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The Regenerative Community Land Trust (RCLT) model is one tool that the DAO and/or Cohere Commons can choose to deploy to ensure that the land purchased and brought into the network is protected in perpetuity.
It acts a form of safeguard/insurance of positive regenerative impact. If Cohere somehow crashes and burns, the impact of taking land off the speculative market, and returning it “to its true owner- the earth” and having it governed and stewarded by a local community is ensured forever. A very awesome and powerful feature of the tool.
It also acts as a “builder of trust” no pun intended with the DAO community. People who are investing time and energy into the DAO, or financial capital into the C-Corp can rest assured that their can’t be a hostile take-over or rug pull situation, because the land itself will always have to be stewarded in accordance to the core principles of the individual bio-node (regenerative ag. only, community oversight and governance in all decisions, etc.).
Tool for increasing resiliency
Tool for community integration - decolonial model.
Here is an example of what this can look like in the real world with the associated legal docs. and other resources
Important piece to note here: The increases in land health (such as improvements in the soil health) are “owned” by the Lease holders (farmers in this case). This is a very critical component to the regenerative economy (rights of nature as an economic structure) as it allows this positive feed back loop:
1) Cohere C corp pays land stewards for regenerative practices/projects
2) These regenerative practices have quantifiable positive affects on the land health, ecology health, human health, and climate resiliency of the land (how this is done is still being worked on, this is where recommon labs comes in)
3) These increases in health of the 4 areas produces credits (ecosystem credits, etc.) that can be sold to a the emerging ReFi marketplace
4) Cohere C Corp profits from their investment in regenerative practices, which they can then reinvest in further regenerative projects.

Video of Dakota and I explaining how this could work
51.9 MB
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