Holiday Hack is a Friday (and weekends and holidays) coding school / weekly coding hangouts event based in Thong Lor for newbies. We believe in a more practical and down-to-earth aspect of learning and schooling.
Start from First Principles.
Practice makes Perfect.
Do it the Hard Way.
We help guide students develop a project of their own choosing and coach them one-on-ones through real-world application development. We give them practices and tools and whenever we can, we stop and go back to First Principles.
Best of all, aside from requiring a Macbook or a Linux laptop, The Program is FREE.
We even have free lunches and drinks every once in a while.
We do not endorse hard-and-fast bootcamps that cost $$$s and churn out monkey who can remember every framework’s commands but does not understand anything about writing and constructing maintainable real-world applications.