Email Campaign

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Campaign Template

Update Button

This button fills out the assign tags table with a mapping of tag → value. E.g.
Empty the table of all rows related to this Campaign
Add the email address row (every mapping requires that the table has an email address row
Then specify the campaign that this is for
Get a list of tags for this template
Create a list called CorrectLengthRows that has enough entries to match the number of tags
For example: if you have tags A, B, and C, but your row values only have values 1 and 2, then generate a third value ’’ (Blank) that can be grabbed
For each tag in the list, generate a row mapping that tag to its current value. CorrectLengthRows allows the value to be blank if it’s not assigned

All Templates

Tags Display Formula

Generate a display of the tags for this template. E.g.
line #1 for Email Address, line #2 for Recipient Name, line #3 for Company Name, line #4 for Team Member, line #5 for Drop Date and line #6 for Change Date

List Tags Formula

Generate the formula that they should use (or at least an approximation of it) for this Template

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