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Tour Training

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Identity & Audience

Question: What are things you need to keep in mind when working in diverse groups and with sensitive subjects?

Activity - Review and Discuss

Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 10.37.37 AM.png

Group Discussion Questions:

As we walk to the tree
How does my identity impact how I tell this story?
How does the identity of the audience members impact how I tell this story (and how they hear this story)?
How does the identity of the people I’m telling the stories about impact how the story is told and heard?

Other Questions to Consider:

What are your identities, what are the identities of the people in the stories, and what are the identities of those you are taking on the tour and how might this impact the way you give the tour?
What you may need to pay attention to
What may be reactive for you

How is the Tour potentially a piece of “Epistemic Justice?”
Prioritizing mind and academic is Western and White Supremacist
Emphasis emotion and body is a way to disrupt this

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