Your name
Please share an example of when you acted as a leader.
Mobile Number
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Offer Letter
Scholarship / old Comments about the Student
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Your Love for them?
Lead Status
Parent Email
Follow-up 1
Follow-up 2
Follow-up 3
Follow-up 4
Follow-up 5
Future Plan
Lead Lost Why??
Class Attended
Deadline to Pay
Team Name
Takeaway Call 1
Contest Attendance
Call Tracking
Problem Tree Sent
Problem Defined
Interview Personas
Solution Ideas
Customer Retention
Stakeholder Plan
Solution Finalized
Bubble Raw Data
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# of EA's
Start Date
Reason for Deferral/Removal
5/4/2021, 8:29 PM
[  ]
May 15, 2021
Ruba Ezzaddin almushamer
4/24/2021, 6:17 AM
In my family and school, I've been always chosen to be the leader, and one of the situations made me a leader is when I volunteered in the red crescent authority, we were a group of five members and i was their leader, i organized a campaign to provide all people the important precautions for covid-19, i started allocating the work between us, i chose the person who would be spacing people in the streets, and the person who would distribute masks for the poor families, and so on, there were 3 other volunteered groups, BUT WE WON!, and i was rewarded as a leader for my group, that's one of my best situations ever.
Is there any financial aid? How much time will take the course?
Saudi Arabia
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2
4/24/2021, 1:19 AM
no scholarship
Full Student + Parent
baseline , 1.3 , 1.3e , 8.1 , Community , 5.4e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 3.1e , 5.1e , 6.1 , 3.1e , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e
baseline 1.3 1.3e 8.1 Community 5.4e 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3  Show 13 more
May 15, 2021
Oratiloe Marumoloe
4/23/2021, 1:35 PM
At school when I was a RCL
Will I earn money or?
South Africa
Attended 2 minutes, call for next class
Community , baseline , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 8.1 , 9.1a , 8.1en , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.2 , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a
Community baseline 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.3e 5  Show 21 more
Ignacia alexandra Muñoz Rubilar
4/23/2021, 1:29 PM
I dont think that im a leader (im shy), but ,when things get stressful im the one who keep things moving, i can work with stress and be respectful to others because im really sensible i dont like rude behaviors , just take a step aside and see the full picture. So overall i dont recall any specific moment but im sure that in some ocassion i did acted ( just acted not being) like a leader. Pd: sorry for any kind of bad grammar or misspelling, english is not my first lenguage
If just 3 of us get to present our project to a live audience, what happen with the rest? We get to have another chance or something? What are the possibilities of payment?
CT Message
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3e , 3.4e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3e 3.4e
Tyliah Evans
4/23/2021, 1:25 PM
I acted like a leader when I started my babysitting business. I also acted like an leader when I took the responsibility of becoming my grandmother's care giver during the summer.
Is their any scholarships for students accepted?
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 8.1 , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 6.1 6.1e 5.4 6.2 5.4e 8.1 12.1a 12.1en 12.2a 12.2en 12.3a 11.1a 11.1en 11.2a 11.2en 11.3a 11.3en 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.2e 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e  Show 2 more
Ariana ivon Ancajima sanchez
4/23/2021, 1:24 PM
Mm once my teacher left me with my classmates and me alone in a classroom and my classmates were making a big mess and I decided to be the leader and I began to be a leader, already when she came He looked at us and told me you are a great leader, I really like to be orderly and very clean and I like to teach He looked at us and told me you are a great leader, I really like to be orderly and very clean and I like to teach.
Sii en una ayuda financiera o una beca , I would like the classes to be a little slower when we are in via zoom
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
CT Message
Elisa Mohor Schneider
4/23/2021, 1:14 PM
I act like a leader in different positions, for example once when I was in seventh grade, we organized a visit to a home of ancient people, to make them activities, I organized the kitchen so I reunited people together and explained them what where we doing and how where we doing. I act like a leader everyday with my mom because I help her to succeed in a laboral area, inspiring her and advising her in life, even if I’m younger than her I tend to help people by inspiring them. And when we do works in class, Im telling people what to do, I like doing that because I like to organízate things, people tend to ask me how to do things and what to do because they trust that if I organize things, we all are going to succeed.
It’s necessary to have fluid English?
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
CT Message
Liyema Mdlankomo
4/23/2021, 1:07 PM
Developed my situation sensors , Got involved in projects outside my area. Participated in extracurricular activities .
Do you help people with promoting a business?
South Africa
Texted to Schedule call
baseline , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 1.0 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 9.1a , 9.1en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a
baseline Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 1.0 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 24 more
Alexandre Croquette
4/23/2021, 12:51 PM
I realized that I tend to act like a leader when it comes to school projects, like we had a big project to work on this year in engineering class where we had to create something to help either people or the environment or security (we chose to work on a drone detecting people under avalanches with thermal cameras it was pretty cool! ) And during this project I realized that I may be a great leader as I naturally ended up by being the one people from our group referred to when they had a problem (maybe on the timetable, the attribution of the roles or even once to solve a conflict). I really enjoyed that role that was not officially attributed but seemed to be attributed to me and was quite surprised that they chose me as I was far from the smartest of the groups as the others were in the top 5 of the class. I did not think I could be a leader before that but thinking about it now I may have the qualities for it. It is quite strange because I like people but I'm not even the most outgoing person, I often get quite intimidated when talking to a wide group of persons... However I think I have other qualities that are needed for leaders. When I am working for a specific goal I give as much as I can. And I never give up. Some of my friends think that it is incredible that I can work so much, but for me I just can't just do things that I am not fully invested in. I'll either give my best in the project or I won't do the project at all. Also people describe me as really curious, I love to learn about things I don't know or don't understand and that, for me is an underrated talent needed for a leader. Always want to learn how to do better, understand what his team is going through to help people the best he can and being curious about new ways of doing things quite more efficiently or empathically... I'm sorry if it is a lot for you to read but I'd just like to say that maybe this all comes from the fact that I want to have a positive impact on people's lives in any way. Bring something to the society and change things for the better and if people see that potential in me I think I'd be able make this change.
So I'm 18 and I'm in the equivalent of college right now and my timetable is quite full like I have exams on Saturday morning (Paris time) how flexible is the schedule of this program? What is the most impact that a student of yours made on today's world? I'm done with the questions thanks for reading until that point, I matters a lot to me.
Student convo done
Busy Schedule
Community , 3.1e , 3.2e , 6.1 , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en
Community 3.1e 3.2e 6.1 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5 5.4e 6.1e 5.4 6.2 6.2e 6.3 6.3e 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.2e 7.3 7.4  Show 33 more
Felix Nerdrum
4/23/2021, 11:56 AM
I would not necessarily say I've had many chances to act as a leader during my upbringing so far. I've always usually been the one near or in the background, never the "class clown" or particularly confident. Recently, however, I've been developing myself; I have seen myself grow emotionally, with much less anxiety and a greater level of sociability. I've developed to a point where I feel assured in my ability to set up a financially-sustainable business. I've grown the ability to effectively (whilst still being able to succinctly) network with potential business partners, investors and customers. At heart, I'm a strong advertiser; I have a strong vision as to what I wish to do with my future, and I'm one of a very, very small minority of people in my age group of 16 years who have their careers planned out. Personally, I am looking into a future in trading/investing, filmmaking and/or business. I'm looking, with the help of the academy, to foster one or more businesses that I have ruminated over for some time; I've led large groups of people in filmmaking shoots, even when I was as young as 13, coordinating a shoot at one of the most prestigious halls in Oxford, UK. I've been actively researching and testing different ideas and techniques in other fields, i.e in my trading side-hustle, as well as growing business ideas, running them past family members and drawing up business propositions in addition to drafting pitches to potential investors. I'm a naturally curious person, with my proverbial arms in many industries, including but not limited to content creation, social media marketing, economics, clean-energy research and development and eSports. With SoF, I'd love to enter the program to advance my financial literacy, managerial skills, creativity, the ability to process ideas in creating businesses and the precise aspects of entrepreneurship. Thanks for reading this far if you did!
Would it be possible to postpone the commencement of the program? I finish very important exams in around 4 weeks, so it would be much more helpful for me to begin then. If not, I'd be happy to begin (if I get accepted!) at the predetermined date and time.
CT Message
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a
Community 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e  Show 50 more
4/23/2021, 11:47 AM
I am a hard working and empathetic leader who knows how to work with her co-workers well and I'm also the face of intelligence itself who is confident enough to succeed in everything she does.
How will you help students financially?
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a
Ayesha Rahman
4/23/2021, 11:26 AM
In the 16 years I've experienced, I feel like I've been many different people. Sometimes I was loud, expressive and went with the flow of life and other times I was quiet, enjoyed the calm and independent moments, but one thing that I have carried with me throughout is my hope for a better future. I'm the type of person who often looks at the world and thinks I wish... or if only... but as I've gotten older I realized that if I truly put my mind to something no matter how many restrictions or setbacks I have to deal with I can achieve my goals. In my home, school and social life I've often been the fixer, the person people come to when they don't know what to do, so helping people is my default setting. This time I'm not writing things that I think you would want to hear, I'm writing about me! I'm spontaneous, adventurous, always someone that will say " you know what, lets give it a try", I'm often forced to face the multifaceted being in the mirror and its only when I find the courage to stare that it becomes easier everyday to look. to look at me. to look at my dreams. to keep asking "how can I help?". To me that sounds like leadership. I lead my life. I'm going to lead my future, and I will do anything to become a better leader with you. All I'm asking for is an opportunity.
what inspired the creation of the school of future?
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , dt2.2 , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a , 12.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 5.1e 5.2e  Show 49 more
Saima Shahjahan
4/23/2021, 11:22 AM
I was 10 10 Whe i acted as Leader And I experiencedalot of things ....
Are we goin to meet investors
Saudi Arabia
Texted to Schedule call
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 1.1e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 1.1e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e  Show 51 more
udayveer Agarwal
4/23/2021, 11:09 AM
so there was a time where our school gave an opportunity to make a change for something you believe in. A lot of guys took a back seat but i had this strong feeling about gender equality and took that step where I had this feeling that be it alone i can make a change in the society. So i started editing some stuff and soon some guys joined. We made a small play ,took interviews and collaborate stuff. I was truly appreciated not only by my teachers but also my mother which was truly my success. As a leader i lead for my mother who had fed me. That was truly a victory for me but also making me lead upfront in all situations. In another instance(ok so you told me to brag:)) We have atl in our school which is atal tinkering lab where they promote innovation among students by helping them make many projects. there we were told to make a bridge in a team and the one which holds the most of weight without breaking wins . we had to make the bridge with only 60 ice-cream sticks. we were 5 members and I decided to take the step upfront. I came up with an innovative design and my team beautifully assisted me and that whole month was a lot of work. It was not a photo-finish(not a movie obviously) as our team lost but it honed my leadership skills and we were awarded with the best design and i really loved the experience altogether.
nothing as of yet can tell more after talking with my parents but very excited!!!
baseline , Community , 1.1 , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.3 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.1en , 12.3a
baseline Community 1.1 1.0 1.0e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 36 more
Laiba Abbas Shah
4/23/2021, 11:08 AM
I’ve always been acting like a leader since i was born . Since I am a first born child I have been leading basically the family. I have been a leader in school , when playing sports, been a sports leader. I am also part of a youth council which allows me to express concern for the youth for my city & country , a position such as this requires me to be a leader naturally. Moreover , I have qualities of a desired leader.For example, in my college / sixth form , my friends would say that I have “the balls” meaning I have confidence talking to other people and do things other people would never think to do. I also have the ability to get something I want , I wouldn’t rest before getting what I want, which i think is the key to owning a business , you shouldn’t want the business to be steady as steady is not enough to make a business thrive. I would keep pushing, to create an empire for my business.I am also very good at socialising with people , people describe as “kind , nice” , i believe this can be a tool to discover what the consumers would want.
No questions, right now thank you.
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.2 6.2e 6.3e 7.1  Show 3 more
Emanuel Silva do Carmo Fortes
4/23/2021, 11:03 AM
Per example, in the school I've already acted like a leader. Inspiring my classmates, helping them to reach our goals and etc.
About the financial aid, how much cust the course and, how much can I have of financial aid? My parents are with open minds to business, so I'd like to know, is there some help, advises to create the own business? The classes are going to be in what time of the day? What days of the week? These are some questions. If more questions come to my mind, can I make touch with you by whatzapp, instagram or etc.?
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
CT Message
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.4 , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 4.3 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 5.1e 5.2e 5.4 5.3e 5 5.4e 4.3 6.1  Show 46 more
4/23/2021, 11:01 AM
I have never acted as a leader as I have never had a platform to share my views and ideas. By applying at this academy I am deciding on finally voicing out my views and finally coming out of my shell
If possible I would like to apply for financial aid. Is the time not going to inconvenience anyone for the mentorship programs? Will I need parental consent for joining the academy?
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e
4/23/2021, 10:57 AM
It was 2 years ago when I was doing matric at school. We used to have sport days and those days the school will be untidy after sports . I used to stay afterschool picking up papers and all the plastic, I did this willing just to make sure that the environment was kept clean at all times. Back in my mind I use to think that in our sport fields, certain creatures stayed and lived there so I wanted to make it a friendly environment for people and creaters too. Regardless I always try to help where I can to make the planet a better place and I always see trash as an opportunity. I'm a solver I like coming up with ideas.
For the 75% financial aid we get, do we have to pay it back.
South Africa
Student convo done
Texted to Schedule call
Routine: Finished school in 2019, does online courses online. in free time does puzzles and keeps herslef busy with
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 2.1
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 2.1
Hima Varsha
4/23/2021, 10:52 AM
I was acted in our school as we are doing a programme of "Independence Day" . So I was acted as a business women . Actually my friends said there would be no business women only there will be businesses men . So, from that onwards I want to proof everyone that there us a stand for businesses women also....
I want to become the top Entrepreneur of upcoming generation...
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 6.1  Show 38 more
Ahana Roy
4/22/2021, 12:07 AM
I was the captain of primary school and also a the youth president of my school
I just want to know the fees for the admission
Texted to schedule call
No response, gave a normal call, did not lift.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e
Community 1.0 1.0e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.2e
Hugo Delgado
4/21/2021, 1:42 PM
I have acted as a leader in various positions but the ones that stand out the most is my gym leading skills I am able to scope out the best exercises for me and my group without a problem, I act on my friends weaknesses and make them work on it and if it still hard on them I come with a easier solution. Going to the gym everyday sometimes can be a hassle but I always manage to encourage my friends into coming as I am always keeping them motivated and on their toes, awakening them for their lazy state. This leader I am today is all thanks to my school life and sport life.
I aspire to become one of the greatest Architects in the world, I truly admire the professionals work and what they do, well I have been intrigued by this career path since I was a child. So with this comes my question do you think it is wise to have a full time career and still take a chance on creating your own business. This question is really important for me as my goal is to have a variety of money streams of income.
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
CT Message
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e
Numan ul islam
4/21/2021, 12:35 PM
I just wanted to say that In my mind their is a future like cars with no electricity or petrol so i am good at making stuff with out electricity but the only thing i dont have is things that help me 2 make so And another thing is that the rich people and the poor people has a very big diffrent in this world we should treat them as equal this is my thought of being leader
Like first i saw you ad in insta i thought it was fake after joining your zooming meeting i kn3w that that wasn't a cap and your motivation for all teenager i just want to say god bless u and i really really want to see your school or academy i do t know but i really wanted to know who are u guys thanks
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
Free class: Motivating students, Schedule: School -- Play games, creativity is his superpower, not good at maths, is in 9th, English, science - fav, wants to create a business, 3 best friends, do not have only friends - 3 best friends, PS, Father (Police) & he is Qatar, Wants to go Army, brother is army, likes wooden work, wants to create small business,
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 2.1 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e
Community 1.0 1.0e 2.1 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e
Thabiso Ndlovu
4/21/2021, 12:31 PM
Before you turn me down I was a leader in my school .. I had to deal with lots of teens problem in My school . I was dealing with drug addicts, teenage pregnancy, Kid's who needed financial and medical help, but I managed to lead them and I have to attend rehab with them.. I know 😉 everything about Leadership Yess.... I will like to join the school of future... I believe that my knowledge and experience can help entrepreneur I can be a leader because to be a leader needs time, experience, evaluate other people situations.. as we grow up together doesn't me that were all gonna have everything together .... Before you ask him/her why he/she is a entrepreneur just look at his/her background
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 2.4 , 2.4e , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en
Community 1.0 2.4 2.4e 11.1a 11.1en 11.2a 11.2en
Naiara Sophia Patricio Patricio
4/21/2021, 12:27 PM
Hi!I'm Naiara from Peru (hard working , open minded and social person).Here I will explain you guys why I'm the one you should choose :3 more like the one you shouldnt miss and Im just gonna tell you one of my ideas. First, I may not have such a noble goal like solving climate change but I do have something I want to achieve (things to change) and it's creativity and entertainment. Now, let me be more specific, I hate Disney, I hate the way filmmaking is done nowadays, I hate how they kill innovation for marketability(and get me right , is not that marketability is bad is just that killing the soul of what you created for mass appeal what i see as bad) They do films following a formula that, in the past, worked well, but nowadays just creates hollow results and any new ideas there are just stay as whispers in this big market. If I caught your interest let me tell you my idea rigth now, since I hate the ways things are done I am thinking of new ways, for example, making a Film production company that lets the customers decide what the want to see (putting options of stories in the table an let voters -custumers who are paying- vote for the one they want to see made into a movie) that way we dont have to make somethimg without knowing if it will succeed or not. Since now I got my idea out and the question was about examples when I acted as a leader let me answer that. You could say I acted as a leader when I was 14 and decided to stop going the same path as others, when i told my teachers about my goals wishing for advice but I got treated like something worthless. I'm 16 now and I aldredy finished school like most of my classmates, the thing is , most of them are just studiyng something their parents told them to do and it makes me sad, I care for other people I see how colleges put students in debt and I know some of them wont make it, there are so many flaws in the world that need to be changed. Uhh I may be getting to emotional. I could explain more but it will take to much time.Thank you for reading and I'll be waiting for the response.
Do you believe in miracles...? I am a miracle
75% Scholarship
Student convo done
CT Message
21 Apr: intro--> saw the ad on instagram and thought she'd try it out, got excited to see all these students from around the world, saw an opportunity; already finished school (at 16 or 17), is not going to college or university because of the cost, time, and money --> you learn useless things, focses more on art and does commissions for her art; routine --> wakes up early in the morning, does some stretches, prepares breakfast, have fun with dog, then practices are and wants to get a job in the industry --> most of the day is practicing art and talking to friends in college, really loves music helps her gets into flow, also attends online classes for art; father is working all the time so really thinks hard about where she is making her choice; quarantine has been nice, grandmother worries about her being in her room all day, used to play video games a lot bt now focuses fully on career; living with gradnmother and grandfather, ncle and dad, they are family --> kind of strange living with all of them and aunt lives across the, bought Naiara the Originales book, really likes her aunt because she works at the newspaper and is very knowlegeable, really likes reading books and bought the book; really enjoys how they talk about ideas; social life --> most of social life is on DIscord because of how things are going right now, has not been outside for a really longtime, friends are introducing her to different friends that are all in different places, college is difficult but cool to meet new people and see new perspectives; good friendship --> when the two people understand each other an see in each other somthing precious, something beautiful in the other person, has that relationship with best friend who is going to study economics, used to draw together; thrive --> when she draws and when she listens to music, such a good feeling can barely describe, when tlaking about it can't stop talking about it, it is her passion; stuck --> sometimes feels stuck in the routine and lack of motivation, can spend 1-2 days doing nothing and it just happens, but recognizes it's also good to rest; hope --> meeting new people, have a more businesslike approach to her goals and see how to do it actually, have a good time
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e
Community 1.0 1.0e 2.4 2.4e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e
May 15, 2021
Yasmin Sultana
4/21/2021, 12:26 PM
Currently, I'm a prefect at school meaning I have many roles which include watching classes while teachers do some work. Attend meeting in order to make the school a better place. I was also a bullying ambassador and helped kids resolve issues with other students. Also, as part of my work experience which I volunteered for, I worked in a nursery and showed leadership skills by making sure all the children were safe and following the protocol. I also show leadership skills by joining school Council and discuss certain issues at school. When there is a problem I always offer a resolution. I have done presentations in front the whole year group and talk about topics giving by house leaders. I also use my initiative when I have a problem in any place whether workplace or school. I also organise study sessions with my friends and used communication skills to organise it. I have also participated in the jack petchey competition and used my leadership skills to organise and help others around me by using stragetic planning.
50% Scholarship
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
22 April - i need to be more confident in anything i do. even though I do a lot of stuff, I just need to solve it.. i like to bake and knit. really stress relieving. when i do a task, it makes. i just take breaks, helps me to recover. i just try to calm myself .... i don't have anyone to rely. i've tried to find many friend groups, but it doesn't match what I want to do. sometimes i've been in groups, and it's been really awkward and i realize I'm not fit for the group, and i end up ... i just stand in a corner. there are always one person or two people who i actually, i stay in a corner and watch everything they do. much better when I'm alone. today i got accepted into the 6th forms . i think i've been so tired and nothing is really phasing me. scroll through the internet and stuff. i started just write down my thoughts. entrepreneurial thinking has been . dad was quite intrigued. just asking questions a.nd stuff. make sure you go to the call. one thing i'd love to change is the racism in society ; they dont know it's a racial comment, and it's realy .... communicattion is really important to get stuff. their nap time, it was really crucial. the children had to go out to play. the time tables ... i want more for my mind. I want to be able to think faster. sometimes my reaction .... i need to think quicker. there was a time where one of the chidren in the nursey, they were about to fall, and i felt guilty that i didn't ....... even if 100 people tell you: you're really good,. you cann... there are those popular kids who you feel like they are having such... we cannot afford to put money into everything. only one of my parents work, so it's kind of tought right now... I'm exxcited to try somwthing new, and put this on my CV
Hi, I had a discussion with my father and he mentioned that I should quit because we are not in the position to afford this at all right now. And he made it clear that he doesn't want to have a discussion
now could be interested with financial aid
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4
Arijit Ghosh
4/21/2021, 12:23 PM
Actual the monitoring when I have lead the total classroom . In that case I have thought that how to interestingly I can lead the class. There after I have made some systems , daily engagement notes , engaging student to scientific decoration in the class when there is no sir. At the end of year , we have won the best class in the school. Another I have also get chance to led a team for managing school cultural ceremony. I have organised and make a theme , led the team. So it's so amazing , I love to lead that situation I have listen my team members ideas , reshape their ideas some times reject. Sometimes I have also explore some new ideas to implement. However that's awesome things I have done.
Is there live classes available or recorded video ? If yes then when ?
Replied a bit
Financial Constraint
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.4e , 5.1e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2
baseline 1.0 Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.4e 5.1e 7.1 7.1e 7.2
Michelle Monter
4/21/2021, 11:53 AM
21 apr - "i felt like it was my place." prez is a horrible person. i'm going to help the people get poverty. but they are keeping all of our money. don't worry your money is right here. dad is so into politics. i work at a restaurant, and people from all over the world, politcs are so horrible right now. ... people are seeing and watching the screens ... what are so fair about the screens people are looking at .... they are moving your brain, putting their hands on their ... the algorithm doesn't ... .... Here in my country, kids my age, they are not looking for something big. if i get .. 12 minutes. next generation is coming, ... i love nature and the next generation, and ... it makes me feel complete and full, connection with the nature for the /// 12 minutes in... all the pressure from the president, and all the people around you. that's the reason we need people that want to make the change, doesn't matter what. i have been fighting for that you ... I'm looking forward to develop myself. my problem is i have the idea, but i don't have the resources, the complete idea. i just reach the goal but i dont' feel like full. i dont feel like i have done enough for the people. some help. ... the fact that I'm a minor, as an adult, you can do a lot of things. ... it's bad for the bad for the planet. just they are like umm yess , whatever, because i'm a chile ... they need a guide, to stop them from partying. i've talked to so many people. well i want to be a lawyer and have a family and that's all. you can make a chance , if you have the resources, and she made the comic and sent it the... i've always tried to meet people...... maybe make some ... parents will be stressed that you won't have time for everything.
I´m a girl that wants to make the things in the future more human. Currently social networks are present in most of the world with people of all ages, the problem is that they only show us what we want to see and not what is really good for us. The more information you see, the more they pay them and I consider that a terrible problem that I want to fix since it can reach the end of a civil war. Now kids can see so many things they shouldn't, but the internet doesn't care because they are just one piece of a big money puzzle. The animals also suffer because of it, since the networks show you only the rich hamburger that you are going to eat, however you cannot see the polluting and cruel process, in that way they use the knowledge bias called "framing effect". If we could eliminate it and give people the whole picture and the things that are good for them and for the rest of the world now we would be the ones who would decide what we want to see and who we want to be, at the same time that we take care of planet earth. This would also allow that the machines could not replace us since we are the only ones that can show empathy with the environment and with our peers.I also want to eliminate the horrible system that exploits people just to get most of the credit. That is the most inhumane thing that I have experienced in my country, working days of 8 hours or more with the minimum salary for large companies that are multimillionaire. That is not fair. I am a 16 year old girl who wants and can save the planet from the mistakes of people without empathy and greed. I live in Mexico and I have tried to get ahead and take all the opportunities that I see, something that most of the people here do not do because our culture is one of conformity. "Keep what you have, look no further" and I'm not one of the many. Currently I even have my small business on instagram. I invested the money I earn working hard on weekends because I know how to move the money so that it returns multiplied, of course always with a lot of patience. I have great ideas and I just need a little support. Thank you.
Since i live in mexico i really need a financial aid and as i told you before i work on weekends but i can make time for this. I hope we can reach an agreement. :)
75% Scholarship
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
21 apr - "i felt like it was my place." prez is a horrible person. i'm going to help the people get poverty. but they are keeping all of our money. don't worry your money is right here. dad is so into politics. i work at a restaurant, and people from all over the world, politcs are so horrible right now. ... people are seeing and watching the screens ... what are so fair about the screens people are looking at .... they are moving your brain, putting their hands on their ... the algorithm doesn't ... .... Here in my country, kids my age, they are not looking for something big. if i get .. 12 minutes. next generation is coming, ... i love nature and the next generation, and ... it makes me feel complete and full, connection with the nature for the /// 12 minutes in... all the pressure from the president, and all the people around you. that's the reason we need people that want to make the change, doesn't matter what. i have been fighting for that you ... I'm looking forward to develop myself. my problem is i have the idea, but i don't have the resources, the complete idea. i just reach the goal but i dont' feel like full. i dont feel like i have done enough for the people. some help. ... the fact that I'm a minor, as an adult, you can do a lot of things. ... it's bad for the bad for the planet. just they are like umm yess , whatever, because i'm a chile ... they need a guide, to stop them from partying. i've talked to so many people. well i want to be a lawyer and have a family and that's all. you can make a chance , if you have the resources, and she made the comic and sent it the... i've always tried to meet people...... maybe make some ... parents will be stressed that you won't have time for everything.
[  ]
Vuyelwa Mayeza
4/21/2021, 11:48 AM
•In grade 7 I was elected prefect at my primary school. • I am currently the leader of our schools debate club and reading club in high school • I was also elected prefect in high school because of my academics, excellent leadership skills, courage, diligence and kindness. •In my community I have been chosen countless times to speak up for the voices-less during peaceful protests against sexual harassment, cyber bullying and racism. • At church I usually speak for the youth. I am often chosen because I am not afraid of speaking in front of large amounts of people.
-What time do the lessons begin on Thursday and Saturdays and how long will they be for? ( as I am still writing exams at school) - In regards to financial aid, will the School of Future cover all necessary costs or is it for a short term period. -What good or change will this program do in my life -Will I be able to innovate my ideas if I feel I do not understand how you are teaching us -What should we look out for in the curriculum and how do I prepare myself before the meeting begins
South Africa
50% financial aid
Student convo done
Free class: Had doubts if she really wanted this, but was free to speak without being judged, friendly, Schedule: Wake up -- School -- Clubs and extra curricular -- 2 hr nap -- Study -- last year wants to go for university -- write poetry on weekends-- help old people at local clinic -- Nothing more loving than Reading, has creative mind, improve vocabulary, currently grade 12-Economics, Geography, Biology, Maths, English, after high school planning on becoming a chef, wants to open her own restaurant and become private chef and wants to write some book, fees are really expensive for universities, loves school as it is place where she discovered herself and her passion, its too small, lockdown affected academics, depression - got into dark place, did not understand what she is doing, was lost, but discovered herself again, mom (data analyst), mom is super straight, good bond with mother but not that great, has 1 sibling, tried baking business but didn't go that well, still continuing but at small level, inspired by movies for entrepreneurship, wants to help people, told everyone about the academy at school, teacher and mom, hoping to learn entrepreneurship and how it works in real world, timings would be suitable, hoping that she is not,
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2e
Juan Camilo Hurtado Hernández
4/21/2021, 11:48 AM
I haven't had many opportunities to act as a leader in my life, maybe in a school project where I was selected to be the one to guide the group, but still most of the time we do well and I manage to organize the project well.
I have many questions such as how their teaching system works and how they are organized as well as some questions about finance such as money management and business and how can I find an idea that will make my company successful in the future?
Poor English
CT Message
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 5.4 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e  Show 27 more
Lwazi Sean Mdluli
4/21/2021, 11:32 AM
I'm currently a prefect at my school ,deputy headboy (unfortunately),as a prefect so far as a school we hv grown closer because of my idea of having school activities that bring the students closer together. One thing that I hate about our generation or the people in our era is ,we tend to have problems with self esteem, self worth and self love, from last year my friends a I decided to launch a program in our school called "I got you" ,basically we are trying to create an environment that makes it easier for people to navigate through life . If we talk about things we feel better, if you have someone to talk to or have someone that will understand your situation without judging or discriminating in any way makes life better . I've been told I'm a great leader and I'm meant for greatness,but I've only started believing in myself a couple of months ago when I woke up one morning and realized I'm the coolest ,most awesome kid on the planet.
Can payments b made at the end of the month or is it a must to pay upfront? Does the curriculum involve programming?
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 1.2 , 1.1e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 1.2 1.1e 6.1 6.1e 5.4
Keloeditse Florence Balepile
4/21/2021, 11:31 AM
It was on my first day in varsity, there were a lot of students complaining about not getting funding for the 2021 academic year. I came up with a solution of why don't we all write concession to the vice chancellor or to the university financial aid. That helped a lot of students. I am an IT:Software development student I am doing my first year.I chose this course because we're are on the 4th industrial revolution, and a lot of things in the world now are based on technology. I would like to to help the world with my IT skills to develop some programs that can help unemployed people to get jobs through networking without them being going up and down just by doing it online. I would also like to have my own firm where I have a lot of employers I can work with in changing the world. My passion is that I do not give up easily, I am patient, good thinker and a risk taker. I am currently working on on opening a Forex account so that I can gather money and invest in properties to have a way on building my firm.
If I am chosen to I have to pay for all the lessons and how much will it be?
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Apr 21: Offered 75% scholarship. IT studnet in University. ROUTINE: learning and assignments.. Free time: browsing social media. UNIVERSITY: supports alot with money aspects. FRIENDS: very few but really supportive. and takes care of . FAMILY: Single parent, need support from parent to continue. Hope: Learn and get more knowledge that eally helps her in dbetter future. THRIVE: learning. STUCK: failures
[7:36 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hi Keloeditse Florence Balepile, Rakesh here, from School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 9 students that we selected from 176 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a *good time to speak to you today. * Cheers! [7:42 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Good time to speak to you today [7:45 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Yes [7:45 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Will you be able to talk today? [7:49 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Via zoom or whatsapp? Around what time? [7:50 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: ZOOM ? 7 PM South African Time? [7:52 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Around that time I will be in the study session where we we are not allowed to interact Though I can participate but I will only interact in the chat box Is that okay? [7:53 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Sorry Keloeditse, it would be an interview [7:53 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: And we have to have a face to face interaction [7:54 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Okay i will absent myself from the study session [7:54 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Please let me know a time [7:54 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: So that we can talk.. [7:57 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Around 7 it's okay [8:01 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Ok [8:01 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: I will get back to you with the ZOOM meeting details. [8:02 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Okay thank you [8:02 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: You're welcome [9:53 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hey [9:53 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Can we have the call now? [9:53 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Hello [9:53 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Okay give me just 2mins and I will be ready [9:54 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Ok sure [10:01 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: We can start [10:02 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 303 8300: I'm Sorry to take so long [10:02 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Its okay [10:02 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 937 1929 3966 Passcode: 6EPMVZ [10:02 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Please join [11:55 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hi Kelo, Our admission committee had approved your financial aid request. Please do check your email and revert as soon as possible😊 [12:39 AM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Okay i will check my emails [7:48 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Hi Keloeditse Florence Balepile, I really enjoyed speaking to you yesterday! 📲 It was wonderful to get to know you and your vision. Congrats again on your acceptance into the Entrepreneurs Academy. 17 exceptional teens from UK, S Africa, USA, Germany - have already joined us and we hope you are next to join this amazing group of inspiring 🌏 peers. We feel proud to be able to support students in need with our scholarships and you have received our maximum award of a 75% Scholarship. 🏆 Please secure your spot using the link: ⚠️ We have 3 spots left and tomorrow is the last day that we are accepting payments. Let me know and if you face any issues with the payment link and don't hesitate to contact me. We will see you for the kick off and sooo excited to be working with you. 💃 [8:19 PM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Okay thank you [8:20 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Welcome😊 Kelo [11:45 PM, 4/23/2021] School Of Future: Hello, Kelo, I totally understand whatever decision you come to, but please let me know. I hope your conversation with your parents well!!! [11:47 PM, 4/23/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Hello I'm so sorry for not letting you know My parents are saying that it's a short notice thing and that they don't have that kind of money right now I'm sorry for keeping you waiting [11:48 PM, 4/23/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay [11:50 PM, 4/23/2021] School Of Future: Would you like to reserve your spot by paying ZAR 300 ~ 20 USD, which would be deducted from the total fee and pay the rest before May 5th? [11:50 PM, 4/23/2021] School Of Future: Do you think this will help you out? [11:59 PM, 4/23/2021] +27 63 303 8300: I'd Like to but thing I'm not the one paying and I'm not my parents will pay because it seems that they are low on cash So I think we better just let someone take the spot [12:00 AM, 4/24/2021] School Of Future: Ok [12:00 AM, 4/24/2021] School Of Future: No problem thanks for the update [12:00 AM, 4/24/2021] +27 63 303 8300: Thank you so much for the chance and believing in me [12:01 AM, 4/24/2021] School Of Future: You're welcome
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 8.1 8.1en 8.2 8.2en 8.3a 8.3en 8.4a 8.4en 9.1a 9.1en 9.1pt2a  Show 8 more
Tristen Eloff
4/21/2021, 11:24 AM
Well in primary school I was leader of the innovation center in grade 7.Now I am in grade 8 and I am a RCL it stands for Representative council of learners which every class which consists of about 30 people has to give 1 RCL member which take a problem the people in your class have and have a RCL meeting every Monday and discuss the problems in the school and then take it up with the governing body to change and improve the school.I am the brother of a sister whom sometimes needs my help .So I help her with schooling and to solve problems if she has any .....I am really creative and love helping and improving everyone ...I absolutely love books and reading and writing and putting myself out there ...I am also a choir captain ...I love thinking out of the box and associate with everything......I live in South Africa and here we have a lot of poverty and unemployment so not everyone is privileged enough to attend school to receive a education and I want everyone to have have the choice to a good education.I love meeting people and I am extremely inquisitive and ask about everything and I love cultural stuff and want to improve the lives of all people of all races ,cultural backgrounds,from everywhere ....I love being creative and innovative I want to inspire people to be their best and really encourage people to get out there and try new things and I feel like I can relate to a lot of people !
Yes we are going through a financial problem, I really want to be part of this programme and I am super hard working and outgoing and creative but might not be able to due to the funding I really want to be accepted....Have a great day or night or morning
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Texted to schedule call
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4
Siphiwokuhle Natacia Sibande
4/21/2021, 11:24 AM
I am a 16 year old. I’m very different from other 16 year olds around me because I honestly love business, at some point in my life at the age of 14 I wanted to open a restaurant. I am goal driven, hardworking , motivated. If we had a one on one conversation you would amazed by me. I sit and think about solutions to problems we face as in the world. I am sooo motivated and goal driven to the point where I think anything can be a business if you put your mind to it. One think about me is that I believe in myself, I believe that I am able to do anything, my age doesn’t matter. I do research all the time , I ask questions, I read the news. I discuss ways in which we can improve our living situations. Personally I know that I’ll never be broke, never not have money because of the mindset I have. I love to read, I love to watch videos about business and habits successful people possess. I’m innovative. I know it can be challenging but I believe that my natural love of business will Keep me going until I succeed, I also know that mentorship will help me alot and that is why I am here. I have a vision and I have goals that I want to achieve. I am very dedicated, passionate, persistent and patient these qualities that I possess will keep me burning until I succeed. I love business, I think about business, I talk business, most conversations I have with my peers is how to make money, I always have an idea on what I can turn into a business, I always associate myself with people that love business. I like to think of myself as a LION because it is never intimidated by the weight, power, might and height of the Elephant, when it sees it , it always sees LUNCH , and it always goes for it ( from a motivational speaker) I see myself this way because I believe that whatever I think of, determines how I feel and it turns it into reality.I attract whatever I want , talk about success. I am positive and very creative. My confidence top tier. I also find joy in public speaking, sometimes i write speeches on my laptop for myself Speeches about anything and everything. I am Certain that the school of future will be lucky to have me and I’ll be blessed to be one of you. I am also always open to learning new things.
I’d firstly like to thank you for your time, I honestly had the time of my life today, thank you so much. I’d like to how much we pay from SA (cost in rands) and how does the financial aid works. My parents are very supportive so I’m certain that I will be able to do anything that is needed of me. Thank you
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 7.1
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 7.1
Emely Franzen
4/21/2021, 11:24 AM
Since I am currently graduating from High School, we have a newspaper just for my graduating class. I decided that I want to be the one managing everything. After some differences of opinion and another girl trying to get the position of the manager, I still was the one to manage everything. I am the one telling everyone what they have to do, write down all the ideas and of course, also recognise the work my team has made. On the other side there are also people that are personally not in my favour but I still managed to get along with them, since that is what a good leader is able to do. I often do act as the leader in my friend groups too, since I am the one being the organisation-talent. So whenever we are meeting or planing anything, I am the one to moderate everything and have the control of everything. When I do mistakes I certainly do listen to my friends and teammates for what mistake I have made and how to avoid doing it again, as well as solving the problem resolving from it together. One of my good as well as bad traits is, that I first do observe before I start talking, leading to me sometimes not saying anything, like today in the zoom meeting, but also keeping me from making bigger mistakes and embarrassing myself and my team.
What time will the Saturday-course be at? Because I have to work through half the day most Saturdays. Also when will the 1 on 1-meetings be time and day wise, will they be flexible?
Student convo done
Apr 21: Positive kid. ROUTINE: School, pets, reading and Work on Sunday. SCHOOL: Good tutors and understanding about each student. Hate: New Director of school. FRIENDS: supportive and good friends. FAMILY: Father Supermarket owner, Mom: HW. Siblings learning. Planining to IB in her studies next year. Parents ready to pay. HOPE: Her own boss. Positive kid who really want to do something for her life. THRIVE: Learning and helping others. STUCK: COVID
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 11 more
May 15, 2021
Eyami Zwane
4/21/2021, 11:14 AM
Well im always a learder being a resturanter has always been my dream even in classroom activities im always the group leader maybe becouse im willing to listen to other ideas and help and build from other peoples ideas
How do you make income to start your business at this age also about the scholarship i need it becouse im bought up in a very poor enviroment but i wont let that stop me from following my dream and i would like to change my sitution and im hoping this program would help me🤗
South africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Apr 21: Spoke to Eyami, ROUTINE: School, HW, Swiming. Reading Macbeth. FREE TIME: Novel, Swimming, Social media. SCHOOL: Very supportive understanding. FRIENDS: Supports academicaly. FAMILY: Single parent, she will only have to pay. 75% sch. ENT: better life and good employement. HOPE: Learn and interact with global peers and start abusiness in very young age.
[7:38 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hi Eyami Zwane, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [7:51 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Around 18:00pm If thats possible with you [7:53 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Eyami, I have an appointment at the same time. Can we have it around 7:00 PM today? [7:53 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Yes ofcouse [7:53 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Great see you at 7.. [8:01 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Eyami, please join the meeting link by 7 PM: [8:05 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Ok [8:05 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: 👍🤩 [10:28 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hi [10:28 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Please join [10:30 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Im failing to log in they are asking for my password to verify [10:31 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Ain't we using zoom? [10:31 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Can you share a screenshot? [10:31 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: No [10:31 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Do you want me schedule the call in ZOOM? [10:32 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Yes plz [10:35 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Just a min [10:37 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 987 9880 8406 Passcode: F4kj6e [10:38 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Please join [12:06 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Hi Eyami Zwane, Rakesh here, from School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 9 students that we selected from 176 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [12:09 AM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 172 3110: 😳😳😳😳😳🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️ [12:09 AM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Really😤😤💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽👑👑👑 [12:09 AM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Thank you thank you thank you❤️🙌🏾😫😫🥲👑 [12:09 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Ya just now my team confirmed you got selected [12:10 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Please revert to the email as soon as possible [12:10 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: And complete the steps to reserve your spot including the fees😊 [12:10 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: If you have any concern please let me know [12:11 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: I will help you out [12:11 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [12:13 AM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Ohky thanks alot i will talk to my perants and let you know before the 23 [12:13 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Okay [12:13 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [7:48 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Hi Eyami Zwane, I really enjoyed speaking to you yesterday! 📲 It was wonderful to get to know you and your vision. Congrats again on your acceptance into the Entrepreneurs Academy. 17 exceptional teens from UK, S Africa, USA, Germany - have already joined us and we hope you are next to join this amazing group of inspiring 🌏 peers. We feel proud to be able to support students in need with our scholarships and you have received our maximum award of a 75% Scholarship. 🏆 Please secure your spot using the link: ⚠️ We have 3 spots left and tomorrow is the last day that we are accepting payments. Let me know and if you face any issues with the payment link and don't hesitate to contact me. We will see you for the kick off and sooo excited to be working with you. 💃 [9:28 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Hi Eyami, Have you got the opportunity to talk to your mom [9:47 PM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Yeah i did but she said it was a last minute thing [9:48 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Oh [9:48 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Okay [9:48 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Will you be able to make up for the program [11:04 PM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 172 3110: No i think so😭 [11:04 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay, I can understand your concern [11:06 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: In that case would you like to reserve your spot for now and join the program in a couple of months. I hope this would help you. What do think? [11:15 PM, 4/22/2021] +27 63 172 3110: Yes plz [11:15 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Ok sure [11:18 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Eyami, As discussed, we are happy to offer you the option to Defer your Admission Offer. By saving your spot with a 20$ fee (~300 ZAR), which will be deducted from the overall program fee. And you can join us post 3 months once your financial constraints are sort Here is the link to secure your spot: [11:19 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Please do save your spot using this link and mention month as July. [11:20 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: This will help you out with, not undergoing admission process again and your spot is saved for July [11:21 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Do you think this would work? [11:45 PM, 4/23/2021] School Of Future: Hi Eyamy, I totally understand whatever decision you come to, but please let me know. I hope your conversation with your parents well!!!
