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Mega Meetup
Jan 15 - MegaTech Meetup

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Post-event feedback

This page will capture improvement areas, retrospectives and action items for the next event.
Post-event actions to take:
A thank-you letter to attendees with the survey.
A thank-you letter to speakers, sponsors, volunteers, etc. (who else I forgot to mentioned?)
Conduct a debriefing session with the team. Discuss what went well and what didn’t, and identify areas for improvement.
Financial Review (if needed).
Share event highlights, photos, videos, and key takeaways on social media and other platforms.
Send media content to attendees (if needed).
Planning the next event.

Notes: Ensure all the sessions and communities are listed in the survey.

Delivery method: as the main source for registration is the Eventbrite link, I suggest taking email addresses from there for post-event emailing and the survey would be the best choice.
We can also encourage people to complete the survey in exchange for the event data or media. But I’m not sure that it is a good way.

It is required to send a thank you letter and the survey quickly after the event. Ideally, within 24 hours of the event.
Also, it is important to send separate thank-you letters to speakers, sponsors, and volunteers.

List of survey questions:
How did you hear about the event? (short answer)
Are you a part of any of the communities? Which one? (checkboxes)
How were you satisfied with the Keynote part and the panel discussion?? (multiple choice)
Which sessions did you attend? (checkboxes)
How would you rate the sessions you attended? (scale)
Did you make new contacts that will be useful for your business/career? (multiple choice)
How informative and clear were the pre-event communications? (scale)
How satisfied were you with the event overall? (scale)
How likely are you to attend our future events? (scale)
What is one thing you would like to see improved for future events? (short answer)
If you could have one superpower to enhance your skills, what would it be, and how would you use it to succeed? (for ease the intention of filling the form, not mandatory)
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience or suggestions for future events? (long answer)
If you'd like to receive updates on upcoming events, feel free to leave your email address here. We'll make sure you're in the loop for all the new happenings. (short answer)

Additional questions (not in the survey):
What's the best thing you're taking away from MegaTech?

Link for the attendees:
Link for editing:

Area of Survey Analysis:

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