
Advisor Voiced reach out template

Version 1:
[Investor's First Name],

I wanted to shoot you a quick note to see if you'd be open to a conversation with a startup I've recently signed on to advise. They're using a combination of AI and Aerial Robotics to make aircraft inspection way safer and more efficient, with several other use cases following on quickly behind. They're actively looking to raise some additional seed capital at the moment and thought it might be worth a conversation.
Check out the attached pitch deck for the nitty-gritty. Think you'll find it pretty compelling. Let me know if you want to discuss further or would like a direct intro to the team.
Catch you soon,
[Advisor's First Name]

Version 2:

[Investor's First Name],

Hope you're well. Just jumped on board with a cool startup that's leveraging AI & Aerial Robotics for aircraft inspections, and trust me, this is just the beginning. They're in the funding phase, so thought of you.
See the attached deck for the specifics. Bet it'll pique your interest. Drop me a line if you fancy a chat or want to meet the crew.

Talk soon,

[Advisor's First Name]
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