37, longer ai generated story based on text below)
(Visual): Open on a shot of the sun, radiating energy towards a vibrant Earth. Lush greenery grows out of the land, teeming with animals. The oceans swell and sparkle. Zoom in on humans living in harmony with nature.
(Voiceover): “Sunlight is the source of all life on Earth, constantly feeding and sustaining our planet. This energy flows in a universal rhythm, pulsing through everything around us. As humans, we're naturally wired to tap into this flow, constantly needing to recharge our own energy. We do this through water and the food we get from plants and animals. Long ago, when there were fewer of us spread out across the world, we easily kept in step with nature's beat. Back then, humans, just like all other living things, were simply part of life's intricate dance”
**(Visual): The scene transitions, showing the same Earth, but now divided by fences and boundaries. Humans begin to fight amongst themselves, scrambling for resources. Documents appear, representing "private ledgers," as people claim ownership of land and resources. **
(Voiceover): "But as humans evolved, so did their relationship with the Commons. The concept of private ownership emerged. Land that was once shared became divided, marked off on private ledgers."
(Visual): The private ledgers grow larger, some swallowing others. Fictional entities, represented by imposing buildings and logos, emerge and cast large shadows over the Earth. These are the "Corporations" and "Nations." Wars erupt, represented by animation of explosions and conflict.
(Voiceover): "These ledgers grew larger, giving birth to powerful fictional entities – Banks, Corporations, and Nations. The planet became a battleground for resources, wealth, and control. Wars raged, economies boomed and busted. The pursuit of profit became paramount, fueled by a system of debt-money (fictional capital) created instantly as mathematical accounting units.
(Visual): Zoom out to show a pie chart of Earth. A small sliver (10%) represents "private human ledgers," distributed unequally. Another sliver (10%) represents the "capital" controlled by Corporations and Nations, who also lay claim to a vast majority (80%) of the Earth’s resources.
(Voiceover): “ Today, a tiny fraction of individuals possess a disproportionate amount of wealth, while Corporations and Nations control the vast majority of the world's resources."
(Visual): The scene transitions again, showing a revitalized Earth. The pie chart transforms, with a large segment dedicated to the "Commons," represented by a vibrant green Earth with the words "Ledger of Life." Smaller, interconnected segments represent "private communal ledgers" and "private human ledgers," now balanced and distributed more fairly.
(Voiceover): " This is Common Planet. A world where the Commons are restored to their rightful place on the Ledger of Life. Land, resources, and capital are managed democratically, ensuring stable, equitable access and distribution."
(Visual): Show diverse groups of people collaborating, innovating, and living in harmony with nature. Animation of the "Credit" system highlights a currency that flows directly to individuals based on their contributions to society.
(Voiceover): "We transition from a system of scarcity and competition to one of abundance and cooperation. A new Flow currency, called Credit, is created and flows directly to individuals as UBI, then rewarding more for contributions to society. No more debt, no more taxes, no more masters. This is a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Where the focus shifts from ownership and control to stewardship and sustainability."
(Visual): End on a hopeful shot of Earth, a renewed sense of balance and harmony evident.
(Voiceover): "Common Planet is more than an idea. It's a call to action. A chance to rewrite the rules of the game. Join us in building a future where humanity thrives in balance with nature." Leave your email so we can stay in touch and please consider a donation to support us in doing this important work, it deserves it and we and Earth deserve it.

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