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 4.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 9.1a , 10.1 , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.1b , 10.1en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e  Show 34 more
4/21/2021, 11:09 AM
I am sharp minded, punctual, patient
What if the the student is unprivileged
South Africa
75% Financial Aid
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Network was a problem, so couldn't attend it entirely, Have sent her the recording and told her to come back after she has watched it entirely
Gomolemo Mosime
4/21/2021, 11:01 AM
My class was once noisy in class this was in primary ,which made my teacher cry and I had to step out of my zone and tell the class to keep quiet (bare in mind I have social anxiety) A kid was being bullied in school and I stepped in and told the bullies to stop and tell them that they're only reflecting what's going on inside I am very gentle and very patient with people. I have a bold personality,I can stand up for myself I usually solve the problem between my friends,making them face their problems.
Do you guys give daily motivation? Do you make slow learners understand what exactly your program is about ? How long are the zoom calls ? Once the 100 days program has finished,what happens after? How daily are your 1 on 1 mentorship?
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Texted to schedule call
Community , 1.0 , 6.1
Community 1.0 6.1
Stephanie Goerck de Carvalho Macedo
4/19/2021, 3:19 PM
Last year, I participated in a Stanford Pre-Collegiate Course about 'Business & Entrepreneurship'. As part of the course we had to design a product and pitch about it. During this project, I took the position as leader of a group of three and we designed a small tracking device to help people find their lost belongings. Overall, it was an amazing experience and I developed a variety of skills as a leader. Throughout the course, I learned to be flexible, taking into account the obstacles – like the trackers' size – and finding a way around them or using such barriers to innovate our product. Further, I discovered the importance of communication and listening, doing daily check-ups and goals to ensure we were all in the same page, distributing roles to complete work by the deadlines, and listened to others ideas that generally complemented one another. Finally, we worked effectively as a group creating an awesome and functional design that I am really proud of producing, also, we created an outstanding logo, app and website for our product!
Do you have any book recommendations? Which skill do you think is the most important for an entrepreneur?
19 April - Left voice ntoe
20 apr - homegirl is online and not taking my call. was a v attentive DNA, thought we bonded
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 4.1 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 4.1 6.1 6.1e 6.2 5.4e  Show 18 more
Renan Monteiro Oliveira
4/18/2021, 8:30 PM
Currently I am working hard as a leader in my school’s student council. I, together with other 6 leaders am planing and executing projects to help with food and clothing for those in need during COVID. I’m taking a major initiative in the visual mark and marketing of our projects. I also own a small e-commerce. Although I still don’t have a proper team, I work hard to set goals, launch products and have a satisfied customer base. In general, I’m passionate about helping others, business and taking initiative.
I would personally like to know about financial aid, as here in Brazil the dollar to real(our currency) conversion is extremely high. My family would not be able or even allow me to join by paying the full price. I would also like to know more about how much time the program will consume. I am very interested!
Replied a bit
CT Message
Extended deadline to Friday because of payment coming in on the week
Community , 1.2 , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5 , 5.2e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en
Community 1.2 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 41 more
Gurnoor Tatla
4/18/2021, 5:00 PM
I am a very passionate leader, and i love working with children, and teaching people, but in a way that is very engaging. I am a Camp Counsellor at Healthy Hearts healthy minds, and they have a program called Swing, in the program we talk about very big topics. Such as: Body positivity, Self-Care, Bullying, Becoming a better leader, helping around in the community, and so much more. Ive always been very passionate about using my voice to make change in the world, and taking the things we learned home. From home, I changed the expectations of what the men in the family expected in a woman. And I love seeing people grow and develop as strong young people, and adults as well. This is why I wanted to become a teacher in the future. But i want to make change outside of the classroom. Start something of my own and volunteer at organizations. And hopefully even start a non-profit, or something that will change the world. I look up to my mom a lot, she always wants me to do things she never got the opportunities to do when she was my age. And I want to make her proud. I also have a TikTok account ( gurnoortatla ) and I have posted about the farmer protests in India and spread a lot of awareness about various topics. but I know I can do a lot better.
How much is the program? And how long is the program ?
Student convo done
19 April - left vn & called on reg line
20 April - not a school person. I joined . i used to go into school in a small town. and i went to school into a bigger school with UNICEF> i liked it more than my small town school. can be very limited and it doesn't. the tests and the paper and the grading ... i love leadership. i love gym.. i love gym. i kind of like socials. it depends on the teachers. at first i wanted to become a gynoconogist. i found out i was not into science. i started going into business and ent and teacher. leadership, and working with people, social work. You've been very .... every single aspect, we try to fit the whole thing into one. some girls have some troubles with some things, they get to talk about the things. it's a very hard thing to explain ... getting to empower young .... conflict between me and a person. and they're not budging. some people just don't want to work with me. they don't want me to help them. that makes me mad. it really depends. i used to be very quiet and insecure. after this, i grew so much as a person, valuing people's opinions, and thinking what someone else is going through. the skill I've grown into after 3 years. i've... i didn't like the way that i looked. i used to have a unibrow. if someone used to ... i picture ... i am confused on which thing i should... start something ... there are lot .... worth so so much more than that.
said too busy. but now wants to try for a month
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 43 more
May 15, 2021
4/18/2021, 3:40 PM
I led a youth group back in the day. We would meet up on Fridays, and conduct talk shows. That is where we would discuss issues related to young people. Many overcame their fears, and they gained confidence. I was a very great and passionate leader. I was consistent with my work. I was always on time.
Do you perhaps have any scholarships for this program? Why was the first question not open for answering?
South Africa
Student convo done
Apr 21: Spoke to Tsakene, very bad convo, had conveyed she wont be able to even offering 75%. Bad attitude kid
Can't afford
[7:29 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Hi Tsakane, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [8:08 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 72 863 2937: 8pm CAT [8:17 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Great [8:17 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Will share you the meeting link soon [8:23 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 72 863 2937: Thanks [11:03 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Hi Takane, excited to see you. Please join the meeting link by 8PM: [11:19 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Hello Takane [11:19 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Am facing a small network issue [11:20 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Can you please give me another 15 mins? [11:27 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Please join [11:29 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 72 863 2937: My Wi-Fi is not working very well tonight [11:30 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Ok [11:30 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: So will you be able to have the call tomorrow? [11:32 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 72 863 2937: ☺️Yes please [11:32 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: 11am? [11:35 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 72 863 2937: I have classes the whole day tomorrow. How about 6pm... [11:37 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Okay sure [8:55 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hey [8:55 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Can you confirm your availability to talk? [9:43 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 72 863 2937: 6:20 [9:52 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hey 7:30 would be the ideal time [9:52 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: As am having student interviews [9:53 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 72 863 2937: No problem [9:54 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Ok great [11:04 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hello [11:04 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Can we have the call? [11:04 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Which is comfortable for you? [11:04 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: ZOOM? [11:05 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Or Google Meet? [11:05 PM, 4/21/2021] +27 72 863 2937: Zoom [11:05 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Ya [11:05 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Sure [11:06 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 969 2037 1617 Passcode: 8d3zU1
Abdul Rahman Tellawi
4/18/2021, 2:21 PM
It was in the Abu Dhabi 2019 Special Olympics World Summer Games, I had volunteered in the hospitality station. Though on the closing ceremony, tickets were announced to be free for visitors, yet, many people have already paid, and as you have already guessed, people were swarming in to our station, everyone wanted to file a complaint or a refund, and everyone was panicking as our lead manager wasn't there at the moment. I knew that someone had to act quick. Our station had a-lot of people, MAD people, who wanted to file their complaint. I quickly gathered everyone in the backroom, telling 2 of my mates to stay on the desk as to not leave it empty, and had our meeting, everyone threw their suggestions, my friend, suggested that we hand them papers writing their names and contact numbers so we can guarantee them further communication. We all agreed and I immediately gave roles to everyone, a group to give our papers and pens, a group collecting them, and a group splitting the big line into three small ones. A difference was immediately seen, yet there was still many people coming, causing a bigger mess and a bigger crowd, which resulted in police men coming to talk to our station manager, though he wasn't there, all station managers were moved to the main event that day, meaning we were all alone, the police man wanted to talk to someone in charge, so my team mates pointed him to me. I talked to me and told me that everyone has to return to the main event in less than 30 minutes. I assured him that I will try my best. I returned to my team and discussed everything, shared every detail, and that was when it hit me, that a volunteer in our station had a background in computer design. So I asked him if he was able to create a document which visitors can scan and fill in, as it would be faster than handing and receiving papers, and so he did, as we were about to be done, our manager finally arrives to the station and tells everyone that they will receive a refund with an SMS assuring them they got it. Our manager tells us to go to the main event and leave the station, and so we do. We might not be the ones who solved all the chaos, but we sure were able to maintain our calm and work through this as a team until our manager arrives.
I'm exceptionally keen on making a site to sell merchandise, I have the design ideas, and the sure skill to make a website, yet I need your assistance to make it remarkable, I am afraid I don't have the monetary capacity to join with you, yet in the event that you offer any intern ships, you can always email me. Much thanks to you!
75% financial aid
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.2 , 5.4e , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 6.1 6.2 5.4e dt2.2  Show 37 more
Masikhwa ludzula
4/18/2021, 1:45 PM
I have a T-shirts apparel Business and also a non-profit organization donating Pads to girls who are in need
How do i have to pay. To study at your academy
South Africa
Replied a bit
Busy Schedule
Having exams can't join now
[1:29 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Hi Masikhwa ludzula, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [8:58 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 66 492 5460: Anytime [8:59 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: After 30mins? [8:59 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 66 492 5460: How would like to communicate with me? [9:00 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Via Google Meet or ZOOM? [9:00 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Which is convenient for you? [9:01 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 66 492 5460: I've actually thought about this and i think I'll Join you next year. This year I'm Very busy I'm doing the last grade in school. So I'll join when i am in tertiary. [9:02 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: So if you don't mind could you let me know when your classes will be over? [9:02 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 66 492 5460: Around December. [9:07 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay [9:08 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: But for your information [9:08 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: This program won't affect your academics [9:08 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: It will actually give you a value addition [9:12 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 66 492 5460: I understand. Just that I have a lot of things going on right now. I promise I'll join next year. I would really love to be in you academy. Plus I'm running a few businesses [9:19 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Ok sure
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 5.4 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 6.1 6.1e 6.2 5.4e 5.4 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.2e 7.3 8.1  Show 19 more
Rojda Comooglu
4/18/2021, 1:43 PM
I have spoken about many issues at the sixth form I currently study within. A favourite topic was the hidden curriculum as it reveals things that we are taught which do not reside in the formal curriculum. I have promoted understanding in some detrimental issues as a whole. However, I wish to expand on my knowledge of entrepreneurism. I could have an impact. A world is waiting for our ideas, we must deliver. As Jeff Bezos has said, "The common question that gets asked in business is, ‘why?’ That’s a good question, but an equally valid question is, why not?"
I am unsure of the extent of financial aid i could receive? As my mother is a single parent working a full time job as a waitress i don't believe we would have the financial stability required.
75% financial aid
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 1.3 , 1.3e , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.1e  Show 44 more
Huang, Kai- Yun
4/18/2021, 1:24 PM
I usually act a leader in a group, I'm confident, good at talk and I'm also a good listener. I have many new ideas and I love to heard others ideas. When I acted as a leader, I don't like to force people just can listen to me. I think a leader should listen to other and help shy people to expression their opinion, and I always do it.
DO I need to show my website tomorrow?
Student convo done
CT Message
20 Apr: english name is emily and born in taiwan, study in canada, join because wants to help people solve problems, can help people so that they can become better, is a child now, but will become an adult and then children will become teenagers, wants to focus on educaitino to help young people have an easier life; routine --> has lots of friends and does best to help them and is interested in doing them; virtual school , can sleep enough now, but sometmes has wifi connection problems, not great for studying becasue cannot ask for help from the teacher because the class is too fast, or the teacher cannot notify or take care of the students in the class; friends --> in school lots of clubs and joins the clubs ad even still talks with Covid, good friend = similar interests (both love music --> can listen to music together), looking for new opinions from friends, also if someone likes sports and she likes sports can play sports together; family life --> is an international student so not iving with her paretns, before Canada would like to eat good food and play music togehter, camping, won't be going back t Taiwan because of Covid-19; thrive --> not sure best in life, but feels like could be best, right now is happy and making friends and everything is in the right way, so balanced; stuck --> before coming to Canada, didn't know what liked to do or when could come and could not find way for future, likes to find the way for her future, if can't find will feel very bad; hopes --> help many people and make new friends and have new opinions
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.4e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 40 more
Julia Sigmund
4/18/2021, 12:59 PM
Once I was in secondary school I joined the library club. A lot of people think "God that sounds boring" when i tell them. They think of me, reading old books but actually I worked with younger kids, organized and planned events and advised actual visitors of the library which books to read. I created projects like designing a "Kamishibai" with the kids, I did a poetry advent calendar and gained so much responsibility and experience. For me it was important to encourage the kids I worked with to try things and actually realize ideas. Nowadays so many people tell you to not dream, to not be creative and to not try something new and I think that it's so sad and everything but change. I feel like we are stealing opportunities of our own future by discouraging children. We need people who are different, who believe that they can make a change and who believe that their dreams can become true. The difference between me and my classmates was that 1. I always try my best. I do things that I want to do and those I do with full passion. 2. I didn't let my prejudices decide over my actions. In other words : I know that prejudices are not knowledge. I always try to experience everything by myself. I want to act on knowledge and my own impressions that I gain and not things that I assume. That's why I always want to use every opportunity and experience as much as I can. I'd rather try things and fall or find out, that they're not for me than not trying and always wondering what would have been if... I am open to everything especially new ideas and knowledge. I soak them in like a sponge because I think there is nothing more valuable. That's why I love to listen to people and their problems.
40% sch, blocked spot for September
Student convo done
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.0 1.0e 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 29 more
May 15, 2021
Mohammed Guennani
4/18/2021, 12:53 PM
I like to give my contribution to society for this reason here in Italy I volunteer on weekends when I don't have school and I work on eco-sustainability projects for my city. I like to study how technology can save the planet by solving humanity's biggest problems and how it will change our lives in the coming years.
financial ad
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Community , 6.1 , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a
Community 6.1 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 40 more
Favour Ojo
4/18/2021, 12:40 PM
All my life I have always been underestimated, even to the point to when I too underestimated my own accomplishments and skills and therefore believed I was dumb. I was one of three triplets and we were born at only 5 months. My brother died and now It's just me and my sister. Premature children are much more likely to develop adhd and other behavioural problems. Yet, still my parents and teachers never understood why I was incredibly hyper and unable to sit and do work or function normally and also happened to never stop asking questions, or getting in fights. I had always been the dark skinned black girl who never did any work in class and was the "dumbest". As a result, I would have school kids tease me and yell racial slurs to me in Spanish. I always had to constantly defend myself, and as a result it felt like I was always seen as a stereotype. But it didn't help with my mum constantly insulting me, I knew that was Nigerian culture and that because I wasn't doing well at school I deserved it. Anyway, I had also failed all my life and so people never expected anything from me. It wasn't until I moved from Spain to England that I realised that people appreciated me for being bilingual. I finally felt that I wasn't useless, however - that feeling soon left me when I was unable to pass a lot of exams. This was a problem that I have gone through pretty much all my life. I passed a couple of exams and then all of a sudden I would fail, again. I had a really low self esteem and went through my pre , mid and almost teen years feeling suicidal, it all took a toll on my mental health. The greatest thing I have ever done for myself was firstly never giving up on my dreams and fighting (now gracefully) through the stereotypes others have pushed/implemented on me as a black dark skinned girl. I am now able to feel feminine and beautiful but also NOT dumb and useless. The fact that I could speak more than two languages (3 because of my Nigerian Edo language) , should have at least let me know that I was, that I am capable and cool! I used the time to really work harder than I had ever done and I managed to finally do well in my exams, I also started learning Turkish, Italian, Latin and Korean. I even applied for the position of student Governor at my school. And I started a blog, based on true events, It is for dark skinned girls like me and it is honestly one of the reasons I'm here, My goal is for black dark skinned girls to realise that they are not the stereotypes other constantly associate with us, to make us realise that we can actually get help and we don't have to go through this alone. I would always have arguments with colourist and racist people about my skin colour and other dark skinned girls in general, I was always being attacked. It was already hard enough that I was premature and as a result developed a behavioural disorder , but on top of that I was a dark skinned girl navigating life , struggling and being told that I had to be strong or just "work harder". I felt trapped and everyone around me just told me that dark skinned black girls like me "are meant to be strong and we just have to fight and ignore it" . It was like there were never options for us to go and seek help. That has to change.
Will we be having time tables/schedules? Will they be like school classes? or just one on one? And what do we have to apply to for financial aid if we do?
No response from her, tried insta, email. Dont know what to do?
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 2.1 , 2.1e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 2.1 2.1e
Vibhuti kumar
4/18/2021, 12:34 PM
I want to make AI(artificial intelligence) company and I want to make AI for farmers because of they need ai for proper cropping,irrigation and harvesting all things my ai do And I want to not advertise my company through popular stars, I only do advertise my company through my customers because star only need money but customer need my project and also my money are save and always make project in time and write effective words to advertise my products. Thankyou
I have financial and parental problem so how can I join?
75% financial aid
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Interested in programming, learning python for AI, entered 10th, learning on YouTube, CBSE board, Bihar, animation using Kinemaster and upload on YT, Happy with friends, make more friends, mother and father and grandmother, hostel, studying for IIT at Kota, Alone in room and focus on study, Allen coaching class, CS engineer, parents don't support entrepreneurship, in India is not famous AI, wants to become big AI company agri-tech, parents don't support eletric bike idea, ELON MUSK - role model, wanted to be aerospace engineer then brother insisted for coding, inspired by mentor and thinks platform is correct place, his life is AI and coding and wants to make a big company around that ut friends really feel he is crazy when he shares this idea with them
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 5.1e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 1.0 1.0e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 5.1e 4.1 4.1e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.2e 5.3e  Show 47 more
Ida Zapf
4/18/2021, 12:26 PM
I acted like a leader when I cleaned a whole room with my siblings (we had to take everything out what was in there) I told them who should do what and where, but also did things by myself (not only the easy parts) because it is very important, even if you act like a leader, to do the same things like others but don‘t loose control through that.
I have a question about the financial aid.The main point is, that my parents already pay my half year abroad. So I want to pay this whole thing with the school of future, if I get in, by myself. I have a small job but I don‘t earn enough to pay the whole price, even if it‘s in three parts. Is it possible that I can get the „thing“ where I get 30 percents less? I don‘t really remember all of the things about financial aid so I hope I get this right. (And I am also sorry for my english.)
Student convo done
Apr 19: Spoke to Ida, ROUTINE: school, work, HW games. HOBBIES: Reading, treckking, boxing. SCHOOL: Supporting and don't like online classes. FRIEND: good friends, hanging out, sleep over etc. FAMILY: Very supportive, both parent employed, she earns herself. ENT: To be her own boss. THRIVE: sports and understanding people. STUCK: nothing much. HOPE: to get a global community exposure, learn, buit her own business.
Community , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e
Community 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e
May 15, 2021
Tasneem Hussain
4/18/2021, 12:20 PM
so i was very interested in the real world and practical life since i was young, i tried to apply to many community services and i actually made 2 so far, one was cooperation with my friends and it was about providing food for whoever needs it, and the other one was independent, i did the same thing but for almost half a year. i always become the leader of my school groups and i always do the creative work and the hard one. When i feel like i have more than one idea for a project i do both and enjoy implementing the same topic in different ways. when i was a kid i always participated in school radio and i presented my elementary graduation party, all of it. i always like to try new things. when it comes to languages i learned the basics of more than 5 languages. i am also a fast learner. i learned programming by myself and i am looking forward for the programming elective lessons next year( my senior year). i learned drawing by myself and i am very good in imitating languages scripts and so on. i just started an Instagram campaign on raising awareness about the importance of using li ion batteries, it is called: kmstrysaves. my coming plan is organizing an event about technology and programming with the collaboration of Tech BootCamp organization for the students in my school and i had already contacted my principal. i always register to any global activity from any kind and i consider it as an opportunity for developing my personality and elevating my mindset. i am not awkward when it comes to presenting projects and i like it so much. I always help my mates when they don't understand the lessons and prepare them for tests and quizzes. i created many e books that changes tough subjects to funny, enjoyable, and easy ones. one of them is about chemistry and the other is about physics. i think my e books are perfect for kids that want to gain knowledge without having to go into google and being blocked by complicated and advanced information. i also participated in many competitions and i am very challenging. when i was young i joined the same competition two times until i won it, i learn from my mistakes and try other solutions when needed. i don't need to study for school because i am active in my classes and understand very well from engaging with my teachers. i am preparing for my SAT's on next month. i save my projects and writings and come back to them when i need inspiration or ideas. i also have a website that i posted many articles in it about the virus and epigenetics. i seize my chances and always give it a try, cuz 20 seconds of bravery are not enough to get me killed but are enough to make a difference. I enjoy my life, i dont stress myself and literally enjoy anything while i can. and finally, i am applying here because i believe in myself and in the world we are living in, we can make it a better place. thank you so much. looking forward for your response. peace, tasneem.
how can i get a financial aid?, is there any lessons or session for programming an app or should we start to develop our skills.
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.4 4.4e  Show 27 more
Ororiseng molwaolwa
4/18/2021, 12:17 PM
Firstly, I would love to highlight that I'm eloquent with an ability of reasoning well, which makes it easier for me to get my points across. Secondly, I have good problem solving skills, as they provide reconciliation between two or more quarreling parties in order for them to reach common grounds. All in all, I am just a practical example of a successful leadership experiment.
Will I be sent a schedule to see how I'm gonna attend because of the difference time zone
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
Apr 19: Spoke to Orori, 15years, ROUTINE: School, HW, Reading, Research. READING: David Ech fav author, SCHOOL: She don't like, as feels so much pressure, FRIENDS: Less friends. Supportive. FAMILY: Not good relation with father, mom supports, she know about SoF, Orori need support from parent to pay fees. THRIVE: Learining, STUCK: when her mom feels emotionally down. ENT: To be in her own path. HOPE: Gain experience, learn new things, develop her, meet new people.
Apr 20: Mom busy today, call tomorrow 5:30PM IST
Apr 21: Spoke to mom, conveyed about the program. Will tk the final decision by today and update
[7:28 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ororiseng Molwaolwa, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [7:52 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 65 993 0936: Hi Thank you Mr Pillai for giving me such an opportunity, anytime from now is a perfect time to speak. [7:55 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: In 1 hour? [7:55 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Via Google Meet? [7:55 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Or Zoom? [7:55 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Which is convenient for you? [7:56 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 65 993 0936: Zoom please [7:56 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure [7:57 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: 5:30pm we can have the call [7:57 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [7:57 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 65 993 0936: Thank you [7:57 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: You're welcome [9:01 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 991 0092 7537 Passcode: CusW7G [9:01 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Please join. [9:08 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Hey Ororiseng [9:08 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Am so sorry [9:08 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Network issue [9:09 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: I will join soon [9:11 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 65 993 0936: OK thank you [9:18 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 995 2848 0810 Passcode: dGMx1m [9:18 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Please join [11:02 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ororiseng, This is Rakesh, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 9 students that we selected from 176 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to your parents. Cheers! [11:07 PM, 4/19/2021] +27 65 993 0936: Will do thannnnnk you [11:07 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: Welcome [11:07 PM, 4/19/2021] School Of Future: 😊🤩🤩 [9:14 PM, 4/20/2021] School Of Future: Hello Orori [9:14 PM, 4/20/2021] School Of Future: Can we have the call ? [9:32 PM, 4/20/2021] +27 65 993 0936: Hi can you please call her on this number 0670416857 [9:32 PM, 4/20/2021] +27 65 993 0936: I'm not home currently [9:33 PM, 4/20/2021] School Of Future: At what time you will be back? [5:33 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ororiseng, Today I got the chance to talk to your mom. And she had few concerns and I have answered it all [5:34 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: She told me that she wants to discuss with you and let me know by today itself [5:35 PM, 4/21/2021] School Of Future: Please do talk with her and let me know the same 😊😊 [11:05 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Hi Orori [11:06 AM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Just a reminder, yesterday was the last day. I totally understand whatever decision you come to, but please let me know. I hope your conversation with your parents well!!! [2:39 PM, 4/22/2021] +27 65 993 0936: I'm sorry but it seems like my mom won't be able to afford the fees but thank you for the opportunity [2:40 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay [2:40 PM, 4/22/2021] School Of Future: We can understand.
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2
Tiyani Maringa
4/18/2021, 12:10 PM
When i acted as a leader is when i di an online conference with the ESTEAM worlds not only i had to speak about myself and my life and the ideas that I have in mind but i also had the opportunity to host the virtual conference on youtube. Another experience would be when I presented my English oral to my class i shared to my class what i did during my 15 day challenges and what was the benefits of doing my 15 day challenge even though it was long my classmates really enjoyed and engaged with me and i could see as i was presenting my project that they were happy and interested and some of them said that ill make a really good presenter and businessmen because of the way i spoke and presented and while i presenting to the class i really thought of myself as a GREAT leader and i know i have the potential to take lead over anything no matter how difficult the situation is.
With the program is there any financial aid available for me and also I'm still in high school on my last year how will i be able to balance the 2?
South Africa
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 12.1a
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 38 more
Oscar Olszewski
4/18/2021, 12:07 PM
Since I was 10 I started noticing how the government of my country was forming my personality and consciousness in their own idea of what a human being should be, not letting me develop my own thoughts about the world we live in but just forcing me to memorize and repeat what was tought in class over and over taking away my free will to get to know what I wanted to know about the reality we live in. Now im 17 and have decide that I don't need my own educational system to guide me through life, I've taken the leashes of my own life and now trying to head into developping my own thoughts and ideas, not the ideas of the educational system it self but MY ideas, that's where I took the leadership of my life, acting as a leader for my own mind, knowing what to do in the world situation thanks to the data I have stored about reality is the best feeling i've ever had, free will it's called. Studying physics, economics, entrepeneurship, neurology, geenetic engineering and much more usefull information is a must for me since my ideas for this world reside inside this knowledge I need to develop. I have many powerful ideas noted down! Started to dig inside the world of investments and finance since money seems to be the very first factor for the development of the path to my ideas, not only thinking about my ideas but also my own wellbeing. Being economically suficient is neccesary in this world. At this point I felt powerful, as if everything was achiveable, the only limit was reality itself. My feelings weren't wrong. I could see myself training for any kind of objective I had poroposed to myself, ranging from just having something as simple as a daily workout program to learning how to fly a combat aircraft, that's what the powerful mind of a young entrepeneur sounds to me, having enough CONSCIOUSNESS of the reality we live in to know where to head to in life so I can achieve the greatest positive hit in the whole world system. This is my story, doing the smartest work to imporove the system we live in is the objective
how time consuming are these courses? in a week timeframe what's the time spent along with this project?
Full Student + Parent
Busy Schedule
19 April - i felt amazed and i didn't expect many people feeling the same way i did. very true that society doesn't care about the problems that are around. if no one is going to notice about it and talk about it. dont have many friends at all. if i'm talking about classmates, one who are very assertive with me. hear me and listen. he's just interested in the same sign. seeking new information and looking for new ways of improving things that we already have. making everything more efficient . getting to know enough data ... i can actually see ... i form this web of ideas, interconnected to each oher. 6 years ago i didn't have this view ... started to have consciousness about what was happening around me. money is a very powerful tool. realized that society was not that well made ... it's a problem wit a human being. it grows from society, we are born, we start learning from our parents. taking actions. based on the thoughts that others want me to be thinking about. not taking interes ... i start things nd i quit them. 3rd party comes into play. none of my ideas are getting to evolve ... it was just not planned correctly, because some one, or something happened. i get all of this information and use it to the best of ... paradigm... all i know about this world is my limits. i propose it as a limit, the of my consciousness. i can no longer get to know more. i'm trying to drop out of highschool. 2 years of preparation for a whoile big exam.... study for the whole 2 years, and get to know about history. studying whatever you get selected for. superior grade. professsional information
carson did the parent call
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 12.1a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e  Show 42 more
Rony Vasquez
4/18/2021, 12:03 PM
A moment in my life in which I had to act as a leader is when I was part of a group of website design in my 8th grade year of school. I was the leader in the group and I had to decide which steps we should take and weather if an idea presented by my teammates would help us or hinder our project. After competing in our district competition were able to compete in a state level and then move on to a national although we weren't able to achieve first place we still managed to obtain third place.
A few of the questions I was left after attending the meeting are: 1. What time and date would the sessions take place? 2. What if one lacks a personality of an entrepreneur? 3. How can one become more confident in ones ideas and lose that doubtfulness that hunts you sometimes?
CT Message
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.3 , 2.4 , 2.4e , 2.2e , 2.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 4.1
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4e 2.2e 2.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 4.1
Vivian Kogge
4/18/2021, 12:02 PM
So most of my life I have felt like an outcast. But I am more and more discovering that I am a powerful woman. There was a time when my parents were struggling with their marriage and I basically had to take care of everything. I had to stop them from fighting, I sat with them and acted out as a type of therapist. That was a point when I felt, I was a leader. I felt I was a leader when I held my speech in front of my school and half of my audience started crying. No worries, they weren't crying because it was sad. They cried because it is one of my super-powers to reach people emotionally. I would say that I am a very analytical human being. I don't overreact, I stay calm. I know how to talk and I am very mature for my age. I know that I can be a leader and I really want to get the chance to show it. I may not know what I want to make out of this 100 day schooling, but I know that if I find something I want to do, that I will do anything to reach it.
Replied a bit
Parent doubtful
Parents do not want to talk, do not want her to go ahead with the application.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.4e , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 1.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.4e 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e  Show 10 more
liesma munoz
4/18/2021, 11:57 AM
when I first started leading it was in first grade and I became the line leader I know its not a lot but that was the first time I was ever in charge and people trusted me enough with where to go. The second time I led was in 4th grade when I was let into the beta club and I helped plan many meeting including with the school principal to plant flowers to make the school look better and we recycled around the school. When I was around 7 years old I took care of my sisters and helped them become who they are today, I not only did that but started a tutoring program in my 7th grade last year.
Im going to need financial aid, i live with my unemployed grandma and 2 sisters
50% Scholarship
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
CT Message
19 Apr: live with grandma and two little sisters, someitmes; broght to the SoF class, thinks a lot about problems in the world --> often thinks, wouldn't it be great if I made something and got recognition for it to make animpact on the community--> important, because not many compainies focus on the customers and what the world needs, not really having one on one feeling that custmers have with thier companies, chians having asian community children, putting time into their workers; routine --> wake up, get ready, in between classes eidt and takes commissions, sketch out the edits, draws people and makes business cards, draws and sels your drawings; school --> really good at school and likes focusing on it, is helpful for how she is getting into university, if a uni is looking at two people, going; social life --> has a lot of friends that go to school, but since moving to florida a year ago has not made any new friends, was a very social person before pandemic (8-9people), now has virtual, moved from Ohio, moved from florida 3 years ago --> likes Ohio better because of the snow; had good friends in Ohio --> a good friend = someone who listens to you, that you can laugh, has that in the online relatoinships; famly --> gets along with younger sisters but they can get annoying sometimes; thrive --> in emotions and creativity, where she can feel better about herself, no boundaries, just do whatever she feels like she can do, emotions -> is a good person and a person that really expresses thier emotions often, and people always feel like they can talk to Liesma, and emotion wise is the best way she can connect with self and otehrs; stuck --> has been a year since actually been around a group bigger than 5, might take a while to get used to getting used to people physically agian; hopes --> receive more knowledge, know more about where she stands in her creative, can feel like creativity boundless can be a bad tihing, bad modd can bring her to a place, --> stay firm and think twice; grandmother is unemployed and two sisters
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a
luanda carolina de moura lima
4/18/2021, 11:54 AM
I´m not a leader, but i like to talk to people ,and support they in their dreans. Well i already make projects in group for school ,and it was always good, cuz i´m good in comunication ,and said what i think. I think a leader must be good listening their colleagues , treaning people good and work very well in team. A lider is someone that knoe give a constructive criticism , and make the see the problem and resolve.
How can i make my ideia become a business
Student convo done
Poor English
CT Message
19 Apr: Scheduled a time to chat on 20 Apr
20 Apr: got on the zoom, student refused to enable microphone, would only text in response to my questions, asked that they reschedule to a time when they would be able to talk
20 Apr: Luanda, 15 years old, from Brazil, has been thinking about her project; decided to come to the course because thouhgt entrepreneruship is a good way to work with something that she likes, wants to make her own way, people are always trying to make her do what they think she should do, like become a teacher or a lawyer --> she likes to study so people think she has to be a teacher, but is not really good; routine --> study, train, drum, talk with friends, loves reading --> sara maas; school --> lately has been hard, trying and still going, has some exams to do, very calm about the exams, not nervous, hard because has something new, but is studying; social life --> has 3 friends because doesn't like having lots of friends because can be overwhelming, good friendship = trusting and someone that can talk about everything and nothing to, can send memes to and make jokes, but stil can talk about how stars are beautiful and the novel that you are reading, a friend and her are talking and then Luanda starts to get off topic; family --> noisy, talk with mother about everything, really trusts in her, with Dad does not talk a lot, but he's cool, is more like the dad that makes jokes --> she gives advice and is really good, she is a woman that inspires her and she really feels and wants to be like her when she grows up, one year ago was thinking about the woman that she wants to ecome, and actually made some thoguhts and realized want to e like mom, strong woman, brave, read a lot of books, be determined, beautiful, kind --> loves thinking, thinking about life and people,; told parents about SoF? --> still no, a secret right now, did not remember that she had applied, saw the class and was so surprised because could understand everything, was trying before and when I'd sent her the message was afraid about being; hope --> can already talk in English and this is new and amazing, in the first class was really surprised because is already doing a course in entrepreneurhsip, the class was really helpful thinking baout getting really angry, started to think about idea and how to make it become, what problem does she want to resolve, this really helped give her a clearer understanding of what she wants to do
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 5.4 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e  Show 36 more
Stanton Makeza
4/18/2021, 11:54 AM
I'm not actually a leader but what I think leadership is about motivating people ,helping them with stuff that they struggle with and stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves. I like to help my friends and family with problems and providing them with solutions ,I mean that is what leadership is all about, taking a problem and find a solution for it I started selling stuff from my home to the kids and people in the street and community and it really is good helping other and soon I want to start learning how to be a photographer and start a business with that. Business really exists me and I would really like to start a business during or when I finish school.
South Africa
75 % scholarship
Replied a bit
Financial Constraint
[11:12 PM, 4/19/2021] Arghya Pal: Hello Stanton, This is Arghya, Head of Admissions at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you tomorrow. We would also be speaking about the need for financial aid. Cheers! [5:00 PM, 4/20/2021] Arghya Pal: Hey Stanton, We still haven’t received an update from your end, when would you be free today ? [6:00 PM, 4/20/2021] +27 78 655 8627: I'm so sorry but at the beginning when I signed up I thought the 100 days are free I didn't know that just one lesson where free , my family won't be able to pay the fees [6:01 PM, 4/20/2021] Arghya Pal: Hey, We do have financial aid upto 75% that wouldn’t help either ? [6:06 PM, 4/20/2021] +27 78 655 8627: I don't know my parents are really struggling with their finances ,I'm sorry that I wasted your time but I don't think I'll be joining your academy I'm sorry
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5.4 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5.4  Show 39 more
María Paula Sevillano Almario
4/18/2021, 11:50 AM
This year I ran as leader of my school government, I ha to present myself and present a plan where I had to show all my ideas for the students and to improve my school and how I would do it, even though I didn´t win the elections, it was a helpful experience for myself, I think you need some braveness to occupy a leader position. Three years ago I had 5 years practicing gymnastics and once in a competition I had to represent my whole countries team in a South American Competition, it took a lot of work and effort but it was totally worth it. Almost three weeks ago I had to participate in a debate and nobody from my team wanted to talk or participate, so I was the one who talk for them speaking out my ideas and obviously my teams thoughts as well. Seven months ago I joined to AEV (Ambitiously Empowered Voices), which is an organization for girs and boys from all over the world to talk about empowerement, politics, share ideas and help you speak your mind increasing your participation in the world, I am Colombia´s Ambassador so I must run the project in here and bring it to other girls. Two months ago, I joined as well to another organization, is called "Chess United Queens", is a chess organization which wants to make chess more accesible for everyone and break the gender gap in chess, I am Colombia´s ambassador as well.
I´m 17 years old, I have to get my parents consent if I get into the program? Is the biggest discount 75%? Currently my family has some financial problems so I don´t know if I could pay the whole tuition. Do you offer any type of "scholarships"?
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
19 April - decined call, but I left an awesome voice note
20 april - pushed back time
20 Aprill - writes for relief. cannot go to her friends with her crazy idea, hence she wants sof. it's difficult because she doesn't want to study something related to that. she wants. I think i have more charater. i made people choose... let them know i'm a real person. i have to change, for sure, and stuff like that... had a bad sexual experience when she was young. the best resrource you have is money.... freedom and time. SHE SEEMED EXTREMELY WORRIED AND SCARED TO TALK TO PARENTS. wants to know about other people, and about the world, and what they want to accomplish.
22 April - parents said cannot pay
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 51 more
Ayushi Sridhar
4/18/2021, 11:44 AM
During school time, I played the role of Class leader and during Sports classes. One incident I can remember and cherish is when I was asked by my coach to train students younger than me in Badminton which happened to be fun for me. Even during the Yoga classes I am asked to showcase and model the asanas to my class mates.
Program Schedule, number of times and hours needed per week and the program curriculum.
11 year old kid
Full Student + Parent
Apr 19: 11 year old kid
4/18/2021, 11:37 AM
ya it happens with me many times in school most of the students respect me and follows my instructions I am social person and loves to have a communication with people. and I am interested in stock market and had started virtual investing in it.
I want to understand more about compensation in fees and your schedule and what we are going to learn
Student convo done
4/18/2021, 11:34 AM
I am a senior prefect in my school
It is difficult for me financial So is there a way to help me out
South Africa
75% financial aid
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 5.4 , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.1e 6.2  Show 18 more
Abdul Subhan
4/17/2021, 10:23 AM
When I was in grade 8 I was the leader of my soccer team the thing made me feel like a leader that every one lissen to me
Saudi Arabia
Student convo done
Extended Deadline
Apr 19: Abdul, very positive kid, Sports person. ROUTINE: school, prayer, sports, video games. SCHOOL: online classes don't like it, very boring. FRIENDS: 4 friends, hang out and tease each other, don't think much about the future. FAMILY: Both of his parents working professional. They help his different courses like guitar and personality development and they really want him do good in life.THRIVE: computer, games, meeting new people. STUCK: COVID. HOPE: lean new things and get a global community network. Parents will support to pay. He learnt guitar by his own via online during COVID. Also he is really facinated about the One-On-One Mentorship, Global peers etc
Apr 23: Will join later.
Community , 1.2 , 1.2e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a
Community 1.2 1.2e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 6.1 6.2 5.4e 6.2e 6.3e 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.3  Show 28 more
Shatha alkhdour
4/17/2021, 7:01 AM
There has been several times where I was a leader but they all differ in my function as a leader. So, mom started workin since I was 10 years old and I'd always stay with my 9 years old brother and little sisters taking care of them, studying with my brother and revising my lessons. Other time was when our family went touring to Turkey I was leading them as I know Turkish, and taking them to the best historical places as well as the best restaurants in Istanbul! It was a great experience I was responsible about where to go and what to do furthermore where to reside! I loved those experiences theyre unique for me, they helped me develop my character to the better!!
I was wondering about the financial aid, I mean it seemed kinda expensive for me, I come from a middle class family and we're not that capable of paying it even tho I'd like to, because I wanna do my best to improve.
