Executive Assistant

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Investor research Process & Tools


I begin by looking through various tools to identify funds or angels that invest in the following category.
Future of Work
Tools to use to do this research are the following:
Signal NFX
Signal allows you to easily find managing partners specifically focused on certain investing areas, as found in step 1. The difference here is that Signal is connected to my email and gives the names of the individuals that I am already connected with as intro paths.
Golden allows you to create a CRM for funds that are found and gives details on that fund, including what they invest in.
crunch base
Crunchbase gives news on different investments that are happening daily, funds that are being invested, and companies receiving funding. I use this tool to research companies that are similar to Ultraview (robotics/AI/future of work) space
Once funds/angels & partners in those funds specifically overseeing the investments in the AI, Robotics, and future of work space are identified, I then figure out who im connected to, how closely im connected to them, and include them in a list.
If there are no connections or the connections aren’t warm enough, then while in LinkedIn use the tool plugin called “Rocket Reach” to search for the partner's email, and include their information in Asana.

There is information living between several places. The goal is to consolidate them all into Asana if possible.

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