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# of EA's
Start Date
Rahul Sudev
50% Sch
Student convo done
AA msg
3 April: after classes, go to gym, first exam was today, meet some friends, SAT prep at 8-9pm, School: till 10th was at Gopalan, now at Sri Chaitanya - STEM based majors, test every week - Once every 3 months it's a UT, no sports - not sure of Engg yet - need some flexibility in life and colleges in the US are looking for that. Will give the JEE mains. Social: pretty amazing - all types. Family: My interests keep fluctuating - haven't gone outside my comfort zone - that's why I joined the demo class. put me for a separate tuition of 35k - mom is an engg in | Software engg Ent: haven't explored other ECA stuff, been coding since a long time. Hope: I hope to say that I have learnt sth new, grow as a person, make new friends.
Parents : It will be very much appreciated if you can keep the fee payment date as 7th. Just to manage the billing date of my credit card.
Payment expected on 7th
May 15, 2021
Nairita Guha
43% scholarship
Full Student + Parent
3 April: Parents came directly for the call, asked a lot of questions in regards to financials and the structure of the organisation. Was able to answer some,and sent a parent email with a lot of details.
Screenshot 2021-05-18 07.17.16.png
May 15, 2021
Ken Mare
No scholarship, blocked spot for May
Full Student + Parent
CT Message
2 Apr: originally, saw the word CEO, hooked him, wants to be able to help people lie people in Scarborough; Scarborough is know for crime, people in Scaboough need help; Ken is the type of person that once comfortable can be the life of the party --> someone who tells jokes, is able to connect with someone really easily; routine --> omtp watching mystery shows, Murdoch mysteries, sherlock holmes, the avengers, doesn't read, in spare time likes playing the game called magic the gathering --> started early 2019 to midsummer, then fell out of it at the start of 2020, reconnected recently because a few of friends downloaded arena and were able to connect with people all around the world; frienships --> trust and loyalty are the most important things, withouut those cannot be friends, trust --> i did something bad and asked someone to keep it a secret, have to be able to rely on them and they have to be able to rely on me; build a trusting loyal relationship --> took a long tme (when was younger, for he first 6 moths of school, once in class a few kids were talking trash about him without him being in the class, and friend stood up for him, and friend didn't tell him; how did build that relationship --> playing games, extra programs on the sides; family relationship --> being able to stick together even when things get rouhg, even if there's a fight always know that they;ll have his back and he'll still have theirs --> be with them your whole life, watch movies with them whenever can (does not have much time), sometime save up and give gift for birthdays or food; why so active in maintinaing relationship
04 Apr: father emailed asking for a payment extension
5 Apr: let father know payment plan is ok, but right now would need $50 USD to save Ken's spot
May 15, 2021
Dominion Oke
Student convo done
Didn't answer call. VN not listened to
texted back!! Scheduled for 8PM
8 April - her smile. more sociable . communicating with new people. it makes it easier to reach out to those connections. being quiet sometimes isn't as helpful as you think .. esp when we don't know them that well. an idea of somene else. as much as you might not agree i... they should be confident to express that . one of my male BFFs lives close to me. i know i can trust him a lot. recently i made a new friend. even though we... i want to be someone who has an impact on people.... i want to leave a legacy even if i'm not there. in 2050 i want my life to be established. so that people can recon... i want the rest of humanity to be thriving. everyone deserves that entitlement. i want people to live comfortably. the basic necessities as well as additional things. we would unwind and celebrate the arts. in year 7, ... when you have the same goal that you're thriving towards. there wer some falling outs and disagreements, and therefore, get a victory!! the bright talkative one. i feel like talking to people helps you ... if i were to ask my friend if i'm talking to him... i want to see the world in a different light. tunnel vision of the basic way of light, another perspective of how you can get to your career. get through primary school. i want to see ... i want to see other opportunities... i have that burst of energy for music. it's made me very different. i don't perceive things the way other people perceive things. there are clashing worlds, but i somehow make it work. i have my artistic side that can help me with my artistic side . it's made me .. tbh -- i'm the type of person who likes to go my own way. i will ... THE HARDEST THING TO PICTURE - the starting point. if i have the starting line down, where to start from. there are so many ideas, but which ones ... i want to be able to see things from other persepctives. ... my parent... pairing the business based on an idea. my dad has his own family business. parents are advocates of her pushing herself
10 april - parents want her to be independent. would love his kuds.... stepping out of comfortable ..
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e
baseline 1.0 Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5 6.1 6.1e 6.2  Show 2 more
May 15, 2021
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