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Every morning the group will discuss what needs to be accomplished that day and what is outstanding to meet the commitments for the event deliverables. Promise holders will lead the teams in identifying outstanding tasks and assigning deadlines.

Add New Standup

Add New Task
May 11, 2022
May 16, 2022
May 11, 2022


What did the team work on yesterday?
Web3 persona mapping
Identified “Renegade Pioneer” as a possible avatar
Identified key differentiators
Developing the infrastructure for an entire ecosystem to evolve and thrive
Due diligence
Team expertise
Compliance-first approach creates a sustainable business model that provides long-term security
Defined the “what”
Cohere is providing the infrastructure for a new society


What are the team’s goals for today?
Impact persona mapping
Identify avatars


Is there anything preventing the team from reaching its desired outcomes?

Communications Team Blocked Tasks 2
Task Name
Task Status
Promise Holder
Due by
Task Description
Task Journal
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Communications team board
Not Started
Review web3 marketing strategy
Alex Kennedy
Devin Lyttle
Update website
Devin Lyttle
Devin Lyttle
Develop minting page
Devin Lyttle
Create visual assets and infographics
Devin Lyttle
Devin Lyttle
Evaluate brand identity
Devin Lyttle
Devin Lyttle
Alex Kennedy
Avatar analysis
Devin Lyttle
Gamification strategy
Devin Lyttle
Develop Investor Messaging
Dakotah Apostolou
Joshua Burtnett
Review and Refine Litepaper
Event Messaging Assets
Devin Lyttle
Define impact statement
Devin Lyttle


A number of teams use the ‘Big Rocks’ analogy when deciding on their top priority goals. The core concept is this: if you’re trying to fill a jar, you put the big rocks in first. Then there’s plenty of room for small rocks, sand, etc to fill in the rest. But if you put the sand first, then the small rocks, then the big rocks, the big rocks won’t fit. In the same way, if a team focuses on the Big Rock goals first, it’s more likely they’ll achieve the lower-priority goals.
This doc helps teams decide what those Big Rocks are by using the ‘’ to distribute a fictitious $100 across each of the proposed Big Rocks. Add a few top priority company or team goals to the Big Rocks table before inviting the rest of the team to weigh in. The key to this process is for everyone to allocate their $100 privately in Step 2 first, then come together for a brainstorm session to review and discuss the results collectively in Step 3.

Propose a few Big Rocks

When you’re ready to start, click
clear sample data
and then ‘+ New row’ to add your own Big Rock candidates.
Big Rock name
Why should we consider this Big Rock?
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Invite others to allocate their $$

Each team member should allocate $100 to each of the initiatives and fill in comments. Note that the table below will filter so each person can only see their own allocations. To start, each person should click this button:
Join the game
Allocate $
across priorities. You are currently at $
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Review the results as a team

Now it’s time for the reveal and discussion! Note, don’t unfold this section until everyone finishes their individual allocations. Below you’ll see the average allocations and a sense of the point distribution. You can also use the arrows to the left of each row to drill into the details and see everyone’s comments.
Big Rock name
Why should we consider this Big Rock?
Point distribution
[  ]
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