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Investor Update 2

12 Second Summary

Redlined Rizse acquisition documents and returned to them for their acceptance.
Crafting an investor deck to share internally & with targets investors
Rizse office has been moved into storage
The design team has started on logo examples for Ultraview
Legal is completing company setup and stock issuance documents. Once complete, we can set up carta and issue SAFE’s.


Product has yet to move, we are awaiting the completion of the asset purchase agreement.
We have begun initial conversations with DXC, and received a pricing table of their resources to augment our staff once the team is ready to fully dive in on resuming development.

Branding & Marketing

Our UI/UX team is working on a pallet of several different logos for Ultraview, We should have an initial set of logos by mid-August.
We have decided to keep the majority of the new lighter, Rizse branding since we have physical assets that utilize the color pallet
Marketing website:
We’ve begun building out the Ultraview Website. We have not set a release date for the website, but I am targeting a release in Mid-September 14th.


The Ultraview leadership team has set a reoccurring weekly meeting to discuss the week-by-week position of the business.
I have scheduled a monthly advisor round table to discuss larger aspects of the business, fundraising, sales & partnership strategy, and establish core culture throughout the entire organization.
We’ve established a bi-weekly update email for advisors and interested stakeholders.


Fundraising Goal for Friends & Family Round: $250k
Current committed funds: $57,000 (pending $44,000)


Thank you for coming on this journey with us here at Ultraview, your support is what will make this company successful. We need all of you to grow and scale this business and i’ve listed a few items that we could use your help.
Please recommend anyone within your network that would be a great fit and interested in not only investing capital but also having the ability to grow the business outside of funds.
We could use your support with our deck! I want to share our deck with those who have the time to do a critical review and provide feedback.
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