Saudi Arabia
Student convo done
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.3e 6.1 6.1e 6.2 5.4e 6.2e 6.3 6.3e 7.1 7.1e  Show 23 more
May 15, 2021
4/16/2021, 3:08 PM
I act like a leader every day I am one of those people that are born leaders I am one that can convinse a large group of people and make them willing to coparte not by force but by just giving them points and by sharing jokes and smile it does not necessarily mean that a leader has to lead by force it takes respect and understanding to lead
Mission and Visison
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Extended Deadline
Texted to schedule call
will attend todays class, have a class scheduled after that.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 7.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 7.2 7.1 7.1e
Rishit Tank
4/16/2021, 12:31 PM
When I was in Grade 5 in our science project. I was the leader. Our team succeeded with the best score and on that noting, I would like to learn more and more about the entrepreneurship.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 49 more
4/16/2021, 12:28 PM
In one of my entrepreneurial course I was leader of my discussion group and also in my school stuff I am always a leader for my project
Please give us all the times with proper schedule
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Multiple no show
Texted to schedule call
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e  Show 30 more
Xikhongelo Salome Immaculate Nkuna
4/16/2021, 12:01 PM
I am a nineteen (19) year old South African girl, who has tried her best to participate/ reach for whatever her mind throws at her at any given time. From the age of seven (7) all I ever said I wanted to be is a BUSINESSWOMAN. I never missed a bake sale at school and never did I ever come home with the remaining goods. I handled finances really well and I was always trusted with them (my educators are my witnesses). I have entered countless pageants in South Africa and even competed in Turkey, Bulgaria and Brazil before and at the age of 16. I have played netball and tennis as sports and headed the netball A team. In 2018, I was in grade 11 and I was my highschool's deputy head girl. In 2019, I was just a prefect while completing my grade 12. Competing in beauty pageant with candidates from 40 other countries boosts your confidence and ability to communicate as an individual. I'm a lover of experiences and experiences love me and that's how I got to be the youngest candidate speaker amongst other candidates who specialise in different career fields as I was just a highschool learner. In 2018, I was certified motivational speaker, coach and trainer by the MHI (Maluleke Hlulani International) Leadership Firm in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am currently a first year BCom in Economics student with the University of South Africa. I didn't become a leader overnight, I was born one. For Xikhongelo Nkuna leading isn't about being the first in the line, no, it's about serving for me. Becoming a business woman will always be about the people who purchase my products/services but most importantly impacting other people's lives.
I am not ready to begin with the program in May, may we please discuss a suitable time for me. I will require financial aid too.
South Africa
Student convo done
Non Responsive
Apr 17: Great kid. ROUTINE: School, hockey, waterpolo. FREETIME: Teach her friends and reading. HOBBIES: hockey, water pole, workout. SCHOOL: Good in academics, very supportive: SOCIAL: part of an online community where they make sure that the everyone'e emotions are taken into consideration. FAMILY: Parents seperated,but both of them takes care of her and supports her. ENT: To be her own identity and gain experience. HOPE: Meet people and and global peer network and be the best version of her. THRIVE: Make other s happy: STUCK; Nothing as of now. PAyment will be made by the parents. LAready conveyd about the fees to parents and they will be able to afford.
April 18: VN done, awaiting response
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 5.1e 5.2e 6.1 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1e  Show 39 more
Marthe Myriam Dago
4/16/2021, 12:00 PM
Firstly, as their are many definitions and perceptions of What a leader should be, I would like to begin by telling my perception and believes of what a leader should be. For me, a leader is someone who guide a group of person in order to reach one or many goals. It's someone who is able to see, anticipate problems and find solutions, it's someone who recognise his own mistakes and is able to firstly apologise to his peers and secondly repair his mistakes. A leader is someone whom his peers have faith in, respect for and are confortable with, etc. I firstly acted as a ''leader'' (more like a dictator), 10 years ago. My mother lefted us (me and my brothers) with our father in a middle of a civil war order to come to Canada and make us come after her. My father, then, left us with our grand parents as the rebells pursued him and wanted to kill him. My grand parents didn't liked us at all so they would discriminate and beat us every single time. Before they left us, my parents told me ( as I am the second child girl of the family) to take care of my siblings and so I would have a heart break everytime my siblings would get beat. I wasn't a talkative person. In fact, I was very shy at the time so I couldn't do anything for my siblings. I decided then to start leading them in order to destance ourself from my grand parents. Guess what? I was a very bad leader! I was shy so they didn't have that much respect and considaration for me in order to follow my orders or advices. That made me become stricter. I would beat them or be mean to them every time they didn't follow my orders until the day I realised I became exactly like my grand parents. That day, I had a chat with all my siblings and told them how sorry I felt. I asked them what were my defects and what I had to change in order for me to be a good leader. And that how I discovered that a leader isn't someone whom people have to fear but someone who talk and fight for his peers. I then was able to be a good ''mother '' to my siblings and did all I could do for them until the day my mother came and took us with her. I am pretty happy and proud of myself when I think about it now. My siblings are more open to me and we joke freely until the time I decide to recall them that I am older than them.
I firstly would like to ask if the program include personal coaching on our own projects. In fact, I have a very big project that require a lot of steps in order to be accomplish. I have a very detailed idea of the project, but I don't know how to start it, where to start it, what are the skills that I need to have in order to accomplish it,etc. Thank you again.
75% scholarship
Student convo done
CT Message
17 Apr: talking about the fee, thought that it was going to be 200 hundred dollars, can she defer her admission; intro --> saw the ad while browsing on instagram, lots of stories on instagram, is very interested because has a very big project of what se wants to start, has a global picture of a project but does ont know where to start, so why not try it and s signed up, very impressed with the class because feels like a beginner in english and doesn't know many words, but all the students were so impressive; routine --> don't sleep at night because is studying and doesn't have time to study in the mornig, studies from 2200 to 800, finishes class at 6:00, then 6:00 to 2am either sleeps or looks after siblings, every weekend goes to her job at walmart; school --> going good, has good notes, good returns because studies a lot, but hard to motivate because it is taking too long to learn, motitaking a look at the notes for motivavtion, when sees mother suffer feels motivated; has been in canada for 5 or 6 years now; social life --> has many friends, but have way too much energy for her, prefer a one on one conversation, zoom; what consider a good friendship --> used to be very shy and people took advantage of Myriam, many friends that are very close to her, not the kind of person that would go to you first, good frienship is someon who reaches out to you even if you don't reach out to them, not in a bad way --> somoeone who is there for you in bad times, they don't gosip behind your back, someone who jokes with you; family life --> very light, like to play with each other so much, mother depends on Myriam a lot, next month is going to be sister's turn, very light with each other, likes to make lots of remarks about each other, if tells someone ; thrive --> everything that has to do with school because mother did not pursue school so when anyone has a question they come to Myriam because she has the highest educaiton, always told you are intelligent/smart, you have to be good, took a lot of confidence in that domain; stuck --> like to socailize, when it's too much it's too much, good with her words likes having a ood friendship with everyone, always making jokes, but there are times that he doesn't have enervgy, sometimes in the middle of a conversation; hopes --> hopes that when she is finsihed, has already started her project --> it's a really big project; project --> because used to live in Africa, used to be in middle class, after Ivory Coast war parents lost a lot of money, father put her in school, historically would always promise to have, why do companies not give stuents opportunities after graduating, realizing there are not many companies on the ivory coast --> maybe because people don't know how to make their own companies, don't know entrepreneurship, in canada have many resources, but not many resources in IC --> wants to start a company that only hires students, and will work because don't have to pay students as much; no companies that do deliery in Ivory Coast product mix of Ali Express and delivery
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 6.3 , 6.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 11.3en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 49 more
May 15, 2021
Bruno de Lima Oliveira Rios
4/16/2021, 11:39 AM
I had some experiences been a leader. The most interesting was when i helped about 7 or 8 classmates to study and help each other during the year. That time i thought how much important is students communities to a grate learning. In general i take the lead because i see myself on the obligation to support everyone. I want to be the difference in the world, i want people's hear me. I know that somethings in the world isn't correct too, and need to change, so i bring efforts to do both.
I'm from Brazil, South America, the entrepreneur academy is available to me? My english isn't bad but isn't good too, i have some difficulties to socialize what should I do to break this barrier?
75% scholarship
Student convo done
Extended Deadline
CT Message
17 Apr: intro --> Bruno, lives in Slavador, is 17 yrs old, is in first year of high school; intro --> saw the ad on instagram and is interested becasue likes to learn more and increase knowledge, saw in the application an opportunity to go to the next level; routine --> very busy, so many things to do, studies in the mornings, participate in meetings and different projects,is participating in 3 projects, talk with friends, study more, studying for different exams, sometimes procrastinates y watching series, projects are about social environemnt, make some materials to make the population aware of climate change, participate in construyendo futuro --> focused on the global goals, 3rd project is at school is to help classmates and help executives; school --> a little bit difficult because of quarantine, mostly very well, in quarantine can do more than study, when wasn't in quarantie was practing a lot of sports (football, basketball, volleyball --> really likes sports); social life --> has some friends, has a group of close friends and is talking with them every day on whatsapp, participating on the same social projects, study with them too, good friend --> be there for him when need be, can have a good conversation when has a synergy to chat with them, consider everyone to be his friend, difficult to sort good friends vs close friends --> close friends are people talks to every day; family --> lives with aunt and uncle, have a good life, sometimes have arguments but is normal, supports Bruno with opportunities and helps him a lot, appreciate what they do for him; thrive --> confusin because really doesn't know, feels like growing very fast, has a lot of experience, made a lot of experience, feels ready to go for the next level, to be an adult --> anxious to see the world, to make difficult decisions, thinks this is very close to him, in a few months is going to need to make those difficult decisions at 18 (in brazil 18 = adulthood); stuck --> quarantine is closing a lot of opportunities, can do a lot of thing that wants now, has a vacation that wants to do in lala (latin american leaders association), a lot of friend had been to the conference before and said t is a good opportunity because wants to create own project; hopes--> wants to be important, wants to make a difference in the world, there are things that are incorrect and wants to fix them, dream is to make the world better, likes to participate in MUN events because is an opportunity to see how the world is and the problems of all countries, can understand the politics more , increase the knowledge to help as he is able, help both country and society; really wants to look at education inequalities because thinks this is a real problem --> in Brazil, can see on a daily basis racial discrimination, right across the street is another school of studets that don't have the same opportunities as Bruno does, wants to improve the educational
19 Apr:
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.1e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 4.1 4.1e 5.1e 6.1 6.1e 5.4 6.2 5.4e dt2.2 6.2e 6.3 6.3e 7.1 7.1e 7.2  Show 20 more
Lameez santana solomon
4/16/2021, 11:36 AM
I have never been in a situation where I had to be a leader but I do believe I have the qualities to become one, I am a hard worker, problem solver and I like taking on new challenges. I am customer orientated and strongly believe in customer centricity. I own the following skills: i enjoy dancing and I'm musicly inclined. I am also very outgoing and spontaneous. I aspire to start a successful skincare line exclusively for people that suffer from skin conditions such as eczema, hyper pigmentation and sensitive skin ect. I feel as a lady every woman wants and deserves to look their best without having to worry about toxic chemicals used on their skin.
How does the financial aid work? And how much is it in south africa?
South Africa
75% scholarship
Student convo done
Community , 1.2 , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en
Community 1.2 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e  Show 23 more
May 15, 2021
4/16/2021, 11:29 AM
I was doing grade 8 when I was nominated as treasurer. My position was valued by the school. I remember when it was sports time where us as the school leaders we told to organize and plan the trip and everything and I felt in charge because they all were depending on me to confirm or reject their ideas because I am in charge of the books. Then in high school I was a head girl in boarding house. There before others did anything they had to pass it through me first and having that power makes one feel needed and increase their leadership abilities and now I am fit to lead.
Since we will be learning, I would like to know about the funding, how is it going to go about because not all of us can afford the fee.
South Africa
Student convo done
Non Responsive
16 Apr: Spoke to kid, introvert but very positive kid, ROUTINE: School, Music, Dance. FREETIME: Inspirational videos. HOBBIES: Dance and Gymnastics. SCHOOL: Very studious, FRIENDS: Very few friends and she focuses her own goals, less social. THRIVE: Mental Stability STUCK: Her own emotions. INT - ENT: 9th grade due to family situations. FAMILY: Mom, younger sister, and granny. HOPE: Improve herself and gain more confidance. FINANCIAL - Mom's support
Community , baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3
Community baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3
Ishney Ahuja
4/16/2021, 11:24 AM
In my freshman year, I was the head of the school’s DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE. Now, we all know that smoking kills. But why do people smoke even if they know that it will kill them. Everyone knows that discriminating isn’t good but, why do people still encourage it. All these questions keep going in my mind but, the time I was really anxious to get the answers of these questions was when I became the head of the discipline committee.All the students knew the meaning of discipline but they never knew how to be in discipline. As I was the leader I had to find the answer of this particular question. So, I didn’t sit and sulk like people supposed I would, but I faced this new challenge head on. I knew meaning of being the leader of an organisation doesn’t mean you are leading a dictatorship . So, what I am good at is listening people and learning something from them. So, that was what I went with , I listened to people surrounding me, took their advice but at the end I didn’t let other’s opinion effect my decision in any way. The one of the best quality I have is leadership. I am authoritative yet respectful to people surrounding me. I had the guts to take the final decision. Many people questioned my decision but, I didn’t let them change my mind. At the end of 3 hours discussion , I decided to make a game to make my peers understand how to be in discipline. We played this game for 2 weeks during first 2 days , they were just complaining but with time, my leadership and my will to not give up my team and I finally made them understand how to be in discipline. After this I knew I was a BORN LEADER. I knew this because nobody knows me better than myself.
I have questions regarding financial aid and program curriculum
Student convo done
Non Responsive
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 2.1 , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 5.4 , 6.1 , 7.1 , 7.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 2.1 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.3a 3.3e 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 5.4 6.1 7.1 7.2
Robynn Robyn
4/16/2021, 11:24 AM
Ever since I've started high school ,I've been in positions of leadership. And there were loads of problems at my school. Once ,we had a drug issue. Basically ,learners were selling and using on the school grounds. I help mobilize the first anti-drug program(that could actually be implemented) alongside the adult leaders. And I think that I was in a very advantageous position ,because I was in close proximity with the problem(my own friends were involved). I believe that I brought a clearer perspective to the discussion. However, that's not what's impressive about me. The fact that I noticed a problem and decided that I want to try to solve it. Even if I don't know how to solve it right away. Even if I fail after my first try.(I don't understand the mechanics of quitting) I keep going ,not because I can see into the future. Definitely not because I think I am completely equip to solve them ,but simply because I want to try. I think that that's the most impressive thing about me. I want to take the first step to make things better for myself and EVERYONE on this planet! I believe deeply that every human is part of this global community ,regardless of assigned nationality, what their government wants for them. Beyond the geography you are born into. In that way ,I want to lead people. Just to help to move the broader vision forward.
Are there any assignments or formal tests? Also ,is there a platform where I can contact you easily?
South Africa
75% sch, Blocked spot for October
Student convo done
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 5.1e , 5.2e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 5.1e 5.2e
May 15, 2021
Abin Tom K Saji
4/16/2021, 11:22 AM
I support my employees in my company and I didn't want any employee who stand against us and I work with them very politely, kind and friendly speaking towards my employee ..
How is financial aid set up ? Is program curriculum going or not during covid -19?
Full Student + Parent
Parent doubtful
April 17: Had conv, knows he has lot of weakness, had to improve, ROUTINE: School, church, HW, tuition. HOBBIES: music, guitar.. SCHOOL: online classes. FRIENDS: Very attached to them, feels emotionallly down when they are not talking. FAMILY: Both parents, DOCTORS, They have to pay. STRENGTH: Family, WEAKNESS: His emotions. HOPE: to learn and improve himself.
Apr 18: Spoke to mom, had network isseus
Apr 19: Spoke to father, they are not confident enough to enroll him
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , Community , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 12.1a
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 Community 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 42 more
4/16/2021, 11:22 AM
Myself puralasetty likitha and I wanna set up a company under 25 so I very much exited to join in this academy
Can you continue in online if we are selected
no sch as of now
Student convo done
Child doubtful
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.0 1.0e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e
4/16/2021, 11:20 AM
In themba letha can
Do you support us
South Africa
Has not attended the class properly, inviting him to tomorrow's class
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 1.2 , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.1e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 3.3a , 6.3e , 9.1a , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 1.2 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 5.1e 3.1e 3.2 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.2e 7.3  Show 12 more
Omar Bakhtiar Abdulkadir Hussein
4/16/2021, 11:16 AM
Oh man, alright you asked for me to BRAG. so i'll mention what i can at the top of my head. There was a debating competition, done entirely online made by riyadh youth, i had two teammates and i made sure to immediately break the ice with them, get them to know each other and feel at ease to talk, then i opened up a google document that we can all edit simultaneously and laid out a very simple format so that we can set up our points, prepare counter points and backing evidence WITH coloring to each appropriate teammate. And *drum roll* we won 1st place! There were also other times especially during projects [of presentations] that i was able to use Prezi rather than powerpoint for starters and i delegated work to the team members, one thing i did always to struggle with a little bit is getting others to get up and actually work, id have to pick up the slack of others some times. i also wish to work on how to communicate better outside of english, ive been used to it so much that my other languages aren't as say... "charismatic".. There were also times in Model united nations (MUN) where i delegated the work AGAIN in a bloc (team) , BUT i did NOT get all the credit because i made the face of the team someone else and inadvertedly decreased my importance in the eyes of others, oh well atleast we did great together ! :) ofcourse there are times that i could have stood up but couldnt do it because i didnt do it the moment it came up on my mind so self doubt filled in that space.
I Really wish to actually just try to learn more and learn how to work consistently on my side hustle more importantly than over everything else, is there any possible way professors would track that progress with me? Also something similar with Commitment [Adhd has not been kind in that regard ] I was also wondering if its possible to apply for financial aid, i must be honest i could probably pay it with just some budget cuts for two months or so, but if i want to be an entrepreneur i should try to negotiate better prices right? better start from now :) Thank you so much for all of this, i have so much to learn and aloooot more questions but i think they'd be appropriate during (hopefully) our future sessions!
30 % scholarship
Student convo done
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.1e 6.2 dt2.2 6.2e 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.2e 7.3 7.3e  Show 23 more
May 15, 2021
Vanessa McGill
4/16/2021, 11:15 AM
Things to know about me: I'm learning three languages at the moment, and I'm taking the time to learn about the stock market. I began writing a personal book about mental health and toxicity because I believed it was a topic that many people could relate to and learn how to overcome. I began to want to learn more about owning a company and how to become more financially secure so that when I reach adulthood, I will be able to support my family and myself financially while also benefiting the environment in some way, whether it be by assisting children and families in overcoming poverty, minimizing pollution, or aiding people in improving their mental and physical well-being.
Time, If time is chosen or do we choose the time according to our time zone. Is everything included or do we pick what we want to be able to do. Financial aid is definitely something that I need because I don't want to stress my parents for it.
CT Message
Brollis Mapedzamombe
4/16/2021, 11:12 AM
Well um the head girl of my school so there was this event we were welcoming the sponsors that donated computers for my school and l was asked to give a welcoming speech and l actually nailed it and as the head girl l am always asked to lead in things like prayers and l make sure that every week l have a presentation to present in front of my class so that l can get used to stand in front of people and l actually got a video of me presenting about a bill of lading and a certificate of insurance ( if u guys would be interested in watching it) and there was this other day l stood up for a boy in my class who was being made funny of because of his age and my accounts teacher was actually proud of me and l am always asked to solve things like students who are disrespectful to prefects
I want to be an entrepreneur but the problem is l haven't find my passion in business l like. like which business do l want to start .l don't know if u can help me figure it out
South Africa
75% scholarship
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
baseline , Community , 1.1 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 5.1e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en
baseline Community 1.1 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 1.0 1.0e 2.4 2.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 5.1e 6.1 6.1e 6.2 6.3e 7.1 7.1e  Show 25 more
Aliyah Osman
4/16/2021, 11:08 AM
I have been involved in many school experiences such as taking part in charity events and collecting money to feed the poor which gave me a number of skills such as communication skills, teamwork skills and listening skills.Also this really showed me how the whole world is so corrupt since there are poor people trying to survive for a living.While the rich people have no clue whatsover and living there best life.I believe i can make a change for the better!
Replied a bit
Not interested
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , Community , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e Community 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e  Show 35 more
Rivaldo Adams
4/16/2021, 11:07 AM
I led a brilliant team where we made masks and spelled it.
What does it take to become a successful CEO
South Africa
Student convo done
Texted to schedule call
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5  Show 27 more
Amjad Tijjani Mohammed Ashiekh
4/16/2021, 11:07 AM
Once during 2nd yaer of secondary school our school management ask us to make a program for 1st grade to welcome them ,so i made the hole plan and give it to teachers and classmates.
Is ielts a basic? When applying be opened ?
South Africa
Could not Connect
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.1e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 7.3
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 2.1 2.1e 4.1 4.1e 5.1e 6.1 6.1e 5.4 6.2 5.4e dt2.2 6.2e 6.3 6.3e 7.1 7.1e 7.2 8.1 8.1en 8.2 7.3
Lina Sevillano Serna
4/16/2021, 11:06 AM
I have all the values ​​to be able change the world and especially the world closest to me, I am a good person, with excellent values ​​always ready to help others and do things well
I want be here but is expensive for me, i can't to pay
Student convo done
Poor English
CT Message
16 Apr: clombia good for tourism, not for living, the poor are in a really bad place, government doesn't care about ; intro --> lina, 14 years old in school, 9th grade, interview: wants to be a CEO, becoming a good person, oves helping and supporting others and it is very important because we are so social; this is the first time speaking english with a native english speaker, lives in a city, wants company to help pay the bills of her family, wants to be able to help her parents with the house, with cash etc.; in her dreams, would like to become a CEO because loves helping ohters, launching a company; the internet is so big for looking for opportunities to be a good person and good professional, uses the internet to be a good person; found SoF on instagram and loved it; english level is not great, sending the demo and we will see how she does with it
Fabiana Buenahora
4/16/2021, 11:06 AM
i have always feel like a leader and this time that all my class wanted to do something for a show of the school but the principal didnt wanted to do it. Everyone was so scared to talk with the principla because he could get mas but i decided to go as a leader adn talk to him and actually it did work, i convince him to do our idea
what should i do to get financial aid?, i would love to join this academy but unfortunately i dont have the money to do it.
75% sch
Student convo done
Non Responsive
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 1.1e , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.4e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 1.1e 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 39 more
4/16/2021, 11:05 AM
I’m not sure if I have acted as a leader, But I am volunteered at an ecd centre I go there everyday to help with the children for 1 & 1/2 years now I basically help the kids with their emotional intelligence and emotional health . I feel like things like this should be taught from pre primary and children should be able to acknowledge their feelings and be able to voice them out without being scared of anyone’s response or reaction. This applies to everyone in general I am very passionate about people acknowledging their emotions and addressing them .
I have a financial aid question. I am in South Africa and my parents do not work . I am however very passionate about this and would love to be a founder for this initiative.
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Didn't show up
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 42 more
Siyabulela Busakwe
4/16/2021, 11:00 AM
I think the future should take over in the fashion industry....I want change, fashion industry don't support kids......the don't take our vision seriously....we are the future...we should take over.....we really love fashion but we have to finish school work to be a fashion designer which is a thing we had since we was young.ART is all we galleries and fashion weeks...they don't allow kids The main fact is children can play their part in art industry and fashion industry
I want to own an art gallery,so that I can see other people's visions.and young designer,young be honest creativity is the future
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
Apr 17: Spoke to kid, haven't had a good convo, as she was switching her mic off and on and when asked about her routine and all she haven't responded properly
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.0e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3
baseline 1.0 Community 1.1 1.1e 1.0e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3
Bharat Yadav
4/15/2021, 11:59 PM
Leader also look LIKE a teacher who also care about his / her he know that without people ( network) nothing is possible
Multiple No show
Didn't show up
Scheduled call twice, didn't tun up
[8:11 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Hi Bharat Yadav, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [8:12 PM, 4/16/2021] +91 76040 76471: Right now [8:18 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: We can schedule the call for 9PM [8:18 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Does that work for you? [9:59 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Hello [9:59 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Can you confirm at what you will be available? [9:59 PM, 4/16/2021] +91 76040 76471: Tomorrow 11:30 m [10:00 PM, 4/16/2021] +91 76040 76471: Pls don't mind 😃 [10:01 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Morning 11:30 AM right? [10:05 PM, 4/16/2021] +91 76040 76471: Yes [10:05 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [11:11 AM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Hi Bharat, Excited to see you in less than 20 mins. Please join the meeting link by 11:30AM. [11:12 AM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: Ok [11:12 AM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: Can we talk in a normal call [11:14 AM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: This call is very important, and we prefer face to face interaction. I hope you can understand [11:14 AM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [11:14 AM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: I understand [11:15 AM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Great 🤩🤩, See you soon. [11:34 AM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Please join. [7:23 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Hello Bharat [7:24 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Please do let us know whether you are continuing [8:09 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: I m here 🙏 [8:10 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Please join [8:10 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: You can call me now 🙂 [8:11 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Please join the meeting link. As we prefer face to face interaction [8:11 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: I can't [8:12 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: If it's like that, then we are sorry we won't be able to move ahead with your application👍 [8:12 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: All the best for your future [8:12 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: Wait man [8:13 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Sorry [8:13 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: I didn't get you [8:14 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: Tell me time to join [8:15 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: If can join now [8:15 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Please join am here [8:15 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [8:16 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 76040 76471: Wait I am joining [5:19 PM, 4/18/2021] School Of Future: ??
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , Community , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e Community 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 5.1e  Show 42 more
Rethabile sekati
4/15/2021, 12:18 PM
Understand people and look to any thing they tell I look forward knowing them better and motivating them into better
So I would to know about the next lesson
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
16 Apr: Student convo done, English average, Introverted and a positive ttitude kid. Faced a lot of tradegy in her life and she oversome all the hurdles. ROUTINE: School and home, HOBBIES: Reading books, Fiction and classics, SCHOOL: Local school, teacher's strict and bad classmates. She has only one friend. FAMILY: Both parents left Melissa and her twin brothers when they were sleeping. Now all of them are staying with her grandmother and the kids don't want their parents anymore. THRIVE: Be successful. STUCK: When parent's left her. INT in ENT: Be her own boss and do something in life. HOPE: Learn and network globally the best possible. Money has to be discussed with her Grandmother. Will require financial aid.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e
Nongcebo Princess Mathebula
4/14/2021, 2:47 PM
I love reading I'm always happy to help I am very confident and i socialize
Do we have to pay for this program?
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Apr 14: Texted to Schedule a call
We talked and she does not know anything about the program, has only attended 3 mins, she will be attending the class today
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.3 , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 7.1 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 2.1 2.1e 2.2 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.1e 6.2 7.1 8.1 8.1en 8.2
Olwethu Mamputa
4/14/2021, 2:14 PM
I’m quick on my feet and I have a very unique problem solving mindset which means I am reliable as a leader
How consistent is this program
27648025965/ 27783265405
South Africa
Replied a bit
Didn't show up
Tried message, email, VN, Call
Conveyed via message that she won't be able to come up as she is feeling much pressurised with school. NOT INTERESTED
[6:15 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi Olwethu Mamputa, Thank you for booking our Free Global Interactive Class with School of Future. The class will be held on 13th April, 6:00 PM in South Africa [Tomorrow]. The class is interactive, with students from Italy, France, Canada, USA, India, South Africa, and the UK sharing the problems they see in the world, and discussing how we can use entrepreneurial thinking to solve them! Please make sure you take our small diagnostic quiz before coming to the class. ( Reply with - I AM IN if we can count on you showing up! More details are in your email! See you soon [6:15 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 78 326 5405: I am in [6:22 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Great🤩🤩, will share the ZOOM Meeting link by tomorrow afternoon. Does that work for you? Meanwhile please download ZOOM meeting in your device, so that it would be easy for you to attend the class.😊 [6:27 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 78 326 5405: Okay That’s cool [6:28 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: 👍🤩 [5:07 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hey Olwethu Mamputa!!!, Excited to see you at School of Future’s Interactive Class on Entrepreneurship today, at 6:00 PM in South Africa. Promising students from this GLOBAL CLASS will be hand-picked to build their own business with us at Entrepreneurs Academy. 🌏 Please be 5 mins early to the class. Join Zoom Meeting: We’ll be waiting to welcome you. 🚀 [9:04 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: We are excited to see you in less than 30 mins with teens from around the 🌏. Reply with: CAN'T WAIT! 🏃‍♀️🏃 to confirm your attendance. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 944 1402 1513 Passcode: 804240 [9:09 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Have an amazing session. If you face any issues or difficulties feel free to contact me. Make sure you have fun and participate. Join using your own name so the mentors and I know it is you, also, if you do use a different name, ping me so I can inform them to let you in. 😊🤩 [9:09 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 78 326 5405: Oka [9:10 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: 😊🤩 [6:57 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Hi Olwethu Mamputa, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [4:07 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Hi [4:07 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Is it possible to have a conversation today? [10:33 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Hello Olwethu [10:33 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 78 326 5405: Hello [10:34 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Can you please let us know whether you are interested to continue or not [10:34 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 78 326 5405: No not anymore [10:34 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: As you are not turning up for the call [10:34 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: We are a bit concerned [10:35 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay. If you don't mind could you please let us know why you are stepping out from the Application [10:35 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 78 326 5405: I’m still dealing with the pressure of school I cannot afford to fail and I don’t need distractions
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.4e , 6.1 , 5.3e , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.4 , 7.3e , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 37 more
Ronja Köhler
4/14/2021, 2:07 PM
To be honest I have never acted like a leader, because i am not that confident to share my opinion to things with others. But i am still work on these weak spot of mine and I want to be confident, and if i want something, i got it. I am a young girl from germany and i am very interested in science especially in biology. Also i am an absolut ocean lover with all its benefits. It makes me sick to see everyday more and more plastic in it, killing the beautiful creatures they just try to survive in this world, like us. But it shouldnt be like that. I mean, why not let life live. I want to make a change outside this world, i want to make a better world for sea animals and us. I dont want to see animals dying, not because of us humans.
How much time would it spend? what if i have sometimes no time? Is it a problem, if I cant speak English perfectly? I am understanding you and i am working on my language skills, but sometimes i feel afraid to speak, especially in front of people i dont know. Do you offer distance learning at your academy? when would i get a chance to study at the academy? is my idea to big of making the world a better place?
No scholarship
Student convo done
Msg dropped
Community , 2.1 , 2.4 , 4.3 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 6.3 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en
Community 2.1 2.4 4.3 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.1e 6.2 dt2.2 6.2e 6.3e 7.1 7.1e 7.2 7.2e 7.3 6.3 8.1 8.1en 8.2 8.2en 8.3a 8.3en 8.4a 8.4en 9.1a  Show 3 more
May 15, 2021
4/14/2021, 1:28 PM
I have been selected as an MUN member of the debating club in 2018 in Britishschool al khubairat we went to different schools in Abu Dhabi to debate on are country and see how welthy and powerful the country community is on there region.
How do start your journey in this future school? Do you have to be smart? What if I’m Dyslexic? Will it be hard for me
No scholarship
Student convo done
CT Message
15 Apr: intro --> 17 years old, go to an aqbah school, hard to be in a british school, mom thought wold have to stay, but when covid started decided to hard and changed to american; lots of people had been talking about it and saw it on the instagram feed; routine --> ok, goes through notes every day, wants to attend khalifa university, is mostly studying physics with a teacher every tuesday and sunday online, loves horse riding; school --> going well subkjects are more fun than in the british school, is taking physics, chemistry and biology, only having the sciences on sundays, loves the sceinees --> wants to join NASA, pretty cool how the UAE went to the first, study now and in the future and go to a college does NASA in the future, wants to know more about space and the universe --> how did everything form, ineresting to see how space is the whole universe, not like earth; social life --> good, but don't really socialize with people because barely out of the house because of Covid; with people that she does no know, online community is way different, like meeting with people online --> don't really know them but speaing online is like a whole different game, example: sitting in a room, don't know how to speak to them in person but would prefer to speak to them online; close to family and couins --> you fight with your cousins but you're not actually fighting with them --> Covid brought everyone closer, before did not used t be as close, but closer becase of Covid19; close relationhip --> speak everyday, see them, know them on a certain level, deeper level, know a person online dont know them as well, having a deep conversation about themself; thriving --> most of the things she does, not everything is right, some are wrong --> when with family, a lot happier when around family, when alone and by self so lonely and sad, connectivity with family makes so much happier; stuck --> school because, what is scared of, ratings in schools are standardized, at her school not that successful --> only translates in grades, in american school is understanding more, in british had extra learning because of dyslexia (always feels like lower than everyone else at school); had never heard of anything like this before, had never caught attention to sign up for a summer school
15 Apr: sent message saying talked with her parents and will be paying tomorrow
Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 2.4 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 4.1 , 5.3e , 5.4 , 5
Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 2.4 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 4.1 5.3e 5.4 5
May 15, 2021
Phindulo Mufamadi
4/14/2021, 12:46 PM
Free class: Had doubts if she really wanted this, but was free to speak without being judged, friendly, Schedule: Wake up -- School -- Clubs and extra curricular -- 2 hr nap -- Study -- last year wants to go for university -- write poetry on weekends-- help old people at local clinic -- Nothing more loving than Reading, has creative mind, improve vocabulary, currently grade 12-Economics, Geography, Biology, Maths, English, after high school planning on becoming a chef, wants to open her own restaurant and become private chef and wants to write some book, fees are really expensive for universities, loves school as it is place where she discovered herself and her passion, its too small, Mom (), 1 sibling, Close with mom but not that close, mother is super straight,
I have been a leader at school I was a library prefect. Who help students how to look for a book in a library also teach them how to use a computer... They used to come to me for help even If I was off duty and I helped them I didn't send them back because it was not my day I still helped them.
I will have a bit of a problem with the financial aid because my home situation
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Apr 14: Texted to Schedule a call
have a call at 6:30 today
[  ]
Nela Modiba
4/14/2021, 12:42 PM
Im an amazing poet and may soon get an opportunity to study theatre
Will you fund our businesses
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 5.4 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 8.1 , 8.1en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 6.1 6.1e  Show 13 more
Ghabriella Ashicar Salie
4/14/2021, 12:08 PM
Well its normally during class projects or working in groups as a team in school. I always tend to lead and help my group or team out and participate to speak first and give my speech or ideas, also for many projects I'm always the one putting in most of the effort and aiming for the highest mark, i always try and work hard and boost marks. I would offer to take projects home and do it by myself if i know my group doesn't understand or needs help or explaining, I also enjoy helping people a lot and trying to help them solve their problems whether its at home or school.
i have not informed my parents yet about this but i surely will, my parents are not the type to put in in extra classes or whatsoever even if its for learning and career purposes so I'm a bit worried that they will say no for me to continue since its not the cheapest course or maybe they cant afford it. I would really like to continue with this and learn more and get further in life. I'd like to ask what would happen if our parents will not pay the financial aid at all and what will happen? Just a genuine question.
South Africa
Student convo done
Non Responsive
Spoke to Ghariella, introvert, ROTUINE: School, home work, friends. HOBBIES: Tennis, reading. SCHOOL. very strict and pressurised. FRIENDS: Good friends, supports very well. FAMILY: Father: FC, MOM: Small business, They have to pay for the program. HOPE: to lear more and meet new people and achieve something in life
[6:57 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ghabriella Ashicar Salie, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [7:00 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: In free at anytime Just my phone number isn't working if its called but it can be called but I can speak through whatsapp call [7:00 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Google Meet? [7:01 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Sure [7:01 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Great, at 5PM South African time? [7:01 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Sounds good [7:01 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [7:48 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ghabriella, So excited to see you today at 6PM. Here is the meeting link to join the call: [7:50 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Ok thanks [7:50 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: So it will be at 6 then and not 5 [7:50 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Sorry my mistake [7:50 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: 5pm [7:50 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: 😊😊 [7:51 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Its okay [8:31 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Please join [11:19 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ghabriella Ashicar Salie, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 10 students that we selected from 189 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!!😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [11:45 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Thank u sooooo much im so happy and excited for this😁😁😁 [11:46 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: 😊💙 [11:47 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Please do respond to email [11:47 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Also please convey about the selection to your parents and share your happiness with them too😊 [11:48 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Of course I will do [11:49 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: If they have any concerns please arrange a call. I am happy to help😊 [11:54 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Okay [11:54 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 61 191 9843: 👌👌👌 [11:56 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: 😊👍 [7:49 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ghabriella, hope you are doing well. Have you got the chance to talk to your parents? Is possible to have a call with them today? [7:49 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: *Is it [8:50 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Hi yes I have told them about, unfortunately they both out atm and will only be back later can we maybe try tomorrow [8:52 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Oh sure. Also we can have the call by 8PM today if they are available. [8:53 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Or else we can have it by tomorrow [8:53 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: I would like to know whether they have any concerns in regard to the program? [8:59 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 61 191 9843: I will let you know when they get back [9:00 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Im not really sure yet [9:00 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Ok Sure [10:15 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Hi Ghabriella Ashicar Salie, I really enjoyed speaking to you the day before yesterday! 📲 It was wonderful to get to know you and your vision. Congrats again on your acceptance into the Entrepreneurs Academy. 12 exceptional teens from UK, S Africa, USA, Canada - have already joined us and we hope you are next to join this amazing group of inspiring 🌏 peers. ⚠️ You haven’t submitted your fees for the Academy yet and today is the last day that we are accepting payments. We feel proud to be able to support students in need with our Financial Aid and you have received an award of 60% Financial Aid, so your fees would be USD 192 ~ 2763 ZAR. 🏆 Please secure your spot using the link: Let me know and if you face any i… [10:24 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Hi [10:24 PM, 4/16/2021] School Of Future: Have you got the chance to discuss with your parents? [4:43 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Thank you very much for this opportunity which has come to me and to be selected as one of the students but unfortunately as for now I cannot pursue this course as it came to soon [4:44 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: I will contact you soon to pursue this later [4:50 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Oh that's so sad [4:53 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: I'm sorry yes ik [4:53 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: My father said maybe the next opportunity that comes he will let me do the course if I get in again [4:55 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay, if you want to join on later point, you can reserve your spot now and join after 3 months [4:55 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Does that help you in some way..? [4:56 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: That sounds good [4:56 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Okay [4:58 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: As discussed, we are happy to offer you the option to Defer your Admission Offer. By saving your spot with a 20$ fee (~300 ZAR), which will be deducted from the overall program fee. And you can join us post 3 months Here is the link to secure your spot: [5:00 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Once you complete the reservation, please do let me know [5:00 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: So that I can convey it to the team and help you with the next procedures😊😊 [5:02 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: For your information, when you click on the link please mention preferred month as August, as you need 3 months [5:02 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: If you have any doubts please reach out to me..😁😊 [5:10 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Will do [5:10 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: 😊😊 [5:11 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: So excited to welcome you to the SoF Family🤩🤩💙 [10:29 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Hello Ghabriella [10:30 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Have you reserved your spot. Our Admissions Team had asked about it. [10:30 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Not yet [10:30 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay [10:31 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: I'll let you know when I do [10:31 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Once you have reserved the spot, please do let me know.😊 [10:37 PM, 4/17/2021] +27 61 191 9843: Ok [10:37 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [11:45 AM, 4/18/2021] School Of Future: SoFers, YES. You guessed it An Expo is among us. It’s our biggest EXPO to date. Come and support these beauties. REGISTER FOR THE EXPO: 25 brilliant graduates from the DEC+EMBER Cohort have worked extremely hard to build their business ideas these last 100 days. Each graduate will pitch their business idea, host interactive break-out rooms, and compete for your vote Date: Sunday, 18 April 2021 *9:30AM EST 2:30 PM - UK 3:30 PM - Italy, Germany, S. Africa 7:00 PM - India 4:30PM - Saudi Arabia* Get your monthly dose of idea inspiration
Not responding
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.0 , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.0 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 22 more
Yashika Saini
4/14/2021, 11:18 AM
I Acted as a leader when I was selected as the head of my sports class ..I really like to help people with there problems. It's like I really don't care if I'm gonna have any disadvantage of helping that person if i helped her I'm gonna get late to my own classes or I can be scolded for getting late into class .....But i like helping people specially if they want my advice for something related to studies....Once before lockdown when we were still going to schools and i was in 7th grade one of my classmates fell from stairs because of jumping on them as she was in hurry to reach the ground ... when she fell down she broke her ankle then as a head i took responsibility of taking her to respective medical room of that floor and try to keep other students calm as they were also freaking out ....on other side i was really worried but I kept my fears and worries aside and told rest of them to reach the ground and after making sure that the girl which fell down from stairs is okay I reached the ground and I was scolded by the teacher because of coming late and was punished by running extra 10 rounds in school's ground That's all for my story Thanks for paying attention
Will this classes held everyday at the same time or they are supposed to take place some specific days of week? What are we supposed to do when all the sessions ends?
Student convo done
APR 14: Texted to Schedule call, Call scheduled for tomorrow.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e  Show 22 more
Angelina Ariza
4/14/2021, 11:14 AM
I am President of Builders Club. Which is a middle school version of Key Club. I also am President of girls who code
Will be provided financial aid in order to cover the cost?
