Legislative operations can be digitised setting precedent as a form of “law” by enabling parties to enter into voluntary contracts ? (agreements) with each other, and specifying accountabilities to those agreements (CoGov).
This encourages the use of practices that ensure the transparency of activities that support the collection of warm data on the emergence of collective intelligence.
Articles of Incorporation - a process of contract formation
Natural Law
Legislation: Legislation is the process or result of enrolling, enacting, or promulgating laws by a legislature, parliament, or analogous governing body.
List of Agreements/ Contracts (Living Library)
PFA Formatting Template
CFA - Collective Foundational Agreement Formatting Template
DAO Formation Formatting Template
Ledger Formatting Template (refine on spreadsheet) before smart contract
Project Formatting Template ((Link to hApp interface)
Proposal Formatting Template/s (proposals link to assets, resolutions and actions in Ledger)
The invocations are importantdecrees that anchor the fields of our agreements and commitments in devotion to the collective vision and each other by calling us into a state of greater presence. This sets the vibrational foundations for building trust rather than compliance, and generating an integral container for our creation process to unfold.
Example Invocation
With all the energy present within me as a living being, and in full service and honor to the beauty of life and the wonder of the Universe. I pledge to recognize and honor the beings present by entering into unified agreement from a place of deep resonance and sovereign choice.
A. Individual Agreements
This begins when generating your 'fingerprint of love' an identity evoked by the 'I AM agreement', A personal foundational agreement that seeds your sovereign identity as a scribe, this is your key to composing in the book of light. This includes the ability to add and edit coordinates (the orientation of agreements across space/time) on the collective story map (the symphony of love) by signing with your 'fingerprint of love'.
B. Collective Foundational Agreements
The CFA's (Collective Foundational Agreements) make up the collective agreement fields, that when woven together with SSI's (Statements of Shared Intent) across collectives, unify our stories of harmonious cooperation. The proposal pathways evolve these stories of co-creation and attunes the value flows of exchange that compose the symphony love, in accordance with 'the protocol's of love.
The CFA or constitution becomes desirable, or necessary, when we decide to methodically make official decisions together. The collective agreement should include any official decision-making standards, and any official rights and accountabilities of the voters.
C. Cross-Collective Agreements
reference statements of shared intent as mission statements in CFA’s and shared goals ratified between collectives
A. Social Contracts
In moral and political philosophy, the social contract is a theory or model that originated during the Age of Enlightenment and usually, although not always, concerns the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual.
B. Conscious Contracts
Conscious Contracts are written in plain language. The goal of a conscious contract is to create a sustainable relationship to get some work done together. The goal isn’t to exploit the other, but to memorialize a trusted relationship. It isn't a competition, but an alliance meant to benefit all the parties. The content and tone should reflect that. The parties start the process with a conversation about their purposes, values, principles, plus their hopes and dreams for the relationship. The values conversations are memorialized in the contract because they are important to the creation of the relationship. They don't just cover Who, What, How, and When, but also Why?
They're working documents, more like constitutions that get amended when circumstances change. The parties then actually conduct their relationship in alignment with their stated purposes, values, and principles. Their goals are transparent. It is clear what each will get out of the relationship and what they're willing to give. One lawyer pointed out that conscious contracts were tools for evolution.
In many conventional contracts, conflict resolution is assumed to be a trial in front of a judge. Conscious Contracts contain a conflict engagement provision that ties back to the purposes, values, and principles. When change occurs or a conflict arises, it provides a structure for engaging in problem-solving, not arming for war. The focus is on preventing conflict and resolving those conflicts which arise as quickly as possible. After all, it is in the best interests of the parties and the contract if resources are focused on business, not conflict. Visuals and multi-sensory additions are welcome in the contract, especially if they help to clarify and generate understanding. (There is a whole movement building on the ideas of adding multi-sensory elements to contracts. Imagine a contract that is illustrated!)
Conscious Contracts often take more time to negotiate, but they create more sustainable relationships with structures so everyone knows what to do when a dispute arises or something unexpected happens. That ultimately saves time and resources. Conscious Contracts are also unique to each transaction. They are for matters that are too important to trust to a form downloaded from the internet. Conscious Contracts are still based on solid legal principles. Each clause is carefully considered as to its necessity and relevance. While their intent is to avoid court, they're still enforceable if the relationship totally breaks down and resolution is not possible. They include the elements that are required for this transaction without the pages of irrelevant paragraphs so often in the contract forms.