
icon picker
Email Templates

Preferred Font Families? (please share the font files esp. Licensed fonts)?
Brand Book / Branding Guidelines (if available)
Your own company’s logo / animated logos → we sometimes use this as a video ‘’outro’’
Do you prefer your logo to have typography, icon, or both?
Other base materials we can get from you to create your brand (inspiration, mood board etc.)
If you need to share materials through canva, please share them through:

Client Recordings
Important notes:
Please store your recordings in this (folder).
Please for recording
Are you recording the scripts on camera, voiceover, or both?
We can send a script breakdown to mark each section clearly if it needs to be on-camera or voiceover.
When will you plan to record? Please note that we won't be able to start storyboarding and video production without our hands-on raw footage/voiceovers.
Once we have those settled though, we can start re-aligning expectations on deliverables. Our normal timeline for video production takes about 2.5 weeks at most.
Organize your recordings with the file names indicated in the script breakdown, like so:

In the meantime, I can start setting up your platform so that it will be easier to add the content as we finish up. We would need you tocreate your login info. Please select your course platform from here: . We highly recommend because it will also encompass the landing page options we need.
Once we have your login info, we will upload all the content and design this for you.
Please complete this on your end:
1. Set up payment integration -
2. Fill this out (to customize your details)
Account Settings > Billing > add business address
Settings > Marketing Settings > Contact Details & Email Settings

3. I need your price point for the course :)
4. Send my your hi-resolution headshot and bio
These steps are important to fully setup your kajabi account.

Hi xx,
Here are the links to all the videos, slides and pdf canva templates.
On behalf of the course mogul team, we would like to THANK YOU for the collaboration and opportunity to work on this wonderful project!
Please download the video files and save these templates to your Canva account within 14 business days, as we do not always retain the content on our servers.
Let her know that we have designed her course in a way that amplifies and transfers her expertise to her target audience. We strategically designed and edited her course in a way that we know will make her the most successful. As with every product we create, the ultimate goal is for the client to have a product that they love, while also understanding that partnering with a done-for-you agency also means leaning on our direction to get your product from conceptualization to market. We build our packages with the client and mind, and also embrace their feedback which is why we offer X amount of revisions in their package.
Outside of that, we are happy to further revise, however, multiple changes, especially those that are cosmetic without altering the effectiveness of the program, incur additional revisions at the cost of $45/hour, and we also need time to review, schedule, implement, and submit these changes.
I would say, we are producing videos based on the approved slide template. Adding a logo on every slide isn't something we suggest as not only is it redundant because they will be taking your course inside of your branded platform, but it also won't look good aesthetically with the way the slides were designed.
If this is something that you absolutely want, please know that we also want to note there is a difference between minor and major changes. Something that may seem small like a change in logo placement actually requires several hours of time to recreate every frame and render the video.
If you would like us to return the planning phase and recreate your slide template, we're happy to do so, but it's outside the scope of service, since we are working from something which was already approved. The time to complete this change, and implement it in each video would be approximately 20 hours, billed at $45/hr. We want you to take time and be confident with the choice you want for your course, and if those are revisions you feel will make a significant difference in how people purchase and interact with your course, we'll get you an invoice and updated timeline with 3 business days,.

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