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Bang, J.; Ma, C.; Tarantino, E.; Vela, A.; Yamane, D. (2019). Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Floating Offshore Wind Energy in California. Report by University of California Santa Barbara.
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Development of Computer Simulations to Assess Entanglement Risk to Whales and Leatherback Sea Turtles in Offshore Floating Wind Turbine Moorings, Cables, and Associated Derelict Fishing Gear Offshore California (PC-19-x07)
Rockwood, R.C., L. Salas, J. Howar, N. Nur and J. Jahncke. 2024. Using Available Data and Information to Identify Offshore Wind Energy Areas Off the California Coast. Unpublished Report to the California Ocean Protection Council. Point Blue Conservation Science (Contribution No. 12758). 95 pp.
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(SEER) U.S. Offshore Wind Synthesis of Environmental Effects Research. 2022. Presence of Vessels: Effects of Vessel Collision on Marine Life. Report by National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, Wind Energy Technologies Office. Available at
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Full citation
Bang, J.; Ma, C.; Tarantino, E.; Vela, A.; Yamane, D. (2019). Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Floating Offshore Wind Energy in California. Report by University of California Santa Barbara.
Literature Type
Scientific paper
Research Question
What are the lifecycle GHG emissions associated with FOSW in CA?
Monitoring Method
Labroatory experimnet
Impact source/Stressor
Ecosystems (atmospheric)
Development Phase
Operation and Maintenance
Ecosystems (Atmospheric)
Geographic Area
Spatial Scale
Humbolt, Morro Bay WEA
Temporal Scale
Main Findings
-1 MWh of electricity through floating offshore wind power generates ~15kg CO2-equivalent GHG emissions over its life cycle, which is comparable with the literature for conceptual floating offshore wind turbine models. -Monte Carlo simulation establishes a 90% confidence interval range of emissions from 11.60 to 25.04kg CO2-equivalent

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