Experienced product manager with high levels of leadership, entrepreneurship and data-driven inspiration looking to collaborate with a high level team and develop great products together. Also an entrepreneur with many products deployed using PM techniques, some of them generating revenue.
Searching for positions on discovery, innovation and intrapreneurship.
Founder of an innovation company that was able to deliver 12 completed products within 16 months using agile methodologies allied with a very transparent and creative environment.
Developed own methodology with 4 custom made rituals and transparency system
Acted as an innovation team for companies such as Nivea and Aji-no-moto
Delivered 280% increase in positive feedback with a WhatsApp bot for a sustainability industry client.
Generated more then 300 financial donations to AACD through a website where people could donate time, as well as money.
As a leader, trained and developed more then 15 professionals in agile skills and created a real bond between people. Our team worked less and delivered more then our competitors.
Hired as head of education for a period of 60 days, my job was to structure a product marketing team, develop a learning methodology for new clients and create a transparent and high productive environment.
In 60 days we were able to:
Create the first structured and product-led campaign, defining and testing touch points within SaaS product.
Create the first beta testers program, including 20 of the most engaged clients and generating more than 200 itens for product backlog.
Transform a FAQ into a fully featured training course, helping over 2000 clients.
I am proud to say I reverted 2 possible resignations and converted them into productive and important members of the team.
Hired as a product manager to integrate the digital initiatives team. Responsible for products inside the corporation, focused on generating credit for innovation throughout Brazil.
Delivered the first digital product of the company, a chatbot that is able to suggest financing lines for innovation based on the nature and size of companies.
The NAC Bot today has helped over 15.000 businesses to find the best financial plan for expanding and innovating.
In order to make NAC Bot available, traveled to 15 states to negotiate with local federations with a 100% success rate in NAC Bot adoption.
Hired as a marketing manager to structure the sector and afterwards moved to the product manager position.
Hired a CRM tool and structured the sales team to work in a more agile way, increasing client response rate in 60%.
Implemented Kanban strategy into marketing sector with a 230% increase in cycle time in a 2 month period.
Quoted as “the best product experience we’ve had” by the company’s CEO.
Soundy Creative Coding
2011 - 2018
Software development company with only remote staff.
Developed Landstandard, a match making system for the Texas oil industry. Worked with a squad from 4 different countries and generated more then 1000 contracts for the client.
Developed Climatempo, the most active weather app in Brazil, increasing the user base from 1MM to 3MM in 12 months.
Other activities
Mentor - DPL Class
Mentor at Tera Digital Product Leadership Course helping students apply their knowledge to create value faster.
Reciclar Foundation helps low income teenagers to understand and considere entrepreneurship as a career. My role is to support the teams and bring professional advice.
Bankinho is a financial education product for small kids. Parents can create a virtual account and manage allowances in a lightweight environment. The focus is to inspire the conversations about money inside families using allowance as a mechanist. Today with more then 600 operational bankinhos.
Betanut is a feedback collector for product teams. Today used by 50 teams, a betanut board offers a question for the user to answer and voting to prioritize. Also has a kanban-style view to serve as a public roadmap.