50% scholarship
Full Student + Parent
CT Message
15 Apr: intor --> found out about SoF because of wanting to become an entrepreneur, went through the meetig, 44 kids enthusiastice, from all over the place, feels like those kids --> was discussing problems that want to solve and how to solve them, see how discrimination is everywhere, see discrimination in ohter countries where it's ten times worse; come to a solution to help all these people; routine --> school, studies for whole day, then has monthly meetings for clubs (president of builders club), keeps busy and takes a lot of time, also part of color of change and here to stay squad (fights for undocumented youth and finsing pathways to citizenship), everyday is meetins, studying, school, hainv ga good agenda and always doing things o time, builders club --> Middle School version of key club (volunteering for different organzaintos); school --> not as bad as it used to be, at the beginning was so muhc, but now is grateful for it, so much work and meetings at once, find new ways to manage time and feel even more prepared for highschool --> feel so busy, but don't feel stressed (6 clubs for school and 4 clubs outside of school), people used to say on't do thi becayse of academic burnout; social life --> volunteering social life count? almost every week is going to different events (feeding south florida --> getting food from different organizaitons and then distribute those to the homeless, seakeeper beach clean ups (meet up, clean up, cleaning and picking up trash and cleaning), lots of ritual volunteering events picking);family life --> good, babysit sister and sometimes take sister out, talk to her about life (6 years old), even with Covid she is probably super stressed (tries to do); relationships --> when you are saying somehting and don't know how to explain it, the person know what you're taling about (mother knows everything, know how she feels), humor is also a big thing, always necessary;thrive --> found voice, this year decided (watched documenttary about kids getting separeated from their parents, forced parents to sign their own deportations), took a minute to figure out could actually become something and feels so fortunate to be here, if i do something it's not oing to work (started phone banking, color of squad) --> finindi that voice, had to speak in front of different, express activism to people, has now this exploded confidence; stuck --> feels like can't do enough, study for different tests, get to a point of oh i can't do this then i am going to fail (me aainst me), one person can influence a million people; hopes --> a lot of people are misinformed, many people get their facts from social media, like our own people are turning on their own people, wants to work on informing people, govt treating minorities and immigrants badly, minorities and immigrants suffering PTSD, wants to work on awareness
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , Community , 2.2
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 Community 2.2
May 15, 2021
Michael Moyo
4/14/2021, 11:12 AM
I was a leader at the August scouting Jumboree of 2015 .We did not come first in this at the competition but the fact that I was the youngest leader all the way representing Zimbabwe and South Africa I was recognized everywhere and I got to meet amazing people across the event
My parents do not really support me when I do such things even in my business ideas so I do not think even if I get choosen I will be able to pay for this
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Can't afford
[6:57 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Hi Michael Moyo, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [7:57 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: How is the same time we started our meeting yesterday? [7:58 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: I have an appointment with another student [7:58 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: How about 7pm South Africa time? [7:59 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: That is perfect [8:01 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: 👍😊 [9:56 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: Sorry can I ask what will we be using to speak? [10:05 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: About you [10:06 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Do you have any concerns etc [10:06 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: No I mean which platform are we going to use ? [10:07 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Google meet? [10:07 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Or ZOOM? [10:08 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: Ok 👍🏿so you can send the link via my email my phone is a bit slow I will have to use the computer [10:09 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: So which one ZOOM or GOOGLE MEET? [10:13 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: Any just send a link to the one you prefer [10:13 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Okay sure [10:17 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Please check email [10:19 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: I got it [10:55 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: Sorry to bother you I was saying I will try to get in touch with Maurice & see if I can get any help [10:56 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Great! We actually cannot share students' information unless they are enrolled in Entrepreneurs Academy and part of the SoF community. [10:57 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 65 986 2896: No it's ok he gave me his email so I will be trying to contact him over there thank you [11:04 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Let me check [12:13 PM, 4/18/2021] School Of Future: SoFers, YES. You guessed it An Expo is among us. It’s our biggest EXPO to date. Come and support these beauties. REGISTER FOR THE EXPO: 25 brilliant graduates from the DEC+EMBER Cohort have worked extremely hard to build their business ideas these last 100 days. Each graduate will pitch their business idea, host interactive break-out rooms, and compete for your vote Date: Sunday, 18 April 2021 *9:30AM EST 2:30 PM - UK 3:30 PM - Italy, Germany, S. Africa 7:00 PM - India 4:30PM - Saudi Arabia* Get your monthly dose of idea inspiration
Community , 5.1e , 5.2e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en
Community 5.1e 5.2e 1.2 1.2e 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 6.1  Show 34 more
Khotso sefako
4/14/2021, 11:08 AM
Not really business related but last year our schools rugby team fell apart because students weren't willing to play. Our coach walked out on the team because he felt he was wasting his time. I managed to encourage the learners to show up to practice, managed to convince one of my teachers to come work as a coach and help me keep them there and continue to motivate them to keep practicing and working hard. I was then selected to become the captain for the rest of the season and yeah, we managed to get second place in our province which is incredible because we didn't even have a team as the league was about to start.
How long has this been running?
South Africa
Replied a bit
Parent doubtful
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 5.2e , 5 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 25 more
Aabhav Mishra
4/14/2021, 11:02 AM
Since I go to an affluent school with people coming from well to do families, when a poorer kid got in through a scholarship he was bullied for being different then I stepped in and told them to stop and me and my friends took him in our group. I was 1 of the 5 people elected in our school to the student council and I was competing against a 50 people in a school of 2000 for the position and I got elected over a few high schoolers and people who are more skilled than me in the traditional sense because I was able to persuade people to vote for me and I was able to sell my story easily, I am a natural storyteller
How will the payment be made ?
No scholarship
Student convo done
Non Responsive
Msg dropped
baseline , Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en , 10.2a , 10.2en , 10.3a , 10.3en , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.3a , 11.3en , 12.1a , 12.1en , 12.2a , 12.2en , 12.3a
baseline Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 47 more
Annette Muthoni
4/14/2021, 10:58 AM
I used to be a Head Girl in my Primary school. I tried to helped my fellow students with anything they struggled with and they looked up to me as a mentor. By the end of my Primary School, There was a huge amount of change comparing with how the school was and how the previous leaders worked.
75% scholarship
Student convo done
CT Message
14 Apr: intro--> reason to come to the program, have always had the leadership feeling in her, always wanted to be a leader that people could lean and show others, has had it since being Head girl in primary school --> was the mentor to other students , would be a communication between head teacher and students; routine --> wake up at 4am to finish school work, go into doing the days work and leaves at 7 to go to school, comes back and does homework; school --> it's ok but a little bit hard, is getting help with teachers , in some subjects tries to understand, sometimes feels like that sometimes, doesn't have much to say about school, struggling until gets help, teacher s paying more attention, give moe revision, help when they're free; social life --> not that greeat, usually at home, only socializng with friends, just doesn't go out alone, does socialize, has good friends; friend --> someone who is trustworthy, respecful, and supportive; sometimes has strggles, has anxiety and panic attacks, when doesn't want totalk about it they're very understanding; family life --> great, good support system, they're amazing; thrive --> in school when with friends, life with friend, have a great relationship and feels more at home with friends than does at home; stuck --> in school, some subjects and health, talkign about what is troubling her; hopes --> hope to pass gcse and get into a good university, achieve what has been wanting to since starting school, EA create a better world using social media and beig able to communicate with others and put out opinions without feeling nervous what others will say, wants to speak out but worried; frustration --> so bad, wishing at least could put in an opinion or worried about their feedback and what they'll think about you, cannot help it will always be hesitant with what they think
Apr 13
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 5.1e , 5 , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.3e , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 5.1e 5 4.1 4.1e 5.3e 5.4e 6.1 6.1e 5.4 8.1 8.1en 8.2 8.2en 8.3a  Show 13 more
Kaycee Robelle Ramos
4/13/2021, 7:11 PM
Although I seem very introverted and soft-spoken, I have a natural ability bring empathy and mutual understanding to any room I enter. Out of my group of friends, when there are disagreements, I am almost always the mediator. I know this is an overlooked quality that makes an entrepreneur, but I believe it's very underrated.
This all sounds great and I don't mean to be rude but how do I know to trust you? Also, I am currently supporting myself and as I'm still in school. If I do get into the program, how can I get financial aid for the program?
75% scholarship, blocked seat
Student convo done
13 apr - class was exhilerating and inspiring, and young people who wanna do things. she is always trying to start projects. get it done, and find the people for it. finish something. environe.... rn i'm on .. we're workign with schools actually. signs of child abuse. bringing that into the curriculum. i wish i had it when i was younger. a lot of psychology. it usually starts. i like to explore every possibility. it makes me very aware of the many directions that a concept can go. i really like going out of the box, playing devil's advocate on myself ... my best friend. her name is christine.. i'm very impractical, and I like to bring up a lot of things. she is very methodical, when she gets school work done. i like essays. i like writing poems. saying your piece and exploring. a acharacter;s contrast one another. IDK, just exploring possibilities. i like exploring diff possibilities. to explore it and ... we talk a lot... about the most insignificant things. i would mention something very scattered brain... we really dive into topics. she brings her POV and I bring mine... taking a gap year. reserch on a gap year, people are more likely to graduate and finish with the degree they're going to take. there are so many things. after grade 11, ther are so many things I could do. want to go back to the Phillipines. really advocate for the social issues. holding hope and child abuse. my mom got a job at a hospital .... i can see the potential. i like to make goals,.... i don't like to set the external things around me to a certain standard. i can see everything externally around me. i want to know how it affets. i don't ike to place that importance on the external. i dn't like when people try to find happiness outside . loved the word future, all about possibilties. I DON'T think of myself as the stereotypical entrepreneurial... In general. I think i'm a human contradictiona. I'm a paradox. I think it's because, you talk to someone and a completely different perspective and you change as a person. every second . so many raealiyies are true fot some people, and so many realities are ... i cannot be confied in one reality. i am a horrible person in someone else's reality. WHAT SHE WANTS - Focus, fluidity, extroversion, more business-like . When I'm meeting new people and testing the waters. i try not to form an opinion about people, or form biases. contradictory. i'm talking very open. mom's BFF agreed to let her stay. before i settled in to where I am rn.
didn't arrive to the google meet
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e  Show 1 more
May 15, 2021
4/12/2021, 10:59 AM
Thanks for asking!I'd love to talk about what I've been working on. I am born to lead a team of a dozen of people. I can manage timings very skillfully this is all thanks to my final exams it taught me how to manage time skillfully without making a mess. Thank you.
So will this program help me build my business?
75% Scholarship
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
April 12: Texted to Schedule Call
She was not responding to my texts so I called her, she said she can talk right now, her mom took her phone, asked me to explain who I was and what this is. I explained the program in brief and she gave the phone to her daughter Student Convo: Routine: She told her about the program from the day she applied. Said "I am never nervous, I am Always confident" Does exercise, do coreography from youtube and do my holiday homework. When you transfer from 6-7 a assignment is given, we should submitt it on the first day of school, I haven't done it in two months, I am doing it now, then I play video games and them I practice coding.I am learining with C++, She took trial classes from diferent online schools.Watch webtoons, and read manga and comics. She draws amine and draws k-pop idols, BTS, BlackPink. Not a fan but I like them. She is planning on audition for K-pop. Friends: I don't have girl friends only one, because I don't like girls, they only talk about manicures and pedicures and shoppin. I play soccer and watch K-Drama, I am following K for 2-3 years now. I have learned almost 10 languages, German, thai, french, italian, Korean, chinese han, chinese traditional, and marathi and gujrati. Family: mom left her job to take care of me, my dad is a business, because of some family problems they stay seperate, so I don't usually meet my dad. My mom is really cool. Don't tell her everything, we can't say everything to family. When sometimes we get bad marks. Life: My dance is going really well, my mom and dad's relationship is not going well. It's family problem I don't want to share. She said I don't open up, as time goes you'll come to know me. Tell me how you feel about it? It does not effect me, and bounced when I said it might effect you "NO" I talk to my dad, stay with him, I talk to mom, stay with her, doesn't effect me. She sounded really sad about this whole situation and said " I want to give them the space that they give me, it is there choice". Everything in life happens for a reason. No they don't like to even face each other. My mom does not want to see him or talk to him or about him. If they are happy like that, let them be. I LOVE THE MATURITY IN THIS KID. She is very passionate about instagram modeling. Does not have siblings, exact words were " I don't like to share things, if it's an older brother it is better so I can steal from his wardrobe. She asked me what I wanted to become in elementary school. She has read about the concepts of fashion desiging and the business world surrounding it. Said she wanted to become a machanic in elementary school. will start in class 10th to work in a garrage. design cars and all. but now my focus is on business. I got intrested from K-Dramas as they show the business world so well, want to own a business and order around. She suggested this to her friends to join too. HOPE: Want to learn how to manage business and how to manage accounts.She wants to work on a game she is already working on. her mom said she will let me know if they can afford the program. She does want to attend a free class again.
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 8.1 8.1en 8.2 8.2en 8.3a 8.3en 8.4a 8.4en
Nitesh Nageshri
4/12/2021, 7:01 AM
When I first worked as a leader, people thought that this person could not only lead but when I took the lead, people were surprised that I was able to lead the best.
My dad's monthly income burden is low so I hesitate to fill out any form. My biggest dream was to attend Howard Business School but I'm hesitant about money.
Student convo done
April 12: Texted to Schedule Call
Did not understanding even basic sentances like "can we get started" said "Sab bouncer jaa raha hai" Had the conversation in hindi. he is already running 3 mandals, said he is part of bss team that he joined when he was in 9th, sounded a high achiever till he said he doesn't care about getting accepted, just wants to talk to me. He said he can learn good english in 10 days no big deal, asked him to reapply or schedule a call after he can understand basic sentances.
[17:58, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Nitesh Nageshri, I am Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you TODAY. Cheers![18:38, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi! Can we schedule a call for 10:30 tonight?[18:49, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Are You Gujarati Language[18:49, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Hello[18:50, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: No. Can we converse in English?[18:50, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Ok[18:50, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: So a call at 10:30?[18:52, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: No We Can 10:00[18:53, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Are You Spike Hindi[18:53, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Language[18:53, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: And English[18:53, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Yes. I can speak hindi.[18:53, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: and english.[18:54, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Ok[18:54, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: 😊[18:54, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Sorry My English is Week[18:55, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: So, Scheduling a call for 10 PM tonight. So see you soon?[18:55, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: But I Try well[18:55, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Looking forward to getting to know you.🤗[18:56, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Thanks[18:56, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: That is okay, if you can understand and answer it will be okay.[18:56, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: don't worry. :)[19:01, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Thanks[20:24, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Hiii[20:24, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Sir[20:24, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hello,[20:24, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Sir where are you talking to me[20:24, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: You can call me Tanu[20:24, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: We can meet on google meet or can have a normal call.[20:25, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: I mean what country are you talking about[20:25, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Hello[20:26, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: I am from India.[20:27, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Someone who knows you in the USA[20:27, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Yes. Why?[20:27, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Can i know your name please[20:27, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: We are a diverse team from different parts of the globe.[20:28, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Kelsey. Carson.[20:28, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Ok I call you[21:07, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: This is your name[21:11, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Hello[22:22, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Thank you very much for talking to me. I am very happy to talk to you. Your voice is very sweet. I am also attracted to you.[22:22, 4/12/2021] +91 76228 46540: Mrs. Tanu
4/11/2021, 2:51 PM
In all honesty I don't think I have acted as a leader or been a leader apart from home because I am the first born but as far I can remember very recently I am in my last year of high school, my classmates were arguing on how the matric(GRADE 12) jacket should like and none of them didn't have ideas that everyone liked I then took some of their ideas and combined them into one drawing and I am now leading on how it is supposed to look like and anything that concerns the finances of it to make sure everyone is satisfied and they can afford it .
South Africa
Dropped messaged
baseline , Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4
baseline Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4
Mpilonhle Mzimela
4/11/2021, 2:13 PM
I am very passionate about businesses and marketing strategies. I once helped one of my friends who has finished school and wanted to start a business but had no idea what to start, I then used everything I knew about her and tried to think of a suitable business idea for her and gave her ideas of how to market her business.I like working with people and i'm very good at understanding people's situations and why they see things the way they do. I am also very passionate about education and helping learners in disadvantaged areas get all the resources they need to find out about careers and the requirements to enter certain career paths. Opening a business is something I have always wanted to do but I am not very sure what type of business yet, I have many ideas but I want a business that will change many lives because in SA right now we are facing a lot of issues in our communities. I also want to start a business because I have realized that the unemployment rate is very high so I don't want to sit and wait to be employed. I'm always ready to do things myself.
How do I get financial aid?
South Africa
75% Scholarship
Student convo done
CT Message
13 Apr: from SA, main reason wanted join is because is really interested in starting own business --> considering how things are going with what's going SA< young people should start; in communicyt, people are suffering poverty, main reason is probaly because of corruption and people employing thier friends instead of skillsets; admissions class --> learned a lot, would like to learn a bit more about finance; school --> in grade 11, friend wanted to open a business , looked at freind's personality and thought about what she could do, and thought she should open a mobile kitchen, is currently getting it organized; school -> everything is good so far, not going to school every day because, used tothink schoool was a waste of time, but no longer, using the learnings from school (math), to start a business; friends --> a few friends, not a lot, good friend are those that support you, doesn't have a huge group, support someone that admires you and that does not judge your decisions, judge your path but not your final decision; family --> great family, 2 sisters and 1 brother, lives with mother, great because know how to cheer you up and support each other, very open with each other, help each other, mother is a teacher and father is policeman; thriving --> way that she does her schol work, was lazy but is now very dedicated, social life is very good these days (used to not talk to a lot of people, now more open to more people --> is now able to thrive in group work, group work used to be quiet and not participating, starting to be open to people in general), has changed the way she looks at things, sees group work is more efficient and can have a much better result than working aloe; stuck --> what type of career wants to go in, what kind of business wants to go into or whether to start a business right now; hopes --> learn more, create something that will help others build something by creating the community around her, help people not just slef --> important because the well being of community is important because does not like seeing people suffering
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5.4 , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5.4  Show 13 more
May 15, 2021
Amal Jamal Yaasin
4/11/2021, 1:48 PM
Leadership to me means the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. One of the most important qualities a leader must have for me is effective communication coupled with active listening. I think a leader should not only be able to say something confidently but also emphasize how to say it and in contrary how people perceive it. A leader should also listen to people’s situations and give them the time to share their thoughts and problems. These are the skills I utilize during my time being a Tutor. I have always been passionate about sciences and the art of the human body and have always had wanted to help people, so I combined these personal qualities which lead me to wanting to study medicine in order to become a doctor. However, I wanted to specifically help those of lesser fortune living in third world countries, for example slums in India. I have done lots of research and lost hope when I found out that there was no official stable healthcare system like the NHS in the UK, and even if there was it wasn’t free. having been from a poor country myself with an underprivileged healthcare system driven by business, I was desperate to find a solution. This reminded me of one of my favourite quotes ‘Nothing will work unless you do’ and that’s when I came with the idea to create an organisation solely on providing poor people a free, safe and stable healthcare consisting of people sharing the same passion as I do. I know it’s a big Goal but I know myself well enough to say that I’m a true dedicated and hardworking student and will only continue to grow stronger if you grant me this opportunity to join you and make it come true.
what do I have to show you guys to be applicable for financial aid?
50% scholarship
Student convo done
12 April - trying to imprive on just speaking overall. i'm not experienced in talking with people overall. i'm quite the shy kid. i'm originally from norway. i'm trying to find the right words... it was a lot better in norway. had to england to go to one of the UK universities to study medicine. Grandma has the same disease as stephen hawkins. it fueled her interestin studying medicine. interested in studying. there is so much in the brain that we don't even know about. i read about it ... i have to go deeper and deepr into finding the answer for other things. go through ... we share that same passion about science. one of my friends interested in AI. modern medicine. loads of stuff ilke that as well. there was this one time that the school told us ... financial aid, and we are one of the student who needs .... my family consists of 5 kids. 3 bedroom house. sharnig a room with siblings. i'm studying A levels. cost of books and other things. exams I have to do this year. costs loads of money as well. in terms of which uni as well. these two different unis. that's extra money. tuition i have to pay... mom was surprised ..
13 april - spoke to dad
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.2e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.3a 3.3e 3.2e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.1e 6.2  Show 6 more
May 15, 2021
Yashi mishra
4/11/2021, 1:40 PM
I love to take responsibility and make something new and love to help another most I am really very much interested to join you when I am selected as a leader I love to act like a friend not as a bad leader I really like to manage all the things properly
When will be the next session it will be online or you have a school where children come and study ?
Student convo done
Child doubtful
Apr 13: Student convo done, not a great conv. Told about parent conv, no proper response. If parent conve happening will accept her and sent her the offer letter
Not responding to messages
Apr 17: Spoke to mom, asked for an update. Less chance
[5:02 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi Yashi Mishra, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [7:21 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: Hiii sir [7:21 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: Thank you so much 😊 [7:32 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi [7:32 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: When would be the right time to talk to you today? [7:45 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: After 8 pm [7:46 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure [7:47 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: Okk sir 👍 [7:47 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Please join by 8 PM. [7:56 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: Sorry Sir I am outside right now plz can meeting with you will be postponed on 9 pm [7:57 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Tomorrow 3pm? [7:58 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: I have another meeting at the same time. [7:58 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: Okk sir [7:58 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: Thank you [7:58 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Can we do it at 2pm? [7:59 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Because at 3 also another student confirmed his call [8:15 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: Okk sir [8:15 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 93746 92925: No problem [8:16 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [1:54 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi, please join [2:01 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Sir it's not joining [2:03 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Sir let me in [2:09 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Please join [2:14 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Yashi [2:14 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Hi [2:14 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: I am not able to hear you properly [2:14 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Sir [2:14 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: I am able to hear you [2:15 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: If continue the conversation like you will loose the opportunity to join [2:15 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Am not able to [2:15 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Can we have WA video call? [2:15 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Okk sir [2:16 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: But my camera is not working [2:16 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: It's ok [2:16 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Okk sir [2:20 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Sir can we postpond it if it's not working properly right now [2:20 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Can you try again [2:20 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Because if it getting extended you will be the one who have to suffer [2:21 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Because the admission closing date is close [2:22 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Okk sir [2:22 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Now what to do [2:22 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Please join the meeting link again [2:35 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Sir are u free ? Right now [2:35 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Yes [2:35 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Should I join to the link [2:36 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: ? [2:36 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Ya [2:36 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: please [7:53 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi [7:54 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: I hope your parents would be available at 9:30PM today [7:54 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: for the call [7:54 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Awaiting your confirmation [8:29 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Hiii [8:29 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: Sir [8:29 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 93746 92925: If my admission will be done the studies will be conducted online ? [8:34 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: yes [8:38 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: The learning would be online [9:01 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: ?? [6:53 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Hello Yashi [6:53 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Have you spoke to your parents? [7:18 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Hello Yashi [7:19 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Is it possible to have a call with you today? [9:43 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Hi [9:44 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Can you please give me an update [11:34 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 93746 92925: Ave nihe Krna hai sir [11:34 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Okay [11:34 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: Thanks for the update [11:34 PM, 4/17/2021] School Of Future: All the best [11:35 PM, 4/17/2021] +91 93746 92925: Ok sir
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 5.1e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.4e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 5.1e 4.1 4.1e 5.2e 5.3e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 2.4 2.4e 3.4e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 6.1 6.1e  Show 25 more
Makayla Masson-Campbell
4/11/2021, 1:30 PM
In all honesty, I don't have many times that I acted as a leader, especially something that would put me apart from the other applicants. The only thing I can think of that would count as a leadership moment is that when I was in 7th grade I started a sports team at my high school, I rallied students that might be interested in joining, and I got a teacher on board so that he could coach the team. This happened very successfully and the team still exists. Since that is right about where my leadership moments end, I will be explaining my life goals, and what being a leader means to me. Firstly, my goal in life is to be happy with my past decision, I do everything in my power to make sure that in the future, I won't wake up one day exhausted and unhappy with my life. I don't want to end up regretting having made a decision based on fear, missing an opportunity that could have drastically changed the outcome of my life. This is why I decided to submit this application because even if I don't get in I'll have known I tried. Secondly, in my eyes being a leader means that you have to be inspiring and motivational, you have to have your entire team working forward to accomplish the common goal, whatever that might be. You need to be hardworking and relentless, to be open to new ideas, perspectives and actively listening. Another thing that's very important is confidence and courage, the team needs to see the leader as someone that is confident in their goal, someone that they can depend on. An obvious one is that a leader needs to have good thinking skills and problem-solving skills, many problems will arise, but team leaders need to overcome that and push forth the team no matter what. Furthermore, knowing your teammates, you need to know their strengths and weaknesses so that you can better use them to the advantage of the team. Lastly and something that I believe is very important is you need to allow the team and yourself times of destress, you are no good to a team if you are stressed out and unable to think clearly, it also helps with the productivity of a team if everyone is in a good mood.
No scholarship
12 apr - called and left welcome VM
Community , 2.4 , 2.4e
Community 2.4 2.4e
May 15, 2021
Sneha Antoz
4/11/2021, 1:20 PM
Basically, I'm good at my academics. So, all my teachers would encourage me and pay attention to me so well. Ah...I loved all that attention as a child, which eventually lead to concentrating more on my academics. Then due to my academic grades, I was the class mentor. I understood the fact that being a leader of class gives you thrill to be superior but also you need to be a confident to take responsibilities. But due to my superior behaviour I messed up everything. Now, I understand that it's not just about being a leader and taking up all kinds of responsibility and putting your point. Now,when ever I think about a leader I feel I'm a SUPER WOMAN in the process. This always fascinates me like forever and I feel this is what I want to do . I'm still discovering myself though.
In the session, most of my doubts were clarified. But, I would like to know still about financial aid. Thank you.
75% Scholarship
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
April 12: Texted to Schedule Call
April 12: Routine: Do not do much, binge watch. Mentioned super women in the application because she felt amasing putting that bacth on. Said later on I felt the oppurtunity. This is the best experience, and loved how much love and attention I got. felt that she was messing it up as she got distracted. We are not mature then, we get into misunderstanding and jealosy.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.4 , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e  Show 22 more
Jiin Chae
4/11/2021, 12:51 PM
I am from South Korea and in the 10th grade, attending school in Germany. I have loved Germany since I was in the 7th grade. I desired to study abroad and graduate high school in Germany. I decided to make the first move in order to take a step. I searched some boarding schools because I had to come here alone. And then I contacted the schools via email and actually made appointments to visit and take the interviews. Last January, I flied to Germany and went to the schools and applied to one of them, for the year 20/21. During the process, I faced many difficulties such as visa, immigration during the pandemic, finding a legal guardian and so on. I was worried since I studied German hard, put lots of efforts so that I could get straight As and mostly, I simply loved Germany so much. Despite all those difficulties, many people have helped me because they saw the potentials in me, my passion and my grit. My grades on the first exam in middle school was terrible. The GPA was a C. I have been dreaming to be a theoretical astronomer since I was in the 4th grade. I thought I need to improve the grades to achieve what I want to do in the future. The happiness generator that I truly want to have for the lifetime. At the senior year of middle school, I pulled up my GPA to an A and the principal of the German school was impressed by my improvement and my volunteer works(I translated traditional Korean fairytales to English and sent them to some countries in Africa for the children who cannot get proper education, I guided a cultural heritage to foreign visitors and I did volunteer work for lone seniors like being with them, making soaps or food and give them, etc. I had been volunteering regularly for 3 years and the total amount of the work is about 130 hours). As it is lockdown now, I am not able to attend school and experience more about Germany. It is true that I feel lonely and generally bored but I wanted to take it as a chance to develop me overall- I am taking an online musical instrumental course, I keep journals everyday, I have more time to study physics or astronomy, I think about myself a lot so I got to know me. I like to challenge every day. I made daily routines and I keep them. I feel like I am more mature. I also learned that making mistakes is important and I am glad that I had thousands of opportunities to make mistakes and learn from them. I think the earlier the mistakes are made and I learn something new and not repeat them again, the less I will make them in the future, when I am older. I find every second matters and they are valuable for me. To be honest, I was never a leader but once in elementary school, when I was brave enough. I would love to seize every chance that comes to me so that I can get to the extra chances that are there for me. I hope to meet more people with millions of different perspectives and thoughts from all around the world, try something new and challenge. Even if the result gives me frustration, I will still think I learned something precious. These experiences make the memories and advice my life and these are priceless enough to start again, because no one is ever late. I will step by step make myself be the true global leader, who is brave, passionate, friendly, cooperative, caring, innovative, creative, cheering and admirable.
I would like to get financial aid.
Student convo done
baseline , Community , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e
baseline Community 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e
May 15, 2021
Miguel Longid
4/11/2021, 12:30 PM
During our Robotics Class in Grade 9, we were assigned a group project to invent a game that involved the robots we have been studying. We were to present our game pitch to the class and we were to vote on the best one for the class to play. The groups were assigned, tables and seats were taken, and off we went. For some odd reason, I decided "you know what, I'm gonna try something different. I'ma try to be the one in charge of this." This was unusual, as for most of my life, I had a pretty lazy attitude and left the initiative for other people to take. I mean, there wasn't anything in it for me, so why should I? Well, I decided to go against that mindset just once for this group effort. What the heck, right? it's not as if the project was a too big a deal anyway. As soon as we began, I stood up and said to the group: "Alright guys, so any ideas?". That one sentence made it clear to myself and to the others that I was taking the wheel. And with that, off we went. I took into account every single member's idea on how we could make a game out of these robots and made sure that all input made a difference to our effort. Once we had decided on our pitch, I assigned everyone a job to do and made sure that each did their job to the best of their ability, kinda like a supervisor. As for myself, I took as many responsibilities and tasks and I had time for: everything from the creation of the presentation, the drafting of our pitch, the gathering of materials, and more. I mean, a leader doesn't just sit there and tell people what to do, right? As the work went on, progress was steadily made and the game slowly pieced together. But something else interesting happened. The group members asked me for my genuine advice and my input on their work as their leader, something that usually doesn't happen for me. Our group members, who at the beginning didn't seem all that invested in the project, slowly began taking much more initiative and making much more progress as I kept encouraging them to push and push. More ideas bounced around, more progress came about, more quality came forth. Everything went as smooth as a baby's bottom. When it came time to present our work and compete against the other groups for votes, to our surprise, we won first place for the game prototype and our game was to be played by the entire class next week. It definitely made us all happy, me the most. However, that wasn't what made it all worth it for me. There was a strong fulfilling feeling in bringing out the best potential in each group member, in seeing the strong collective progress made by the group, in witnessing my initiative really make a good difference. Being a leader was fulfilling in a way that I have never experienced before. It was a small feeling, but it was enough to change me. I began taking initiative in every group effort I was thrown into, even if I wasn't the leader per say, and every experience left me just as fulfilled as the last. Soon enough, a new passion for leadership developed. I began to ponder on how I would take this passion for leadership to the next level, on how I would make a bigger and better impact, and each day passed with a stronger desire to make this a reality. I am applying to SoF for this very reason. I want to lead a group of like-minded individuals to make a change that leaves the world even just a little bit better than it already is. With that said, I very much hope you consider me as a strong candidate because I promise, I will put forth every single one of my skills and do my best to deliver worthwhile progress that will make a difference in other people's lives.
No questions. Hope to hear from SoF soon!
No scholarship
12 apr - medicine.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 6.1 , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.2 , 7.2e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5 6.1 5.4 6.2 5.4e  Show 5 more
May 15, 2021
Maya Devilliers
4/11/2021, 12:29 PM
Honestly I never really was a leader. I usually stay in the shadow of one of my classmates . I feel like I have the potential but I don’t know, I think it’s because I’m to nice and I just let people walk all over me even though I’m pretty confident about myself. The truth is, there is a lot of things I would like to do such as archeologic researches or being the founder of a charity organization ( which I’m working on currently ) but I’m always restricted because of my age. I’m only 14 but I want to do so many things. People always tell me I’m to young and that I need to wait to become someone, but I don’t want to wait! I see adults that wait all their lives and I don’t want to make the same mistake. Even though I’ve never really been a leader, it’s not to late to become the leader of something that matters and I think that being part of this school could help me achieve my goals. I don’t know if I really answered the Theme but I wish it’s suitable and I really hope to be accepted. ( sorry for the mistakes I make. I’m French but I do my best )
Replied a bit
AP msg
Rsponded on insta finally, trying to get something scheduled.
Thank you very much but I’m not going to be able to join this school. I’m sorry for the waste of time.. Have a nice day
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 2.1
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 2.1
Naledi Mandoh Bhuda
4/11/2021, 12:28 PM
I was a prefect in primary school and right now I'm deputy head girl in high school.I take leadership everyday. I want to start a bakery that will be beneficial for the community. We have so many businesses in SA but there are so many poor people in the country. I would like to start a business that will be uplifting to both me and my community. I also understand that just as I have dreams so do many other people, so I'd like to invest in other people's dreams with the profits of that bakery. This is a great idea because people that need jobs would get them and people that need funding for their dreams would also be benefited. As you know usually in a bakery there are a lot of left overs I will use those to give to the needy. Three birds with one stone😁. I'd also be helping my family so that's also pretty great. I know this wont end world hunger but I believe that the little that one does can make a big change in the world Baking has always been a passion of mine and it brings me joy to know that I could use my passion to help others! I actually really need this, my family and I do. I know I can do this and I know I'll push till it's a success.
I know my parents cant afford this so I'll be paying for it myself. I sometimes help around a store near our house I'll use that money to pay bit by bit. I earn R300 per week. I was hoping to please receive the financial aid.
South Africa
Replied a bit
Legitimacy Issues
AP msg
[5:11 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: Hello Naledi, This is Arghya, Head of Admissions. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [6:01 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 79 290 0541: Oh my goodness thank you so much😄 I'm so excited!!! I'll be free around 8pm [6:03 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: Perfect I shall see you then on Google Meets 😁 [6:06 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 79 290 0541: Cant wait! [8:53 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 79 290 0541: Hey 💔for some reason my parents are against this so I guess nevermind. I'm really sorry to disappoint [8:53 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: Hey is it because of the finances [8:53 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: If that’s the case I’m more than happy to help with the financial aid 😊 [8:55 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 79 290 0541: They think this whole thing might be a scam which in so sure it's not. [8:55 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: I can probably talk to them [8:55 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: They can also talk to a few kids from South Africa [8:57 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 79 290 0541: I'd really appreciate that, you could speak to my dad he'll probably be back at about 8 [8:58 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: Great [8:58 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: Let’s talk then [8:59 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 79 290 0541: Cool [11:09 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: Hey [11:09 PM, 4/12/2021] Arghya Pal: We would be meeting in 20 minutes
Parents had issues, did not come for the student call too and blocked me.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 4 more
Yitbarek Arefayne Ejigu
4/11/2021, 12:23 PM
I’m in to robotics and software things even I went to three countries.. Canada(Vancouver), China(Shanghai) and America(Kentucky).in Canada and China was the same WER robotic competition and America was vex robotics competition. We won in Canada too. In my previous school (Deborah school Ethiopia) there was a science fair competition every third quarter teacher- parent conference and lucky for we won most of the time me and my teams... I even won in sub city too. Beside this I love watching movie .
I need Financial aid. Simply I’m broke. I move to America from Ethiopia by personal things and I live with my aunt... she doing too many thing so I don’t want to ask her money for this .
75% Scholarship
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
CT Message
12 Apr: set up time to talk on 13 April
13 Apr: in Seattle in SeaTac; intro--> came to us 6 months ago from Ethiopia, back in Ethiopia worked on robotics, is his personality, saw on instagram, saw it pop up on hisstories, started following us and joined the zoom meeting, in love with all things electronics, programming, software, learning on youtube, came to the US the firs time for a competion, went to Vancouver for a robotics competition and won, went to China and also competed and won second place, in Ethiopia there is a science fair every third quarter and participated and won the science competition in his school, then won first place in his region; is now in the US for personal reasons, goes to Thai High School and started learning but is going to virtual classes, listens a lot but is hard to talk, also likes to draw ; routine --> in Ethiopia would wake up at 6am, drink water, take class, download music and electronics courses from youtube, coming to the US is researching how to build own company, is very into crypto crrency and stock market; school --> in ethiopia school was very hard, but in the US is easy, too mny questions in Ethiopia, has helped him do homework by himself, hard work to not depend on others; social life --> getting used to it, new but ethiopian and the ethiopian community, friend --> share everything with your friend, tell them everything, learn each other, if you know something they know something, you improve each other, build up and grow up the same; family --> lives with Aunt in SeaTac, used to live with Mom in Ethiopia; thrive --> schooling, building a social life with community, in person school will start next Thursday, going into hybrid, when school opens hopes to get new friends; stuck --> does not know how to build a social life, scred to make friends, but wants to make friends, sometimes afraid to be social with others especially when does not know them, and time management is hard for him; wants SoF to show him the right place, where to go, how to achieve goals in his future, and how to build a social life and be productive; aunt is working and is dependent on aunt, here she is paying for his learning and visa process
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e
raphael legrand
4/11/2021, 12:21 PM
I am a leader when others need me. I mean, i have a real leadership, because when a situation goes wrong, people look at me. The most recent example happened in winter 2020. We were, my six friends (someones older than me), on a red piste, and very far from our flat. A snowstorm surprised us. We lost two guys behind us, because of the fog all over us. So, among the five of us, two were crying because of their frozen hands, and one because the idea that we could die. So i gather all 5 phones, gave three of them to the one who was ok, and send him seek our friends (three phone in case phones of losts were out of battery, and to let them the oppotunity of being spliting up, or simply have more time to call assistance or in order to have a phone be producing their position for a longer period of time). For myself, I took first aid measures on both who were injuried so as to save their hands, then I reassured the one who was loosing his mind. When he was done with it, I asked him to continue to help, and I went on the willage as fast as possible. I gathered adults, and then we came in order to evacuate the first group (the one I was with) and then we found the second by using phone's location (it was time, because 4 out 5 were out of battery). Another example is in sport. When i play team sport, I always am carrying my team by encouraging them when they're giving up, by calming down them when they give in their emotions ( you know, when you're winning, you want more and more, until you collapse. I was avoiding them the collapse). To put it in a nutshell, i am lucid on situtions: i can recognize when i am in a position of strenght or not. And i think it is one of my best qualities. That's what make people turning at me on a crisis situation.
I want to know what objectives of the program (precisely, in term of results, skills that you will teach, when I am going to make my first sales, guaranties....). I want to know if it is possible to delay my integration in the program in order to see the progression of students (i will ask to someone to tell me about his/her progression day per day everyday, because i already fell in a trap of pseudo-professionals that just stole me). I want to know how I can gain financial aid from you (because I absolutely need the 75 of 100 reduction, and I want to know how I can deserve it). And that's it!
50% sch
Student convo done
Child doubtful
AA msg
Routine: helping people - homelessness - France - they lose their work simply and didn’t have a great situation before - I prefer to talk about the future. If I make them speak about the past - it’s a lot harder. Play tennis + want to be a professional player - 15-16 hours everyday Social life: Do not have lot of friends - 2 to 3 good ones. part of family Family: 2 brother, live with my parents - they are split up. Veterinary - really struggling with the. Entrepreneurship: job for each self - Use my hands to make money - have ideas on subjects - do not have connections with people, don’t have money, enough money to take my projects forward. School: Science + Maths + Physics + Chemistry - general options cos I didn’t know what I will do with my life - I am more interested in Economics and Finance. Smooth: Struggle: my parents - as they don’t understand why I want to be an entrepreneur. Interested in me being Hope: 1. to learn skills first - serve me for the rest of my life - entrepreneur, human, and citizen. 2. Want to have a business that makes money
Connected to Remo, he's a bit of drama queen
"Not for me"
baseline , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2
baseline Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 6.1  Show 19 more
Lufuno Thaba
4/11/2021, 12:14 PM
I was the LRC president at school
South Africa
Could not Connect
CT Message
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 6.1 6.1e 6.2
Nawal Fagir
4/11/2021, 12:13 PM
I've always been a leader and loved influencing others for the better, ever since I was a child. I also am a firm believer in the fact that true leadership is not only present in certain situations or scenarios, but is a dominant skill that shines through in all circumstances. One of my best actions, however, was forming a mental-health group of over 50 individuals of ages 11-35 to discuss topics such as mental health and self-development. This way, the members were able to share their experiences and overcome their fears, resulting in them becoming more educated and confident. I also generally take charge in situations, not because I'm trying to control everything, (it mostly happens subconsciously anyway) but because I want to empower those around me, teach them how they can be leaders themselves and how they can reach their optimum level of productivity. When every member feels confident and like they are a part of a mission, more positive results are generated in a shorter amount of time.
Will everyone stay in contact and continue to be mentored after the 100 days are over?
60% Sch Insta is LITTTT -
Student convo done
Extended Deadline
AA msg
Routine: Create content, pray, entrepreneurship - drawing and painting, filming videos, writing stories and books. School: I like the fact that it’s diverse, all countries and ethniticies, making new friends, school should focus more on mental health and ent, building character is not a focus. Social: I started going to school this week, make friends with everyone I meet, choosing my very close friends - have the same thinking as I do. Family: 1 brother who’s younger and in Year 7 - very intelligent and young. Parents - father is confident leader, smart with biz thinking. Mom is very kind and caring - dad’s a construction manager. Ent: very early on - her father said that they’d have more freedom. ever since I was young I wanted to build a business. Around last year - I became interested in ECommerce - looking at Amazon and drop shipping. Love official clothing and MUNs. Stuck: I keep my circle small - I would be way more inspired if I could meet people who think more like me. Hope: I hope to make a business that is sustainable and can continue further - peaks - after it finishes - it can stop + meeting new people.
Maybe Financial issues
Said she's paying!!! but not doing it. UGH
Back in the game
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e  Show 6 more
Samanta Dule
4/11/2021, 12:09 PM
I've always asked myself: "am I enough? But If I fail?". Those question have always haunted me. Since I was a child I've always doubted myself, but once I saw an opportunity and I took it. I live in Italy and my city has a competition where a middle school student can become mayor of the students of the city. I was doubtful about competing, about speaking to five-hundred students, about being gudged, laughed at or just about failing. I've always been afraid of failure. But then my mom gave me a really helpful advice, she told me : "You don't have to be afraid of taking an opportunity, or being laughed at. If you see a positive and healty competiton, give it a shot. You won't regret it". I thought about it and I went for it. I competed. I created a group of people for my campaign. I was a leader, and a leader for me is a person who sees people for who they really are, a person who sees others and values them based on their skills and not on their grades. I'm not going to lie, I didn't win. I took myself down and I thought that I wasn't enough; but then I understood that, by interacting with other people, I overcame my biggest fears and I started understanding different points of view, we have not the same point of view. But that's what makes us different and that's what makes every achievement of a group spectacular. I finished by becoming the secretary and reporting everything that happened in the meetings. That was a really meaningful event in my life. It taught me that you can achieve something if you really want it AND if you know how to interact with other people and how to understand different points of view. I'd really love to make it to Entrepreneurs Academy and challenge myself.
Do we have a schedule? Or we can decide the time of our meeting with our tutors?
