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Core Principles

Promise Holder: Kirsten / Adora
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The Earth is an evolving, intelligent, self-regulating, complex and potentially sentient organism
Humans are an important and interconnected part of the whole Earth system
The wellbeing of the whole is as essential for life as is the wellbeing of every member of the system
Human systems are designed to in service of freedom, thriving, not control

The Earth has inalienable rights to exist and to “maintain and regenerate its cycles, structure, functions and evolutionary processes.” (Ecuador's constitution recognizing the rights of “Pachamama,” or Mother Earth)
The Earth cannot (will not) be owned (Chief Seattle speech)
It is our responsibility to cultivate the well-being of every part of the whole while simultaneously tending to the wellbeing of the whole Gaia system (omni-holistic design)
All our actions are informed by the Permaculture Ethics of
Earth Care: being responsible stewards of the earth
People Care: tending to the needs of ourselves and others
Fair Share: equitably distributing surplus
No “one size fits all solutions.” We understand and appreciate that each bio-regional node has its own unique characteristics, needs, and culture. We celebrate and seek to cultivate the resiliency and power of diversity, as long as it falls in line with our core principles of regeneration.
Freedom of expression

2.) Decolonization - We acknowledge the history of colonization and genocide of indigenous peoples across the world, and we seek to interrupt and ameliorate this pattern. We only go where we are invited, and we seek to cultivate a deep inter-weaving with local communities, creating a dialectic relationship of co-learning, co-creation, and co-regeneration.
4.) Decentralized authority and power structures whenever possible. We seek to grow this movement of regeneration from the ground up, and embrace the power of collective, decentralized wisdom.
6.) Freedom of expression, and freedom of movement. Within certain guidelines (no hate speech, no discrimination, etc.) we encourage the free expression and exchange of radical ideas. We also uphold the freedom of movement, and acknowledge that imaginary lines (such as borders) have far too much power in this world. Members are free to move between locations, between guilds, and to leave the community if they wish.

We must consider the impact we have on the Earth in all our human activities. Thus, nature must not be subject to systematic increases in
concentrations of substances from the Earth’s crust;
concentrations of substances produced by society;
degradation by physical means (i.e. deforestation); and, in that society,
people are not subject to conditions that systematically undermine their capacity to meet their needs.
(The Natural Step framework)
Consent. On all levels and scales. Communities consent to Cohere locations being built. Members consent to being part of the global DAO, and any roles or guilds they are a part of. Anyone is allowed to opt-out, if things no longer feel aligned.
Transparency. “ From compensation to our treasury, from how we’re voting to open-sourcing our creation sessions and more. We create “out loud” to share our process, code, journey and wisdom with the world.” taken from Hypha.

→ Therefore we understand that we are in an ever-evolving relationship
must develop the ability to tend to our own well-being while simultaneously tending to the wellbeing of every larger system within which we are embedded all the way to the whole Gaia system (omni-holistic design)
→ Therefore we must engage in Earth listening and inquiry to better understand our relationship to the whole
Reciprocity: All activity becomes process of maintaining balance and harmony. When we “take” something, we gift back something and that needs to be clearly stated in any proposal and decision. Feeling into balanced exchange
Gratitude circles
Our focus must be to enhance the thriving of the ecosystem to the best of our understanding and abilities. We understand that life and death and “disruptions” are a natural process as long as time for rebalancing and regeneration is given
but that a resilient system will re


She holds the systematic intelligence that we have access to

Changing the narrative from guilt and shame - humans as a cancer on Earth. Stepping into being an extension of the Earth
Reverence for Life

Regenerative systems
Maintain balance and harmony within the continuous evolutionary process (through a dialogue-based: Earth inquiry and people inquiry
Everything we do is relational and Our activities enhance the relationship with the Earth and each other
Our designs follow the core patterns of nature (spirals, dendridic, flow pattern, fractals, holons , sacred geometry) - biomimicry

Emergent design
design happen in collaboration with and involvement by the Earth and the people
Thinking things through to the best of our abilities
Have all stakeholders been accounted for
Scenario planning
Feeling is as essential as thinking: feel our way through the process
We must gives designs space & time, dialogue, cycles, pattern
no rushing or urgency
Have we embedded enough time into the plan

Learning the language of feeling
Listening: Taking time to listen internally
Learning to think things through

The How:
What are the materials
Disruption meters
Earth Care
People Care
Fair Share
Right relations with the Earth
How would the Earth answer the question: how do we step into alignment with the intelligence of nature
Omni-thinking/Whole-systems design/thinking things through/scenario planning (ONBOARDING TRAINING)
Right relations with each other
Unconditional respect
Build relationships before building: Don’t go where you’re not invited/welcome

Design Principles
Natural Step Principles

Decision-making and governance

Create lenses of core principles through which all decisions are made
If there is an objection to a proposal, bring your objection through a lens and why
Principles of who we choose to be as individuals; principles of an evolving humanity
13 life principles
Principles of how we align with the Earth; right relations with the Earth
Principles of right relations with each other
Principles of decision making (the governance process)
Everyone who wants to speak gets heard
It’s about consent, not consensus - there is the opportunity for discussion - but the people who have objections, you are asked: “Can you live with this?” - we will return to the discussion
The best practices to adhere to
Permaculture principles
Whole-systems thinking
Circular economy
Listening to the intelligence of nature
Some ideas from Charlie on core principles:
1) Transparency. “ From compensation to our treasury, from how we’re voting to open-sourcing our creation sessions and more. We create “out loud” to share our process, code, journey and wisdom with the world.” taken from Hypha. I think that transparency creates trust, and if we aren’t willing to have all facets of the organization be transparent on some level- its begs the question- what are we trying to hide?
2.) Decolonization - We acknowledge the history of colonization and genocide of indigenous peoples across the world, and we seek to interrupt and ameliorate this pattern. We only go where we are invited, and we seek to cultivate a deep inter-weaving with local communities, creating a dialectic relationship of co-learning, co-creation, and co-regeneration.
3.) No “one size fits all solutions.” We understand and appreciate that each bio-regional node has its own unique characteristics, needs, and culture. We celebrate and seek to cultivate the resiliency and power of diversity, as long as it falls in line with our core principles of regeneration.
4.) Decentralized authority and power structures whenever possible. We seek to grow this movement of regeneration from the ground up, and embrace the power of collective, decentralized wisdom.
5.) Consent. On all levels and scales. Communities consent to Cohere locations being built. Members consent to being part of the global DAO, and any roles or guilds they are a part of. Anyone is allowed to opt-out, if things no longer feel aligned.
6.) Freedom of expression, and freedom of movement. Within certain guidelines (no hate speech, no discrimination, etc.) we encourage the free expression and exchange of radical ideas. We also uphold the freedom of movement, and acknowledge that imaginary lines (such as borders) have far too much power in this world. Members are free to move between locations, between guilds, and to leave the community if they wish.

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