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Blue Origin

Customer description

Pricing model:

Value-Based Pricing:
Model: Price based on the value or savings provided to the client, rather than the volume of inspections.
Application: Assess how much Blue Origin would save using your drones versus traditional methods in terms of time, accuracy, or other resource savings, and set a price that reflects a portion of these savings.
Project-Based Pricing:
Model: Charge a flat fee for each inspection project.
Application: Since Blue Origin’s launches aren’t frequent, charging a fixed rate per rocket inspection could be viable. This rate can be determined based on the complexity, resources involved, and the uniqueness of each inspection.
Subscription with On-Demand Top-Up:
Model: A lower base subscription fee covering a minimum level of services, with additional charges for on-demand inspections.
Application: Blue Origin pays a recurring fee for ongoing system access and a set number of inspections, with the option to pay extra for additional inspections as needed.
Tiered Service Levels:
Model: Different pricing tiers offering varying levels of service detail, speed, or analysis complexity.
Application: Offer Blue Origin different packages – basic, standard, premium – each with different levels of detail or additional services in the inspection reports.
Customized Solution Pricing:
Model: Develop a bespoke pricing model tailored to Blue Origin’s specific needs.
Application: Work closely with Blue Origin to understand their specific requirements and develop a pricing structure that aligns with the frequency, complexity, and depth of the inspections required.
Performance-Based Pricing:
Model: Pricing based on the performance or outcomes of the inspections.
Application: Set the price based on the successful identification of issues, improvements in maintenance efficiency, or other performance indicators.

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