No scholarship
Student convo done
AP msg
Community , baseline , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2
Community baseline 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5  Show 8 more
May 15, 2021
ulley mahlakanya
4/11/2021, 12:03 PM
I am personally a very kind person who usually likes standing up for those that cant do so for themselves .I was also a hostel leader back in high school and also a school leader in primary school. The one time where i really acted like a true leader that i could recall was when i fought for my fellow hostel students and i because of the food they used to feed us at school .We used to pay a lot of money and they used to feed us really unhealthy foods.I literally gained over 20 pounds within a month and i also saw how unhealthy my fellow students were because of lack of nutrition .That's where my passion for eating healthy started .I also started doing research and came to a realization of how cruel the world actually is .I saw how meat companies would sponsor companies that produce diabetes medication and related health issues caused by meat consumption and started wondering where the connection actually lies between the two.
As a teenager that comes from a very poor background , i would like to know how the financial fees are going to work because i know i wont be able to afford the fees .I was sponsored back in high school.I would also like to know if it happens that i get selected and you believe my business idea is solid , am i going to receive capital ?
South Africa
75%, blocked spot for august batch with 41 USD
Student convo done
Dropped messaged
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.1e , 5.2e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 5.1e 5.2e
May 15, 2021
Sphesihle Albertus
4/11/2021, 11:58 AM
I let people do there own thing and finish it first before I can actually comment on their work. I was the a deputy head prefect in primary. When I started high school I discovered basketball and my result were bad, I had failed the year. Repeat the grade at a different school were there was no basketball and so I didn’t like that, a lot of students played basketball but we never had a team. After a year of asking and begging the head of sports a friend of mine suggested we start a school basketball team and so we did. We personally took out allowance to buy the equipment and uniform. We didn’t have a coach so we tough ourselves, the whole team. There weren’t any schools we could play with in our area but there was a tournament at the end told the year which we registered for and by the grace of god we were accepted. It was fun, we enjoyed ourselves and funny thing that was our first time playing a match as a team and we managed to get to the 2nd stage of the play offs. Later that year my friend and I were awarded most promising learders😂 but with all that I have flaws like communication, confidence, emotional instability and fear then I started listening to affirmation and started meditating and bit by bit I’m doing well. The one quality I admire abt myself is that I’m an absolute beast, NEVER GIVE UP but that can be a weakness sometimes 😂😅 I would loved to be chosen so that I can surround myself with people who are smarter than me
What opportunities will I have by joining this program What makes you so sure that you can expand my intellect What’s unique about this program
South Africa
75%, Blocked Spot for May
Student convo done
Apr 12: Messaged, call scheduled for today
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e
May 15, 2021
Indrajeet Desai
4/11/2021, 11:57 AM
In some class group projects and assignments And once in basketball team (Not for any big event)
How we get financial aid What would be the timings placement opportunities And can we apply again
Student convo done
Child doubtful
Apr 12: Messaged,call scheduled for tomorrow/Blockedme
Had conv, but when we sent him the offer letter, he just replied that not interested, even blocked my number
[5:02 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi Indrajeet Desai, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [8:06 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 97633 01043: Anytime [8:07 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Now? [8:07 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 97633 01043: Yes [8:08 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Please join [8:12 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hello Indrajeet am facing a network issue [8:12 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Can we have the call by tomorrow 3:30pm? [8:12 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 97633 01043: Is everything ok [8:12 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 97633 01043: ? [8:14 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 97633 01043: So what to do now [8:15 PM, 4/12/2021] +91 97633 01043: Yes definently [8:15 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: .. [8:15 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Thank you 😊 [8:16 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: See you tomorrow [3:08 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Indra, Please join by 3pm😊 [3:51 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Indrajeet, Hope you had a great call with Ms. Tanu Gaur. Your application and interview results is under review. We will get back to you soon with the results.😊 [6:59 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Indrajeet Desai, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 10 students that we selected from 189 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!!😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to your parents today. Cheers! [7:23 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 97633 01043: When you will interact with my parents [7:23 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: At what time you parents would be available? [7:23 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: 9 PM? [7:24 PM, 4/13/2021] +91 97633 01043: let me ask I'll get back to you [7:24 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Okay sure [9:14 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Have you discussed with your parents?
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 1.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 1.3e 2.4 2.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3
Kumar Padmesh
4/11/2021, 11:57 AM
I take pride in my culture and religion and due to that I participated in Tamil School ( which is a school to learn the language Tamil and oriental fine arts), so I did the school for almost 4 years or so. I have a graduation for the Mirudhungam which is the main percussion instrument for the Hindu religion. At the age of 3-4 I started which is very young and since have been flying through the grades. At the Tamil school I taught lessons on very short notice, most of the time on the day, when other people did not want to try. I also was asked a week before a concert to take the percussionist role and I took on the responsibility as the whole concert would have rested on my shoulder, this was my first ever time doing something as big as this, I was actually scared but I was determined to carry on and managed to pull it off. As well as all this at the age of 15 I enrolled as an army cadet and met many different people with many different perspectives and it really opened my eyes. I had fractured my arm as well but still pushed myself to the maximum I could give, which impressed the higher officials on the camp and on one of the missions that we went on I was elected to lead the mission.
How much is the program? Do we need to travel for this program? How long is the program for?
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
chose a time on insta
20 April - I don't like to meet new people. i guess in a way, i don't really enjoy enjot speaking with people. in diffferent environments. I did a drama class. planning my graduation in front of massive person. start off small. start working and working. and then most of them. quite a bit of the money is going to go back to sri lanka. more money that go ... sri lanka had a corrupt president. the civil war. because of the different countries who don't belive. an independent investigation that's held to bring . i've always been the mischievious kid in the class, i went to state school and messed up my life a bit. their sayings helped pull me through. i didn't think i could get out of that lifestyle. Iencourage oter .... i tried to join different cliques and different areas, to make a name for myself. these people stop getting to know you, and bullying you. it wasn't good; it wasn't healthy and i stopped and i wouldn't talk to them anymore. i moved to a new environemtn.... they care a lot more about you; because therer are a lot ... when i was in the old school, i would get these looks. people would look away. in the new school, it's so much more friendly. i can kind of chill. i can ask stuff, and i don't have to wonder whether someone is going to ... i don't need to worry about anything. ... i'm in my second primary school as well. 2 of my old schools. I knew quite a few people. they were kind of friends. i wuld have to take care of myself .... if they .... protect myself rom getting hurt even more. when youl're putting people into sets, teachers giving them all the praise, you're somewhere undersneaath. instead of looking up to them; it's hurts the other person. the teacher giving them some sort of prize. undermines people morals. some teachers go quitee fast with their learning. it was quite a different type of teaching method. one day .... still finish the syllabus amd take a carefu approach, take a revision their
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.1e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.1e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e  Show 15 more
4/11/2021, 11:45 AM
In a world were everyone wants to be right. The needs to be someone who is willing to be wrong to learn from their mistake. I am a very passionate person about so many things that I am trying so do be for I am 25 years. My act of leadership as when I had to be the voice of reason among my friends. I am that person who can see what most people tend to miss. I am leader who is willing to help those around me grow. How we as people can reach our goals. I have also learnt that most teenagers who grow up in strict families, tend the lack emotional intelligence. I am trying to find ways to reduce this. I have been doing this for 4 years now. At this moment my peoples biggest concern is that world hunger is an issue. But what about food wastage. Most people are going hungry while bakeries, supermarkets and food oriented shops throw away food everyday. it hurts my heart. I have been trying to use my current education as a means to learn more about this problem. I am a trying to learn as much as I can to make the world a better place for the next generation.
What if you are already in a college or university ? will programs gat in the way of that ? What if you are in a country that has restriction on what teens, female teens can do? How will the prices work with exchange rates changing everyday ? will that mean people will be paying more than they have budgeted for?
South Africa
Multiple No show
Financial Constraint
Apr 13: Didn't turn up
April18: Had tried many times to reach her, she confirms the call and then didn't turn-up. Playing around
[7:46 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi Tumelo, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 10 students that we selected from 189 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!!😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [8:18 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: My email???? [8:19 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: [8:20 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: What must i do [8:22 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: We would like to congratulate you for your selection and have a call with you. Also help you through the fees payment process😊 [8:23 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Okay no problem so what is the next step [8:24 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: So when would be the right time to have a call with you? [8:24 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Anytime [8:26 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Now? [8:27 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Or by tomorrow 1pm? [8:31 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Yeah [8:31 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: I'll be at school [8:33 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: [8:33 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Please join [8:33 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Zoom?? [8:33 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Ya [8:35 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Meeting id???? [8:35 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 978 6468 6984 Passcode: D1HTB5 [8:36 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: I think its network cause there is loadshedding [8:37 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay [8:37 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Then tomorrow at what time you will be available? [8:37 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: 4:30pm [8:38 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure am free at that time [8:38 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: And we can have the call [8:38 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: See you tomorrow [8:39 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Yeah [8:39 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Bye [8:39 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [7:52 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Jessica, So excited to see you. Here is the meeting link to join the call: [8:02 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Jessica???? [8:02 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: So sorry [8:03 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Okay [8:03 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Tumelo, So excited to see you. Here is the meeting link to join the call: [8:03 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: My appologies [8:03 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Okay [8:03 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: ZOOM Meet or Google meet [8:03 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Zoom [8:04 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Okay [8:07 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 964 4187 1634 Passcode: tctpG4 [8:07 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Please join [8:07 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Now [8:08 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Ya [8:11 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi [8:11 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: If you have any issues in joining please let me know [11:58 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Am sorry i was at school attending because am writing on Thursday [11:58 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: It's okay [11:58 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Would you like to join for the program? [11:59 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Now [12:00 AM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: No by paying the fees and joining the 100 day program [12:01 AM, 4/14/2021] +27 81 060 9364: But they said it's free [5:06 AM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: The Admissions class is free [7:02 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Hi Tumelo, we would like to know whether you are interested to join the program or not [7:03 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: As mentioned in the email the last date of admission is on today 14th April 2021 [7:03 PM, 4/14/2021] School Of Future: Please look into it and let me know a good time to have a call with you today. [7:19 PM, 4/14/2021] +27 81 060 9364: Okay no problem [4:07 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Hi will you be able to give me a confirmation? [4:07 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: About joining the program
vindhya giri
4/11/2021, 11:44 AM
it was during the lockdown , the condition in India was pretty rough especially in the city i stay there were a lot of people who lost their jobs and the family faced a of difficulties during the lockdown , so my mother and i went around to areas where people were staying with out food or job and we gave them they to do small handicraft jobs and provided food , spent time with them so thats when i think i acted as a leader .
no scholarship
Student convo done
Dropped messaged
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.4e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 5.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e  Show 24 more
May 15, 2021
Henry Huynh
4/11/2021, 11:44 AM
leading for example has gotten me the best result with the teams that i worked with. while in high school i worked on my own self to benefit myself and help others, i learnt skills that school's wouldn't teach, such as starting a business, negotiation, investments, selling, finance, emotional intelligence and facing failure. let me tell you my about my story that happened in one year, i was broke with $0 in the bank account, I opened two dropshipping website's, one failed but the other succeeded, the profits i took from my dropshipping business i invested into cryptocurrency such as bitcoin and other coins, while being in high school i learn ethical hacking and i knew for a fact that school wasn't meant for me i wanted to explore more than the basic subjects that are taught in the education system. there is 9 types of intelligences and traditional education made me feel out of place, truth be told they fail to stimulate a few natural forms of intelligences while emphasising other that allow you to be better assimilated into society. i acted as a leader and taught them the fundamental of what life can possibly show them.
no question
Sydney, Australia
60% Sch Insta - Henryhuynhh_
Student convo done
Extended Deadline
Paying himself, no Sch
AA msg
Was expecting it - I worked hard. Routine: I don't have a schedule - 5 Am wake up - go for a run for an hour, meditate, come home, my parents want to go Uni - but I don't want to be sheep. I just want to follow my own path. They are kind of mad. Uni for 4 years - maybe open up a business. School: Eng, Maths, Legal studies, bio, PHP, Inf process tech, disconnect between real life and school. Social: Close friend is Jeremy - got into Crypto - getting really big. Elon Musk - tesla as a crypto. XIP bought it at 19 cents at 1.8 dollars - made a profit of 5k AUD. Not really to be honest. Family: I live with my 2 brother, Mom and Dad. Entrepreneurship: I observe my environment, review things, got my first laptop. Hope: More discipline, broader ideas and more showcase the work.
Said he's paying himself!!! but not done
Back in the game
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.3 , 1.3e , 1.2e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.1e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.4 , 4.3e , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , dt2.2 , 6.3e , 6.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.3 1.3e 1.2e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.1e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.4 4.3e  Show 19 more
Nouman Siddiq
4/11/2021, 11:42 AM
2 years ago when I was in my school . I was selected for science fairs , I was made leader of our group projects many time ,cause I had good relationship with people , to be really honest I am an introvert ,like during school times there were friends who I knew from my childhood ,so I was comfortable with everything and was coming up good and as a leader for projects , groups, I was also a sports leader for my basketball team .Now I am in college and there are many different people, as I am introvert I have not come up to be good , to be selected as a leader maybe after some more time I'll get comfortable with that and also get chance to be a leader . What I feel is that I have good leadership qualities as I make people or group understand particular thing ,I am good at explaining and put ourselves and our groups excellent in front of others
To be honest ,I understood everything in the zoom class and don't have any questions or any doubt but , I actually really wanted to know. Can I get a scollorship for this program? cause I would not be able to to arrange money for this course . Can I pay off when I become a CEO and start making my money ?
Non Responsive
April 12: Texted to Schedule Call
will give a call today to get a response. and have a conversation.
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.4 , 2.4e , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 6.2e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.4 2.4e 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e  Show 9 more
Robert Born
4/11/2021, 11:41 AM
I know how people think (I read the book ,thinking,fast and slow‘ from Daniel Kahnemann), I know what a good team is. I can compromise with other people and learn from than. I‘m a person who can be in charge of giving people jobs and quests. Also I have a interesting story.
Doesn’t we are going to know that when you teach us that?
No scholarship
Full Student + Parent
Parent doubtful
AP msg
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e  Show 13 more
Nosbusiso Masimula
4/11/2021, 11:37 AM
Quite honestly I have no experience. I've been given many opportunities but felt was not the right person even when I was told I was the best person to do it. I have many things I'd like to change in the world I just lack confidence. I have been from website to website looking to gain some experience and ways to achieve my goals and found none that were legit. I hope to blossom in this environment of the academy and cant wait to work with my team mates as we south Africans say it we are people through the humanity of others . I might not be the person to change he world but I hope to inspire the one who will...through my impact in the world and community
Uhm time would it work
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Busy Schedule
Apr 12: Messaged,call scheduled for tomorrow, poor conv, lot of financial issues, offered financial aid, no response
Conveyed can't join
[5:02 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi Nosbusiso Masimula, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [6:48 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Wait does it mean in👀 [6:49 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: You have cleared 1st round [6:50 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Also we would like to talk to you to know about you [6:50 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Before accepting you to the academy😊 [6:52 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Oh ohkay when would you like to and how [6:53 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: ZOOM Meeting [6:53 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: 6pm? [8:18 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Tomorrow 5pm? [8:18 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Does that work for you? [10:19 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Uh yeah it can work [11:20 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: 👍😊 [8:04 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Nosbusiso Masimula, So excited to see you. Here is the meeting link to join the call: [8:17 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Thanks [8:19 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: See you soon [8:24 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Please join if you are ready [8:39 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hey [8:39 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: What happened? [8:40 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Is everything okay? [8:41 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Sorry the wifi cut off [8:41 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Can you join again? [8:41 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Yes with the same code? [8:42 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Yes [9:29 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Nosbusiso Masimula, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 10 students that we selected from 189 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!!😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to your parents today. Cheers! [10:16 PM, 4/13/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Rakesh my mother can only make payment at the end of the month so I can skip the first class until she can pay [10:24 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Nosbusiso, I had spoke to my team in regard to your concern. As your mom will be able to pay the fees by the end of this month, we are happy to offer you the option to Defer your Admission Offer. By securing your spot with a 20$ fee (~300 ZAR), which will be deducted from the overall program fee. Here is the payment link to secure your spot: [7:47 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Hi Nosbusiso [7:47 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Is it a to have a call with you today? [9:17 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Is it possible for me to withdraw my application [9:17 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Why what happened Nosbusiso? [9:17 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: 😨 [9:17 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Any issues? [9:18 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 72 066 2026: No I dont wanna do it rn maybe like in a year or two🙂 [9:19 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: All your Admissions activities are done [9:19 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Our mentors had assigned activities for you [9:19 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Was waiting for your fees payment [9:20 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 72 066 2026: I apologize for the inconvenience [9:20 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: If fees is your concern, please tell me [9:20 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: I will ask to my team and help you out [9:20 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 72 066 2026: No it's not fees [9:21 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Is it the timing issues? [9:21 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Timing? [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: If so then I can arrange a call with our Head mentor and he will help you out with that. [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Academics and our program [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Nah I still wanna withdraw [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Ok sure [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Thanks for the update [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: All the best [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] +27 72 066 2026: Thank you [9:22 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: Would you like to attend our free sessions? [9:23 PM, 4/15/2021] School Of Future: That we conduct on a monthly basis?
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en , 10.1 , 10.1b , 10.1en
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e  Show 26 more
Jessica Ohene Nuamah
4/11/2021, 11:35 AM
I once acted as a in my primary school. I remember the teacher told me to look after my classmates and make sure they don't make noise and also they copy their and do the class work while he was called to the principal's office and that was the happiest day of my life since someone trusted me to be a good leader of the class..
1. Will the activities be on zoom always? 2. Can you be accepted without paying any fee??
Student convo done
Apr 13: Had call, in between disconnected cand left texted, called NR
[5:02 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi Jessica Ohene Nuamah, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [3:03 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Jesscia, awaiting your response [5:18 PM, 4/13/2021] +44 7369 207005: 6:00pm please....I'm so excited [5:18 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Great [5:19 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: 😊🤩 [5:19 PM, 4/13/2021] +44 7369 207005: 😊😊 [6:17 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Hi Jessica, So excited to see you today at 6PM. Here is the meeting link to join the call: [10:10 PM, 4/13/2021] +44 7369 207005: Ok☺️ [10:36 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Please join [10:44 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: What happened? [10:44 PM, 4/13/2021] School Of Future: Any issues?
Community , 1.3 , 1.3e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 3.4e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 7.1 , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4 , 7.4e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 8.3a , 8.3en , 8.4a , 8.4en , 9.1a , 9.1en , 9.1pt2a , 9.1p2en , 9.2a , 9.2en , 9.3a , 9.3en
Community 1.3 1.3e 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 3.4e 4.4 5.1e 6.1 6.1e  Show 28 more
Nandini Sahani
4/11/2021, 11:33 AM
I have been working with a Robin hood army which basically works to provide food for poor people who cannot afford it.We basically collect food from hotels, wedding and places where food is just wasted everyday but there are people who are hungry and need food to survive. We serve them food and I've learnt so many things and build a grand feeling of empathy and gratitude. We have saved many people during the global pandemic and I've played an important role in it. I'm very passionate towards agritect and wanna solve the problem.
I belong From a very basic Indian family which cannot afford fee to join in but I loved the session and wanna join so badly... I can only depend on a scholarship now. I hope you will understand.🙂
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Dropped messaged
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e
baseline 1.0 Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.4e 4.1 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e
Edson Valane
4/11/2021, 1:09 AM
I never thought that one day I'll be called a leader, I've always been judged about my backgrounds but i never listened to them. The day i acted as a leader was when my class was in trouble because they imitated our Indian teacher and she heard the person but doesn't know who so she punished the whole class by keeping us at school for hours. She said that if the imitator tells the truth then she will let us go. No one had the courage to stand up because she was well respected and not be mess with. I Edson stood up and told her that I'm the imitator and she can let us go, she said we can all go but i must stay behind then she approached me and said "my boy i know that u did not imitate me so it's fine you can go" i felt like a leader. There was also a day where i felt like metamorphosis. That was when i got a trophy for the best progress overall in the whole school. That encouraged me to perform and become a top leaner, a leader.
How long are we schooling for(months or years? Y do only ten people succeed? Can all of us succeed? How do we pay per month? Can i be an entrepreneur before the age of 18?
South Africa
Not yet, might be needed
Student convo done
Child doubtful
AP msg
14th Apr: Schooling at private school, not leaving levish, middle class, do music, busy with school work (not sleeping at times), either with friends or study, wants to make parent proud, xbox, read a book, play soccer, middle class, likes to study economics, business and accounting, is in grade 10, has some business plans in mind, teachers approved, has female friends and is popular in school,
baseline , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 1.0e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4
baseline 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 1.0e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4
Zelda Florence
4/10/2021, 7:52 AM
I can get along with people. I love being around people who like to talk about the things that are happening around the world and bring best solutions..... I'm really talkative I want people around me to have positive energy, people who are fast to think. I like to have fun when doing something because when I'm pressured I get really nervous then I can't do anything. Although I love being around people i want them to have limits and boundaries they need to know when it's to play and when it's time to get the job done. And respect one another
How to start a small business? and how to save money?
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Financial Constraint
CT Message
13 Apr: Scheduled a time to talk on 14 Apr
14 Apr: Messaged saying could not do google meet or zoom, whatsapp called answered and then immediately hung up
14 Apr: Would say financial problems because more like has network problems (no access to zoom and cannot talk on the phone)
Apr 8
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 10 more
Reenat Kaur
4/9/2021, 10:24 PM
As i know myself, I would say that leadership according to me is to bind all the members of my team and support them. In return, the work we get, will help everyone grow stronger! Also, i am an artist by passion since i was 4 and faced many ups and downs, I'd always need a team who is as passionate as i am. I'd obviously never make them feel that i rule my team, I'd talk with them really well to know them, there pattern of work, how they process things differently (basicly it will help me understanding their neurological pattern). I'll still be the head them but not rule them :) *wanna check my work?! Instagram- @reenatkaur_arts* Thankyou Regards, Reenat Kaur Age-14
My parents may not allow me to continue because i dont have enough knowledge which company or association is fake or good, also facing a bit financial crunch. And would love to know if the program curriculum and timing is flexible or not.
Shared upto 75%
Replied a bit
Financial Constraint
AA message - This is just damn good to hear, like literally, I'm super happy after seeing this. There's an issue for me right now, my whole family was tested positive and is hospitalized since last 10 days. I lost my grandpa too because of covid. On the other side i can see my family is facing a financial crunch. Tho they don't tell me that but i can see the expenses are just... For now I dont want to ask my parents for any money. They would not say no to me but i just don't want to increase any pressure. I hope you understand ma'am! I am sorry. -Reenat
Dropped a VN - 10 April
Financial issues + 10th grade
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.1e , 6.3
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 6.1 6.2 5.4e 6.1e  Show 1 more
Melissa Magidi
4/9/2021, 1:45 PM
I have always been a leader, the leader of my life ( People don't give that role enough spotlight to). I think that is the first role of leadership a person should ever take. In terms of outside of myself, I am currently the leader of the Interact society at my school, I get a lot of praise on how I address people, in terms of discipline and how I conduct myself. Just 2 weeks ago I finished a leadership course( Ivy house award )- with that program I grew as a person and a leader. I believe as a great you should be always the last to eat at the table (meaning you need to ensure that the people you are leading that their needing are meet and everyone's voice is heard). About me I am in my last year of high school, I love learning and trying out new things. I play tennis and surprisingly I have a guitar but I don't know to play one. I am extremely passionate about the culinary industry, 3 years ago I started a catering with my friend and that was my first failed business. At the end of last year I enter the market again and I started a cookie business. My first business helped in starting this business. My first dream ever and still is to own a bakery and restaurant. recently when I was clearing my room, I found my business plan that I wrote when I was in grade 4. I have always wanted to be my own boss and I don't see it any other way. I have another passion for solving global hunger and it is my life's mission. I won the science expo last on my project on nutrition. I have been doing research on the topic of Global hunger and how we can solve and I hope to bring about the change. I am honestly an amazing person to be around , I am a people's person, kind, super dedicated- if I start something I give it my all and make sure I do my best and put my best foot forward. I am ambitious and have this ideas constantly flowing, there are times where my head hurts because of all the things I am thinking about at one time. I am hard-working. I hope travel the world like a back-pack through Europe kind of thing. I like that I can talk to and get along with most every age group - people far younger and far older than me, which in beneficial in life and that I have the ability to read the room and know what someone else is feeling. I find happiness in the success of others especially if I was bale to impact that person. I enjoy watching Netflix and watching Jubilee videos on YouTube. I speak 3 languages( English, Afrikaans and Shona) and I am currently learning German. I am part of the Foreign Policy Youth Collaboration and I am the first person from Africa to join the organization.
concerning the the financial aid, I will need that when chosen, I am not able to afford the full amount at the moment.
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Apr 10: Had a call, ROUTINE: School, HW, Sleep, and friends, SCHOOL: Tough copping up, FREETIME & HOBBIES: Writing blogs and reading books. SOCIAL, lot of online friends. FAMILY: Father,- financial advisor, mom - small business, Needs their support to pay. THRIVE: learning, STUCK: NA. HOPE: Learn and evolve herself.
Apr 12: Conveyed difficult to pay. Gave her option to reserve slot
[7:51 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hi Melissa Magidi, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 10 students that we selected from 189 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [10:51 PM, 4/9/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Hi wow 🤩 thank you so much. Sorry only seeing your message now any time from now is a good time If today doesn't work tomorrow I am free from 3pm gmt [10:53 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hi [10:53 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure [10:53 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Tomorrow we can have the call👍😊 [10:54 PM, 4/9/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Coolies 👍🏼 [7:55 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Hi Melissa,, Please join the meeting link by 3PM GMT [8:41 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Hi Melissa, I have been waiting for you for 10mins [8:41 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Please do let me know once you are available [8:51 PM, 4/10/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Hi sorry about that I am available [9:28 PM, 4/10/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Quick thing, if I don't join this cohort when is the next enrollment starting [9:29 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Maybe June. [9:31 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Hi Melissa, your financial aid request is approved. [9:31 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Please check your email. [9:33 PM, 4/10/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Thank you so much, just saw the email now [9:33 PM, 4/10/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Okay [9:34 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: 😊😊 [7:46 PM, 4/11/2021] School Of Future: Hi Melissa, Rakesh here, Were you able to talk to your parents? I would like to talk to them with respect to your selection and further steps of admissions. So can you please arrange a meeting with them today? [10:50 PM, 4/11/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Today was not possible because they had people over, but I'll find out from them for tomorrow [10:50 PM, 4/11/2021] School Of Future: Okay [12:57 AM, 4/12/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Hi Rakesh, its melissa here, just wanted to notify that you that I won't be able to do the program at the moment, hopefully will be able to do it in future. Thank you so much for this opportunity🌻 [6:32 AM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Oh that's disappointing to hear. What happened? [7:05 AM, 4/12/2021] +27 83 304 0158: My parents said that at the moment they don't have excess funds for me to this. [9:43 AM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Thank you so much for letting me know your parents concern. [9:43 AM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Let me talk to my team get back to you [9:44 AM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: If I can do something [2:40 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Hi Melissa, I had spoke to my team in regard to your concern. As your parents are having a financial instability, we are happy to offer you the option to Defer your Admission Offer. This will allow you to join us on August by securing your spot with a 20$ fee (~300 ZAR), which will be deducted from the overall program fee. You will not have to go through our entire admission process again. Here is the payment link to secure your spot: [4:12 PM, 4/12/2021] +27 83 304 0158: Okay Rakesh [4:19 PM, 4/12/2021] School Of Future: Please do reserve the spot😊 and share a screenshot of the same to confirm with the internal department
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3 , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 6.1 6.1e  Show 9 more
Aaliya Syed
4/9/2021, 1:35 PM
I've always been an inborn leader.I mostly got selected in student council at school since grade 4,now I'm looking forward to pursue a career in medicine and be a physician entrepreneur atleast to guide med students around the world about the medical school life.One of my goal is to open an non-profit organization for the poor to provide free healthcare especially after a disaster etc. I'm currently 17,I got an external educational certificate of Achievement from Harvard medical school. Hopefully I'd be able to achieve my dreams and promote the humanitarian behavior in the society.
What's the eligibility for a scholarship? I'd also like to know about the curriculum too.
Student convo done
Child doubtful
9 April, Sent voicenote trying to convince her to talk tomorrow morning
10 April - feels she is strong academically. some people dont believe in a connectiong with a patient. parents taught her to help people and contribute towards the society. people say that doctors are just for gaining profits. they care about your scores and not your skils. it's not ... there is no variety to learn. first you must cchoose your stream between scieencs and humanities. focus on their career instead of making ideas. probably because they are more focused on their career. they are not aware of what's going on in the outside world. in a few streams , the y teach you to docus on something that is helpful for you and not for others. i'm also interested in business and creating new ideas for people. that's what made me want to get into a position called physician entrepreneur. kevin. tells students not to docus on the medicine lifestyle, robotically working and no motions. greedy about profit. that's what .... acid attacks and there is not feminism. we talk about all the feminist rights. we don't impact the asian and ... my school only give conferences mostly. SUPER POWER - knowing ... i have empathy towards people. i'm so sad or happy. personality is related to them. consider being a therapist. ... searching new opportunities that i can do. mostly as an indian student who is giving an entrance exam. it's tough ... mostl y acheiving something big. recently enrolled in harvard. i never knew i could score above 90 percent. i didn't even graduate through the high school. i want ... achieving somthing that peo.ple cannot achieve. they encourag e me to get into.... i have different sides of myself ... i really love sketching. i stopped it tho. i didn't find anything useful in it. before i was really ... i used to post on social media. even aftet it got deleted, i still drew a few sketcches. i really didn'tt get much encou... frustrating if it comes out distorted. scrolling through social media. gets distracting, SM. MEMEs distract her. doesn't do it ... super stressed about her grades, and the fact that she is a C and B.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 4.3 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 5.1e 5.2e 4.3 6.1 6.1e 5.4 6.2 5.4e 7.1 7.1e 7.2
Muhle Ntuli
4/9/2021, 1:12 PM
First of, I am young! It's awesome to be enthusiastic and driven at such a tender age. Apart from my constant outstanding academic achievements from grades to spelling and public speaking competitions I have successfully co-found a short movement that really just focused on expressing and redefining self-love to the youth again, I have learned to speak amidst masses of people through this movement and interact with various kinds of people and learn from them as well. I definitely exercised leadership. It was the most fulfilling journey but quite challenging to be honest, it did sharpen my emotional intelligence. What I have observed from the journey, however, is that once a young person has mastered the art of loving themself, it is a lot easier for them to discover and understand what they love around them. I discovered my love for plants! I even chose Life Sciences (Biology) as a subject in school - together with Business Studies. Nature is so beautiful and therapeutic! I am currently growing 17 indoor plants of my own successfully and I couldn't be more proud. I plan on making body oils and candles from some of these plants that are famous for their scents. I believe there are more useful and greater products to invent from plants. Unemployment is a major socio-economic factor faced in my residential country, South Africa and many other countries in the world that I believe even the smallest of initiatives can make major impacts on many households and farming is definitely the future. It is one sector that cannot perish, it was and will always be there. So many jobs can be created from farming and it requires easily trainable skills!
How involved is SOF in my business venture in terms of providing? My question has been answered satisfactorily during the class, remaining questions that I had have been asked by others and answered beautifully too. Thanks
South Africa
75% Scholarship
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
CT Message
12 Apr: messaged and then called, set up time for meeting tomorrow at 1800
13 Apr: loves plants, started growing and (was hard to hear so stopped taking active notes
[11:21, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Muhle, My name is Carson and I am one od the Mentors from School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 171 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to you this evening or tomorrow afternoon. Cheers! [07:42, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Muhle! Any chance you have time this evening to talk? [07:43, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Would really love to hear more about your self-love movement!
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 2.1 , 2.3 , 2.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 5.2e , 6.1
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 2.1 2.3 2.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 5.2e 6.1
Kirsten Lallana
4/9/2021, 12:18 PM
I haven't acted much of a leader except on some school project but I usually worked with someone else while my group was goofing around. In school project I was usually in charge of the art and decoration that went on as well as some of the information we presented. My public seeking skills aren't that good but they have been getting better with practice and I plan to join speech and debate next year.
How does the Expo usually go? How much help will we get if we plan to build an app?
Could not Connect
CT Message
10 Apr: called, no vm available, and sent another sms
Apr 8
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 6 more
Manuel ionut Moisa
4/9/2021, 12:17 PM
I do think that I am a leader because I always step up for me and others I have expirience in leading from basketballl and soccer by taking decisions for the team and from school by being the student representative and organazing events. My strongest trait is my will I alwasys walk forward no matter how hard it gets. I've been broken many times and lost my path in life but i always came back stronger and i do believe that this is one of the most usefull and important traits to have as a leader bacause if you give up no one will follow you. I also understand that i can't be the best at everything I understand my weaknesses and i do believe this is what makes me strong. I look up to others and try to learn from them by seeking help or by listening to their advice . Thats how my journey started to want to becoming an entrepreneur. My best friend Marin aka future CEO told me how free he felt on his world trip and first I thought he was crazy like what are you talking about getting rich school is not important? But then I came to the conclusion that this is what I want to do in my life solve problems and make myself free in the process. this is my story. Thank you for the opportunity Manu aka Discord Master
you already answerd all my questions thank you very much
No scholarship
Student convo done
Dropped message
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1
Community 1.0 1.0e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1 6.1e 5.4 6.2 6.2e 6.3 6.3e 7.1
May 15, 2021
Marin Albert Deljak
4/9/2021, 12:06 PM
I travelled around the world for one year when I was 13 which expanded my mind on levels I didn't imagine it could. I met so many people from diverse backgrounds, got to know different cultures and saw that it was possible to live life in a different way. I always thought that to succeed I had to be good in school and graduate with a good degree and work for someone else my whole life but this is just not true. This is the reason I became highly interested in Entrepreneurship because I started to think outside the box and see problems from different perspectives. When I came back to hometown in Germany I told my best Friend everything I learned the past year and told him that there are different more efficient ways to succeed and to live your life, at first he thought I was crazy but now he thinks the same way as me by still implying his own beliefs and being himself(he's also an applicant for this school his name is Manuel Moisa aka the discord master and he's the one who told me about this school). I'm a really open and empathetic person who nearly everyone likes to be around, I love to push myself beyond my limits (mentally and physically). I am confident and love to be around people but I also know that its important to be alone sometimes. What could be interesting as well is that I live in my own flat although I'm only 16 so that means that for example I cook for myself etc.. My passion is working out and fueling my body with the essential Foods it needs to work best which is also why I'm following a plant based diet. Of course I'm also a vegan because in my opinion animals are just not treated how they deserve to be treated. Looking forward to talk to you guys and thank you for this awesome opportunity! Yours Marin aka future CEO
I just like the things to come at me and I'll probably have a ton of questions as soon as the journey starts.
50% scholarship
Student convo done
Dropped message
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5.4 , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.2e , 6.3 , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 18 more
May 15, 2021
Rashi Gupta
4/9/2021, 11:43 AM
So i am a "If u want it do it yourself" believer. whether it's a group thing or not i like to do it by myself. i don't mean that i am better than other people but i like it when people see me as a leader, people treat me as a leader. Because yes i am confident in what i do and what I speak. Once im comfortable with people around me i am open to them, they see a more modified version of me. I am the one who talks too much if i got an idea and think that it would really work out for me. I am a person who thinks too much on a topic and sees it from every perspective. I overthink little problems too. It may be effective or maybe damaging but i try to put in my whole to whatever i am doing. I don't know what i want from life but yes all i want is to be the change and that people see me as an inspiration or a change maker, i want to go up to that level where people would love listening to me and working with me (i am a fun person to work with 😉) All the times I've acted as a leader whether be school projects or managing an event or organising something if i put my whole mind and soul to it I'll don't let people down!
Replied a bit
Wants to schedule for Apr 10, will let me know the time later
[12:47 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Could you decide on the timings? [6:14 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 70446 39361: hey! um i wanted to inform you that I won't be able to join Sof because i have my board exams round the corner and also the batch starts from 15 may right? it won't be possible for me. I apologise for the inconvenience 😕 [6:16 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Ohh I understand that completely.... We have an option to save the spot and join in future after your boards... Would you like to discuss about it? [6:17 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 70446 39361: yeah you can give me the details I'll show it to my parents. [6:23 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Yes sure, can I know a suitable time when we can talk to your parents? [6:28 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 70446 39361: can't it be like on text? [6:29 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Would be better on a call, if they don't mind [6:29 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 70446 39361: they both are working actually so call timings i have no idea [6:29 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: No worries, you can let us know once they are back 😊 [6:31 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 70446 39361: okay then!
[12:38 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Hi, did you ask them for a suitable time? [1:03 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 70446 39361: yeah they told me to focus on boards right now and if i wanna join we can talk about this later like after boards. will that be a problem? [1:36 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: There are a couple of reasons I asked you to save the spot... If you wish to join after your boards without saving your spot, you will have to go through entire selection procedure again and the chances of selection everytime would be 5%. You are in that 5% this time, you will have to be in top 5% then also! If you save the spot right now, you can join after your boards without going through selection process again 😊
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 3.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.3 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 6.3e
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 3.3e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5 5.4e 6.1  Show 4 more
Zeba Zayed
4/9/2021, 11:38 AM
I’m an Indian and I’m studying in Qatar, I’ve never actually acted as a leader but i think a leader should be someone who works with their team I’m still on school and we have to do a lot of group projects and one person would be appointed leader but I never got to be that leader and usually who the teachers pick are the bossy ones who commands the others to do what they think is right but that won’t be a group project . Group project is about pitching in ideas and doing what everyone think is the right one and not just that one person who’s appointed leader. So what I think leadership is precisely the quality to lead loads of people. Next is confidence, A leader should have a great amount of self confidence and should have confidence in his/her team mates even when no one else does. A leader should be a role model to those who follows after their footsteps. There are endless amount of real life people who I think portrayed the role of leadership perfectly like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi who I say as an Indian I grew up learning about Gandhi everyday . He was a great man who really believed in non violence. He bought up the idea of ahimsa which means doing no harm and made people believe that they deserved to be treated better than this. Along the way he gained a huge number of enemies too but that didn’t bother him he was so confident and believed in himself that he can bring peace to India and he did. To conclude everybody is not a leader but as a believer I say everyone can try to be a leader .
I would love to know about the program curriculum and time. Thank you for conducting the meeting it really helped me believe that everything will be better if everyone puts equal effort into it.
No scholarship
Student convo done
12 April - reads a lot... an escape from reality, just going to places and stuff. mostly fictional. i like traveling. house is really noisy and loud. bakes as well. not when it's ready. baking is fun. has a really big sweet tooth. gives it to the neighbors, and likes the way the neighbors. people's satisfaction. i want to make everyone happy in what i do. the onens who get it, they should be satisfied with what i did. i should be satisfied with myself. them to be satisfeid. ignorance. people watching it, they don't do anything. it's... no one is born evil. lack of action from the bystanders. wants to stay somehwere in Turkey. in qatar. ,... i postpone responsibility. we all pitch ideas, and the person who is appointed the leader ... not just his ... i'm really procrastinator... Working out has helped. and then i go continuously. did the project in one night, and could not study afterwards. dad said DO IT, but don't waste my money. Do it completely, and don't
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 6.1 , 6.1e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 6 more
May 15, 2021
Bailey J Bowles
4/9/2021, 11:36 AM
I had joined this platform called #beapirate challenge where young people was given the opportunity to lead or join a team to create a solution to one or a few of the substanable development goals. This opportunity made me excited as throughout my work, personal and education life I have always been given the skills of an employee or a follower for an experienced CEO for a well-known and successful company rather than give us the skills and inspire us to become the next generation of the worlds leaders. I had decided that I would adventure out of this set stigma placed on most, if not all, young people are given and decided that becoming a leader/ CEO/ entrepreneur would allow me, not only become a CEO and learn valuable skills to become the nect generation of CEO's, but it gave me the opportunity to use a problem as a pivot to create a solution. As a part of the challenge I was in a team of 4 people where we all worked together to create our project that was effective using all of our valuable skills and talents that we brought to the table. Even though i was a leader and I was controlling the workload, deadlines and the quality of the work produced, I found the development of gaining new skills and attributes that will help me become the next generation of entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur isnt just an opportunity for me to become a boss and prove those in the education system and people in my personal life that young people have the skill set and talent to create a solution to a problem that the older generation havent seen or imagined of, but, becoming an entrepreneur will allow me to create a business with intent and passion to a set of common ideals and goals that will benefit people, the environment and in general the world. Allowing me to become an entrepreneur will allow me to really show to the world what the younger generations can do removing the set stigmas that older generations place on us about younger generations only having the skill set to be workers and followers rather than leaders, CEO's and entrepreneurs. The leadership role at the #beapirate challenge was the best experience of my life as i really did ace it as I was able to keep the morale of my team up and energized my team in the moments when things was going south. It was truely amazing and showed to me and everyone around me that I am a great leader that is capable of starting a business with intent and passion and will leave an impact on the world. Eventhough, me and my team didnt make it to the finals and never recieved the opportunity to show our project to the judges, I found the experience of being a leader the most impactful part of the whole challenge and I know i am capable of being a great leader. Becoming an entrepreneur will allow me to create a business with intent and passion to a set of common ideals and goals that will benefit people, the environment and in general the world. Allowing me to become entrepreneur will allow me to really show to the world what the younger generations can do removing the set stigmas that older generations place on us. I have a real passion for science and technology and i strongly believe that these in the right situation and come together and be used to help change the world whether it's helping to see or hear again to creating AI enhanced robotics to remove plastic waste from our oceans. This opportunity will ensure that i have the the necessary skill set to become a successful entrepreneur and exploit my passions at the same time
I will be paying this myself and because i am doing part time hours the full amount for the program is very diffucult for me to pay for, so is there any way i can recieve some aid?
Student convo done
9 April- i've improved on leadership skills, since we last talked. certain i haven't improved on were things like design thinking, thinking outside the box. i have a lot left mental health wise . I gained a lot of skills since the last time. i am coming... wants to gain more skills to do with those, i need more skills. 85% of the jobs are not going to be invented. more... ... see me introduced to a new lifestyle....
