The Throat Chakra governs our communication and self-expression, and is the center for our ability to communicate in a way that inspires and empowers one another, and the world around us. All the energy from other chakras merge here to communicate the expression of our truth through the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of what we are creating.
This chakra is associated with truth, clarity, and responsibility, an initiates us into embracing our originality and unique individual experiences in the world by creating reality through the words that we speak. Understanding that we speak our reality into existence invites us into greater accountability by supporting us in voicing our truth.
As we map and weave the vision through our intentional fields of co-creation, we are beckoned by the universe to step into taking accountability for actualizing our creative visions, through the way of collaborative governance. From here we clearly speak into the field how we see ourselves stepping in to take responsibility for collectively stewarding the vision moving forward - sharing the value and level of accountability we can each bring forth to nurture our collaboration.
As we assemble into this formation Consciously Concepted is able to offer group facilitation around collective sensemaking and restorative circles in support of conflict resolution for both projects and the community. Consciously Concepted can also support Atlan in the implementation of decentralized organizational structuring for the business, alongside project accountability systems such as proposal methodologies, task management, communication protocols, agreement field contracts, operational policies, and whole systems design tracking mechanisms from which we can use to collaboratively govern and steward the project ahead spoken into existence though clear communications and driven by heart led leadership.
Design & Implement Holonic Organizational Structure: Decentralized Organizational Structuring for Distributing Authority & Value
Collaborative Agreement Field Contract & Policy Formation
Design & Implementation of Accountability Systems: Proposal methodologies, task management, & communication protocols