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Meeting Guidelines

Meeting Guidelines

Whether your team is working in the office or entirely dispersed, sharing common meeting etiquette ensures everyone operates harmoniously. Clear and effective communication, proper scheduling, and mutual respect are key to productive and inclusive meetings. Below are the essential guidelines to follow:

Scheduling Meetings

Be Considerate of Time Zones: When scheduling meetings, always take into account the time zones of all participants to ensure a reasonable meeting time for everyone involved.
No-Meeting Days: Respect designated no-meeting days to allow team members uninterrupted time for focused work. This promotes a healthier work-life balance and increases productivity.
Advanced Notice: Schedule meetings well in advance whenever possible to give participants ample time to prepare.

Setting Meeting Agendas

Prepare and Share Agendas: Always prepare a detailed agenda and share it with all participants ahead of the meeting. This ensures that everyone knows the topics to be discussed and can come prepared.
Clear Objectives: Define clear objectives for each meeting to stay focused and make the best use of everyone’s time.
Follow the Agenda: Stick to the agenda during the meeting to ensure all topics are covered and the meeting remains on track.

Time Zone Differences

Inclusive Scheduling: Use tools like World Time Buddy to find suitable meeting times that accommodate all time zones.
Rotate Meeting Times: For recurring meetings, rotate the meeting times to fairly distribute the inconvenience of early or late meetings among team members.
Recording and Summaries: Record meetings and provide detailed summaries for those who cannot attend due to time zone differences.

No-Meeting Days

Respect No-Meeting Days: Adhere to the established no-meeting days to ensure team members have dedicated time for deep work and personal balance.
Plan Ahead: Schedule necessary meetings around these days to maintain respect for colleagues’ focused work time.

Company-Wide Meeting

We have a weekly 1-hour company-wide meeting every Thursday. This is a dedicated time for everyone to come together, either in person or via Zoom, to share updates, raise questions, and stay connected.
Past Presentations: View decks presented at past all-hands meetings
Recordings: Access recordings of past all-hands meetings in Dropbox.

Submitting Questions or Appreciations

Anyone in the company can submit questions for the executive team or share appreciations to be addressed during the company-wide meeting.
Submit Questions: .
Submit Appreciations: .
By following these guidelines, we can ensure our meetings are productive, inclusive, and respectful of everyone’s time and contributions.

Key Practices for Meetings:

Video Calls: Turn on your camera during initial meetings with customers, prospects, or partners to build rapport and show engagement.
Agenda Preparation: Prepare and share an agenda beforehand. Ensure it’s accurate and ask if anything needs to be added.
70/30 Rule: Aim for the audience to speak 70% of the time and you 30%. Adjust based on the meeting type and ask open-ended questions.
Take Notes: Effective note-taking helps retain and recall important details, ensuring you remember the audience's needs.
Adapt to Audience Tone: Assess and match the audience’s tone to appeal to different personalities.
Mid-call Check-in: Halfway through, ask for feedback on the meeting's progression to ensure alignment.
Pre-Close Summary: Near the end, build an agenda for the next steps to secure follow-up actions.
Post Meeting Action: Immediately document notes and next steps in the appropriate directory (e.g., Google Drive, Salesforce).

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