Official Applicant
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 5.4e , 6.2e , 6.3e , 7.1 , 7.1e , 7.2 , 7.2e , 7.3 , 7.3e , 7.4
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.0 1.0e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e  Show 17 more
May 15, 2021
Vanisa Tatenda
4/9/2021, 11:31 AM
Im Vanisa Munetsi from South Africa originally from zim but nevr been there since i was 3yrs. When i was 8yrs my mom and dad divorced things hit me hard mom worked morning till night was never really with me and i ended up feeling low and empty and would be told bad things about my dad then he turned it to my mom n i did not know who to trust i needed money n one night i just sat down and started what could i do to better my life in the future so by the age of 10yrs started selling marshmallows coverd in choclate and made triple the profit and ever since then i got people to help me and we would make abt R200 a week sometimes doubled and then we started to get old clothes and thrift them and redesign them into vintage old schol style and ever since i have had passion for business
I would love to have a finacial aid if posible pleas. And would also like to ask if you would consider a zoom call with my parent
South Africa
Non Responsive
Dropped message
Community , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.0 , 1.0e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e
Community 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.0 1.0e 2.4 2.4e 2.3 2.3e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e
4/9/2021, 11:29 AM
Honestly i was going to tell you about the time my parents were not home for a night and i had to make sure my baby bro was okay i used the internet to my advantage learnt how to make pasta and mince, i had to make sure the house was clean and dishes were washed but i do not think this is something i can BRAG about i think is just responsibility, The time id really say i acted like a leader was the time we had to prepare a play for our LO(life orientation) teacher and non of my group members took it seriously so i had to give people roles to play make sure the had the correct props and we ended up getting a 97% for that play
Do u get a discount if your country uses a weaker currency like rands
South Africa
should have the conversation today Apr 13
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1
Anishka Majumdar
4/9/2021, 11:24 AM
Leader is a person who leads/ helps a person to guide the way to success. I’m Anishka Majumdar and I’m getting my 3rd degree black belt in May (currently 2nd degree black belt) and I’m ready to be a CEO. When I was 11 years old I was chosen to be in the D.E.L.T.A program (Dedicated Enthusiastic Loyal Teaching Assistant) from karate class. Now I’m 14 years old and I’m working at my karate school teaching respect, responsible, dedication, and karate. I also do debate, winning multiple tournaments and getting chosen to compete in Harvard going against multiple teams all around the world. Earlier this year I attended the TEDx speeches, and I networked with multiple people who gave their inspirational speech at TEDx including Mitch Savoie Hill (consultant), Umama Kibria (founder of Sweatpack), and Hannah Testa (young environmentalist). I’m also planning to network with a Stanford professor about their research later this month. My friend and I are going to start a nonprofit business over the summer selling stickers, and donating ALL of the money to kids who lives in poverty. Currently, we are preparing and researching what do’s and dont’s we should do for our business. At the end, I believe I will be awesome addition to your program, ready to be a risk taker, and viewing my mistakes. My vision for the future is to gain the skills needed to help others, in the hope that we will all benefit. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Leader is a person who leads/ helps a person to guide the way to success. I'm Anishka Majumdar and I'm getting my 3rd degree black belt in May (currently 2nd degree black belt) and I'm ready to be a CEO. When I was 11 years old I was chosen to be in the D.E.L.T.A program (Dedicated Enthusiastic Loyal Teaching Assistant) from my karate class. Now I am 14 years old and I'm working at my karate school teaching respect, responsibility, dedication, and karate to my students. I also do debate, winning multiple tournaments and getting chosen to compete in Harvard, going against multiple teams all around the world. Earlier this year, I attended the TEDx speeches, and I networked with multiple people who gave inspirational speech at TEDx including Mitch Savoie Hill (consultant), Umama Kibria (founder of Sweatpack), and Hannah Testa (young environmentalist). I'm also planning to network with a Stanford professor about their research later this month. My friend and I are going to start a nonprofit business over the summer selling stickers, and donating ALL of the money to kids who lives in poverty. Currently, we are preparing and researching what do's and dont's we should do for our future business. At the end, I believe I will be a awesome addition to your program, ready to be a risk taker, and viewing my mistakes. My vision for the future is to gain the skills needed to help others, in the hope that we will all benefit. Martin Luther King Jr. once said "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
IF I get in, can I drop out from this program if I want to due to time? What if I can’t give the full time can I have extra time to work? If I get in, can I ask my parents before I accept the offer?
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
Busy Schedule
9 April- she messaged on insta. calling her at 6. she later confirmed for 5PM on say
10 aprill -- jumpy likes to run around and play.. travels to india in the summers and is worried about time.
Contact in couple month
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 1.0 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 5.1e , 4.1
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 1.0 3.1e 3.2 5.1e 4.1
Sibongile Molefe
4/9/2021, 11:20 AM
I was once a Head-girl in primary school .I had such an amazing time because I knew what I was actually there for and I led by example.I never allowed unwanted things to be done in the school premises .I really do think that leadership suits me perfectly.
I am very worried about time .My time of school clashes with the time of your programs . And another thing is that I am new here and can I please be given the time to understand how things work
South Africa
Replied a bit
Non Responsive
should have the conversation today Apr 13
[23:52, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Sibongile Molefe, I am Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you Tomorrow afternoon. Cheers![01:25, 4/13/2021] +27 63 969 5766: Around 4PM tomorrow would the the right time to speak to me ...Thank you[08:54, 4/13/2021] Tanu Gaur: Great! Scheduling a call for 4 PM SA time🤗[08:54, 4/13/2021] Tanu Gaur: Looking forward to getting to know you[19:32, 4/13/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi![19:32, 4/13/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can I call you right now?
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , 5.4e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 9 more
Janvi Arora
4/9/2021, 11:18 AM
Once I was told in school to lead in some kind of project in a particular time period but there I had to manage my work as well as the Junior student who contributed in that project and confidently I did the project on time and managed the kids as well on time
Will i be able to start my app in between of the session
Replied a bit
[7:53 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hi Janvi Arora, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [1:49 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Hi Janvi, Rakesh here, I would like to have a call with you today, to discuss about your application to join Entrepreneurs Academy [1:49 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: I am sorry sir as I am a bit busy can you call me after an hour [1:50 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: So by 3pm? [1:50 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Does that work for you? [1:50 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: Yeah perfect [1:50 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: The call would be via Google meet [1:50 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [1:50 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: No problem [1:55 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Please join the meeting link by 3PM. [1:56 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: Sure sir [1:56 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [3:02 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Hi [3:02 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Please join.. [3:10 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: There is lot of disturbance from your side [3:10 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Can you please fix it and let me know [3:11 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: I guess there are some network issues from your side [3:11 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: Yeah [3:11 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: Join now [3:12 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: Are you joining it now ? [3:14 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Yes [3:13 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: See for that [3:16 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Join now [3:22 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: Sir there are some network issues in my area [3:22 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Ok [3:22 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: So i am not able to join the meeting [3:22 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Fix it and let me know [3:23 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: And about the admission process for joining academy i wanted to update you that i am not interested this year for joining academy [3:24 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: So i guess there is no more conversation about it [3:24 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 98716 77795: Thank you for your efforts [3:24 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: All the best
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a
Chirag Lakhotia
4/9/2021, 11:18 AM
I think that im a good leader and im very good at teamwork . Starting with myself I am the captain of the sports team of my school in 3 sports which are cricket , football and basketball . I also lead my team from school to various businees events across all different schools in my city . I belive im good at managing a team , making it work with all the negatives of everyone , combining ideas and postives of everyone to make best use of it . I was the representative of my school ,Don Bosco School in various events and extra cuircullar activites . I also belive that as a leader i need to be at best of my capabilities and my talents , i should belive i should be a motivating figure in my team and for that here are some of my talents or skills . I have played for my school and club in football , cricket and basketball and swimmimg . I also am an active MUNNER ( Model united nations ) and have won several awards in differents MUNS . Im am a good and vocal speaker and can get attention of people more often . I have been a Leader in all my school life . I have brushed myself in skills like digital marekting. I belive that being an entrepreneur is one who is the one who enjoys solving problems and loves when he or she notices problems . Coming to an istance of acting out as a leader . it was my second last year of high school and i was in a business event which was a intercity event and i was the leader of my team . From going and losing first four of 10 events . we were very demotivated . i being a leader came up regouped and reassured everyone of their talents and told them what they are capable of and giving them the motivation to do their best and then we went on to winninv all the last 6 events and ended up being the 3rd best school in the city . Im a very finance based person . Finance intrests me and i have been reading books about investingamd surfing the internet to know how money and finance works in the real world . how do stocks growand i belive that yhe knowledge i have gained about finace in the last 6 months has given me an edge over other peers . . Thus i would conclude by saying . iI belive that with my leadership , Managerial and Financing skills . i could be a great future ceo and asset to any company and also be and successful entrepreneur
No issues or Questions
75% sch
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Message sent
Will update the student convo soon
10 Apr: Hi Chirag, when is a good time to talk to your parents?
[12:40 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Also, did you receive the email about your financial aid? [12:43 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 90621 63746: I really appreciate your help for finacial aid and giving me this opportunity to go ahead with this wonderful program. But i wont be able to continue and go ahead with the program due to personal reasons . I appreciate you concern . Thank you for the opportunity [12:52 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: I understand but could you explain a bit more ? As I would have to report the same to the admissions board. 😊 [3:32 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 90621 63746: Yess Its just about the cost to do the program as its way too much that we could afford right now [4:25 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Do you want me to propose the team to offer you 50% financial aid? Would that help? [5:40 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 90621 63746: No i don't know [5:41 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 90621 63746: i would like to withdraw my name [5:46 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Ohh, I had actually talked to the team and they for happy to offer you 75% aid (if needed based on your involvement in the class [5:49 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: We don't want students to stress much with financials, if they have a need help in the maximum way possible - Quoting the founders and I really thought its just the cost of the program that is pulling you back! So I asked them can I offer 75% aid because you were so passionate about it [5:52 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 90621 63746: okay ill talk to my parents and qill surely get back to you by the end of the day [5:52 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Okay!
Meanwhile, You can check out some of our student and parent testimonials:
Lebohang portia mokoena
4/9/2021, 11:11 AM
Love science.....good at inventing
Do I get to go bigger with my inventions
South Africa
Replied a bit
Non Responsive
should have the conversation today Apr 13
[23:52, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Lebohang portia mokoena, I am Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you Tomorrow afternoon. Cheers![24:10, 4/13/2021] +27 65 661 9946: 16:00[16:13, 4/13/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can we shift it to 17:00?[17:56, 4/13/2021] +27 65 661 9946: Ohk[20:39, 4/13/2021] +27 65 661 9946: Well my self I love science ....I love to do invetions best subjects ....are physics and chemistry a good change[19:08, 4/14/2021] Tanu Gaur: That sounds very interesting! Let's have a call tonight?[19:09, 4/14/2021] Tanu Gaur: I would love to hear more about the same!
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e  Show 1 more
4/9/2021, 10:56 AM
Prefect camp in Gr7 2018 my team came first and I was the captain of my winning team 2019 and 2020 I was a class representative and I was able to maintain high discipline levels among my peers and I helped them right about their complaints and problems they face in school
If I miss a class because of other personal issues during the 100 days do I fail or not receive financial aiding
South Africa
75% Scholarship
Student convo done
CT Message
9 Apr: Scheduled time to talk for 10 Apr
10 Apr: signed up for School of Future because interested in having own business, already has own clothing line, likes clothes and taking pictures, wants SoF to help build his business --> is going to be a wonderfl experience; routine --> lives in a small town, exercising and meditationg, M-F goes to school and then does homewokr, at home creating designs for clothin line or at school, here and there going out with friends, school close to home by a mall; makes a good friend--> someone who is also striving to prosper in life, laughing a lot, seeing how freinds perceive future, try to become friends with that future, have 1-2 friends that really belives in, trust them a lot, belive that one day they will all be CEO's; lives with mom, sister and borther, dad comes sometimes don't live with him, but have good relationship with fatehr; mom supports him, dad does not support the clothing business, but does support his goat business (daddoes pig and sugar cane farm), has indigineous goats as business --> indigenous goats, only found in SA are the only one allowed to use in ritual ceremonies; because of school, hard to foucs on the goat business, right now mostly planning and need capital to buy the goatsand deal with risk, at the beginning started selling to raise money to fund two busjinesses; grew up liking clothes nd fashion, loves the idea of dressing up and complimenting him, really likes taking pictures of clothes and modleing, don't get negative comments about pictures and feels comfortable. an internal feeling that feels correct; stuck --> have not been able to play rugby or sports because of a spine injury, needs to first rehabilitate injuyry and then will be able to play, stuck with businesses because of capital; academy, give advice on problems: goats, clothing, capital, rehabilitation, give the steps for building a business --> has lots of internet issues
12 Apr: set up parent call for 13 Apr
[11:19, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Nhlanhla, My name is Carson and I am one of the Mentors from School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you either this evening or tomorrow afternoon. Cheers! [13:35, 4/9/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: Tomorrow afternoon because of mobile connection problems [13:35, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Ah ok! Perfect! [13:36, 4/9/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: What time tomorrow afternoon? [13:36, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Is 1730 ok? [13:36, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: And we can meet on zoom? [13:36, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: 1730 your time [13:37, 4/9/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: Yes that sounds perfect [13:37, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great!! Talk soon! [08:15, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello!!! [08:15, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Still ok to chat in 15 minutes?! [08:15, 4/10/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: Hello [08:15, 4/10/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: Yes [08:15, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great!! Is zoom ok? [08:15, 4/10/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: Yes [08:29, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 933 8272 0058 Passcode: kr65wE [08:30, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: great!!! [08:31, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Let me know if you have any trouble with the link [08:31, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Looking forward to speaking with you! [08:35, 4/10/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: It's not connecting but I'm going to retry [08:35, 4/10/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: hmmmmmmmmmmmm ok [08:17, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: HELLO!!!!! I JUST SAW YOU WERE ACCEPTED!!! [08:18, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: AND APPROVED FOR A 75% SCHOLARSHIP!!!! WOWOWOWOW [08:18, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Congrats!!!! [08:19, 4/12/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: I'm very happy thank you so much 💆🏾‍♂️ [08:19, 4/12/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: ✨🤝🏾 [08:20, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Let me know if you, your Mom or Dad have any questions about the program or payment [08:26, 4/12/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: Yes no problem [08:29, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Would you want to set up a call with you, me and your mom? [09:50, 4/12/2021] LEAD Nhlanhla: Yes but tomorrow [10:00, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: perfect, how about tomorrow at 1900 your time?
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 11 more
May 15, 2021
Mohammad Sameeha
4/9/2021, 10:52 AM
From 1st class onwards I was a class leader till 8th iam a games captian in my school.And Iam always interested to do thing like reading books or minding in school.iam so active girl .when my mother come to parent's meeting my mam is to tell always good about ur girl is so active and she is interested in all thing..😊 From 1st class onwards iam a class leader till 7th class I was a class iam games captian in my school.
My goal is to be astronaut ...I will study well and I have to reach my goal .and I need some support from uh that's it. My goal is to become a astronaut and I want to study well and show my talent to everyone and I need ur support to reach my goal.
No sch
Student convo done
Child doubtful
Message sent
She does not even know that its a program for creating a business and learning skills that matter, she thought that its some exam that she has to appear for
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 6.1 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e
baseline Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.4 2.4e 6.1 3.1e 3.2 3.2e
4/8/2021, 12:30 PM
[  ]
Leen Ibrahim
4/8/2021, 9:35 AM
I have always been who an attractive member of the group and who did all the task and work also I use to did that when I was a kid in my class, honestly, I love that. My MBTI type is ISTJ 🤷🏻‍♀️
Are you have another program that doesn't have to pay financial requirements?
Saudi Arabia
Student convo done
Poor English
Poor Enlgish and she need complete scholarship
[4:30 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hi Leen Ibrahim, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you tonight. Cheers! [6:55 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Hey [6:55 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Me too [6:55 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Any time im here 🥰 [7:44 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Great [7:44 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: 6PM? [7:46 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Also, which platform is comfortable for you, Google Meet/ Zoom? [8:00 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Ok , 6pm in Saudi Arabia [8:00 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Zoom is good [8:12 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Yes [8:27 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hello [8:27 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Hi [8:27 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Can we have the call? Shall I send you the meeting link? [8:29 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Yes But I would like to know im not good enough to talking english 🥰 [8:29 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: I would like you [8:29 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: We can speak simple english [8:29 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: Great [8:29 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 920 0670 5531 Passcode: 4391tp [8:29 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Please join [8:31 PM, 4/9/2021] +966 59 864 0034: I can hear you [8:31 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 930 8335 9698 Passcode: 17Dbat
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e
Rashi Mayur Achaliya
4/8/2021, 7:24 AM
I was selected a leader for science exhibition where we were to convince as much crowd as possible and I was successful in it for which I was given prize.
Is there any fees?
not yet
Student convo done
Scheduled for 10 April
Apr 10:Schedule--> Wakes up at 7 AM- online lectures-play-study-dinner-reading a book, painting and motivation videos of Ishita Sinha, write essays, is in 9 std, inspired by people in the school, Pune, library closed in school - does not like that, friendly and talkative, many friends but 2 close friends, good bond with family, mom (accountant) and dad (works at snacks centre), shares with grandmom, joint family (uncle and aunty have business), misses school, Hates being at home, loves badmintion, being batch holder. was shy at that time and people didn't know her and tried hard asking teachers and friends, wants a great experience,
[4:28 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Hey [4:28 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Hello [4:30 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Shall we start in another 30 mins [4:30 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: ? [4:30 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Actually my mom said that she will let me join the academy after 10th [4:30 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Sorry what? [5:07 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Ohh any specific reason? [5:07 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: To talk about the financial aid? [5:08 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Yaa actually I have to study of 10th as well as Maharashtra Talent Search examination so I will hardly get time [5:14 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Do you have the board exams this year? [5:15 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: No [5:15 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Next year [5:15 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: This year I have MTS in June [5:16 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Understood..... We do have an option to save your spot and join in future which may help you join the academy after your MTS by saving your spot now [5:16 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Are you interested in knowing more about it? [5:16 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Yes [5:17 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Great! Can we have a quick voice call for 5 mins? [5:17 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: I am at my friend's place [5:18 PM, 4/11/2021] Meet: Ohh okay! In that case I will leave a voice note [5:18 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Tomorrow? [5:18 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: Yeah sure Voice note sent explaining her the process of deferring the admission [5:25 PM, 4/11/2021] +91 89835 98895: I'll do the selection procedure later again
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4
4/8/2021, 7:01 AM
In 2016 my team worn the school regional debate team. 2017bI was part of leadership program held at the Royal Bofokeng Lebone ||. 2019 I was chairperson of Student Christian Movement club. When I was doing my final year in high school(grade 12 2020) I was president of the Representative Council of learners .
If one gets elected to become part of the group of people who have to present and compete where is the presentation taking place and what are the requirements.
South Africa
Replied a bit
Apr 9: texted to Schedule a call
Apr 9: Rescheduled for 4.30 pm IST on 10 Apr
[16:29, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Omphile, Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future here . We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers![16:30, 4/9/2021] +27 71 130 1122: Around 16[16:30, 4/9/2021] +27 71 130 1122: Good day✨[16:30, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: 16?[16:32, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can you explain what you mean by that?[16:33, 4/9/2021] +27 71 130 1122: 16:00 pm My bad[16:35, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Okay. Scheduling a call at 16:00 pm. See you![16:38, 4/9/2021] +27 71 130 1122: Can we chat I don't have enough data for video call[16:39, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: We can have a call without the video.[16:39, 4/9/2021] +27 71 130 1122: Ohk mam[19:22, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: hi omphile, another admissions officer,Mr. Meet shah will be getting in touch with you[19:22, 4/9/2021] +27 71 130 1122: Ohk mam[19:22, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: thank you for understanding[19:22, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: call with Omphile Friday, April 9 · 7:30 – 8:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪983 736 719 8607‬# More phone numbers: [19:22, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: you can join till link @16:00[19:23, 4/9/2021] +27 71 130 1122: Ohk thanks for the update
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 4 more
Kgothatso Pretty
4/8/2021, 4:15 AM
Be kind to everyone. I have self-confidence and I am Patient.
How long does it take to become CEO?
South Africa
Non Responsive
7 April: Message dropped
8 April: No response to call or text
9 April : Now message also not being delivered.
Eshwari Somnath udavant
4/7/2021, 2:39 PM
When I was in 5th grade the teacher gave me responsibility of class student and I were handle very goodly then teacher and friends appreciated me lot that time I felt liked a great leader
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
7 Apr: First msg Sent
Call scheduled for today
[19:33, 4/7/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Eshwari Somnath udavant , Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future here . We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers![19:48, 4/7/2021] +91 93734 69934: Tommorow morning[22:07, 4/7/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can you schedule a time so I can block my calendar?[08:13, 4/8/2021] +91 93734 69934: 9 o'clock[13:02, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can we make it 10:15 instead?[13:05, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Please confirm as soon as possible so I can block my calendar for our Interview.[14:23, 4/8/2021] +91 93734 69934: Conform At 4 o'clock[14:53, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: You mean you will confirm the time at 4?[14:53, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Or you want to have the call at 4?[15:30, 4/8/2021] +91 93734 69934: Yes absolutely[16:27, 4/8/2021] +91 93734 69934: Why you didn't call me?[16:27, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Absolutely what?[16:27, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Please select a time after 8:30.[16:29, 4/8/2021] +91 93734 69934: Ok fix the time at 8:45.[16:31, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Okay. Let me check.[16:37, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi! Let's have a call @8:45 today.[16:37, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Scheduling a call for then. If you have an issue with the time, let me know![16:37, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Looking forward to meet you Eshwari![16:46, 4/9/2021] +91 93734 69934: 👍[16:48, 4/9/2021] +91 93734 69934: No i don't any issue[21:05, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi!![21:05, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can we have a call now? I got caught up.[09:44, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hey Eshwari!! I loved talking to you and getting to know you, makes me so happy that someone is so driven at such a young age![09:44, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Did you speak with your parents to join the academy? Can I have a conversation with them earliest today?[09:53, 4/12/2021] +91 93734 69934: Ok[11:03, 4/12/2021] +91 93734 69934: How much happy I fill to talk with you that i don't have words to express. Yar i really love to talk with you🥰[11:12, 4/12/2021] +91 93734 69934: You can call me any time tanu di. acording to your time[18:37, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: Did you talk with you parents?[19:40, 4/12/2021] +91 93734 69934: Hmm I have talk but....[20:14, 4/12/2021] Tanu Gaur: But?[10:12, 4/13/2021] +91 93734 69934: I think we should interact on call[13:35, 4/13/2021] Tanu Gaur: Okay. I will give you a call as soon as possible[14:14, 4/13/2021] +91 93734 69934: Hmm[18:46, 4/14/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can I call you right now?[19:18, 4/14/2021] +91 93734 69934: Yes you can[20:41, 4/14/2021] Tanu Gaur: Will call in a while. 💕[15:00, 4/15/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Eshwari, I tried calling you twice, your phone was busy both time. Call me back as soon as you get off your call.
Kol Nikolla
4/7/2021, 2:38 PM
I acted as a leader since i was little. I‘m kind of the leader im my friendship circle. For example when i was at the 6th grade we didn’t have a Prom or something like a schoolparty. I was kind of mad that it was "normal" in the USA and in Switzerland not. I wanted to change that, but my school didn‘t want to help me at that time. So i found a way to get money, a location and some food and organized the whole "Prom" cause in Switzerland you change the classes after the 6th grade. You can kind of compare it to the Highschool in the US. We even had a Prom King and a Queen. I got voted as the King that night. I did the same in 9th grade and we had a hudge party. I organized a whole restaurant with a cooker and even waiter. That was something that doesn’t happen in Switzerland... I always wanted to be a leader, my own boss. So nobody could tell me what to do. I just wanna be free in life. That‘s my dream and that’s the reason I’m applying in here.
Do you have a timetable, when we will meet and how and when will we pay? Also i wanted to ask you if you help us also individually, when we have questions and issues or is it more like a zoom meeting as a team and then it‘s over till the next meeting?
No scholarship
Student convo done
Non Responsive
7 April: Message dropped
hip hop classes, concerts, dance a lot, like chilling a lot with friends, jogging, watching netflix. 2 siblings, brothers, mum owns a salon, father works. parents said its great, wanted him to time manage. wanted to be his own boss, leader in all group, likes coordinating stuff. SOF Ad: i can try, seen it a couple of times. Hope: to learn how i can be the boss, manage things in life, different situations, good leader. to know the world better.
Community , 5.1e , 4.1e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 11.1a , 11.1en , 11.2a , 11.2en , 11.3a , 1.3 , 6.2
Community 5.1e 4.1e 6.1 6.1e 11.1a 11.1en 11.2a 11.2en 11.3a 1.3 6.2
4/7/2021, 2:27 PM
I would say the last couple of months have been full of different experiences. I am currently finishing my matric year and due to the construction and covid we no longer have a tuckshop at my school because my school couldn't afford to pay the people who works in it and most of the learners at my school buys their lunch at the the tuckshop and we all were looking for a solution to bring back the tuckshop thats when i can up with the idea that i would run the tuckshop to help everybody out at school which caused the learners to start calling me " ghaanah bai " its almost 4 months now that im running the tuckshop with my cooler boxs and hand bags to sweet and chips well doing this i have met so many more people i made new friend and my consumers are always looking for me because i sell any thing i went from tuckshop sweets and chips to cakes deserts on a thursdays to help those we cant afford any school thing and i must so im going strong .and enjoying the journey just for standing up and taking that responsibility on me i can now help our those who dont have and im enjoying it
What if u can't afford the fee every month or u run alittle late with the money
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
CT Message
7 Apr: Set up time to talk on 8 Apr
8 Apr: Called, was unavailable and hard to hear, asked if I could call back later (low-key infuriating)
12 Apr: messaged saying was too busy and would not be able to continue
[11:17, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Raihanna!! My name is Carson and I am one od the Mentors from School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 171 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to you this evening or tomorrow afternoon. Cheers! [11:22, 4/7/2021] LEAD Raihaanah: Hi tomr afternoon please [11:23, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great!! How does 1600 your time sound? [06:39, 4/8/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello! Still ok to chat in ~20 minutes? [07:04, 4/8/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello! It was a bit hard to hear you. [07:05, 4/8/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Would you like to reschedule? [08:10, 4/8/2021] LEAD Raihaanah: Sorry about that i was still at school [11:16, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: hello!!! [11:17, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: that's ok [11:17, 4/9/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: do you have free time now to chat? [08:02, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello!! [08:03, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Do let me know if you still have time to chat! Would love to hear about your tuckshop!! [09:38, 4/12/2021] LEAD Raihaanah: Hi im so so sorry i really wanted to take part but thing are so busy right now in my life [09:38, 4/12/2021] LEAD Raihaanah: So im force to not continue on this journey [13:06, 4/12/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Raihannah, I am so sorry to hear this. So that you know, we do have an option to defer for 4 months, so if you cannot join the May cohort you could join the June, JUly, or August cohorts. Would this be of interest to you?
Apr 6
4/7/2021, 1:56 PM
At school I am a member of the RCL. I am the minister of Art and Culture. I am also class monitor. I possess a combination of skills and experience that makes me stand out. Also as I am doing these 2 tasks it takes a person who can multitask task as myself. When fulfilling my position I make sure that I am fair and impartial, must be respectful, take actions,be punctual and organised. I can do any work that I am given in that particular time and deliver exceptional results.
If I get choosen, how will the program work.
South Africa
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
7 April: Message dropped
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 7.3 , 7.3e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 7.3 7.3e
Mduduzi Oscar Mncube
4/7/2021, 1:40 PM
I was group leader and an oganiser of a program named 'Men of honor' where i had to motivate and lead about 10-30 students per week. It was really hard learning how to manage people because they can sometimes be complicating. I really enjoyed my time there because it gave a different perspective on how to treat each person at a time. Time management is one the best thing I learnt there This is when i truly felt like a leader
Are you able to mentor me and support me financial if I can peach a very great business plan to you?
South Africa
Not as of now, might be needed
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Apr 7: The student convo was done, cannot find the full recording at the moment
[2:14 AM, 4/8/2021] Meet: Hi Mduduzi, You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 171 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with any question that you may have*. Cheers! [2:20 AM, 4/8/2021] +27 65 593 5928: 😆🙆‍♂️🔥thank you so much [2:21 AM, 4/8/2021] Meet: You deserve it😊.... Let me know a time that suits your mother once you have talked yo her [2:23 AM, 4/8/2021] +27 65 593 5928: Yep no problem😁😁😁🔥🔥 [9:51 PM, 4/8/2021] Meet: Did you talk to your mother? [10:36 PM, 4/8/2021] +27 65 593 5928: Hey there She wants to think about it... And im positive that she's going to pay my fee [11:12 PM, 4/8/2021] Meet: Ohh okay and did you ask for a suitable for our admissions head to talk to her? [11:45 PM, 4/8/2021] +27 65 593 5928: She never said a lot but she will get back to me [11:45 PM, 4/8/2021] Meet: Ohh okay! No problem :)
[8:58 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Hi, how are you doing? [9:14 PM, 4/10/2021] +27 65 593 5928: Hey, im great and how are you [9:18 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: I doing great [9:19 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Did your mother get some time to decide? [9:20 PM, 4/10/2021] +27 65 593 5928: Yes She wants to know the organization's physical location [9:26 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Sure, can I arrange a call between your mother and head of admissions and she can clarify all her concerns over there? [9:36 PM, 4/10/2021] +27 65 593 5928: Ohhk let me ask her [9:37 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Yes sure
12 Apr: Did you ask her?
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 3.1e , 3.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 3.1e 3.2
Obaid Muhammad
4/7/2021, 1:28 PM
I like to help people solve their problems in an effective way and I’m studying computer science at the moment so grinding on that too.
I would like to ask about the future if I qualify , what shall be done for anyone to qualify to be one of the top 10? And I would like to know the timings to every meeting too if that’s possible and how often will there be classes like today ?
No Scholarship
Student convo done
Apr 7: Online Class-- lunch-- religious class-- play with friends-- tutions--chill (watch phone/TV), Likes video editing, Computer science, Thriller and Comedy, is in grade 9, Federal Board of Pakistan, English, Maths, chemistry, Physics (Fav), CS (fav), airplanes and aeronautical, no bad memories of school, likes to be in his own space, mom (home maker), dad (bank), Friend showed our insta acc, Group of people who can understand and destroy the negative things, solve racism,
The rest of the conversation is on instagram and its a long one, I have to copy each and every msg..... His insta handle is ft.obaidd_
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.3 , 2.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.3 2.4
Paballo Mothiba
4/7/2021, 1:23 PM
I was a leading person in our group for life science studies. I had the accountability for everything, cared for all the people in my group and I listened to them because we were helping each other, showing one another a way. Everything that was done, I was the one supposed to make sure that it is done in the correct way nd not use my power to abuse others' rights.
How can one learn and adjust to the thing of procrastination because it is seriously having an impact on our lives as teenagers?
South Africa
Student convo done
Apr 7: Spoke to kid, haven't had a good convo, as she was switching her mic off and on and when asked about her routine and all she haven't responded properly
[7:42 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Hi Paballo Mothiba, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you tonight. Cheers! [8:51 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 81 789 4092: Thank you Around 20:00 [9:21 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍😊 [10:27 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Hi Paballo Mothiba, Please join the below meeting link by 8 PM. [11:32 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Please join. [11:34 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 81 789 4092: I didn't know that I have to download the app so it's downloading [11:35 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Do you have ZOOM?
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.4e , 6.1 , 6.1e , 5.4 , 6.2 , dt2.2 , 6.2e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 11 more
4/7/2021, 1:19 PM
I was once nominated to be a prefact at my school
How can I stop spending my savings because every time I start saving I end up spending my savings
South Africa
Multiple No show
CT Message
7 Apr: Set up time to talk on 8 Apr
8 Apr: Was going to have call with Rakesh, missed call; has not responded for a re-schedule 14 Apr: Asked for another call, set up a time, did not show up
[11:18, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Bonginkosi, My name is Carson and I am one of the Mentors from School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you this evening or tomorrow afternoon. Cheers! [12:20, 4/7/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: 5:00 would be a good time tomorrow sir [12:51, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: I have a meeting until 1730, can you do 1730? [13:00, 4/7/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Yes sir [13:36, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great!!! [08:09, 4/8/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello! Still available in 20 minutes for a zoom call? [08:13, 4/8/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Can I join the meeting around 6:00 because now I'm still at school [08:18, 4/8/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: I actually have another meeting at 600, but one of my colleagues will be able to speak with you. Does that sound ok? His name is Rakesh and he'll reach out shortly [08:19, 4/8/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Okay sir [08:20, 4/8/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: *Carson, not sir haha [08:20, 4/8/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Sorry carson🙏🏻🙃 [08:31, 4/8/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: bahahha, no apologies necessary!!! [14:59, 4/13/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello! I am sorry you missed the meeting with Rakesh. Are you still available to chat tomorrow? [21:05, 4/13/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Yes [06:26, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: How about 18:00 your time? [07:42, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Okay...... [07:44, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great! [07:44, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Thanks for the invitation [07:44, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: of course! [07:45, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: 🙏 [08:52, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello! See you in 8 minutes? [08:56, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: I will send you a zoom link [08:59, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 925 9790 0093 Passcode: Nu9hf6 [09:02, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello? [09:14, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: I tried to open it but it says invalid ID [09:19, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: whoops! that's weird [09:22, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: oh okay, I closed it because I had not seen you for 10 minutes [09:22, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: so that's why it wasn't working [09:23, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: I am actually about to go into another meeting [09:23, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Oh okay [09:23, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: My next available time is at 2030 your time [09:23, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: I will be available [09:24, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: However, I will say that this is the third time we are rescheduling. If I don't see you at 2030 I will have to rescind your admission [09:24, 4/14/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great!! Talk soon! [09:24, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: Okay [09:24, 4/14/2021] LEAD Bonginkosi: The other thing is the network
Apr 6
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 1 more
Butshabethu Daniels
4/7/2021, 1:17 PM
- I have led multiple First Aid teams - I have been team captain for the past 3 years - I often take on the position of group leader in school projects
When I get accepted what will be required from me?
South Africa
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
Apr 7: Great kid. ROUTINE: School, hockey, waterpolo. FREETIME: Teach her friends and reading. HOBBIES: hockey, water pole, workout. SCHOOL: Good in academics, very supportive: SOCIAL: part of an online community where they make sure that the everyone'e emotions are taken into consideration. FAMILY: Parents seperated,but both of them takes care of her and supports her. ENT: To be her own identity and gain experience. HOPE: Meet people and and global peer network and be the best version of her. THRIVE: Make other s happy: STUCK; Nothing as of now. PAyment will be made by the parents. LAready conveyd about the fees to parents and they will be able to afford.
[7:41 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Hi Butshabethu Daniels, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you tonight. Cheers! [7:42 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 81 752 2975: That is amazing 😁🌸 is 19:30 a good time for you ?? ✨ [7:43 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Yes [7:43 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Will share you the meeting link soon.😊 [7:44 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 81 752 2975: Okay thank you so much 🌈 [7:45 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: 😊🤩 [10:26 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Hi Butshabethu Daniels, Please join the below meeting link by 19:30. [10:26 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: [10:41 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 81 752 2975: Thank you 🌸 [10:43 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [10:50 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Please join if you are ready [11:58 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Hi Butshabethu Daniels, Rakesh here, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 171 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back. Cheers! [12:12 AM, 4/8/2021] +27 81 752 2975: Thank you so much 😁🌸 [12:18 AM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Welcome. We really look forward to working with you. Please share your happiness and excitement with your parents🤩🤩😍. And once you have completed the admission acceptance please let me know so that we can get you through the few activities💙💙 [12:18 AM, 4/8/2021] +27 81 752 2975: Okay no problem 😁😁 thank you so much 🌸✨ [12:18 AM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: 😍😍 [9:26 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Hi Butshabethu, I have been waiting for your response to take you through the next activities to join the academy. [9:26 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: At what time today we can have a call? [9:42 PM, 4/8/2021] +27 81 752 2975: My parents are currently debating on how joining this program will affect my school work especially since I’m in grade 12 this year. Can I let you know what their final decision is when I get home ?? [9:44 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Oh I got it. I would like to let you know that this program won't affect your academics. Also as I said it would be value addition for you. [9:44 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Please let me know once you reach home [9:44 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Awaiting your response. [9:45 PM, 4/8/2021] +27 81 752 2975: Okay thank you [9:45 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [10:14 PM, 4/8/2021] +27 81 752 2975: So they have decided that I should rather join the program next year because my school will be conducting both June Exams and Prelims next term instead of just prelims. I’m so sorry to let you all down hopefully I will be able to join next year 🌸 [10:22 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Would you like to reserve your spot and join after your exams? [9:09 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hi Butshabethu, Our Head Mentor would like to have a call with you and your parents. Could you please let me know the best time. [9:09 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Awaiting your response [10:59 PM, 4/9/2021] +27 81 752 2975: No thank you we have agreed that I will join next year and I’ll do the application process again. Thank you for opening up opportunities for me though 🌸 [11:00 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Okay sure
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e
Dominion Oke
4/7/2021, 11:22 AM
When I was in my previous school, I participated in an annual gospel choir competition and in order to maintain the organisation of the choir, I had to take charge a lot of the time, especially as I got older. This was a representation of leadership from me because I held responsibility for the actions of the choir, and I was responsible for making sure that we were all organised and ready in time for the competition. As a result, every year, our choir won consistently in each competition, until I left. Also, in my final year at the same school, I was awarded the position of prefect, meaning I became an aid to the teachers to oversee the attitude of the younger years. This was me exerting a form of leadership as I had some form of responsibility for people and I was representing an example of a model student, which I believe is a strong attribute of leadership, leading by example and replicating what you preach and stand for.
Are there any specifics to what the business is meant to represent/be about?
Student convo done
Didn't answer call. VN not listened to
texted back!! Scheduled for 8PM
8 April - her smile. more sociable . communicating with new people. it makes it easier to reach out to those connections. being quiet sometimes isn't as helpful as you think .. esp when we don't know them that well. an idea of somene else. as much as you might not agree i... they should be confident to express that . one of my male BFFs lives close to me. i know i can trust him a lot. recently i made a new friend. even though we... i want to be someone who has an impact on people.... i want to leave a legacy even if i'm not there. in 2050 i want my life to be established. so that people can recon... i want the rest of humanity to be thriving. everyone deserves that entitlement. i want people to live comfortably. the basic necessities as well as additional things. we would unwind and celebrate the arts. in year 7, ... when you have the same goal that you're thriving towards. there wer some falling outs and disagreements, and therefore, get a victory!! the bright talkative one. i feel like talking to people helps you ... if i were to ask my friend if i'm talking to him... i want to see the world in a different light. tunnel vision of the basic way of light, another perspective of how you can get to your career. get through primary school. i want to see ... i want to see other opportunities... i have that burst of energy for music. it's made me very different. i don't perceive things the way other people perceive things. there are clashing worlds, but i somehow make it work. i have my artistic side that can help me with my artistic side . it's made me .. tbh -- i'm the type of person who likes to go my own way. i will ... THE HARDEST THING TO PICTURE - the starting point. if i have the starting line down, where to start from. there are so many ideas, but which ones ... i want to be able to see things from other persepctives. ... my parent... pairing the business based on an idea. my dad has his own family business. parents are advocates of her pushing herself
10 april - parents want her to be independent. would love his kuds.... stepping out of comfortable ..
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5 , 6.1 , 6.1e , 6.2 , 7.1 , 7.1e
baseline 1.0 Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 5.1e 5.2e 5 6.1 6.1e 6.2  Show 2 more
May 15, 2021
Drop out, missed 2 mentor calls
Marwa Amjad
4/7/2021, 11:20 AM
I organised a study group.
Which days we will have the class?
