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Wild Heart Assessment

Closing Contract Follow Up

Hi Amara,
Here's the breakdown of the value you are getting with the contract we’ve been in. I think it's important to first acknowledge that our conversations naturally lead us into assessing your needs and goals as an organization, business, and growing community with the clarity that I could support you across the board in such an undertaking from anywhere to a season up to a full year.
I was clear from the beginning that I charge for designing development proposals this big and you said no problem and gave me the go ahead to move forward. Mind you this is not just a proposal but a high level overview of a master development plan for Wildheart. This clarity provided us the landscape of the development tracks and form which I explained we could spin off into 3-6 month cycles depending on how much you felt ready for, and that it didn't have to happen all at once.
Collaborative Workspace (Coda) & Build Out
This digital workspace is a very useful tool for managing Wildheart on a day to day basis, as well as for strategic development phases of the project that we were planning to be moving into together. This workspace is also meant for you to continue to utilize to manage your team moving forward. Once I transfer ownership over to you this Workspace is officially Wildhearts asset. All you need to do is create a Coda account, and I will transfer over not only the workspace but the template itself as well. The template is also replicable, so as you grow to have teams, each team is meant to have their own workspace. It is also designed for when you expand into having other Wildheart locations where these teams can also incorporate the template. Not only that but we can sync data between docs and tables for cross referencing as needed - an extremely powerful feature.
I am almost done building it out as I still need some relevant information from you to finish getting it fully dialed in. Think of it as your operational dashboard that will be interconnected to the database system you have designed once I show you how to transfer everything and get set up.
Strategic Development Planning Session #1 & #2
In these (2) 2 hour 1-on-1 sessions were important for us to assess your most emergent needs, goals, and objectives, and afterwards I spent additional time working on the following;
Conducted The Payroll/ HR Assessment
Designed Financial Planning Process Guide & Template (you will be able to reuse this over time)
Designed Cost Benefit Analysis Guide & Template (you will be able to reuse this over time)
Translated meeting dialogue into outline and assessed information in preparation for drafting the strategic development plan summary.
45 minutes total Drive time for each meeting
​*Also part of closing out these 1 on 1 sessions is to complete the review & creative direction on the design of the website - which I provided you with an epic creative platform we can do this in. Miro also continues to be a very useful tool for your creative processes as you further develop out the project.
Strategic Development Plan Creation
Drafted a Strategic Plan Summary & then designed the summary plan into the workspace which entailed additional details you will find in the Project Tracking section of your Workspace - where we can begin to track and manage our tasks, key information, and our progress. This section of the proposal also includes managing the plan over the course of the proposed 3 month development cycle, as project management would inherently be needed. This entails things like administrative tasks, facilitation of work sessions, follow up emails, strategizing, sense making, and business development knowledge I have to offer along the way.
Project Implementation
The actual projects themselves that we would work on over the suggested 3 month period would involve design and development and would also include the following.
Design Work Sessions
Development Processes which includes the utilizing of templates created (such as the cost benefit analysis and financial planning process)
Additional Assessments of Platforms & Workflows (such as the organizational management system you have built, multimedia platforms, and Gusto as we assess the design as we build everything out.)
Systems Design - Data Transfers & Build out of Platforms
As you can see there is a-lot here and still to get done. One last thing I want to clarify is that if I was taking this all on with you it would cost around $1500 per month for the next 90 days on top of what we have already done and what you have already paid. This is where I would be handling most of the work as we collaborate on things so you could spend your time in other areas. We would still be working very closely together obviously but I would take the weight of it on.

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