RCC Website Updates

Follow Up

Home Page
Change #1: Changed "Events" to "Join our Community" which is now also linked to your Facebook Group.
About Page
Change #1: RCC Page - Changed running Title from RCC to fully spell out "Rising Consciousness Center"
Change #2: Maya Page - Transferred services to a new page called Maya Services, which can be accessed through the services button located at the bottom of the "About Maya" page. Also i did click bold for the other services that are not showing in bold, however its not showing up on the published. Not sure why.
Change #3: I deleted the team page and names that were left still visible.
Change #4: Created a "About Dafi" page. (I have been unable to get it to show on the published site and not sure why as I have it directed correctly). I also created a Dafi Services page which can be accessed through the services button located at the of the "About Dafi" page. Much of the content will need to be updated to reflect Dafi's services instead of maya's. I did make some edits to begin that process.
Courses Page
Change #1: Deleted Shiv Course and replaced it with the Prosperity Event. Linked button to event page on EventBrite.
Events Page
No Changes Made
Blog Page
To answer you question Maya, Yes I can add blogs in the future through the backend.
I was able to enter my name into the section on the home page and the contact page to see if it all still works, and they both do.
Next steps would be to review the site to let me know if you would like to make any additional changes, and also for me to get with Dafi regarding the content for her services page.
As far as the few things that I mentioned above which are not showing up, even though I made the changes and can see them in the backend, I plan to contact wordpress for support (in a day or so) if I am not seeing the changes eventually show up on the published site.

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