No Scholarship
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
Apr 8: Marwa, Pakistani, settled in Italy. ROUTINE: Online classes, arabic classes, playing with brothers, TV: FREETIME: Language courses - German, Spanish, French, English. HOBBIES: Playing Piano, Guitar and TV. SCHOOL: Very supportive friends and faculties, She is a people's person. very friendly nature. FRIENDS: Lot of friends from China, Italy, France etc. Not that much active in public appearances. THRIVE: Make people around her happy. STUCK: Online classes. HOPE: Learn new things and how to start a business (language tutoring or law firm). FAMILY: Dad- working, Mom- Housewife, 3 brother, ver supportive family. PAYMENT:Can be done from her pocket money
Apr 10: Trying to connect with parents with the support of Kelsey. Checking for father's availability
[7:43 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Hi Marwa Amjad, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you tonight. Cheers! [7:44 PM, 4/7/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Hi [7:45 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Hi [7:45 PM, 4/7/2021] +39 351 296 4001: I'm so sorry. But today is not possible speaking, I'm busy if possible tomorrow. [7:45 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Okay. Tomorrow at what time? [7:47 PM, 4/7/2021] +39 351 296 4001: In the evening, at 16. [7:48 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: Okay sure, will have the call by tomorrow 4pm Italy time. Also I will be sharing you the meeting link by tomorrow. [7:48 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: See you tomorrow. [7:48 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [7:48 PM, 4/7/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Bye 👋🏻 [7:48 PM, 4/7/2021] +39 351 296 4001: See you tomorrow! [7:48 PM, 4/7/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [6:56 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Hi Marwa, As confirmed, please join the meeting link by 16:00. [6:56 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: See you soon [7:30 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Hi [7:30 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Ready to go? [9:21 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: Hi Marwa, Rakesh here, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 171 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back. Cheers! [9:49 PM, 4/8/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Hi, Thanks a lot for congrats 😊 [9:49 PM, 4/8/2021] +39 351 296 4001: I'm super excited!! 🤩 [9:49 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [9:51 PM, 4/8/2021] School Of Future: So excited to welcome you to the academy. Please share your happiness with your parents and friends.🤩🤩 Looking forward to you paying and confirming your spot soon. Once you finish the payment, we would send a few tasks and get you prepared for the start of the batch. 💙😊 [8:24 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hi Marwa [8:43 PM, 4/9/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Hi [8:53 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: How are you? [8:53 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Have you discussed with your parents about the selection.? [8:55 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Also, we would like to schedule a call for you with our Chief Mentor. When would be the right time? [8:56 PM, 4/9/2021] +39 351 296 4001: I'm fine, thanks. And you? [8:56 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Great [8:58 PM, 4/9/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Not yet, because my dad is at work and my mom isn't at home right now. Yesterday they were busy so didn't tell them. [9:01 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay okay [9:05 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Once your parents are free, please let me know so that I can arrange a call with the Chief Mentor. [9:06 PM, 4/9/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Okay sure. [9:07 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: 😊👍 [10:42 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Hi Marwa, Our Chief Mentor, Kelsey Root would like to talk to you and your father by tomorrow at 1:30pm Italy time!! Can you please confirm whether you will be available. [11:32 PM, 4/9/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Hi, I'm available, but my father is not available. [11:33 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Okay [11:33 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: At what time he will be available? [11:41 PM, 4/9/2021] +39 351 296 4001: I don't know. I'll have to ask him. [11:42 PM, 4/9/2021] School Of Future: Ok, then will schedule a meeting based on his availability 😊😊👍 [9:47 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Hi Marwa [11:20 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Hi Marwa, Rakesh here, Were you able to talk to your parents? I have been holding your spot for and our Admissions Team is requesting for an update. Would they be able to speak to a mentor, now? [11:22 PM, 4/10/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Hi, Yes, I talked with them today. They said no. [11:24 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Oh that's disappointing to hear. What were their reasons? [11:27 PM, 4/10/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Yeah I know it's so disappointing for me also. But, they said the fees is too much either with instalment. I tried to convince them, but they said no 😢 [11:33 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Thank you so much for letting me know your parents concern. We have financial aid for exactly such cases. We would love to offer you a Financial Aid - do you think that would help? [11:34 PM, 4/10/2021] +39 351 296 4001: I didn't understood. Can you please explain the financial aid? [11:36 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: We offer financial aid to students who has financial constraints with their family situation [11:37 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: With the financial aid the fees would be half. That is instead of paying 480 ISD it would 240 USD [11:37 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: And you can pay that in the same three installments [11:38 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Do you think that will help you to get in the academy? [11:39 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: If yes let me know so that I can talk to the Admission team and send you the details via email [11:40 PM, 4/10/2021] +39 351 296 4001: I don't know. Because the problem is not just this they also think that it will effect my studies. [11:42 PM, 4/10/2021] +39 351 296 4001: So I'm so sorry I'm saying this, but I won't get in the academy. [11:47 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: It's fine. [11:47 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Would you like to join our free sessions [11:54 PM, 4/10/2021] +39 351 296 4001: Yes, of course. [11:55 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: Ok [11:55 PM, 4/10/2021] School Of Future: 👍
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5.4 , 5 , 5.4e , 6.1
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 8 more
Aryan Upadhyay
4/7/2021, 11:20 AM
Once I got to know that one of my friend is going through blood cancer but her family was trying hard to collect some money for her operation I started looking for opportunities to collect some funds then I participated in a campaign in my near by society then I met some people of different ages then I request all of my contact to contribute a small amount of money they can contribute to save a life and by doing this I got litlle bit famous in my locality then I was able to collect 20-30% of total money which was required for the surgery
How to get some funds at a short age to invest in something and earn something
Not as of now, might be needed
Student convo done
Poor English
Apr 8: 6.30 AM in the morning-running-near 8 online classes- lunch, freshen up and then listening songs, doing homeworks and then tutions, revise and plan for the next day, listening songs and guitar, entered 10th, CBSE, Social science and maths, likes to be with friends, mom (housewife), father (MNC), 2 uncles (Aerounautical engg and lawyer) and grand parents, shares a good bond with mom, wants to earn something that's why wants to become a CEO, learn communication skills and other basic skills,
[2:14 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: Hi Aryan, Did you talk to your mother? [2:14 PM, 4/9/2021] +91 84485 45747: Yes [2:15 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: Great and what did she say? [3:25 PM, 4/9/2021] +91 84485 45747: She said that we will see this after my 10 class ik it's because of the fee but she will not say that directly [3:26 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: Ohh did you talk about the 75% financial aid? [3:26 PM, 4/9/2021] +91 84485 45747: Nope what's this btw [3:27 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: To help our students financially, we provide upto 75% financial aid, with which the entire program fees reduces to 1/4th of the original price [3:28 PM, 4/9/2021] +91 84485 45747: Okkk then how much we have to pay [3:28 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: So if you get 75% financial aid, the program fees would be around 8,970 INR [3:29 PM, 4/9/2021] +91 84485 45747: Okay... I will surely discuss with my mom [3:29 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: Yes, sure [3:29 PM, 4/9/2021] +91 84485 45747: Ok [9:55 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: You can check out some of our student and parent testimonials:
[12:08 PM, 4/10/2021] +91 84485 45747: 👍🏻 [12:23 PM, 4/10/2021] Meet: Did you talk to your mother about the 75% financial aid? [1:36 PM, 4/12/2021] Meet: Hi Aryan, how are you doing?
Kolja Kühner
4/7/2021, 11:12 AM
Actually I kind of try to lead in every Situation. It starts with school, where I represent my class in school matters. Also in our Rowing Club iam part of the youth board and repesenting our club on a state level. But not enough, also iam already part of a founding team witch tries to build their own product right now. As a very passionate student I am finishing my graduation in two years but i am already studying economics at our local university. Im very interested in all financial and kapital market stuff.
Already answered in the Meeting
Student convo done
Child doubtful
8 april - was nervous because there were students from around the world. i just listened to the presentation. most scary part is the culture difference. wasn't sure if they were on the same page. some answers were very obvious. they were approaching problems from a perspective. a lot of people have had this idea. a lot of people are already doing ... It is really time consuming ... here I'm in the .... therefore, i like to be responsible for organized ... I think ... other people you can trust on. i'm not a leader. I take people. i can see strengths of people in different. i can see that this guy is really good. can you help me, in doing this? If i have an exercise to do, i give it to other people. if they would do it if it can help. i do it with people who are already my friends. I know some typical and identical parts of the,,,,he is the one who can ... if you give him something ... WEAKNESS - one side, i'm not very creative. i want to do new stuff. finding new thigns. I'm the part who can execute things very well. i cannot reall,,, it takes me a long time. especially when it comes through designing things. i'm not very good at leaving something ... i try to do it until it works. everything can work. I hope that it WILL work. first of all, i'm not really good in art. someone gives me a sample of sketch or building. i need a picture or something, i cannot image. therefor I am not creative. i have very less experience in that. I'm not ... it's hard to describe. it's all coming from the point where i am not really good in art. i cannot sketch ... it's not really a program, it' ... now i'm part of the team. i'm actually one of their team members. the first idea was to build a company with lots and lots of people. only a few people showed up. we e... Saw SOF, and thought you just get the experience of being a CEO. program he got rejected from, ... they're teaching you around... after a year or so, you will have your own company. found the school was about the same. the ... getting the mentality of being a founder. i also finding it very interesting.
10 april. called and voicenote
11 April - he left a very long voicenote declining
Bradley abel marimuthu
4/7/2021, 11:08 AM
Well I'm and extrovert, and ever since I was toddle my dad used to take me to work with him as a mechanic.we used to go fix people problem and sometime we found very unique problem that we had solve and now I can go to people cars, trucks almost anything with and engine and find the problems and get solutions and now that my dad is old I sometime find and show him thing. I love to be in the center of people when learning so that I can gather the most information so that when its my turn to shine I can be confident in the way I speak and because I know alot of these thing I can get creative and think out of the box
How I can I apply for the financial aid because my parents are both now unemployed and I have to help with house hold things and with my education
South Africa
Student convo done
Extended Deadline
7 Apr: First msg Sent
Call scheduled for today
Walk, bath, school, study and go home, works on weekends, soccer and dancing (hiphop), mid-fielder, entered metric, Life science, BS, accounting (Fav), teachers are friendly, mechanical work and catering, has a lot of friends - all of them live closely, good relation with family, 1 brother and 2 sisters, play games at weekends and is a happy one, vision- own mechanical shop, struggle - too much of workload, but friends and family supported, watching YouTube videos and seeing youngsters making money, mentors were open and friendly in Free class, hoping to learn skills and knowledge of creating business, parents were happy and supportive
[22:02, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Rescheduling. But make sure you are here at 8.[22:02, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Thank u sooo much😘[22:02, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: 🤗[22:02, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Oki thanks[22:02, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: 😉[23:10, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: In 20 mins?[23:14, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Yes[23:23, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur:[23:23, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Mr. Meet shah, one of our admissions counselor will be taking your call.[23:23, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Be on time. 🤗[23:24, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Is there anything I should know[23:24, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Any questions heill be asking[23:26, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: No. Just a conversation to know you better.[23:27, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Oki thanks🥺[23:29, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Heyy[23:29, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Are we doing this chat on zoom[23:29, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Cause my fone is not allowing me to use the Google meet app[23:34, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Heyy[23:35, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: This is happening on google meet[23:35, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: But I can't access Google meet[23:37, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Zoom is easier by the way[23:41, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: I agree![23:41, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Meet is getting in touch with you.[23:41, 4/9/2021] Tanu Gaur: Sorry about the inconvenience.[23:41, 4/9/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Oki he did[24:23, 4/10/2021] Tanu Gaur: How did the call go?[01:37, 4/10/2021] +27 65 986 1306: It went well[01:39, 4/10/2021] +27 65 986 1306: Thank for all the tips and helping me get through with the call 👑🌹✨[10:56, 4/10/2021] Tanu Gaur: Happy to help![20:34, 4/10/2021] +27 65 986 1306: 🤗
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 2.1 , 2.1e
baseline 1.0 Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 2.1 2.1e
4/6/2021, 12:30 PM
[  ]
Mandisa Mbongwa
4/6/2021, 5:36 AM
Ive been selected as a prefect since primary Ive been selected twice in two consecutive terms to be a prefect in grade 7 Ive been a monitor at my current school in 2019 but it did not go well as i had altercations with some of the student and which made me not apply(so i doubted myself and feared taking responsibility and the hate that i started to recieve by the older grades) to be 2020 leader which brought allot of dissappointment to some teachers as i did my job whole heartedly so they didnt ask questions and i didn't even have to do an interview for 2021 and they didnt ask any questions like how they did to other students they just picked me instantly and i was proudly nominated by fellow listeners to be 2022 head girl ... Ive allows been there for people in need always lending a helping hand at all costs i remember a friend of mine was sick (girlie issues , most classmates didnt offer a helping hand they just sat and looked at her continued doing their own things so therefore i took the initiative to help her went to admin called her parents asked for painkillers and literally went around asking if someone had lunch for her so she can take her pills (ive been there for my classmate ... Ive also corrected wrong behaivour of thinking stood up fir what was right eg.a friend of mine had a bad misconception about women not bieng allowed to wear short things so the whole class shouted at him and screamt but i had helped him out told everyone to calm dowm and take turns properly address the issue and each others pionts and dealt with his way of thinking correctly Ive also always encouraged collective acting and unity term 2 2019 i remember our class was competing amoungst each other which then explained why the other class beat us with the marks but we then sat down as a class introduced a stategy and we all agreed and we acted and got better marks and beat the other class by 7 percent more
I would love to ask about financial aid
South Africa
Needs a scholarship, Initally didn't apply but when I told that we provide upto 75% financial aid, then she applied - MS
Replied a bit
Legitimacy Issues
[8:50 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Hi Mandisa, I was going to message you. You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 171 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a time to get on a call with you today. Cheers! [8:52 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Note: The email might mention the entire cost of the program as we have not discussed about your financial aid completely..... Once we get on a call and discuss it, you will receive the email about the financial aid with the final amount..... So don't worry😊 [9:06 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: 😹😹💃💃💃💃✨✨✨✨✨✨😍thank u so much [9:14 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: You deserve it.... Did you check the email? [9:25 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Have not recieved one yet [9:26 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: [9:26 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Isn't this your email address? [9:28 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Sure is [9:28 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: You must have received it then [9:29 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: It's says: Mandisa, you've been accepted into the Entrepreneurs Academy [9:29 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Was sent 1 hour ago [9:31 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Yep i just accepted [9:31 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Yess [9:31 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Ohh awesome! [9:32 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Let me know what would suit you to get on a call? [9:32 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: 😉 [9:32 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Video call or zoom or phone call [9:33 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Zoom [9:34 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Okay sure can we have class ryt [9:34 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: ? [9:43 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: 2day [9:44 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Yes, at what time? [9:44 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: 18:00 [9:51 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: ? [9:56 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: I already got the answer through ur vn [9:57 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: But I got confused😅 [9:58 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: What's the right time to talk to you about the financial aid and stuff today? [10:00 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Uhmm tommorow at 15:00 will be perfect [10:00 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Cool! Talk to you tomorrow then 😊 [10:01 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Sure will
[6:57 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 71 210 8799: I just can't im sorry my parents disagreed after we spoke they think this is all a scam😭😭😭💔and i was so happy and excited to enter but i was also afraid to turn u down im sorry my mom and dad disagree they tgink u r scamming me [6:59 PM, 4/6/2021] Meet: There are lots of scams around, and your parents are being smart being careful. I would say have them check out our founders (, students and mentors page on the website. We can even connect you to another student in South Africa, who just graduated. If needed, our admissions head can have a conversation with them and clarify their concerns :)
[7:35 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: Did they look into it? [7:38 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Nope 😔 [7:39 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: Ohh any specific reason? [7:39 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 71 210 8799: I dont know [7:39 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: Did you show it to them? [7:40 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Yes i definitely did [7:40 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: Ohh I understand, would they like to talk to our founders or head of admissions? [7:44 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 71 210 8799: I am gonna ask them quicklu [7:44 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: Sure, let me know once you have asked [7:44 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: 😊 [7:45 PM, 4/7/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Yes i will [7:45 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: :)
[11:20 AM, 4/8/2021] Meet: Did you ask? [6:11 PM, 4/8/2021] +27 71 210 8799: Yes no response [2:03 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: Ohh! How can we help in that case? [3:38 PM, 4/9/2021] Meet: Please let me know :)
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 1.1e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 1.1e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e
Poushad jain
4/5/2021, 12:50 AM
I make all work equally and make them feel proud
Financial and time
Replied a bit
Non Responsive
6 Apr: first msg sent
Said he does not understand the program and what this about, shared the program overview, website and student overview.
[16:04, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Poushad jain, Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future here . We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers![22:08, 4/7/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi! Can you schedule a time so I can block my calendar?[24:11, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Poushad jain, How are you holding up? `Since we are already late in the admissions process, I would like to know if you are still interested in the program. If you would like to speak with me regarding the same, book a slot on my calendar. If you are not interested, reply with 'no' and you seat will be given to someone else.[24:41, 4/8/2021] +91 89061 37777: Tommrow[24:41, 4/8/2021] +91 89061 37777: I have clear what is this about[24:41, 4/8/2021] +91 89061 37777: I have no idea[24:41, 4/8/2021] +91 89061 37777: I need clearity[12:58, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: To understand the program and it's aim better, here are some things you can see Website: Students: Program Overview: [12:59, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Does 8:45 IST work for you?
Apr 3
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e  Show 2 more
Federica Ferrano
4/4/2021, 2:14 PM
Hi! I am Federica Ferrano. I'm 14, and I'm at the first year of languages high school and I'm from Milan. (Italy) At school I study: English, French and Chinese. Chinese is a difficult language but I like challenges. I am a sensitive girl, and since I was a child I used to help other people and I love languages. I remember that when I was in elementary school, I used to help my classmates and I was fighting bullying in my school. One thing that I hate about the world we live in is pollution. Last summer I offered to clean up the beach of trash and I remember that this action made me proud of myself. Now that I am in high school, we did a project on water pollution, an argument that I care a lot about because I find unfair that sea animals die from the pollution that humans causes. I've always wanted to do something to change the world and to make my heard in the world. And when I saw the post of "school of future" on Instagram I thought that this academy can be an opportunity for me, and I can't wait to learn how to become a CEO. I hope that I will have this opportunity. Thank you!
1. The people who are chosen, when do they have to pay? 2. At the end of 100 lessons, will you have a certificate? 3. Are there any test to pass at the end of all the lessons? 4. How many hours of lessons are there a week? 5. The people who are not chosen, can try to enter in the academy again?
50% fin aid - Asked for fin-aid. sent an email offering 50% scholarship
Student convo done
Poor English
5 April - Water pollution is one of the biggest problems. i wanted to do something... i tried to fight bullying because some classmates in my school ... ENGLISH LEVEL VERY LOW. she is strugglig to answer my questions. tried to speak with her teachers about this problem. and some of my classmates were agreeing with me. the guy continued to bully other students. I was very disappointed because i hope my classmates understood what i did for .. I was very sad and disappointed because every day animals are dying, because of humans actions. i decided to do something for this. and I decided to clean up the trash on the beach.... family woudl describe her as: she used to help other students with lots of things. I feel not shy when ... in the future I will become: a CEO because I think that . i want people to hear my ideas, because since I was a child, I always and love to help people. i also am creative girl, and I cannot wait to learn to become a CEO
6 Apri - she txxted more questions about it all
7 april - she emailed asing for clarification
9 April - Kels reminded and gave deadline of tomorrow
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e
Botlhale Masalesa
4/4/2021, 1:36 PM
I was a coro prefecto for the Tygerberg International Children's Choir. I helped the sopranos (my singing group) to know know all their notes. I am currently involved in the NAFCOC Youth; they guide us as the youth to grow the economy and support black owned businesses.
I would like to know if the school of future would be implemented in schools as the system is designed to make students workers instead of entrepreneurs
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
5 Apr: Spoke to kid, introvert but very positive kid, ROUTINE: School, Music, Dance. FREETIME: Inspirational videos. HOBBIES: Dance and Gymnastics. SCHOOL: Very studious, FRIENDS: Very few friends and she focuses her own goals, less social. THRIVE: Mental Stability STUCK: Her own emotions. INT - ENT: 9th grade due to family situations. FAMILY: Mom, younger sister, and granny. HOPE: Improve herself and gain more confidance. FINANCIAL - Mom's support
6 Apr: Can't afford even 20USD to reserve the spot
[7:05 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Hi Botlhale Masalesa, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [7:07 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Hi Rakesh I am so grateful to make it this far😃😄 [7:08 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Today at 6:00 would be a great time [7:08 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: 7PM? [7:08 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Sure [7:09 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Because I have another call at the same time [7:09 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: No problem👍🏾 [7:12 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Hi Botlhale, Please join the meeting link by 7 PM. See you soon.🤩🤩 [7:13 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Can't wait😄 [7:13 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [9:39 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Hi [9:39 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: If you are free we can have the call now. [9:39 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Am free now.😊 [9:39 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Sure [9:39 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Please join [10:31 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Hi Botlhale, Rakesh here, Admissions Officer at School of Future. I have some exciting news to share from Entrepreneurs Academy. You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 171 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back with a good time to speak to your grandmother. Cheers! [11:11 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Thank you so much I am so grateful for this opportunity 😃🤗✨ [11:11 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Is it ok that I get back to you tomorrow? Should I give you my grandmother's contract number? [11:15 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: 😊😊 [11:16 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure [11:16 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: I have checked the email Is it the last day to pay tomorrow? [11:17 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: What was your mother's response? [11:17 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Yes... [11:18 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: My mother is very proud 😄 Unfortunately she cannot afford it at the moment so I have to speak to my grandmother to see if she can afford the fee [11:19 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Oh I do understand. We do offer financial aids [11:19 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Is it possible to pay during this week as soon as my grandmother gets back to me? [11:19 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Could you please let me know how much you mother would be able to pay on a monthly basis.? [11:20 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: What is the financial aid about? [11:20 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Sure [11:21 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Financial aid is nothing but, for the students who can't afford the whole program fees of 480 USD. We provide them a support by giving a fees reduction to a certain extent based on the parent's financial capacity [11:22 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Is it ok if I give you my mom's contact details to speak about the fees? [11:22 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Understood [11:22 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure. You will also be there right? [11:22 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: ?? [11:22 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [11:23 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Tomorrow I am attending school I don't know if when she will be talking to you😅 [11:23 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Oh okay [11:23 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: After 6pm? [11:24 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: She asked if she could speak to you personally tomorrow as she says it it is late at the moment [11:24 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Okay sure [11:24 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Please let me know a convenient time.😊😊 [11:24 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: It would probably be before that [11:24 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Okay [11:24 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Mommy [11:25 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: This is her contact details [11:25 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Ok [11:25 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: Please do let me know a convenient time to talk to her😁 [11:26 PM, 4/5/2021] +27 66 326 6449: She said 6pm will be alright 👍🏾 [11:44 PM, 4/5/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [12:06 AM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: ? [8:07 AM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Let me talk to the team and get back to you [7:19 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Ok [7:21 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: 👍 [8:27 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Hi [8:31 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Hi [8:32 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Can we have a call? [8:33 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: With my mom ? [8:34 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: With all of you!! [8:34 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Your mom and you? [8:35 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Sure [8:35 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Please join [8:36 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Ok [8:42 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Hi Can you join again? [8:50 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Hi rakesh the reception is bad [8:50 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Hi [8:50 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: What happend your mom is angry on you? [8:51 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: No wifi is not working properly 😅 [8:51 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Yes [8:56 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Thank you so much Rakesh for being considerate and I am so grateful to make it this far Hope to see you soon in the future ✨ [8:57 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: 🧡 [8:57 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Would you like to attend the free sessions that we offer in future? [8:58 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Yes please [8:58 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure [8:58 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Will share you the details [8:59 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 66 326 6449: Thank you
Apr 3
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.2
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.2
Samuel Besong Oben
4/4/2021, 1:21 PM
For one I play sports and I lead my basketball team. When people don’t step up to take the lead I often have to be the one to show some guts. I like leading a team but often find it being hard work making sure everyone stays consistent
So how much time will I need to make for the program? What I’m I going to be gaining after the program and when you say financial aid do u mean we have to pay for the program?
Non Responsive
5 April - no answer on direct call. left a voice note
6 April - been on WA, but not opening or listening to message. Didn't answer second calll
9 April - phone is off
13 apr - phone still off
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 1.0e , 1.1e , 1.2e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e
Community 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 1.0e 1.1e 1.2e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 1 more
Aphendule Diko
4/4/2021, 1:03 PM
I have great leadership skills,I have a lot of patience when working with other people,I also have patience when dealing with situations,I face every situation head on I dont pull away from something unless I get it done I love working hard and while working hard I love to put people's needs first at all times,I believe in planning before taking a big step last but not least I differentiate between Boss and Leadership.Thats me a proud,confident challenge lover girl
No.No question of some sort I can think of at this time
South Africa
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
06 Apr: Spoke to kid, ROUTINE: School, hockey practice, Introvert. SCHOOL: Maths tough, FRIENDS: Few friends and looks only her things, some sort lonliness in her life due to boarding life. FAMILY: Very supportive and calls her daily and speaks to her. THRIVE: Achieve what she want in her life. STUCK: Nothing. HOPE: Change herself. Financial support required needed from her parents
07 April: Couldn't connect to parents to poor network of parents
April: No respons to call, VN, message, Email
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4
Zama langa
4/4/2021, 12:17 PM
Well I'm a class Rep(More like i represent my class in everything if they have complains about things they come to me and i make sure that i look into their complains) Few weeks back as 11B we had a problem about our Business studies teacher so I had to go to the HOD and put in the concerns we have as a class . The Hod referred me to other business studies teacher that will give my class notes and revisions cause the teacher that we had wasn't teaching us in a good way. I stood up for my classmates and got us a teacher that will help us. I was chosen by my classmates to be a class leader because im good in leading people and finding solutions when there's problems
When I changed the 480 USD into brands it was too much for my mom to pay so I wanna ask is there any other way my mom can pay besides the 75% off ? cause if so it's still too much considering that she still has to pay my school fess and transportation fees and my aisters institution fees and my mom doesn't get paid alot she's a domestic worker
South Africa
Cannot afford
Apr 12: Assigned lead and texted no response
Apr 3
Sophie Kwatala
4/4/2021, 12:08 PM
I would like to help and come up with solutions and I am trustworthy and I might solve problems
Do u have favourism? Can I get more about financial aid?
South Africa
Student convo done
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e
Naailah Banda
4/4/2021, 12:04 PM
The time I acted like a leader... I took control of a situation that my comrades were having a hard time processing. We got lost in the mountains and my one friend slipped and fell so first I lead us to an open spot that was leveled and first assisted her and tended to her injuries as her knee was bleeding profusely. So I was able to stop the bleeding. And while my other 3 comrades were stressed out I calmed us all down and I thought it's would be best if we first all relaxed and drank some water and ate some mangoes and during this time I was able to find a connection and called my mum and she directed us home safely. 'cause my mum had grown up in these parts.
I don't really have any questions but just have admiration for what you guys are trying to accomplish by getting the future youth to try to come up with innovative solutions to problems that we're finding in our different countries. And different backgrounds. So thank you.
South Africa
Multiple No show
6 Apr: first msg sent
Had scheduled a call, did not show up, said she was facing network issues Call recheduled for 8:30 IST Today
[16:04, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Naailah Banda, Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future here . We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers![16:59, 4/6/2021] +27 72 681 3982: Thank you so much for this opportunity 🤗I'm truly grateful Yes I would be free to talk at 18:30 if that works for you[21:43, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can we have a call at 7?[21:43, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: So excited to get to know you better! 🤗[21:43, 4/6/2021] +27 72 681 3982: No problem [21:44, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Great![21:44, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: See you soon![21:44, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur:[21:44, 4/6/2021] +27 72 681 3982: Thanks you 😊[21:44, 4/6/2021] +27 72 681 3982: *Thank[21:45, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: 🤗[21:45, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: See you at 7[22:35, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi! We have a call scheduled for now.[22:52, 4/6/2021] +27 72 681 3982: Hi I'm truly sorry My WiFi wasn't working[22:08, 4/7/2021] Tanu Gaur: Okay. Can we have the call tomorrow morning?[23:10, 4/7/2021] +27 72 681 3982: No problem what time is suitable for you?[23:23, 4/7/2021] Tanu Gaur: does 5 PM work for you?[23:29, 4/7/2021] +27 72 681 3982: No problem[12:55, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Great![20:21, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Naailah, see you in 10 mins![20:21, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur:
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e , 5.2e , 5.3e , 5
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e 5.2e 5.3e 5
Katharina Bort
4/4/2021, 12:00 PM
I used to be quiet shy and it was really hard for me to join new groups or especially make the first step in that way. I worked on it and got really better (e.g. starting converstations with strangers), but there is still so much work to do. In school I just try to help people to feel more comfortable. Helping with questions they are afraid, some homework or just make them feel not alone in the break. I play volleyball in a girl youth team, I am planning our game days, transport and everything on the agenda for the team. In Germany we havent been able to play together due to covid-19 in5 months. During this time working out (at home with mostly bodyweight) has been essential to me. As my teammates have problems to motivate themselves to workout alone, I have organized some online workout sessions with them, which they really enjoyed. I have studied abroud for 5 months in New Zealand. I was afraid and excited before I went and it turned out to be the most amazing time in my life. Afterwards I tried to help people who asked me if they should go or not, to make their desicion by sharing my experience. I am really good at understanding different points of view and very open-minded to change my opinion after I received further information about a specific topic.
As I am over the age of 18, I dont need parental consent? The meetings on saturday variey on times? So for which times would I need to adjust my schedule?
Non Responsive
5 April: Blocked me after the first message was sent.
5 April: Asked Meet to check on her as she was his free class lead, blocked him too
Apr 3
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e
Milan Gabor
4/4/2021, 11:52 AM
Everytime in school or working groups and by being the class representative.
Replied a bit
Financial Constraint
5 April: [8:13 PM, 4/5/2021] Arghya Pal: Hello Milan, This is Arghya, Head of Admissions. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers! [8:14 PM, 4/5/2021] +49 162 2307152: In 4 hours [8:15 PM, 4/5/2021] Arghya Pal: Perfect Milan, i shall see you then. It would be on Google Meets. [9:16 PM, 4/5/2021] +49 162 2307152: Oh I thought it’s with Text. I don’t think i have Time today but I said to Kelsey that I don’t have the money for the academy and I can’t join. [9:17 PM, 4/5/2021] Arghya Pal: Scholarship wouldnt help also ? [9:19 PM, 4/5/2021] +49 162 2307152: Im sorry but I have to decline on this one. But thanks for the experience
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 2 more
Kgomotso Van Eck
4/4/2021, 11:49 AM
More hands n ideas more power
What can I do to become a CEO
South Africa
Multiple No show
CT Message
5 Apr: set up time to talk, was unable to access the zoom because of internet issues, tried calling mobile and not in a service area,unable to take a whatsapp voice call because of internet; reschedled for 6 Apr
6 Apr: was suppoed to have the call today, no show; no reposne to WA message or phone call
[07:01, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Kgomotso, My name is Carson, I am one of the mentors from School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you this evening. Cheers! [07:03, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: At 20:30 pm [07:04, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Perfect!! Talk soon! Thank you! [07:30, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: Plsure❤️ [11:01, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Still ok to talk in 30 minutes? [11:02, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: Yeop [11:05, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great! Is zoom ok? [11:32, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello! Still ok to chat right now? Is zoom ok? [11:35, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: Okk [11:35, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 964 5662 6793 Passcode: d6rDbf [11:38, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Let me know if the link isn't working [11:41, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: It isn't working😭 [11:42, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: hmmmm that' weird [11:42, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: have you ever used google meet? [11:45, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: Nope My phone isn't working properly I'm struggling n I've even asked someone to help me 😭 [11:46, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: oh man, shall we postpone? [11:47, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: Yes pls 😭 [11:47, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: let's try again tomorrow at 16:30 your time, does that sound ok? [11:49, 4/5/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: Yes pls How about 14:00 PM [11:49, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: I'm in Seattle in the USA, s 1400 will be my 05:00 am hahaha [11:50, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: we can do later [11:50, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: but it will be important for you to figure out Zoom as we rely on Zoom for the Entrepreneurs Academy [10:52, 4/6/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Heloo! [10:52, 4/6/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Would you like to try agin today?! [11:21, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hello!! Has your zoom started to work? [12:26, 4/7/2021] LEAD Kgomotso Van Eck: Okk
Apr 3
Community , 1.2 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e
Community 1.2 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 1.1 1.1e 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 5.1e
Utkarsh Sharma
4/4/2021, 11:36 AM
In my previous semester, I was the leader of 2 projects and for both the projects we were received so much recognition from our judge panel. One project was on IOT and another was on linearization in machine learning. In both projects I came out with unique ideas and for those ideas we were praised for. I worked with different types of people and was able to deal with each and everyone of them. I was able to bring out the best from each person and I am proud of it.
how can be a unique idea can be planted in someone's mind. According to me it only depends on the person's thinking and it can't come from an external source.On what basis scholarships will be provided
Student convo done
Child doubtful
[8:54 PM, 4/5/2021] +91 94144 12260: Actually comning three to four days are very busy for me as my exams are going on and i am concentrating on them right now [9:58 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: I completely understand.... Can you spare 15-20 mins? [10:07 PM, 4/5/2021] +91 94144 12260: Whenever i will get some time i will let you know as it is really hectic as we have 2 exams in one day [10:08 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Okay sure! All the best for exams 😊
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e
Nezar Radwan
4/4/2021, 11:29 AM
Frankly i was honoured to have many occasions where i was a leader. Wether it was a school project, boyscouts, MUNs or doing a presentation. I am usually very calm and i like to take a look from afar while always listening to diffrent opinions. Rational thinking is good most of the time i would say. But also having the courage and the wisdom to take risks at the right time that's what makes you a great leader.
I want to ask about financial aids and more about the program and what it offers.
50% / 30%
Student convo done
Have not reached out. Super sorry. I did not see this lead until right now and I do not know why
6 April - declined call
8 April - felt very open in the class. doesn't understand the catch. teaching us to be an ... wants something to be more dependable. ownership is really good, because it helps you make good decisions. it has very similar traits, because you need special skills. ownership and leadership. organization in ideas and communicate with people. the distance. the interction.. i can talk to anyone but there is something is missing. I sometimes go with the flow. sometimes the same people act differently, so you feel like something is wrong so you want to work on it. the person became distant. a lot people say they are scared of me. it's really weird. my personality scares them. oh no. i cannot be around this person. I don't have anyone to tell everything to do. my deep feelings and the things I really want .. mostly... finish my education, political sciences. do masters and PhD. and start doing my own business. 1) they are a little bit immature to have this conversation. 2.) they will start shifting the topic to be around themselves. 3.) they won't take it as a friendly way. they get scared. i was not raised with a gold spoon. lots of stress in the fam. was in egypt. the thing that made me want to make a change they encouraged ... eventually it would be me who could do the change. they are really into education and everything. i'm proud of ... TBH , comes alive inn philosophy. the part that really wants me to.. the passion is philosophy. first thing - the change, it has to be something good. i don't care about a profit. simple profit that makes you do more changes. I will pursue something that will make people happy. you can consider it a selfish request. i want to know that i did that. make them more comfortaable about their desires and what they want to do. see a harsh reality or something. i dont' want to lie to anyone. i prefer to tell harsh.... i was like that. i changed. open to criticism... ideally - long shot - i would start something and opening a business and making progress. ... .. . .. ... will you realize that? How are the steps that i'm supposed to take .. ....... the decision falls on me at the end. it's always me who chooses ... all of us share resources. I have a lot of expenses. it is not cheap, TBH. i'm at a very well to do uni. the rest of my resources are very limited. very limited. i cannot take risk, and I want to ... works a part time job. currently, taking exams.
10 April - called to remind
12 April - called and left voice note. not listening to voicenotes
Apr 3
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4
baseline 1.0 Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4
4/4/2021, 11:28 AM
When I was a leader just have good message and a communicate with every one
Mam I can't pay because we are poor my parents salary is less than my fee
Cannot afford
Apr 3
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.0 1.0e 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a
Maria Doregos
4/4/2021, 11:26 AM
I created a small charity to help students that are in the minority group that want to work in the film industry to help fund a short film we created
I may not be able to pay
Replied a bit
CT Message
5 Apr: whatsapp message, call, whatsapp call, no response
6 Apr: still no WA or telephone response; sent email
7 Apr: called on telephone, answered, and immediately hung up; WA messaged saying no longer interested
[07:00, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Maria, My name is Carson, I am one of the mentors from School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you this evening. Cheers! [11:20, 4/7/2021] LEAD Maria Doregos: Hey sorry but I’m not interested anymore [11:20, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Ah ok, wuld you mind letting me know why? [13:19, 4/7/2021] LEAD Maria Doregos: I’m really busy with other things and projects I won’t have time hopefully next time I can join [13:20, 4/7/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Totally understand, thank you for letting me know!
Apr 3
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e
Sefali Das
4/4/2021, 11:25 AM
No I haven't acted as a leader...but if it comes to is something to work with a group of people and treating everyone equally...and enjoy the work assigned..
No I don't..
No sch
Student convo done
Non Responsive
6 Apr: first msg sent
Call at 3 PM apr 8th
Routine: Wakes up goes to her class, She really like spending time with her friends, has just started learning karate, believes that self defence is important. She also mentioned that she has friends who believe that women belong in the kitchen, she said she knows that she should not sucum to these opinions and push through. Has a mix of friends, It was a bit odd, she mentioned it thrice that she has muslim friends too "infact my best friend is muslim" I personally found it a bit racist, could be wrong. Family: My family is very supportive, I am the youngest
Has stopped respondidng to msgs and calls
[16:04, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Sefali Das,
Apr 3
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2
4/4/2021, 4:09 AM
I don’t think I know when I acted as a Leader but for sure I know that if people are lost they clearly need a wonderful leader to change something.
When will the lessons be?
Student convo done
5 Apr: Call scheduled, did't turn up. Tried Skype Call too
06 Apr: Spoke to kid, ROUTINE: Watching videos, reading books - autobiographies of great personalities. SCHOOL: Supporting, Now in college, FRIENDS: had toxic friends and she had decided to stay away from them. FAMILY: Came to SWISS 4 years back staying with mom and has a good bond with father, very supportive. Planning to pay her own. THRIVE: Helping people, STUCK: Academics- Scientific course, HOPE: Gain more confidence and positivity in life. BUILD A BUSINESS WITH SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
Apr 1
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e
May 15, 2021
4/3/2021, 12:30 PM
[  ]
Diego Moreno González
4/3/2021, 9:04 AM
When I have to work with teams, maybe in my high school/academy I'm always the leader. I listen to others opinions and I work always as a team but I like to have control because I think I can organize all with with simple but effective methods so all my mates can understand everything and contribute with their opinion. Every opinion is helpful because can change your point of view! I speak as my native language Spanish so I can't promise you will understand all my points! I hope it's all clear!
I don't have any question, the ppt presentation was very clear and the explanation of your mentors was very helpful. I look forward to your verdict!!
Replied a bit
Child doubtful
[6:03 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: But you will call me or it will be a conversation by whatsapp? [6:03 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: We would get on a zoom meeting and talk over there! [6:05 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: And what will be purpose? [6:06 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: To get know more about you and see if you are good fit for the academy! Also, to clarify any concerns/doubts you have.... It's like a friendly interview for your admission into the academy [6:07 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I'm not very confortable with videocalls [6:07 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: You can turn off your video, that's fine! [6:08 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: And it could be by Whatsapp recordings? [6:08 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Like audios [6:08 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: If not zoom, preferably a voice call on whatsapp? [6:09 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Yeah, or recording audios with my voice having a conversation [6:09 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I don't like video calls, that's the problem [6:10 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: And because of that, I will be thankful if we could talk by Whatsapp Audios [6:11 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Let's do a voice call on whatsapp [6:11 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: That would be better [6:12 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Ok [6:12 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Great! Thanks for understanding 😊... What time suits you? [6:13 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: When is the last day you can? [6:14 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: And what hours can I choose? [6:15 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: As the admissions are closing soon, it would be great if you could schedule it today [6:16 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: You have the freedom to choose a slot you want except for 15.30-16.00 pm in Spain [6:20 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: OK, but one question before deciding the hour [6:21 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: What is the purpose of the interview? What's the "prize"? [6:22 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I mean what do I get if I pass the interview? [6:24 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I know is to join the May Cohort, but can you explain me this term? I don't understand what that means [6:30 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Yes, so it's an opportunity for you! The purpose is to know about your passions, hobbies, social life, etc! If we find that your personality matches with the kind of students we expect the academy to have, we offer you the admission into the academy for the 100 Day program where you learn to create and build your own business, detailes of which were conveyed in the class... You join the May cohort means that your 100 day journey would start in May (15th May, 2021) [6:31 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: I hope this answers your question, let me know if you have any other :) [6:31 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: And where will I have to go if I join the May Cohort? [6:32 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I mean I'm from Spain [6:32 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I don't know if I will have to travel to other countries [6:32 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Yes, we have students from more than 15 different countries across the world and that's why it would be online! 😊 [6:33 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Ahhh okk! [6:33 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: So it will be by zoom [6:33 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: The classes [6:33 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: There are different modes of learning at the academy! Would love to explain it on our call itself 😊 [6:34 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Ad when will start this classes? [6:34 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: 15th May, 2021 [6:35 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: So it will be also in Summer? [6:35 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: That's not a problem [6:35 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Yes! [6:35 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: OK, thanks!!! [6:36 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Anytime :) [6:36 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: So, you can call me at 18:20pm? [6:36 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Spain hour! [6:36 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: ? [6:36 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Yeah that works! ✌🏻 [6:36 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Thanks!! 😘 [7:11 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Sorry for all the time wasted, but I'm not ready for interviews, I go to my high school every day and I don't have enough time to go to the classes it will be a waste of time [7:12 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: And in Summer I won't have much time so I think other people will use this type of classes better [7:12 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I'm very sorry, I know it's very late but I'm not prepared for all this stuff [7:15 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: So please don't call me [7:15 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: It's not your fault, I mean it's not because of you [7:15 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I don't have any problem [7:17 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I think I won't use the time as other people who needed more than me [7:18 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Okay! Thanks for informing😊 [7:18 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I'm so sorry [7:18 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: We have an option of joining in future and saving your spot now.... Let me know if you are interested [7:20 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: But when? [7:20 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: When I have 18 [7:21 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: In another 4-6 months preferably [7:21 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Ahhh ok😂 [7:21 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: But in 4-6 months the classes will have finished [7:22 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: We have a cohort starting every month! [7:22 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Okkkkk [7:22 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Would you like to avail that option? [7:23 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Yeah, I think [7:23 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Great! Shall we discuss about it via Whatsapp audios? [7:24 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Ok [7:24 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: But not now, please [7:24 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Yeah at 18.20 in spain time [7:24 PM, 4/5/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I think so [7:24 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Cool! [10:01 PM, 4/5/2021] Meet: Shall we start? [1:33 AM, 4/6/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I'm sorry [1:33 AM, 4/6/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: I didn't have time [1:33 AM, 4/6/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: But don't worry I don't want to waste you any more time [1:34 AM, 4/6/2021] +34 664 55 12 78: Have a beautiful week!
