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Our favorite buttons

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A new building block: buttons

Nine buttons to help transform your team’s doc into an easy-to-use app.
Not everyone in your Coda doc cares to look under the hood. Sometimes they’re only there to update a status or add a single task, and they worry if they touch a row, the whole thing will break. Or maybe they don’t worry enough and actually break something.
A button solves that. A button invites interaction. It offers your team a clear, safe way to update the doc. So collaborators can become users, and your doc can become an app.
Pressing a button can add, modify, and delete a row in any table. It can even push another button. One day Coda buttons will be able to trigger actions of all sorts, like send a push notification or order a pizza. But for right now, this is pretty cool.

A few starter buttons.

Clear out all your assigned tasks with a single click—so satisfying.

Your sales team can log new contacts without pawing through the full CRM.

Your team will update the right table every time.

Tell your team to vote questions and ideas up or down.

This one greys out after it’s been clicked.

Delete all duplicate with a click.

For perfectly timed meetings.

Two actions in one: Mark a task complete and assign to the next person.

You have a playbook for every client. Now every new client can get that same list of tasks without copy paste.

Designing buttons.

Click Explore > Button > Select button or control
Give your button a name—this way, tables and controls and the other building blocks can reference and connect to it in formulas.
What do you want your button to say? Note: You can add a formula on top, so that your button reflects a user name or changing value (Check out the Remove Dupes button and you'll see what we mean.)
Assign an action—add, modify, or delete a row.

More on how to add buttons

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.