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The Five Evils

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Distorted Moral Narrative

From Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II
With the reality of systemic racism, systemic poverty, ecological devastation, the war economy and the often false moral narrative of Christian nationalism, we are in a moment in time which we need a deeply moral, deeply constitutional, anti-racist, anti-poverty, pro-labor, transformative fusion coalition, where people of all different races, colors and creeds come together and work together to engage in a moral direct action, massive voter mobilization, and power building form the bottom up, state by state and even in the U.S. Capitol. We need this to change the narrative and insist that we will no longer engage in attention violence against the poor and pother interlocking injustices that connect to poverty.
…The distorted moral narrative, often promoted by religious extremists, from a focus on narrow issues like prayer in school, abortion, and gun rights to a focus on how our society treats the poor, those on the margins, the least of these, LGBTQ folks, workers, immigrants, the disabled and the sick…”
For too long the accepted moral narrative in America has blamed poor people for their poverty (scapegoating), pitted people against each other (united in us vs them), separated systemic racism from poverty and ecology and the war economy, and spread the lie of scarcity: the idea that there is not enough to go around. And we have inherited a language that is too timid and puny for the crisis we face.

Large Group Facilitated Discussion
From where do you draw your moral narrative? In what do you ground your morals?
What do you think about your moral narrative?
Has your moral narrative shifted/evolved over time? Why? How? What caused this?
Questions: when is a time someone part of your faith community (i.e. if you’re a Christian, then another Christian) acted in a way that you expected them to act? What about in a way you did not expect them to act?

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