Apr 1
Maria hadi aldbs
4/3/2021, 6:26 AM
I like to think of people as people , think of them as stories, that they love to tell ! One of the nice things I do is listening , I believe that listening to the problem that a person have and *their* personal perspective of it really helps in finding a solution, and my way of thinking says that we humans have two systems that makes us move , love based system and fear based system , so there is no bad person ! There is an afraid person! And my definition of a leader is someone who uses the love based system alot , and follows his passion! I believe I am really passionate about speaking- I think you see that in my long long long long message- 😅😂 Back to the topic ! What I find my self a leader in is problem solving - I would rather call it a challenge tho- When I talk my family and friends I take the speaker position, I become their problem solver , their personal coach , a leader!!! An example? My friend once had a problem with one of her friends and basically she thought that the girl thinks of her as her best friend! Well the girl didn't! She didn't talk to her every day nor every week ! Thier conversations weren't good enough in my friend's perspective! So she came to me crying about it , and I listened to her and told her that she evaluated her too much ! A couple weeks later, my friend became my best friend and "broke up" with her other friend 😉 I ACTUALLY MEAN A FRIEND LITTERLY, NOT A GIRL OR BOY FRIEND I JUST LIKE EXPRESSIONS 😅😂 I don't know why I am adding this but , I want to be a coach, a speaker , I would like to help people change believe systems that does not serve them and more importantly I would love to make something that I call : THE ULTIMATE COURSE TO SELF-LOVE because I believe self love can shift your life 360 degrees to the best 👌 ✨ And I don't know why I don't see people talking about self love , they talk self acceptance only -which is pretty much not the same-😊 The one golden answer about self love came to me from my mother about me reaching higher levels of self love 🙃😅 One problem about me , I like to make things free for people 😅 Cause of the experience in that field-you know- One more sweet thing to know about me ? I try my best not to lie ! to be completely honest in behavior and words ! Though I ain't saying that I am perfect in the challenge, cause we all lie sometimes, don't we ? Just wanted you to know ! Thanks for reading this till the end ❤
In the program are we going to learn more about making a website or an app ? Nothing else, you actually made it very clear in the meeting!👌
Replied a bit
Not clear
AA msg
"actually I would rather not say." I engaged the child a lot and send her the stakeholder videos.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e
Jasmin Mayer
4/3/2021, 5:48 AM
Everyday. Every single day I have to be a leader. Working in a kindergarten means being an idol. The children reflect your behavior which is a huge responsibility. For me my job is not just to earn money. No, it is so much more. It's about my impact on the world. The trust those kids and their parents give me is one of the biggest gifts I ever got. Being a leader does not mean to do everything right. It is about doing your best. Doing everything possible and more to reach every goal you and your teammates have got. Being a leader means being someone people can trust. At this point you still don't know much about my life. But you know some of my thoughts which are more personally than the way of life I got. Does that answer your question? Yes. Because being a leader does also mean to open up. If you have any more questions to me you can always write me a message :) we have already connected through WhatsApp!
My parents do not allow me to pay for this. I have an amazing idea and I want to help people who have to face violence of any kind. Is there any option for me to still join the academy?
Student convo done
Busy Schedule
AA msg
3 April: Routine: I work in a kindergarten and I really love it there - hobbies: boxing and dancing. Painting noob. love baking and cooking. School: I really hated school and now am out of it - feeling more comfortable in my own skin - it was not about pressure and teachers, I finished school and graduated in September - make an apprenticeship. 5 years now. Job: I don't have the same day everyday, I can be very creative there. Have kids with disabilities there and they are so amazing. Social: have a really close connection with friends. 4 ppl who used to be in school together. can tell them all. Family: mom works in an office, dad works in the army, older bro who's 20 and a student. Ent: I saw it on insta - Persefoni's page. I am really interested - that we work in teams - can hear other people's opinions can help other people. Would love to be independent and not have someone just tell me what to do - want to help ppl in the future. have an impact. Hope: I want to be a better version of myself - I am a little insceure. live the life I want and not overthink everything.
Parents think it's a scam cos found on internet
Payment reminder sent
talking to Mom
Hello! I have decided myself that it wouln't make any sense for me to join now. I would not be available for around 20 days throughout those 100 days. If there is any chance to join somehow later I would love to take this chance (or maybe to apply at another time again). Thank you so so much for your time and your amazing kind of person..I have really enjoyed talking to you!! :) Oh I will rather wait and apply again :)
Community , 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 1.0e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4
Community 1.0 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 1.0e 2.2 2.2e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4
Rahul Sudev
4/3/2021, 4:52 AM
As I mentioned earlier in the meeting, I don't really think of myself as a leader. But one example that comes closest to when I acted as a leader is the time when I was asked to be the school captain for our badminton team, at first I was really confused, even though I was one of the best players in school I had no qualities of leadership whatsoever, I wasn't the type of person who could stand and give orders to my juniors on what and how to do things, so this really confused and scared me at the same time. As practice began I noticed that my juniors who were in the team weren't as notorious as I had thought they would be, so shouting and keeping them in control was out of the question whew. We were practicing for the KISA( Karnataka ICSE Schools Association) interschool tournament to be held at the Padukone Dravid centre for sports excellence . So as time passed I guided my juniors and my fellow team mates on the practical and aspects of the game rather than actually ordering them and forcing them into playing in certain ways as most people do, as what I think is every player has their own way of playing, as a mentor our job is just to help them succeed in the game mentally and tactically, forcing them to change their style just ruins the entire process as most people aren't comfortable doing so and they end up making things worse. On the day of the tournament I did not perform very well, I crashed out in the semi finals . But right as I got off the court after losing I heard that my school's junior doubles team in the boys category had qualified for the finals, I was very excited as I had worked with them the most and was really rooting for them to win, so I went over to talk to them on how to mentally prepare themselves for the game, rather than talking about strategy I talked about how we must keep our minds cool inorder to even having a shot at winning the game, watch the opponent carefully for the first five to ten points, notice what their weaknesses are and try to target those weak points , do not try to alter your style of play like how most people try to copy the style of their opponents , if you copy your opponents style of play then what is the difference between the two teams? it just makes you weaker as your opponents are more used to their styles than you are, instead try to play with a cool mind and prey on their weaknesses. And guess what!? they won! I was so delighted ,even though I lost I was able to guide my fellow players into winning something , and this was a huge achievement for our school as this was just the 2nd inter-school state badminton tournament we have taken part in. This is one of the events that I take huge pride in as I never thought of myself as a leader, and this moment made me feel stronger I would say? but yes this is my experience, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! thank you :)
a sincere request from my side, in case I get selected to attend the program I would require some help in convincing my parents to letting me take part.
50% Sch
Student convo done
AA msg
3 April: after classes, go to gym, first exam was today, meet some friends, SAT prep at 8-9pm, School: till 10th was at Gopalan, now at Sri Chaitanya - STEM based majors, test every week - Once every 3 months it's a UT, no sports - not sure of Engg yet - need some flexibility in life and colleges in the US are looking for that. Will give the JEE mains. Social: pretty amazing - all types. Family: My interests keep fluctuating - haven't gone outside my comfort zone - that's why I joined the demo class. put me for a separate tuition of 35k - mom is an engg in | Software engg Ent: haven't explored other ECA stuff, been coding since a long time. Hope: I hope to say that I have learnt sth new, grow as a person, make new friends.
Parents : It will be very much appreciated if you can keep the fee payment date as 7th. Just to manage the billing date of my credit card.
Payment expected on 7th
May 15, 2021
missed 2 mentor calls
4/2/2021, 9:46 PM
I am not sure this experience derives from "being a leader", but i did consider myself extremely amazing. There is this girl in my school that started being bullied around last year. Although we weren't close at all, but she spoke to me and said how much she was bothered. She was suicidal. There are scares over her body that proves that. The person that was bullying her was my friend. But a real tough and stubborn friend. Toxicity was in her blood. I talked to her and obligated her to stop the bullying. It was causing trauma, anxiety and low self esteem issues to the other girl. I couldnt mention that she was suicidal, although it would have put a stop to it right away. The bullier was stubborn. She wouldn't stop. She even started turning the whole school against her. Even her best friends. She wanted to change schools in the middle of the year bcs of everything that was happening to her. The third day, of me knowing about it i called her again and really persuaded her to put an end to this. I asked her how she would feel if the same was happening to her sister, making her feel inferior and disgusting. I basically went on and on of how she was making her feel and left her completely silent. The next day she went and apoligized, but of course things didnt go back completely to normal. Reading this, you might think that I did the right thing. I did, but the way i went around it, the way i acted with the person that told me about it and with my other friend is something tough to do right away as you have to be smart and know how to get what you want without completely unraveling things. Aspecially that the one that was bullying is seen as the toughest girl at school, and i really needed to get to her soft spot in a matter of hours to make her stop. I am also considered as the mean popular girl in my school, so for everyone who knows this story, kind of sensed my heart for the first time and probably now know it isnt made of complete iron. There are so many other times where i was considered not by only me as a leader, but by people around me but honestly this one touches me everyday. I saved someone from suicide.
No scholarship
Student convo done
Busy Schedule
scheduled for sat
Lebanon is way too far from solving our problems, the poverty. so many apps for helping with funding. our banks literally just use our money. we are on an international situation. there is no wa.... she has high emotional intelligence ... took a leadership class, and want to . who you are, and how you manage things around you. i guess that maybe work a bit on my team spirit. maybe have to pitch my ideas with more confidence . deep down i live in fear that ... kind of a fear of what other people think in my family. i'm
Dad emailed saying let's wait till June
June / Invite to Expo
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 1.0 , 1.0e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 3.4e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 5.1e
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 1.0 1.0e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 3.4e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4  Show 2 more
Mitta Biyana
4/2/2021, 4:35 PM
I became the president in my school. I won a career expo where I told everyone about what I want to be. I run my YouTube channel where I help other kids my age know they are leaders and help them with confidence. I teach mathematics and and lessons and expiriments. I have started businesses where I made a self warming container,a chemical for deforestation and I am writing my first book. I won multiple awards at school for creative thinking and a business mind. My first operating business was when I sold chips and biscuits at school and community and that helped me with experience. Hope you pick me. Thank you for this opportunity God bless hope you pick me.
So since I can't afford the class can I get the class free? So what will be the schedule and how will it be done? How did you start this wonderful work? What was your challenges? How did you overcome them?
South Africa
75% Sch
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
AA msg
3 April: Routine: go to school, do my homework, work on my business and projects on deforestation, also have a Youtube channel - maths and science, in my spare time I record and teach people maths - writing my book on how I want to be successful in future. Investigate on how to start a biz as a young person - that's how I found SoF - was CEO - saw the ad - was amazed. School: I like Maths and Sci, do a lot of competitions in SA - gov competitions - Career Expo - joined spelling bee. Win awards all the time. Social: happy - they support me- friend supporting me - i like YT and my own videos. Family: I come from a small family - we are not poor and not rich GF/GM + Mom and smaller brother - dad doesn't live with me - he's a lawyer and they are rich. She's still studying Civil Engg. Ent: growing up, it was just in me, O was always talking about how I will be a CEO. As a doctor also started my own hospital. Success = giving back to community. Hope: I want to achieve business skills, know what is a biz, understand what's an actual biz. get those skills. Build a compnay that helps people - like a tutoring company - eductaion is not the best in SA. Want to make money from Youtube
Not affordable, let's see
Payment reminder sent
baseline , 1.0 , Community , 5.1e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 6.1 , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4 , 4.4e , 7.1
baseline 1.0 Community 5.1e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 6.1 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4 4.4e 7.1
Mariah Levitt
4/2/2021, 4:23 PM
I act like leader because all of my teacher always told me I am a hard-working, help people also my teacher always say I'm their favorite students and they love because I am quiet, do my work, be on time. In the 7th grade I got awards for getting A's and B's and for perfect attendance, I can draw, love to reads books and sometime sing also I love to meet new people. But in school got case manager sometime I do my work without them but they will help me if I get stuck on work and also people can't understand me sometimes because I got speech problem I talk more when I get to know people.
I can't think of a question right now but I will tell you when I have a question
no sch
Student convo done
Poor English
saw insta message about scheduling call but. didn't answer
Cannot call her because not enough digits in phone
5 April, emailing and trying again on insta
8 April . she texted back on insta and i hadn't seen.. Conversation: they understand. my brother is closest to me right now. sometimes. the things i like is we do a lot, but we ... too much types, too much cleans ... they used to ... but i tried to get out of the fights..calm down first, then use your words. give it to people who need it most. homeless... get them my house, some food that they need... they don't give money enough to people who need it. I want to know what it feels like to do things. with everyone the same... I'm scared to fail, to get taken down...
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3
Niharika Acharjee
4/2/2021, 1:53 PM
If I was a leader I would take the team along with me on every daily task happening, I would consider their suggestions and their ideas. Being a leader means to grow, learn and practice new things along with the team. Being a leader I will like to grow in terms of brain as well as in terms of understanding the problems, the tasks, the hurdles which would come along the whole journey. I am a person whose a bit lazy in terms of doing work but I become energetic when it comes in terms of doing something which I love, which makes me happy and makes me learn something daily. But yeah surely if it comes about working hard I am surely the one who can be active 24/7 and also as my friends and my family say that I am a very kind, helpful, understanding, multi tasking person which I agree too.
What's the program curriculum and I'd it effective in terms of becoming an entrepreneur. Also during this covid 19 pandemic my family is suffering in terms of job and money so can the fees go a bit down.
75% sch
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
Rescheduled, as school called her for urgent class
Rescheduled calls 4 times
Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we
4/2/2021, 1:44 PM
Well I am a spiritual leader at school and at my youth group I am also head of public relations at Bright Girls Movement. I was head of my debate team. I'm a good debater and I think outside the box
I don't know If I will be able to financially afford the program and if my parents will approve and I don't know if we could work around the time. I don't know if you could help me?
South Africa
75% Scholarshp
Full Student + Parent
Extended Deadline
CT Message
3 Apr: intro --> is 17, turning 18, saw SoF on instagram; applied SoF is a great platform for young adults because gives a chance to explore lots of opps for real problems and real solutions; don't get the opportunity; real world problems --> youth empowerment, equal educaiotn and equal rights, having free rights and being an activiist; routine --> wake up at 5 to get to school, go through the day, M-TH, does debate, Tuesday does nothing after school, used o play tennis, dropped choir because too busy; last year was lead for the debate team, ended scientific debate competion and went all the way to the nationals, 5th country; listens to music, writing likes writing a lot, put a pen to paper and just make it happen --> usually stories relating to life, little prayers to god; school --> lot of pressure, very busy, last year of high school, copng so far, maximize and utilize time as much as possbie, getting in as much as possible; social life --> has not a specific group; good friendship has basis of respect and honesty and trust; if you don't repsect me and my beliefs and perspectives --> will often lead to interpersoanl ; respect --> don't have to agree with me, but have to respect my beliefs in the way they are; some people respectful relationships and others not; family --> good relationship with all fmaily members, good relationship with mother, typical, quarrel, when doesn't want to do dishes or something; good relationship with dad --> not a trsting; told friends and fmaily about School of FUture, mom thinks it's a good opportunity but worried about cost and time; SoF broadens spectrum; thrive --> thriving in debating, academicall in life science, haven't thought about essence of emmaculate where she is thriving, beginning to understand self more and where wants to go in life, what is looking for what is heading to, dreams are becoming bigger and brighter, networking skills ae becoming better because have come in contact with a lot of people; stuck --> academics math and physics, life sense of understanding parents view for life, stuck with having to come out asserively, come out in a certain manner --> has a very strong personality, tends to come across too strong, when pushing, tends to withdraw and close in; taking charge may come across bossy, Mom struggles to understand where is spiritually and where ants to go in life; parents' perspective, understnad their expectatoin --> only girl at home and youngest with 6 older brothers, expect her to succeed, can't be only girl and not become successful or marry a successful man (a christian man), parents think the world will consume; hopes --> make a change in the world for children who come from a background like hers, discriminated against and having unequal opportunities, wnat to show to those students that they are not alone, create opportunities for those students to come and show those experiences
5 Apr: messaged saying that wouldn't be able to afford, chatted with mother who agreed to 75% but won't be able to pay until end of month; said that should check back in with me at the end of the month to see if there is any chance there is a spot open
[13:15, 4/2/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Emmaculate!! My name is Carson and I am one of the Mentors from School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you tomorrow afternoon. Cheers! Carson [21:31, 4/2/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Hey I'll let you know in a few hours thank you so much [21:58, 4/2/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: I don't know what platform would be convenient for you but I was thinking of zoom [24:18, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Would 15:00 in SA be okay for you [07:25, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Emmaculate, I am so sorry to have missed your call. I miscalculated the time zone (I am in Seattle in USA) [07:26, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Are you free in 2 hours? [07:31, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Uhmmmmm how about we do it on Tuesday I'll be back home [07:42, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Do you have any other time today or tomorrow? Our admission cycle is very quick, so if you are accepted your enrollment would actually close on Tuesday and I would like to do your final interview before then. [07:43, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Okay how about now [07:44, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: I am in a meeting for the next hour [07:44, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Can you do in an hour? [07:45, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: 19:00 SA time [07:52, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Perfect [07:52, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: 1900 [07:52, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Talk soon! [08:01, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Okay [09:50, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Emmaculate! Is ZOom ok still? [09:56, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Yes [09:56, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Could you just send me the link or code [09:56, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Absolutely [09:58, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 999 7015 6811 Passcode: e5SYmF [10:02, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Do let me know if you have any trouble with the link [10:05, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: I'm having trouble with the passcode [10:05, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: hmmmm [10:06, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: that's odd [10:06, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Yes [10:06, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: e5SYmF [10:06, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: is not working? [10:07, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Let me just try again [10:07, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: ok [10:08, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: It's not working [10:08, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: so weird [10:08, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: one second [10:08, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: i will open up a separete room [10:09, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 945 4776 0103 Passcode: q93BR5 [10:09, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Maybe, make sure the passcode is CaSe SpEcIfIc [10:13, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Still not working? [10:14, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: if easier [10:14, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: I can call you on whatsapp [10:14, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Got it [14:44, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: I made it🤭🤭🤭🤭 [21:10, 4/3/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY! Your exactly the kind of student we're looking for! How re you feeling? [21:49, 4/3/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: I'm over the moon [06:27, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: GAH!! So excited!!!! Can we set up a time today to talk about finances? Maybe with your parents also? [06:32, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Uhmmmm okay [06:32, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: I'm on my way home now [06:41, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: 1800 your time? [06:44, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: I'll have to double check with my mom when I get home [06:46, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: 👍👍 [06:46, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: let me know! [06:47, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Cul [06:48, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Will do [08:55, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Hey could we do the meeting tomorrow my mom said no [09:05, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: ah ok, your Mom said no to the meeting or to your admission? [09:30, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: To the admission she says it's to costy [09:31, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Sorry my network is poor ryt now [09:43, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Hi Emmaculate, to save your spot would be approximately ~290 Rand [09:43, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: and then the rest of the payments would happen in May, June, and July [09:45, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: My mom said no she said it's to heavy on her shoulders [09:45, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Thank you for your time and sorry to disappoint [09:47, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Hopefully in the future we can work together [09:48, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Nope! I am not giving up on you yet [09:48, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Let me see what I can do [09:52, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: I really don't want to be a bother to u [09:53, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: You are not at all. You are AMAZING! [09:58, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Really [10:26, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Ok, so this is the most we can do. I will give up your spot today so another student has the opportunity to join; however, at the end of the month can you check back in with me and I will let you know if there are any spots still avaialbe? There is no guarantee that we will still have openings at the end of April, but I can check for you and then you can start May 15. In any case, I will ask that the Admissions team still send you the scholarship email so that you have it on hand and be able to reserve a spot the moment you are able. [10:26, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: How does that sound? [10:39, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Thank you so much [10:39, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: It's not bad at alll [10:39, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Sorry I missed your call [10:40, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Great!! Was calling to explain, but if it's clear in the message thaen we are good to go [10:59, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Thanks [11:07, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Of course!! Hope to hear from you soon! [11:13, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Will definitely keep in touch [11:16, 4/5/2021] SoF — Carson Townsend: Good luck!!! Hope it works out by the end of the month! [11:16, 4/5/2021] LEAD Emmaculate Ellen Vhurumuku we: Me too
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 2.1 , 2.1e , 3.1e , 4.1
baseline Community 1.0 2.1 2.1e 3.1e 4.1
M.Hari prasad
4/2/2021, 1:31 PM
Leader is a person who make teammates as a champion.iam spl in my gurukul hostel.
Classes must be time limit for 1 or 2 hours.And there must be a time tabled
75% Scholarship
Student convo done
Financial Constraint
MS msged
3 Apr: No jobs for educated person, 5 AM the jog, online classes 7-9, work and watch TV, go to farm, Reads books about Abdul Kalam, Developing country is the vision, Gurukul, State level essay competition, is in grade 8, maths, bio, physics, cultural program and sports, not qualified teachers, talks straight forward so no friends, but likes to be with friends, stays with family atm, supportive father, debates and essays - Superpower, wants to improve his knowledge,
Ken Mare
4/2/2021, 1:11 PM
Normally I’m not a leader but the two times that I was a leader was during drama where I had to make sure everyone else knew their roles, when to go come on stage, etc. The second time I was kind of leading the conversation that me and about three other were in. But other than that I don’t really leave that much unless I have to.
Do we have anything that will be costing us(participants) any money
No scholarship, blocked spot for May
Full Student + Parent
CT Message
2 Apr: originally, saw the word CEO, hooked him, wants to be able to help people lie people in Scarborough; Scarborough is know for crime, people in Scaboough need help; Ken is the type of person that once comfortable can be the life of the party --> someone who tells jokes, is able to connect with someone really easily; routine --> omtp watching mystery shows, Murdoch mysteries, sherlock holmes, the avengers, doesn't read, in spare time likes playing the game called magic the gathering --> started early 2019 to midsummer, then fell out of it at the start of 2020, reconnected recently because a few of friends downloaded arena and were able to connect with people all around the world; frienships --> trust and loyalty are the most important things, withouut those cannot be friends, trust --> i did something bad and asked someone to keep it a secret, have to be able to rely on them and they have to be able to rely on me; build a trusting loyal relationship --> took a long tme (when was younger, for he first 6 moths of school, once in class a few kids were talking trash about him without him being in the class, and friend stood up for him, and friend didn't tell him; how did build that relationship --> playing games, extra programs on the sides; family relationship --> being able to stick together even when things get rouhg, even if there's a fight always know that they;ll have his back and he'll still have theirs --> be with them your whole life, watch movies with them whenever can (does not have much time), sometime save up and give gift for birthdays or food; why so active in maintinaing relationship
04 Apr: father emailed asking for a payment extension
5 Apr: let father know payment plan is ok, but right now would need $50 USD to save Ken's spot
May 15, 2021
missed 2 mentor calls
Melinda Mbatha
4/2/2021, 1:01 PM
Well there was this time where I had to lead and help out with some girls campaign,I wasn’t much of a leader but I head a leading role in like getting people to interact. It was all nice to like get people to interact with each other and to hear each other. For me that’s leadership,leading people to have the right communication and understanding even when working on the sidelines,I’m still that leader.
How much is the fee for School of Future?
South Africa
No scholarship
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
Pearl mokhele
4/2/2021, 12:31 PM
I am a black African queen I walk into school tall and own my throne I am a hard working woman I am boss I am Queen I can change the world world and run it I will become the first female president and one thing I know for sure I am beautiful ❤️I am intelligent and believe in magic .i am woman enough to own the worlds biggest company
Do I need to pay anything or there will be time were I have to pay any fees
South Africa
Non Responsive
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e
Community 1.0 1.0e
Washington Tatenda Havo
4/2/2021, 12:04 PM
I play keyboard for a band that's coming up here in Cape town called the big five. i was voted the leader by my band members even though I'm one of the youngest in the band. Even in other platforms I show great leadership like in school I was also nominated as RCL for my grade.i have never owned a business, I don't know how it feels like but I have faith in my self that I can handle any obstacles coming my way,even though some things I never considered will be new to me.
What does the term financial aid mean
South Africa
75% Sch
Student convo done
Extended Deadline
Robert Havo,
CT Message, asked AA to take
3 April: Routine: Located in Cape Town, SA, from Zimbabwe, I am in Grade 10 HS, spend time growing my record label and producing. I play in a band - music band - jazz, hip hop, write our own songs, another hobby playing soccer. School: I like a lot of things, not much I hate. Curriculum methods are really old. Can't adapt to the movement of the world. the way they are teaching in some schools is not working in most schools. Ppl learn differently - if we can be taught in easier ways to learn. ppl would LOVE to go to the schools - right now, drugs, etc etc happening. Social life: friends that I have - 1 close close friend - see him as a brother - I don't like to socilaise cos of peer pressure in HS. even on Social Media. want to focus on myself and growing my future. Family: I live with both of my parents - oldest of the three - mom does sewing business + owns a construction company. they are so supportive. I tell them everything! Have been looking for business ideas. pursue my dreams. Ent: my dad has been part of the world. Unemp rate is 86%. Hope: I wanna get knowledge on all aspects of being an entrepreneur, I am a leader + others' perspective - open up my brain. achieve more goals
Some financial constraint, might need aid, dad thinks we are a scam
Payment reminder sent
Offered 50% Sch, saving spot today, will pay the rest on Saturday / Sunday
5 Apr: father converstaion, father does not have the money in the bank right now to afford the reservation (sounds like is being paid on an irregular basis) but will definitely have the money and pay by Friday or Saturday of this week
Uthmaanmiqdad Sulaiman
4/2/2021, 11:44 AM
I would like to become an entrepreneur to help out people who are in a worse situation than me.
50% scholarship
Full Student + Parent
messaged saying i'll call after 7PM tomorrow
4 April - I sort of see. i onlythink of the business side of things. she started making candles. suits and ... to get to understand people more. prioritzing daily aspects of life. seeing wha .. i'm the weird one watching documentaries. when they see rich people, they feel intimidated. when i see rich people, i want to wake up ealier and be working harder, so i can think like them.... very impressed with the british royal family, and how they can help people... mainly that. the piece of mind. I've been trying to do meditation. i have a very loud fmily. if i wake up early in the morning. when it's quiet and peaceful and calming...if i had more time in the day, i would put it into building start ups. the earlier you start, the earlier you get there. and then they are way too busy to get thejob done. i put my extra time into a business, and i can grow it later. im not sure probably. if i were them, prooblems i am facing. racism isn't really something i have faced. ... racism is something that should be spoken out a lot more... people don't know about it!! they won't know, and probably not talking about it... being discriminated for a job, bcause they don't need a job. ... i feel like i am confident. i personally haven't spoken in front of people. quite small. i think the school system is .. you're taught by your teachers to work hard so you can get into college or university. they don't really teach you about how you can grow your own bsinesss ... you need the basics of math and english. if someone wants to become a dr or lawyer ... staying in school until college or university. it's not something i would want to start a business/ i wouldn't want to go for someone else. i cand do so much more than that... we have this class PSAT .. it's really about preparing students.
5 April - call reminder turned into parent call and mom wanted tesimonials and then would be convinced
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1
May 15, 2021
Sujasha Banerjee
4/2/2021, 11:38 AM
I would like to make people understand about the way the person feels after being judged and I may punish them for this.
When will thus classes will be held and where?
Replied a bit
Busy Schedule
MS msged
2 Apr: Said she is busy on Sat,
Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 8.1 , 8.1en , 8.2 , 8.2en , 4.2 , 4.2e
Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 8.1 8.1en 8.2 8.2en 4.2 4.2e
4/2/2021, 11:21 AM
As a a RCL
South Africa
Responsive/ Scheduled talk time
2 April: Texted to schedule a call
April 6: follow up msgs send. Will have a call tonight.
Did not turn up
[22:26, 4/2/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Tshireletso, Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future here . We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers![24:00, 4/3/2021] Tanu Gaur: Can you tell me a good time to speak with you?[24:01, 4/3/2021] +27 78 496 2694: Its a good time now[24:23, 4/3/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi, Let's have a conversation @8 PM Tomorrow.[24:24, 4/3/2021] +27 78 496 2694: Ohk[16:10, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Apologies about the delay. I have been very busy and had a lot on my plate, but let's not miss out on this opportunity, pick a time we can speak.8 PM/ 9 PM tonight.[16:16, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Also to keep you in the loop, here are some things you can see Website: Students: Program Overview: [16:16, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: You can look us up on Youtube. Username: Entrepreneurs Academy [19:05, 4/6/2021] +27 78 496 2694: 8pm [20:15, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Does 9 work? [20:42, 4/6/2021] +27 78 496 2694: Yes [20:50, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: great![24:04, 4/7/2021] Tanu Gaur:[24:04, 4/7/2021] Tanu Gaur: see you in 25 mins! [24:11, 4/8/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Tshireletso, How are you holding up? `Since we are already late in the admissions process, I would like to know if you are still interested in the program. If you would like to speak with me regarding the same, book a slot on my calendar. If you are not interested, reply with 'no' and your seat will be given to someone else.
Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e
Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e
Vuyo Lubisi
4/2/2021, 11:13 AM
When i realized that i need to start a brand
I want money and build the brand bigger and bigger
South Africa
Multiple No show
3 April: Texted to schedule a call
April 6: follow up msgs send. Will have a call tonight.
Did not show up for two calls and is not responding anymore.
[22:26, 4/2/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi Vuyo Lubisi, Tanu Gaur, Admissions Officer at School of Future here . We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round. 😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you today. Cheers![22:45, 4/2/2021] +27 62 707 3860: Yeah i will make time at 21.00 or 22.00[24:00, 4/3/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi![24:12, 4/3/2021] +27 62 707 3860: Hey[24:24, 4/3/2021] Tanu Gaur: Let's have a conversation at 7 PM tomorrow[24:32, 4/3/2021] +27 62 707 3860: Ok be there thanks[16:10, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: I have been very busy and had a lot on my plate, but let's not miss out on this opportunity, pick a time we can speak.8 PM/ 9 PM tonight.[16:11, 4/6/2021] +27 62 707 3860: 8pm[16:12, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Great! Booking my calender for 8 PM.[16:15, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Also to keep in the loop, here are some things you can see Website: Students: Program Overview: [16:16, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Also, you can look us up on Youtube. Username: Entrepreneurs Academy [23:30, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: [23:30, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hi!! 😊 see you soon! [23:31, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Click on the link and ask to join and I will let you in. [23:40, 4/6/2021] Tanu Gaur: Hello!?
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e
Melissa Tyres
4/2/2021, 11:12 AM
Well i was a leader in almost every group that we were supposed to be in and children in my class always pick me as a leader so i was born a leader
So must we pay and how much money will it be I'm from South Africa
South Africa
Full Student + Parent
Financial Constraint
3 Apr: Student convo done, English average, Introverted and a positive ttitude kid. Faced a lot of tradegy in her life and she oversome all the hurdles. ROUTINE: School and home, HOBBIES: Reading books, Fiction and classics, SCHOOL: Local school, teacher's strict and bad classmates. She has only one friend. FAMILY: Both parents left Melissa and her twin brothers when they were sleeping. Now all of them are staying with her grandmother and the kids don't want their parents anymore. THRIVE: Be successful. STUCK: When parent's left her. INT in ENT: Be her own boss and do something in life. HOPE: Learn and network globally the best possible. Money has to be discussed with her Grandmother. Will require financial aid.
03 Apr: Spoke to grandmother too, positive, requires time till Tusday to pay the fees
06 Apr: Spoke to student, she conveyed that she won't be able to continue as her grandmother's gratutity is the only income that her family has, so she don't want to give her a burden. Offered 75% scholarship then also it's not working.
[5:24 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Grandmother [5:24 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Heres her phone num [5:31 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Nd my school name is Fatima but you can call me Melissa [5:36 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure [5:37 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: As mentioned in the email, the Admission closing date is on 5th April 2021. [5:39 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Can I have a call with her now? [5:46 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Yah u can now [5:46 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Are you available? [5:46 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Yes [5:46 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Both of you would be there right? [5:46 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Yeah [5:47 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: WhatsApp video call or Google Meet? [5:47 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Which is comfortable for you? [5:47 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Or u can video call me on my phone bcoz she don't have a front camera [5:50 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Okay [6:11 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Hi Melissa, Thank you for a great conversation. I take immense pride in congratulating you on your acceptance into the Entrepreneurs Academy. 🤩🤩🤩 Here is the link to confirm your spot. Let me know once you have secured your spot and we will send over the Welcome Email with the next steps 😊🎉 [6:12 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Thank u ohk [6:12 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [6:13 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [7:29 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Melissa, please do check out your email [7:30 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Ohk [7:30 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: 😊 [8:37 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Hello, I wanted to share this cool opportunity with you to see the work of our SoFers and help them out with their businesses while meeting some other students from around the world. Please read below. ----- December Cohorts are graduating on April 18, which means that, Stakeholder Season is here! 🥁🥁🥁 Jump on Board as a stakeholder - In the last 2 weeks of the Academy, we invite students to follow a SoFer's business and help them make it better. It's a great way to contribute to the community and gather some points for your own expo. 
👀⭐💃 Watch their Stakeholder Invitation videos: And, then Choose the business you'd like to follow: or just DM me. [1:06 AM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Good evening I'm just letting you know that I'm going to school tomorrow nd that I'll send the money when i come out of school which is 2:30 is that fine [6:08 AM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Ya sure, its fine [10:45 AM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Please call me, if you face any issues. [7:24 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Hi what do they mean by preferred month? [7:24 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: The month in which you will join the cohort [7:24 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: For MAy [7:24 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Ohk will send now [7:25 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Great [7:25 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Share screenshot [7:26 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: So that I can share with my team [7:26 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Ohk [7:52 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Hi apparently my grandmothers phone is not suitable for such a transaction so i can't join the school but thanks appreciate your guy's help and it was nice speaking to u thanks 4 the opportunity i appreciate it and Srry [7:52 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: U can give my position to someone else [7:59 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Hi [7:59 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Can we have a call? [8:02 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: My granny say it's ohk 4 real I'm gonna focus on my school work now then maybe in future again we'll speak again don't worry it's no problem [8:03 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: I still have 3 years left of school nd after that so it's not the end of world [8:07 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: If your financial situation is a problem then we can offer you a financial aid [8:07 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Where im your fees would be less and you can continue [8:12 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: The thing is my grandmother has an old phone so her phone is not suitable for me to send the money 2 u that's why [8:13 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Actually I can help you with that? [8:13 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Does that work for you? [8:14 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: I think [8:14 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Great will call you in another 10mins [8:16 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Ohk [8:27 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Thank u 4 everything i appreciate it nd I'll definitely join your program maybe when i go to grade 11 next year [8:28 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Okay [8:28 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: Bye [8:28 PM, 4/6/2021] School Of Future: All the best [8:28 PM, 4/6/2021] +27 64 724 3946: Bye thanks
baseline , Community , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a
baseline Community 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 3.2 3.2e 3.3a
Nairita Guha
4/2/2021, 11:09 AM
I was in grade 8, and it was my first interscholastic science competition: Scrap Forge. Teams had to present their designs of a device from electronic waste to our teacher-in-charge. I proposed the idea of creating a lamp that would also have a working fan! I know it sounds preposterous but hey! At that age, it was a feat I had achieved. Anyways, my team somehow did get selected to compete at the event. Little did we know that my idea was going to be a big failure. We were using a C.P.U. fan with magnets on its blades to make it rotate and generate electricity while doing so. Unfortunately, we could not produce the required R.P.M.( rotations per minute). As idiotic as it may sound, I had planned to create something that would never need any replacements, not even the batteries. All of it was supposed to work on magnetic energy. Our in-charge had high hopes from us because she had given us this opportunity. We could not disappoint her. I definitely could not. I encouraged my teammate to present what we had made, be it a computer fan weirdly mounting over a P.V.C. pipe, all of that trapped within a box made out of C.D. covers and a bulky motherboard. On the day of the competition, I saw a glint of discontent in our mentor’s eyes. But, I did not want to back out, and so we continued. Our idea, to help students with no access to electricity, by providing them with lamps that used free energy made us winners! I had just advised my teammate to present confidently with me and not let the other participants’ complex robots dampen our spirits. I not only came up with the idea that could work out but, most importantly, also dared to showcase a non-working model. It was the first time I felt like a leader.
43% scholarship
Full Student + Parent
3 April: Parents came directly for the call, asked a lot of questions in regards to financials and the structure of the organisation. Was able to answer some,and sent a parent email with a lot of details.
Screenshot 2021-05-18 07.17.16.png
May 15, 2021
Dora Annan Essel
4/2/2021, 11:09 AM
I acted as a leader when I was in high school
I actually don’t have a question
no sch
Student convo done
messaged saying i'll call after 7PM tomorrow
Calling Sunday at 2.30 PM EST
5 April - Wants to imrpove on knowledge of graphic design, has a business page on instagram, desigining ... i waas learning about graphic design, as in... directive a... post copy... creative directing, post-copy. Actually, someone was helping me with that. i would give him the copy, he was helping me to design on my own... was designing about coronavirus... WANTS IT BECAUSE: WANTS to meet people and enjoy the lessons. she likes any friends, as long as ... not too choosy. does not care who becomes her friend. very humble, like smiling and has this smiley face and very hard working... and positive too. i told my mum. she said.. MUM SAID TO GO AHEAD AND DO IT> believes I can whatever i want to do in graphic design.
6 April - reminded her to check her email. she said thank u... 8 April. Called to check on her. not sure how to ask whether she needs scholarship. RNR, not listening to voicenotes
9 April - called and texting telling her last day.
baseline , 1.0 , 1.0e , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 3.3e , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2 , 4.2e , 4.3 , 4.3e , 4.4
baseline 1.0 1.0e 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 Community 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 3.3e 4.1 4.1e 4.2 4.2e 4.3 4.3e 4.4
4/2/2021, 11:02 AM
So there was this one week where i had to like sell things like for our marketing day at school and i really liked it
So like how do we pay u and like with that u said like in three different payments i really did not understand u at that
South Africa
Student convo done
3 Apr: No proper response from the student
[10:23 PM, 4/2/2021] School Of Future: Hi Blake, This is Rakesh Pillai, Admissions Officer at School of Future. We have received your application to join the Entrepreneurs Academy and you have cleared our first round.😍 But, we need to know more about you, before we can invite you to join us as an Entrepreneur at the Academy. Please let me know what would be a good time to speak to you tomorrow. Cheers! [11:19 PM, 4/2/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Ummm like what time tomorrow [11:20 PM, 4/2/2021] School Of Future: 2:30PM? [11:24 PM, 4/2/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Ok can make ut work [11:25 PM, 4/2/2021] School Of Future: Ok [11:25 PM, 4/2/2021] School Of Future: See you tomorrow [12:55 AM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Thansks [12:56 AM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: So like for how long is the meeting going to bee [12:56 AM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Is it going to be on zoom again [11:33 AM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Yes [11:34 AM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Zoom Meeting [11:34 AM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Or Google Meet [11:34 AM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Ok then so can we make it a zoom meeting [11:35 AM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: How long is it going to be [11:35 AM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: 20 mins of interaction between you and me, in regard to your application. [11:36 AM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: All right thank u [11:36 AM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [3:08 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Hi Blake, As discussed, please join the below meeting link by today 2:30PM. See you soon.👍 [3:09 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Alright thanks [3:10 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: 👍👍 [3:17 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: 👍 [6:07 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Please join [6:14 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Ill be there in a faw i have to download the app first then ill bee there [6:14 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Do you want me to send Zoom link [6:14 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Yes u can if its possible [6:15 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Okay [6:15 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: Thanks [6:15 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Please wait for a moment [6:16 PM, 4/3/2021] +27 81 388 5944: All right [6:16 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 976 6185 7208 Passcode: VfHf7T [6:17 PM, 4/3/2021] School Of Future: Please join.
Community , 1.1 , 1.1e , 1.2 , 1.2e , 1.3 , 1.3e , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.2 , 2.2e , 2.3 , 2.3e , 2.4 , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a , 4.1 , 4.1e , 4.2
Community 1.1 1.1e 1.2 1.2e 1.3 1.3e 2.1 2.1e 2.2 2.2e 2.3 2.3e 2.4 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a 4.1 4.1e 4.2
Shaurya vardhan Singh
4/2/2021, 11:01 AM
I can't say about anyone but I'm responsible for my actions
Will u help me to build my buisness
No Scholarship
Student convo done
Parent doubtful
3 Apr: Scheduled at 4 pm IST, didn't show up
4 April: Impressed by the program, Indore MP, is from Delhi, wakes up at 7 AM, take dog for walk and then study, maths, BS, social science, video games and surfing on internet, likes ethical hacking, started in 2020 coding, DPS is in grade 10, CBSE, uncle has a business of construction snd helps BS, planning for commerce, really wants to know about the entrepreneurship, wants to become an youngest billioniare, wants to solve community problem, Only for parents stake and friends he goes to school, non-friendly teachers, well bonded with friends,grandmother, mother, father and younger sister and dog, father is director of Firpeal Marriot, mother is book writer, role model is Elon Musk, again impressed by the academy, told his friends also to join, doing something out of the box for a change, would help me with business administration,
[8:28 PM, 4/4/2021] +91 88271 12810: Hey meet [8:28 PM, 4/4/2021] +91 88271 12810: So what is the result [8:46 PM, 4/4/2021] Meet: Hi Shaurya, I was going to message you. You are one of the 8 students that we selected from 179 students that registered with us in the last week. Congratulations!! 😍 💃 💪 Please check your email for details of the Admission Offer. Once you have reviewed it, please message me back if you have any concerns😊 Cheers! [9:07 PM, 4/4/2021] Meet: Kindly check the recent email! Previous one had some errors, so we have sent you rectified email again [10:37 PM, 4/4/2021] Meet: Did you check it? [10:45 PM, 4/4/2021] Meet: Let me know if you are facing any issues accessing the email?
Feb 5: So, did you have a discussion with your parents?
[4:58 PM, 4/6/2021] Meet: Meanwhile please do check out some of our student and parent testimonials [8:23 PM, 4/6/2021] +91 88271 12810: Ok
[4:17 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: Today at 9 pm would suit for your parents to talk to our mentors? [4:17 PM, 4/7/2021] Meet: And the head of admissions [11:23 AM, 4/8/2021] Meet: Hi Shaurya, I was trying to get in touch with you as the admissions are closing soon. Talked to your father yesterday at night and he said that you are not interested in joining the academy, but during our conversation you had a different opinion! Let me know if you are interested or else I would have to cancel your acceptance.... Hoping for a reply soon😊 [4:40 PM, 4/8/2021] +91 88271 12810: Sorry but I'm not interested [4:41 PM, 4/8/2021] Meet: Ohh okay! No issue... Thanks for informing....Can you let me know your reason as a part of feedback?
Community , 2.1 , 2.1e , 2.4 , 2.4e , 3.1e , 3.2 , 3.2e , 3.3a
Community 2.1 2.1e 2.4 2.4e 3.1e 3.2 3.2e 3.3a
4/1/2021, 12:30 PM
[  ]
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